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Digest of Education Statistics
2001 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 400. Instructional practices and time spent teaching mathematics in 8th-grade, by country: 1999

                    |Percent of students reporting almost always or pretty often|              Number of hours mathematics is taught weekly
      Country       |   We      | Teacher   |We work on |  We work  | We begin  |  Less than 2 hours   |   At least 2, but     |   At least 3.5, but  |  5 hours or more
                    | discuss   | shows us  |worksheets |    on     |   our     |                      |   less than 3.5 hours |   less than 5 hours  |
                    |   our     | how to do |    or     |mathematics| homework  |______________________|_______________________|______________________|______________________
                    | completed |mathematics|textbooks  | projects  |           |  Percent  |  Mean    |   Percent  |Mean      |  Percent  |  Mean    |   Percent |Mean
                    | homework  |           |on our own |           |           |           | score    |            |score     |           |  score   |           |score
         1          |    2      |      3    |    4      |    5      |     6     |     7     |    8     |      9     |    10    |     11    |   12     |   13      |   14
Australia ..........|   44 (1.8)|   93 (0.7)|   91 (1.2)|   25 (1.7)|   56 (1.6)|    3 (1.4)|565 (30.5)|    50 (4.6)|517  (6.7)|   44 (4.4)|534  (7.7)|    3 (1.7)|530 (46.0)
Belgium (Flemish) ..|   43 (1.4)|   69 (0.9)|   64 (1.0)|   16 (1.1)|   20 (1.4)|   13 (3.4)|502 (18.9)|    43 (3.8)|544  (7.7)|   40 (2.8)|595  (4.1)|    4 (1.0)|590 (11.7)
Bulgaria ...........|   48 (1.9)|   89 (1.0)|   32 (1.2)|   15 (1.0)|   21 (1.4)|   14 (3.3)|543  (9.0)|    73 (4.6)|498  (5.0)|    8 (2.3)|525 (27.0)|    4 (3.0)|606 (29.5)
Canada .............|   62 (1.4)|   92 (0.5)|   92 (0.5)|   28 (1.1)|   82 (1.2)|\1\ 3 (0.9)|503  (6.3)|\1\ 26 (2.7)|523  (6.1)|\1\55 (3.2)|544  (3.9)|\1\17 (2.2)|520  (6.4)
Chile ..............|   47 (1.3)|   89 (0.9)|   40 (1.1)|   46 (1.6)|   55 (1.2)|    1 (0.7)|---   --- |     3 (1.3)|414 (12.7)|   83 (2.8)|391  (5.0)|   13 (2.4)|394 (13.7)
                    |           |           |           |           |           |           |          |            |          |           |          |           |
Chinese Taipei .....|   55 (1.0)|   91 (0.5)|   59 (1.2)|   55 (1.2)|   34 (1.0)|    0 (0.0)|---   --- |    51 (4.5)|577  (5.5)|   48 (4.4)|592  (5.8)|    1 (1.1)|---   ---
Cyprus .............|   72 (1.1)|   92 (0.7)|   67 (1.0)|   29 (1.0)|   52 (2.3)|    0 (0.0)|---   --- |   100 (0.0)|476  (1.8)|    0 (0.0)|---   --- |    0 (0.0)|---   ---
Czech Republic .....|   42 (1.8)|   86 (1.1)|   51 (2.4)|    8 (0.6)|   16 (1.6)|    0 (0.0)|---   --- |    44 (4.4)|517  (6.4)|   52 (4.4)|517  (5.3)|    4 (2.1)|600 (28.1)
England.............|   62 (1.5)|   93 (0.7)|   88 (1.5)|   35 (1.4)|   27 (1.6)|\2\ 0 (0.0)|---   --- |\2\ 95 (2.0)|512  (5.3)|\2\ 3 (1.4)|481 (10.2)|\2\ 2 (1.2)|---   ---
Finland ............|   37 (1.3)|   67 (1.3)|   90 (1.0)|    7 (0.8)|   47 (2.0)|    4 (1.5)|518 (12.2)|    87 (2.9)|520  (2.9)|    7 (2.4)|535 (14.0)|    1 (0.9)|---   ---
                    |           |           |           |           |           |           |          |            |          |           |          |           |
