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Digest of Education Statistics
2001 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 364. Federal on-budget funds for education, by level or other educational purpose, by agency and program: Fiscal years 1965 to 2001 [In thousands of current dollars]

Level or other educational purpose, by agency and program|   1965    |    1970    |    1975    |    1980    |   1985     |  1990\1\   |  1995\2\   |  1999\3\   |  2000\4\   |  2001\5\
                            1                            |     2     |     3      |     4      |     5      |     6      |     7      |     8      |     9      |     10     |     11
      Total, all programs ...............................|$5,331,016 |$12,526,499 |$23,288,120 |$34,493,502 |$39,027,876 |$51,624,342 |$71,639,520 |$82,863,596 |$85,502,629 |$92,774,545
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Elementary/secondary education programs .................|$1,942,577 | $5,830,442 |$10,617,195 |$16,027,686 |$16,901,334 |$21,984,361 |$33,623,809 |$39,937,910 |$43,809,043 |$48,706,995
Department of Education\6\ ..............................|   567,343 |  2,719,204 |  4,132,742 |  6,629,095 |  7,296,702 |  9,681,313 | 14,029,000 | 17,026,662 | 20,039,563 | 22,931,418
  Grants for the disadvantaged\6\ .......................|       --- |  1,339,014 |  1,874,353 |  3,204,664 |  4,206,754 |  4,494,111 |  6,808,000 |  7,554,155 |  8,529,111 |  8,470,199
  Impact aid program\7\ .................................|   349,671 |    656,372 |    618,711 |    690,170 |    647,402 |    816,366 |    808,000 |  1,081,063 |    877,101 |  1,140,483
  School improvement programs ...........................|    72,298 |    288,304 |    700,470 |    788,918 |    526,401 |  1,189,158 |  1,397,000 |  1,328,021 |  2,549,971 |  3,287,617
  Indian education ......................................|       --- |        --- |     40,036 |     93,365 |     82,328 |     69,451 |     71,000 |     56,845 |     65,285 |     84,473
  Bilingual education ...................................|       --- |     21,250 |     92,693 |    169,540 |    157,539 |    188,919 |    225,000 |    311,331 |    362,662 |    448,110
  Special education  ....................................|    13,849 |     79,090 |    151,244 |    821,777 |  1,017,964 |  1,616,623 |  3,177,000 |  4,444,100 |  4,948,977 |  5,814,825
  Vocational and adult education ........................|   131,525 |    335,174 |    655,235 |    860,661 |    658,314 |  1,306,685 |  1,482,000 |  1,364,029 |  1,462,977 |  1,722,985
  Education Reform - Goals 2000\8\ ......................|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |     61,000 |    887,118 |  1,243,479 |  1,962,726
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Department of Agriculture ...............................|   623,014 |    760,477 |  1,884,345 |  4,064,497 |  4,134,906 |  5,528,950 |  8,201,294 |  9,367,933 | 10,051,278 | 10,041,539
  Child nutrition programs\9\ ...........................|   178,580 |    299,131 |  1,452,267 |  3,377,056 |  3,664,561 |  4,977,075 |  7,644,789 |  8,877,933 |  9,554,028 |  9,541,539
  Agricultural Marketing Service--commodities\10\ .......|   340,073 |    341,597 |    248,839 |    388,000 |    336,502 |    350,441 |    400,000 |    400,000 |    400,000 |    400,000
  Special milk program\9\ ...............................|    86,609 |     83,800 |    122,858 |    159,293 |     15,993 |     18,707 |      (\9\) |      (\9\) |      (\9\) |      (\9\)
  Estimated education share of Forest Service permanent  |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    appropriations ......................................|    17,752 |     35,949 |     60,381 |    140,148 |    117,850 |    182,727 |    156,505 |     90,000 |     97,250 |    100,000
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Department of Commerce ..................................|       --- |        --- |        --- |     54,816 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
  Local public works program--school facilities\11\ .....|       --- |        --- |        --- |     54,816 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Department of Defense ...................................|    73,000 |    143,100 |    264,500 |    370,846 |    831,625 |  1,097,876 |  1,295,547 |  1,378,974 |  1,485,611 |  1,489,147
  Junior R.O.T.C. .......................................|       --- |     12,100 |     12,500 |     32,000 |     55,600 |     39,300 |    155,600 |    167,636 |    210,432 |    218,418
  Overseas dependents schools ...........................|    73,000 |    131,000 |    252,000 |    338,846 |    613,437 |    864,958 |    855,772 |    882,261 |    904,829 |    895,935
  Section VI schools\7\ .................................|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |    162,588 |    193,618 |    284,175 |    329,077 |    370,350 |    374,794
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Department of Energy\12\ ................................|       100 |        200 |        300 |     77,633 |     23,031 |     15,563 |     12,646 |        --- |        --- |        ---
  Energy conservation for school buildings\13\ ..........|       --- |        --- |        --- |     77,240 |     22,731 |     15,213 |     10,746 |        --- |        --- |        ---
  Pre-engineering program ...............................|       100 |        200 |        300 |        393 |        300 |        350 |      1,900 |        --- |        --- |        ---
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Department of Health and Human Services\14\ .............|    79,999 |    167,333 |    683,885 |  1,077,000 |  1,531,059 |  2,396,793 |  5,116,559 |  5,429,850 |  6,011,036 |  6,979,608
  Head Start\15\ ........................................|       --- |        --- |    403,900 |    735,000 |  1,075,059 |  1,447,758 |  3,534,000 |  4,658,000 |  5,267,000 |  6,200,000
  Payments to states for AFDC work programs\16\ .........|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |    459,221 |    953,000 |     62,000 |     15,000 |      9,000
  Social Security student benefits\17\ ..................|    79,999 |    167,333 |    279,985 |    342,000 |    456,000 |    489,814 |    629,559 |    709,850 |    729,036 |    770,608
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Department of the Interior ..............................|   130,096 |    140,705 |    220,392 |    318,170 |    389,810 |    445,267 |    493,124 |    593,306 |    725,423 |    812,627
  Mineral Leasing Act and other funds:                   |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    Payments to states--estimated education share .......|    11,075 |     12,294 |     27,389 |     62,636 |    127,369 |    123,811 |     18,750 |     13,840 |     24,610 |      4,370
    Payments to counties--estimated education share .....|    10,731 |     16,359 |     29,494 |     48,953 |     59,016 |    102,522 |     37,490 |     23,900 |     53,500 |      9,500
  Indian Education:                                      |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    Bureau of Indian Affairs schools ....................|    92,603 |     95,850 |    141,056 |    178,112 |    177,265 |    192,841 |    411,524 |    476,086 |    466,905 |    488,418
    Johnson-O'Malley assistance\18\ .....................|    15,534 |     16,080 |     22,251 |     28,081 |     25,675 |     25,556 |     24,359 |     18,080 |     17,387 |     16,998
    Education construction ..............................|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |     60,400 |    161,021 |    292,341
  Education expenses for children of employees,          |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    Yellowstone National Park ...........................|       153 |        122 |        202 |        388 |        485 |        538 |      1,000 |      1,000 |      2,000 |      1,000
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Department of Justice ...................................|     6,402 |      8,237 |      9,822 |     23,890 |     36,117 |     65,997 |    128,850 |    204,800 |    224,800 |    244,400
  Vocational training expenses for prisoners in          |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    federal prisons .....................................|     1,466 |      2,720 |      3,039 |      4,966 |      8,292 |      2,066 |      3,000 |      3,000 |      1,000 |      1,000
  Inmate programs\19\ ...................................|     4,936 |      5,517 |      6,783 |     18,924 |     27,825 |     63,931 |    125,850 |    201,800 |    223,800 |    243,400
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Department of Labor .....................................|   230,041 |    420,927 |  1,097,811 |  1,849,800 |  1,945,268 |  2,505,487 |  3,957,800 |  5,402,000 |  4,683,200 |  5,628,000
  Job Corps\20\ .........................................|       --- |        --- |    175,000 |    469,800 |    604,748 |    739,376 |  1,029,000 |  1,253,000 |  1,256,000 |  1,412,000
  Training programs--estimated funds for                 |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    education programs\21\ ..............................|   230,041 |    420,927 |    922,811 |  1,380,000 |  1,340,520 |  1,766,111 |  2,928,800 |  4,149,000 |  3,427,200 |  4,216,000
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Department of Transportation\22\ ........................|       --- |         45 |         50 |         60 |         60 |         46 |         62 |        150 |        188 |        218
  Tuition assistance for educational accreditation--     |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    Coast Guard personnel\23\ ...........................|       --- |         45 |         50 |         60 |         60 |         46 |         62 |        150 |        188 |        218
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Department of the Treasury ..............................|        32 |        --- |    847,139 |    935,903 |    273,728 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
  Estimated education share of general                   |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
     revenue sharing:\24\                                |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    State\25\ ...........................................|       --- |        --- |    475,224 |    525,019 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
    Local ...............................................|       --- |        --- |    371,915 |    410,884 |    273,728 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
  Tuition assistance for educational accreditation--     |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    Coast Guard personnel\23\ ...........................|        32 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Department of Veterans Affairs\26\ ......................|    41,250 |    338,910 |  1,371,500 |    545,786 |    344,758 |    155,351 |    311,768 |    417,903 |    445,052 |    427,177
  Noncollegiate and job training programs\27\ ...........|    14,550 |    281,640 |  1,249,410 |    439,993 |    224,035 |     12,848 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
  Vocational rehabilitation for                          |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    disabled veterans\28\ ...............................|    17,400 |     41,700 |     73,100 |     87,980 |    107,480 |    136,780 |    298,132 |    411,592 |    438,635 |    419,200
  Dependents' education\29\ .............................|     9,300 |     15,570 |     48,990 |     17,813 |     13,243 |      5,723 |      5,961 |      6,311 |      6,417 |      7,977
  Service members occupational conversion and            |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    training act of 1992\30\ ............................|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |      7,675 |        --- |        --- |        ---
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Other agencies                                           |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    Appalachian Regional Commission\31\ .................|       --- |     33,161 |     41,667 |      9,157 |      4,632 |         93 |      2,173 |      3,254 |      2,588 |      2,600
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    National Endowment for the Arts\32\ .................|       --- |        --- |      3,686 |      4,989 |      4,399 |      4,641 |      7,117 |      4,862 |      6,002 |      4,816
      Arts in education .................................|       --- |        --- |      3,686 |      4,989 |      4,399 |      4,641 |      7,117 |      4,862 |      6,002 |      4,816
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    National Endowment for the Humanities\33\ ...........|       --- |         20 |        149 |        330 |        321 |        404 |        997 |        360 |        812 |        815
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    Office of Economic Opportunity\34\ ..................|   182,793 |  1,072,375 |     16,619 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
      Head Start\35\ ....................................|    96,400 |    325,700 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
      Other elementary and secondary programs\36\ .......|    20,000 |     42,809 |     16,612 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