Hong Kong, SAR  ....|   35 (1.1)|   91 (0.6)|   69 (1.2)|   67 (1.4)|   40 (1.1)|    3 (1.5)|553 (16.7)|    17 (3.1)|587 (11.1)|   71 (4.0)|583  (5.6)|    9 (2.3)|579 (15.2)
Hungary ............|   71 (1.5)|   87 (1.0)|   63 (1.7)|   96 (0.4)|   18 (1.2)|    1 (0.8)|---   --- |    80 (2.9)|531  (3.9)|   15 (2.7)|522 (12.6)|    3 (1.1)|583 (34.4)
Indonesia ..........|   48 (1.0)|   88 (0.6)|   36 (1.5)|   86 (0.9)|   13 (0.7)|    3 (1.2)|409 (27.4)|     1 (0.2)|---   --- |   76 (3.8)|408  (6.1)|   21 (3.7)|384  (9.4)
Iran, Islamic       |           |           |           |           |           |           |          |            |          |           |          |           |
  Republic .........|   56 (1.0)|   82 (0.7)|   45 (0.9)|   30 (1.1)|   34 (1.3)|   24 (4.0)|429  (5.7)|    50 (4.8)|423  (4.9)|   14 (2.9)|413  (8.9)|   12 (2.6)|419 (11.4)
Israel .............|   64 (1.3)|   90 (0.6)|   72 (1.2)|   20 (1.0)|   65 (1.5)|\1\ 2 (1.2)|---   --- |\1\ 29 (3.9)|481  (8.5)|\1\65 (4.1)|464  (5.8)|\1\ 4 (1.5)|470 (28.7)
                    |           |           |           |           |           |           |          |            |          |           |          |           |
Italy ..............|   64 (1.4)|   80 (1.2)|   34 (1.2)|   22 (1.3)|   39 (2.3)|    6 (1.8)|484 (10.3)|    29 (4.0)|475  (7.4)|   55 (3.8)|483  (5.3)|    9 (2.1)|469 (11.5)
Japan ..............|   19 (1.2)|   88 (0.7)|   38 (1.5)|    6 (0.7)|   20 (1.3)|    2 (0.9)|---   --- |    95 (2.0)|577  (2.1)|    2 (1.3)|---   --- |    1 (1.3)|---   ---
Jordan .............|   76 (0.9)|   92 (0.6)|   45 (1.1)|   40 (1.4)|   59 (1.1)|    0 (0.0)|---   --- |    88 (2.8)|424  (3.7)|    7 (2.2)|439 (20.1)|    5 (1.9)|463 (21.0)
Korea ..............|   10 (0.5)|   85 (0.8)|   29 (0.7)|   46 (1.2)|   17 (0.7)|    3 (1.1)|587 (11.7)|    93 (1.8)|587  (2.1)|    3 (1.1)|602  (9.6)|    2 (0.9)|---   ---
Latvia (Latvian-    |           |           |           |           |           |           |          |            |          |           |          |           |
 speaking schools) .|   48 (1.8)|   86 (1.0)|   54 (1.2)|   --- --- |   28 (1.6)|    0 (0.0)|---   --- |    31 (4.2)|491  (5.6)|   62 (3.9)|516  (4.6)|    7 (2.5)|487 (17.2)
                    |           |           |           |           |           |           |          |            |          |           |          |           |
Lithuania\3\ .......|   --- --- |  ---  --- |   --- --- |   --- --- |   --- --- |   --- --- |---   --- |   ---  --- |---   --- |   --- --- |---   --- |   --- --- |---   ---
Macedonia, Rep. of .|   72 (1.3)|   86 (0.8)|   66 (1.6)|   37 (1.1)|   30 (1.4)|    1 (0.6)|---   --- |    97 (1.2)|447  (4.4)|    2 (1.0)|---   --- |    0 (0.0)|---   ---
Malaysia ...........|   61 (1.0)|   92 (0.5)|   13 (0.7)|   68 (1.1)|   67 (1.3)|    5 (1.8)|533 (24.0)|    93 (2.1)|520  (4.6)|    2 (1.2)|---   --- |    0 (0.0)|---   ---
Moldova ............|   61 (1.3)|   91 (0.8)|   66 (1.7)|   52 (1.6)|   32 (1.6)|    7 (1.9)|467 (19.7)|     5 (1.5)|485 (18.0)|   80 (3.3)|466  (4.5)|    8 (2.4)|481 (17.9)
Morocco ............|\4\69 (0.8)|   86 (0.6)|\4\53 (1.0)|\4\49 (1.1)|\4\53 (1.2)|    1 (0.6)|---   --- |     3 (1.0)|338 (10.5)|    0 (0.0)|---   --- |   96 (1.1)|337  (2.9)
                    |           |           |           |           |           |           |          |            |          |           |          |           |