      Job Corps\37\ .....................................|    34,000 |    144,000 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
      Youth Corps and other training programs\38\ .......|    31,000 |    553,368 |          7 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
      Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA)\39\ ......|     1,393 |      6,498 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Other programs                                           |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    Estimated education share of federal aid to the      |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
      District of Columbia ..............................|     8,507 |     25,748 |     42,588 |     65,714 |     84,918 |     86,579 |     66,871 |    107,857 |    133,490 |    144,630
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Postsecondary education programs ........................|$1,197,511 | $3,447,697 | $7,644,037 |$11,115,882 |$11,174,379 |$13,650,915 |$17,618,137 |$17,651,199 |$15,010,421 |$15,310,069
Department of Education\6\ ..............................|   237,955 |  1,187,962 |  2,089,184 |  5,682,242 |  8,202,499 | 11,175,978 | 14,234,000 | 13,715,591 | 10,727,315 | 10,026,839
  Student financial assistance\40\ ......................|       --- |        --- |        --- |  3,682,789 |  4,162,695 |  5,920,328 |  7,047,000 |  9,124,741 |  9,060,317 | 10,006,502
  Federal Direct Student Loan Program\41,42\ ............|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |    840,000 |    626,794 | -2,862,240 |   -442,485
  Federal Family Education Loan Program\42,43\ ..........|       --- |      2,323 |    111,087 |  1,407,977 |  3,534,795 |  4,372,446 |  5,190,000 |  2,805,488 |  2,707,473 | -1,788,059
  Higher education ......................................|   218,264 |  1,029,131 |  1,838,066 |    399,787 |    404,511 |    659,492 |    871,000 |    854,632 |  1,530,779 |  1,911,710
  Facilities--loans and insurance\42\ ...................|     3,588 |    114,199 |     16,292 |    -19,031 |      5,307 |     19,219 |     -6,000 |     -8,207 |     -2,174 |     -4,538
  College housing loans\42\44\ ..........................|       --- |        --- |        --- |     14,082 |   -164,061 |    -57,167 |    -46,000 |    -34,959 |    -41,886 |    -29,757
  Educational activities overseas .......................|       129 |        774 |      1,881 |      3,561 |      1,838 |         82 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
  Historically Black Colleges and Universities           |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    Capital Financing, Program Account\45\ ..............|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        103 |        150 |        204
  Gallaudet College and Howard University ...............|    15,974 |     38,559 |    111,971 |    176,829 |    229,938 |    230,327 |    292,000 |    301,542 |    291,060 |    324,391
  National Technical Institute for the Deaf\46\ .........|       --- |      2,976 |      9,887 |     16,248 |     27,476 |     31,251 |     46,000 |     45,457 |     43,836 |     48,871
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Department of Agriculture ...............................|       --- |        --- |      6,450 |     10,453 |     17,741 |     31,273 |     33,373 |     29,676 |     30,676 |     32,676
  Agriculture Extension Service, Second Morrill Act      |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    payments to agricultural and mechanical colleges     |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    and Tuskegee Institute\47\ ..........................|       --- |        --- |      6,450 |     10,453 |     17,741 |     31,273 |     33,373 |     29,676 |     30,676 |     32,676
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Department of Commerce ..................................|     5,081 |      8,277 |     14,973 |     29,971 |      2,163 |      3,312 |      3,487 |      3,602 |      3,800 |      3,600
  Sea Grant Program\48\ .................................|       --- |        --- |      1,886 |      3,123 |      2,163 |      3,312 |      3,487 |      3,602 |      3,800 |      3,600
  Merchant Marine Academy\49\ ...........................|     3,570 |      6,160 |     10,152 |     14,809 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
  State marine schools\49\ ..............................|     1,511 |      2,117 |      2,935 |     12,039 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Department of Defense\50\ ...............................|    77,500 |    322,100 |    379,800 |    545,000 |  1,041,700 |    635,769 |    729,500 |    983,183 |  1,147,759 |  1,198,099
  Tuition assistance for military personnel .............|       --- |     57,500 |     86,800 |      (\51\)|     77,100 |     95,300 |    127,000 |    280,500 |    263,303 |    284,500
  Service academies\52\ .................................|    77,500 |     78,700 |     86,200 |    106,100 |    196,400 |    120,613 |    163,300 |    115,116 |    212,678 |    236,958
  Senior R.O.T.C. .......................................|       --- |    108,100 |    116,500 |      (\51\)|    354,000 |    193,056 |    219,400 |    321,820 |    363,461 |    361,355
  Professional development education\53\ ................|       --- |     77,800 |     90,300 |      (\51\)|    414,200 |    226,800 |    219,800 |    265,747 |    308,317 |    315,286
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Department of Energy\12\ ................................|     3,000 |      3,000 |      3,000 |     57,701 |     19,475 |     25,502 |     28,027 |        --- |        --- |        ---
  University laboratory cooperative program .............|     3,000 |      3,000 |      3,000 |      2,800 |      6,500 |      9,402 |      8,552 |        --- |        --- |        ---
  Teacher development projects\54\ ......................|       --- |        --- |        --- |      1,400 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
  Graduate traineeship programs\55\ .....................|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
  Energy conservation for buildings--higher education\13\|       --- |        --- |        --- |     53,501 |     12,705 |      7,459 |      7,381 |        --- |        --- |        ---
  Minority honors vocational training\56\ ...............|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        150 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
  Honors research program\56\ ...........................|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        120 |      6,472 |      2,221 |        --- |        --- |        ---
  Students and teachers\57\ .............................|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |      2,169 |      9,873 |        --- |        --- |        ---
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Department of Health and Human Services\14\ .............|   469,223 |    981,483 |  1,686,650 |  2,412,058 |    516,088 |    578,542 |    796,035 |    880,210 |    954,190 |  1,204,340
  Health professions training programs\58\ ..............|   139,795 |    353,029 |    599,350 |    460,736 |    212,200 |    230,600 |    298,302 |    301,656 |    340,361 |    587,919
  Indian health manpower\59\ ............................|       --- |        --- |        --- |      7,187 |      5,577 |      9,508 |     27,000 |     29,000 |     16,000 |     31,000
  National Health Service Corps scholarships ............|       --- |        --- |      1,206 |     70,667 |      2,268 |      4,759 |     78,206 |     28,523 |     33,300 |     32,332
  National Institutes of Health training grants\60\ .....|       --- |        --- |    154,875 |    176,388 |    217,927 |    241,356 |    380,502 |    509,185 |    550,220 |    539,000
  National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health   |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    training grants .....................................|     4,327 |      8,088 |      7,182 |     12,899 |      8,760 |     10,461 |     11,660 |     11,709 |     14,198 |     14,000
  Alcohol, drug abuse, and mental health                 |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    training programs\61\ ...............................|    85,101 |    118,366 |     83,727 |    122,103 |     43,617 |     81,353 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
  Health teaching facilities ............................|       --- |        --- |        353 |      3,078 |        739 |        505 |        365 |        137 |        110 |         89
  Social Security postsecondary students' benefits\62\ ..|   240,000 |    502,000 |    839,957 |  1,559,000 |     25,000 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Department of Housing and Urban Development\42\ .........|   220,744 |    114,199 |    -55,418 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
  College housing loans\42\44\ ..........................|   220,744 |    114,199 |    -55,418 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Department of the Interior ..............................|    30,153 |     31,749 |     50,844 |     80,202 |    125,247 |    135,480 |    159,054 |    132,207 |    187,179 |    234,501
  Shared revenues, Mineral Leasing Act and other         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    receipts--estimated education share .................|     6,260 |      6,949 |     15,480 |     35,403 |     71,991 |     69,980 |     82,810 |     47,800 |     98,740 |    143,690
  Indian programs:                                       |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    Continuing education\63\ ............................|     8,993 |      9,380 |     13,311 |     16,909 |     24,338 |     34,911 |     43,907 |     54,898 |     57,576 |     60,604
    Higher education scholarships .......................|    14,900 |     15,420 |     22,053 |     27,890 |     28,918 |     30,589 |     32,337 |     29,509 |     30,863 |     30,206
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Department of State .....................................|    53,420 |     30,850 |     50,347 |        --- |        --- |      2,167 |      3,000 |    290,000 |    319,000 |    321,000
  Educational exchange\64\ ..............................|    53,420 |     30,850 |     50,347 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |    290,000 |    319,000 |    321,000
    Mutual educational and cultural                      |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
      exchange activities ...............................|    47,025 |     30,454 |     50,300 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |    276,000 |    303,000 |    305,000
    International educational exchange activities .......|     6,395 |        396 |         47 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |     14,000 |     16,000 |     16,000
  Russian, Eurasian, and East European Research and      |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
     Training\65\ .......................................|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |      2,167 |      3,000 |        --- |        --- |        ---
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Department of Transportation\22\ ........................|       --- |     11,197 |     11,885 |     12,530 |     55,569 |     46,025 |     59,257 |     60,300 |     60,300 |     76,900
  Merchant Marine Academy\49\ ...........................|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |     19,898 |     20,926 |     30,850 |     32,000 |     34,000 |     47,000
  State marine schools\66\ ..............................|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |     19,777 |      8,269 |      8,980 |      7,000 |      7,000 |      8,000
  Coast Guard Academy\23\ ...............................|       --- |      9,342 |      9,780 |     10,000 |     11,857 |     12,074 |     13,500 |     14,500 |     15,500 |     15,200
  Postgraduate training for Coast Guard officers\67\ ....|       --- |      1,655 |      1,855 |      2,230 |      3,499 |      4,173 |      5,513 |      5,800 |      2,500 |      3,100
  Tuition assistance to Coast Guard                      |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    military personnel\23\ ..............................|       --- |        200 |        250 |        300 |        538 |        582 |        414 |      1,000 |      1,300 |      3,600
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Department of the Treasury ..............................|     8,208 |        --- |    268,605 |    296,750 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
  General revenue sharing--estimated state share to      |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    higher education\24\25\ .............................|       --- |        --- |    268,605 |    296,750 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
  Coast Guard Academy\23\ ...............................|     6,815 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
  Postgraduate training for Coast Guard officers\67\ ....|     1,293 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
  Tuition assistance to Coast Guard                      |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    military personnel\23\ ..............................|       100 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Department of Veterans Affairs\26\ ......................|    55,650 |    693,490 |  3,029,600 |  1,803,847 |    944,091 |    599,825 |  1,010,114 |  1,134,910 |  1,132,322 |  1,678,775