Netherlands ........|   68 (3.7)|   70 (2.7)|   92 (1.1)|    3 (0.7)|   89 (1.5)|    0 (0.0)|---   --- |   100 (0.5)|537  (7.2)|    0 (0.0)|---   --- |    0 (0.0)|---   ---
New Zealand ........|   55 (1.8)|   92 (0.6)|   89 (1.0)|   33 (1.5)|   43 (1.7)|    2 (1.1)|---   --- |    41 (3.8)|488  (8.3)|   56 (3.9)|494  (7.0)|    1 (0.0)|---   ---
Philippines ........|   78 (0.8)|   87 (0.8)|   64 (1.0)|   56 (1.2)|   49 (1.1)|    3 (0.9)|361 (22.5)|    78 (3.4)|343  (7.1)|    8 (2.5)|384 (33.0)|   11 (2.5)|326 (15.0)
Romania.............|   62 (1.4)|   83 (0.9)|   49 (1.1)|   38 (2.0)|   27 (1.6)|   10 (2.4)|481 (15.3)|    70 (3.9)|471  (6.8)|   12 (2.3)|483 (12.0)|    9 (2.5)|477 (21.8)
Russian Federation .|   53 (1.4)|   78 (1.2)|   62 (1.3)|   19 (0.9)|   10 (0.8)|    0 (0.0)|---   --- |    32 (3.8)|513  (8.5)|   57 (4.1)|528  (7.7)|   11 (2.5)|553 (13.4)
                    |           |           |           |           |           |           |          |            |          |           |          |           |
Singapore...........|   61 (1.0)|   97 (0.4)|   75 (0.9)|   15 (1.1)|   60 (1.9)|    5 (2.0)|608 (20.0)|    48 (4.0)|623  (7.5)|   37 (3.8)|586 (11.2)|    9 (2.3)|592 (24.7)
Slovak Republic ....|   59 (1.9)|   81 (1.0)|   53 (1.6)|   11 (0.8)|   39 (1.9)|    0 (0.0)|---   --- |    44 (4.7)|534  (6.1)|   50 (4.8)|534  (5.3)|    5 (2.1)|503 (15.2)
Slovenia ...........|   60 (1.7)|   76 (1.5)|   57 (1.8)|   19 (0.9)|   28 (1.9)|    0 (0.0)|---   --- |    74 (4.1)|528  (3.3)|   26 (4.1)|537  (4.5)|    0 (0.0)|---   ---
South Africa........|   72 (0.8)|   83 (0.7)|   67 (1.2)|   59 (1.4)|   69 (1.1)|   10 (2.4)|273 (17.2)|    23 (3.5)|269 (13.3)|   58 (4.2)|277  (8.8)|    9 (2.6)|275 (24.4)
Thailand............|   29 (1.2)|   91 (0.7)|   52 (1.1)|   19 (1.0)|   80 (0.9)|\1\ 2 (1.4)|---   --- |\1\ 58 (5.1)|461  (7.3)|\1\ 9 (3.3)|448 (18.5)|\1\30 (4.9)|483 (11.4)
                    |           |           |           |           |           |           |          |            |          |           |          |           |
Tunisia ............|   63 (1.2)|   85 (0.9)|   57 (1.0)|   77 (0.7)|   32 (1.1)|    1 (1.0)|---   --- |    12 (2.6)|441  (6.7)|   86 (2.8)|448  (2.8)|    1 (1.0)|---   ---
Turkey .............|   35 (1.1)|   84 (0.7)|   38 (0.9)|   22 (0.8)|   21 (1.2)|\1\13 (2.7)|427 (11.0)|\1\ 77 (3.4)|429  (5.0)|\1\ 5 (1.6)|415 (10.5)|\1\ 5 (1.6)|418 (16.3)
United States ......|   79 (1.2)|   94 (0.6)|   86 (0.7)|   29 (1.3)|   74 (1.6)|   11 (2.3)|491 (14.5)|    17 (2.6)|528 (11.6)|   56 (3.4)|501  (4.9)|   16 (2.2)|490  (9.2)

---Not available.
\1\Teacher response data available for 70 to 84 percent of students.
\2\Teacher response data available for 50 to 69 percent of students.
\3\Lithuania tested the same cohort of students as other countries, but later in 1999, at the beginning of the next school year.
\4\Student response rate 70-84 percent.

NOTE: Data are for 8th grade or equivalent in most countries. Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding. Standard errors appear in parentheses.

SOURCE: International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement, Third International Mathematics and Science Study 1999, International Mathematics Report, by Ina V.S. Mullis et al. Copyright @ 2000 International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA). (This table was prepared June 2001.)

2001 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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