  Vietnam-era veterans:\68\ .............................|    33,950 |    638,260 |  2,840,600 |  1,579,974 |    694,217 |     46,998 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
    College student support .............................|       --- |        --- |        --- |  1,560,081 |    679,953 |     39,458 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
    Work-study ..........................................|       --- |        --- |        --- |     19,893 |     14,264 |      7,540 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
  Service persons college support\69\ ...................|       --- |     18,900 |     74,690 |     46,617 |     35,630 |      8,911 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
  Post-Vietnam veterans\70\ .............................|       --- |        --- |        --- |        922 |     82,554 |    161,475 |     33,596 |      3,710 |      3,958 |      4,300
  All-volunteer-force educational assistance:\71\ .......|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        196 |    269,947 |    868,394 |    988,724 |    984,068 |  1,494,844
    Veterans\72\ ........................................|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |    183,765 |    760,390 |    886,059 |    876,434 |  1,378,994
    Reservists\73\ ......................................|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        196 |     86,182 |    108,004 |    102,665 |    107,634 |    115,850
  Veteran dependents' education\74\ .....................|    21,700 |     36,330 |    114,310 |    176,334 |    131,494 |    100,494 |     95,124 |    129,476 |    131,296 |    165,631
  Payments to state education agencies\75\ ..............|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |     12,000 |     13,000 |     13,000 |     13,000 |     14,000
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Other agencies                                           |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    Appalachian Regional Commission\31\ .................|       --- |      4,105 |      2,545 |      1,751 |        --- |        --- |      2,741 |      3,366 |      2,286 |      2,300
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    National Endowment for the Humanities\33\ ...........|       --- |      3,349 |     25,320 |     56,451 |     49,098 |     50,938 |     56,481 |     28,518 |     28,395 |     28,500
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    National Science Foundation .........................|    27,170 |     42,000 |     60,283 |     64,583 |     60,069 |    161,884 |    211,800 |    369,000 |    389,000 |    478,000
      Science and engineering education programs ........|    27,170 |     37,000 |     60,283 |     64,583 |     60,069 |    161,884 |    211,800 |    369,000 |    389,000 |    478,000
      Sea Grant Program\48\ .............................|       --- |      5,000 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    United States Information Agency\76\ ................|     7,512 |      8,423 |      9,405 |     51,095 |    124,041 |    181,172 |    260,800 |        --- |        --- |        ---
      Educational and cultural affairs\64\ ..............|       --- |        --- |        --- |     49,546 |     21,079 |     35,862 |     13,600 |        --- |        --- |        ---
      Educational and cultural exchange programs\77\ ....|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |    101,529 |    145,307 |    247,200 |        --- |        --- |        ---
      Educational exchange activities, international ....|       --- |        --- |        --- |      1,549 |      1,433 |          3 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
      Information center and library activities\78\ .....|     7,512 |      8,423 |      9,405 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Other programs                                           |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence           |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
      in Education Foundation\79\ .......................|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |      1,033 |      3,000 |      3,000 |      3,000 |      3,000
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    Estimated education share of federal aid to the      |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
      District of Columbia ..............................|     1,895 |      5,513 |     10,564 |     13,143 |     15,266 |     14,637 |      9,468 |      8,636 |     13,199 |     12,539
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    Harry S Truman Scholarship fund\42\80\ ..............|       --- |        --- |        --- |     -1,895 |      1,332 |      2,883 |      3,000 |      3,000 |      3,000 |      3,000
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    Institute of American Indian and Alaskan Native      |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
      Culture and Arts Development\81\ ..................|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |      4,305 |     13,000 |      4,000 |      2,000 |      4,000
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation\82\ ....|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        191 |      2,000 |      2,000 |      7,000 |      2,000
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Other education programs ................................|  $374,652 |   $964,719 | $1,608,478 | $1,548,730 | $2,107,588 | $3,383,031 | $4,719,655 | $5,318,020 | $5,485,121 | $5,976,416
Department of Education\6\ ..............................|   182,021 |    630,235 |  1,045,659 |    747,706 |  1,173,055 |  2,251,801 |  2,861,000 |  3,123,291 |  3,223,355 |  3,430,388
  Administration ........................................|    17,732 |     47,456 |    108,372 |    187,317 |    284,900 |    328,293 |    404,000 |    439,941 |    458,054 |    555,819
  Libraries\83\ .........................................|    26,111 |    108,284 |    225,810 |    129,127 |     85,650 |    137,264 |    117,000 |        --- |        --- |        ---
  Rehabilitative services and disability research .......|   137,313 |    473,091 |    709,483 |    426,886 |    798,298 |  1,780,360 |  2,333,000 |  2,675,165 |  2,755,468 |  2,858,738
  American Printing House for the Blind .................|       865 |      1,404 |      1,994 |      4,349 |      4,230 |      5,736 |      7,000 |      7,725 |      9,368 |     15,203
  Trust funds and contributions\42\ .....................|       --- |        --- |        --- |         27 |        -23 |        148 |        --- |        460 |        465 |        628
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Department of Agriculture ...............................|    87,551 |    135,637 |    220,395 |    271,112 |    336,375 |    352,511 |    422,878 |    428,311 |    444,477 |    453,788
  Extension Service .....................................|    85,924 |    131,734 |    215,523 |    263,584 |    325,986 |    337,907 |    405,371 |    408,311 |    424,174 |    433,429
  National Agricultural Library .........................|     1,627 |      3,903 |      4,872 |      7,528 |     10,389 |     14,604 |     17,507 |     20,000 |     20,303 |     20,359
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Department of Commerce ..................................|       251 |      1,226 |      2,317 |      2,479 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
  Maritime Administration:                               |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    Training for private sector employees\49\ ...........|       251 |      1,226 |      2,317 |      2,479 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Department of Health and Human Services\14\ .............|     3,953 |     24,273 |     31,653 |     37,819 |     47,195 |     77,962 |    138,000 |    181,000 |    214,000 |    246,000
  National Library of Medicine ..........................|     3,953 |     24,273 |     31,653 |     37,819 |     47,195 |     77,962 |    138,000 |    181,000 |    214,000 |    246,000
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Department of Housing and Urban Development .............|       512 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
  Urban mass transportation--managerial                  |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    training grants\84\ .................................|       512 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Department of Justice ...................................|     3,850 |      5,546 |     42,818 |     27,642 |     25,517 |     26,920 |     36,296 |     33,759 |     34,727 |     24,442
  F.B.I. National Academy ...............................|     1,850 |      2,066 |      5,100 |      7,234 |      4,189 |      6,028 |     12,831 |     18,815 |     22,479 |     14,776
  F.B.I. Field Police Academy ...........................|     1,450 |      2,500 |      5,254 |      7,715 |     10,220 |     10,548 |     11,140 |     14,410 |     11,962 |      9,280
  Narcotics and dangerous drug training .................|       550 |        980 |      1,152 |      2,416 |         83 |        850 |        325 |        534 |        286 |        386
  National Institute of Corrections\85\ .................|       --- |        --- |     31,312 |     10,277 |     11,025 |      9,494 |     12,000 |        --- |        --- |        ---
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Department of State .....................................|    10,780 |     20,672 |     28,113 |     25,000 |     23,791 |     47,539 |     51,648 |     56,921 |     69,349 |     73,268
  Foreign Service Institute .............................|     6,395 |     15,857 |     20,750 |     25,000 |     23,791 |     47,539 |     51,648 |     56,921 |     69,349 |     73,268
  Center for Cultural and Technical Interchange\64\ .....|     4,385 |      4,815 |      7,363 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Department of Transportation\22\ ........................|       --- |      3,964 |     11,877 |     10,212 |      3,785 |      1,507 |        650 |        720 |        700 |        700
  Highways training and education grants\86\ ............|       --- |      2,418 |      3,250 |      3,412 |      1,500 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
  Maritime Administration:                               |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    Training for private sector employees\49\ ...........|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |      1,135 |      1,507 |        650 |        720 |        700 |        700
  Urban mass transportation--managerial                  |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    training grants\84\ .................................|       --- |      1,546 |      2,627 |        500 |      1,150 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
  Federal Aviation Administration\87\                    |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    Air traffic controllers second career program\88\ ...|       --- |        --- |      6,000 |      6,300 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Department of the Treasury ..............................|       --- |         18 |      3,096 |     14,584 |     16,160 |     41,488 |     48,000 |     65,000 |     83,000 |     92,000
  Federal Law Enforcement Training Center\89\ ...........|       --- |         18 |      3,096 |     14,584 |     16,160 |     41,488 |     48,000 |     65,000 |     83,000 |     92,000
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Other agencies                                           |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    ACTION\90\ ..........................................|       --- |        --- |      7,045 |      2,833 |      1,761 |      8,472 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
    Estimated education funds\91\ .......................|       --- |        --- |      7,045 |      2,833 |      1,761 |      8,472 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    Agency for International Development ................|    63,329 |     88,034 |     78,896 |     99,707 |    141,847 |    170,371 |    260,408 |    313,047 |    299,000 |    396,000
      Education and human resources .....................|    53,968 |     61,570 |     58,349 |     80,518 |    115,104 |    142,801 |    248,408 |    313,047 |    299,000 |    396,000
      American schools and hospitals abroad .............|     9,361 |     26,464 |     20,547 |     19,189 |     26,743 |     27,570 |     12,000 |        --- |        --- |        ---
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    Appalachian Regional Commission\30\ .................|       --- |        572 |      1,574 |      8,124 |        113 |        --- |      5,709 |      3,411 |      2,369 |      2,400
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    Corporation for National and Community Service\90\ ..|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |    214,600 |    372,000 |    386,000 |    498,000
      Estimated education funds\91\ .....................|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |    214,600 |    372,000 |    386,000 |    498,000
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    Federal Emergency Management Agency\92\ .............|       --- |        290 |        290 |        281 |        405 |        215 |    170,400 |     14,356 |     14,894 |     12,500
      Estimated architect/engineer student               |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
        development program\93\ .........................|       --- |         40 |         40 |         31 |        155 |        200 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
      Estimated other training programs\94\ .............|       --- |        250 |        250 |        250 |        250 |         15 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
      Estimated disaster relief\95\ .....................|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |    170,400 |     14,356 |     14,894 |     12,500
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    General Services Administration                      |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
      Libraries and other archival activities\96\ .......|     4,013 |     14,775 |     22,532 |     34,800 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    Institute of Museum and Library Services\83\ ........|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |    142,000 |    166,000 |    165,000
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    Japanese-United States Friendship Commission\97\ ....|       --- |        --- |        --- |      2,294 |      2,236 |      2,299 |      2,000 |      2,000 |      3,000 |      3,000
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    Library of Congress .................................|    15,111 |     29,478 |     63,766 |    151,871 |    169,310 |    189,827 |    241,000 |    350,000 |    299,000 |    305,000
      Salaries and expenses .............................|    11,421 |     20,700 |     48,798 |    102,364 |    130,354 |    148,985 |    198,000 |    301,000 |    247,000 |    253,000
      Books for the blind and the physically             |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
        handicapped .....................................|     2,317 |      6,195 |     11,908 |     31,436 |     32,954 |     37,473 |     39,000 |     45,000 |     46,000 |     47,000
      Special foreign currency program ..................|     1,187 |      2,273 |      2,333 |      3,492 |      4,621 |         10 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
      Furniture and furnishings .........................|       186 |        310 |        727 |     14,579 |      1,381 |      3,359 |      4,000 |      4,000 |      6,000 |      5,000
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration        |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
      Aerospace education services project ..............|       100 |        350 |        600 |        882 |      1,800 |      3,300 |      5,923 |      6,649 |      6,800 |      6,200
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    National Archives and Records Administration\98\     |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
      Libraries and other archival activities ...........|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |     52,118 |     77,397 |    105,172 |    131,707 |    121,879 |    142,713
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    National Commission on Libraries and                 |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
      Information Science\99\ ...........................|       --- |        --- |        449 |      2,090 |        723 |      3,281 |      1,000 |      1,000 |      2,000 |      1,000
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    National Endowment for the Arts\32\ .................|       --- |        340 |      1,068 |        231 |      1,137 |        936 |      2,304 |      6,275 |      4,046 |      5,265
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    National Endowment for the Humanities\33\ ...........|       --- |      5,090 |     38,486 |     85,805 |     76,252 |     89,706 |     94,249 |     63,221 |     70,807 |     71,000
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    Smithsonian Institution .............................|     2,233 |      2,461 |      5,509 |      5,153 |      7,886 |      5,779 |      9,961 |     10,135 |     25,764 |     31,794
      Museum programs and related research ..............|     2,133 |      2,261 |      4,203 |      3,254 |      4,665 |        690 |      3,190 |      3,400 |     18,000 |     19,000
      National Gallery of Art extension service .........|       100 |        200 |        300 |        426 |        675 |        474 |        771 |        735 |        764 |        794
      Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars ..|       --- |        --- |      1,006 |      1,473 |      2,546 |      4,615 |      6,000 |      6,000 |      7,000 |     12,000
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    U.S. Information Agency--Center for                  |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
      Cultural and Technical Interchange\64\ ............|       --- |        --- |        --- |     15,115 |     18,966 |     20,375 |     34,000 |        --- |        --- |        ---
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    U.S. Institute of Peace\100\ ........................|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |      7,621 |     12,000 |     12,000 |     13,000 |     15,000
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Other programs:                                          |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    Estimated education share of federal aid for the     |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
      District of Columbia ..............................|       948 |      1,758 |      2,335 |      2,990 |      7,156 |      3,724 |      2,457 |      1,217 |        954 |        958
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Research programs at universities and related            |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
  institutions\101\ .....................................|$1,816,276 | $2,283,641 | $3,418,410 | $5,801,204 | $8,844,575 |$12,606,035 |$15,677,919 |$19,956,467 |$21,198,044 |$22,781,065
  Department of Education\102\ ..........................|    13,248 |     87,823 |     82,770 |     78,742 |     28,809 |     89,483 |    279,000 |    478,532 |    116,464 |    365,418
  Department of Agriculture .............................|    58,362 |     64,796 |    108,162 |    216,405 |    293,252 |    348,109 |    434,544 |    492,374 |    581,395 |    501,500
  Department of Commerce ................................|     4,015 |      4,487 |     21,677 |     48,295 |     52,951 |     50,523 |     85,442 |    102,200 |    104,600 |    126,900
  Department of Defense .................................|   436,912 |    356,188 |    364,929 |    644,455 |  1,245,888 |  1,871,864 |  1,853,955 |  1,750,068 |  1,799,611 |  1,788,911
  Department of Energy ..................................|   439,334 |    548,327 |    761,376 |  1,470,224 |  2,205,316 |  2,520,885 |  2,651,641 |  3,354,514 |  3,373,918 |  3,535,161
  Department of Health and Human Services ...............|   474,362 |    623,765 |  1,273,037 |  2,087,053 |  3,228,014 |  4,902,714 |  6,418,969 |  9,044,402 | 10,422,554 | 11,037,433
  Department of Housing and Urban Development ...........|       --- |        510 |      2,650 |      5,314 |        438 |        118 |      1,613 |      1,000 |      1,000 |      1,100
  Department of the Interior ............................|     9,839 |     18,521 |     28,955 |     42,175 |     34,422 |     49,790 |     50,618 |     47,800 |     46,800 |     48,000
  Department of Justice .................................|       --- |      1,945 |      8,902 |      9,189 |      5,168 |      6,858 |      7,204 |     22,900 |     18,100 |     18,000
  Department of Labor ...................................|       --- |      3,567 |      6,124 |     12,938 |      3,417 |      5,893 |     10,114 |      5,300 |      5,400 |      5,600
  Department of State ...................................|       --- |      8,220 |     10,973 |        188 |         29 |      1,519 |         23 |        --- |        --- |        ---
  Department of Transportation ..........................|       --- |     12,328 |     28,478 |     31,910 |     22,621 |     28,608 |     75,847 |     53,860 |     59,066 |     61,172
  Department of the Treasury ............................|       --- |        --- |        --- |        226 |        388 |        227 |      1,496 |        --- |        --- |        ---
  Department of Veterans Affairs ........................|       337 |        518 |      1,112 |      1,600 |      1,000 |      2,300 |      2,500 |        --- |        --- |        ---
  ACTION ................................................|       --- |        --- |         36 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
  Agency for International Development ..................|       --- |        --- |        --- |     77,063 |     56,960 |     79,415 |     30,172 |     13,000 |     14,000 |     13,700
  Corporation for National and Community Service ........|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
  Environmental Protection Agency .......................|       --- |     19,446 |     33,875 |     41,083 |     60,521 |     87,481 |    125,721 |    127,800 |    153,500 |    151,600
  Federal Emergency Management Agency ...................|       --- |        --- |        --- |      1,665 |      1,423 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
  National Aeronautics and Space Administration .........|   208,688 |    258,016 |    197,301 |    254,629 |    485,824 |  1,090,003 |  1,751,977 |  2,087,700 |  2,089,738 |  2,091,720
  National Science Foundation ...........................|   154,046 |    253,628 |    475,011 |    743,809 |  1,087,046 |  1,427,007 |  1,874,395 |  2,360,717 |  2,396,298 |  3,017,505
  Nuclear Regulatory Commission .........................|       --- |        --- |      7,093 |     32,590 |     30,261 |     42,328 |     22,188 |      8,900 |      9,100 |     10,800
  Office of Economic Opportunity ........................|     7,078 |     20,035 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
  U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency ..............|       --- |        100 |        --- |        661 |        395 |         25 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
  U.S. Information Agency ...............................|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
                                                         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
  Other agencies ........................................|    10,055 |      1,421 |      5,949 |        990 |        432 |        885 |        500 |      5,400 |      6,500 |      6,545

---Not available or applicable.
\1\Excludes $4,440,000,000 for federal support for medical education benefits under Medicare in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Is not included in the total because data before fiscal year 1990 are not available. This program has existed since Medicare began, but was not available as a separate budget item until FY 90.
\2\Excludes $7,510,000,000 for federal support for medical education benefits under Medicare. See footnote 1.
\3\Excludes $9,460,000,000 for federal support for medical education benefits under Medicare. See footnote 1.
\4\Excludes $8,020,000,000 for federal support for medical education benefits under Medicare. See footnote 1. \4\Estimated. Excludes $8,030,000,000 for federal support for medical education benefits under Medicare. See footnote 1. \6\The U.S. Department of Education was created in May 1980. It formerly was the Office of Education in the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. The total number of Grants for the Disadvantaged (Title 1) increased between 1998 and 1999 but outlays are expected to decrease over this time period. These outlays are expected to decrease as grant recipients adjust to a large increase in the proportion of 1999 budget authority that becomes available for obligation in the following fiscal year. \7\Section 6 of public law 81-874 (the former Impact Aid statute) was funded and administered by the U.S. Department of Education during 1951-1981. This program allowed the Secretary to make arrangements for the education of children who reside on federal property when no suitable local school district could or would provide for the education of these children. Since 1981, the provision was funded by the Department of Defense and in 1994, when public law 81-874 was repealed, the Department of Defense was authorized to fund and administer similar provisions. \8\This program creates a national framework for education reform and meeting the National Education Goals. This program includes the School-To-Work Opportunities program which will initiate a national system to be administered jointly by the U.S. Departments of Education and Labor. Both departments are to establish a national framework within which all states can create statewide systems to help youth acquire the knowledge, skills, abilities, and labor market information they need to make an effective transition from school to work or to further their education or training. \9\Starting in FY 94, the Special Milk program was included in the Child Nutrition program. \10\These commodities are purchased under Section 32 of the Act of August 24, 1935, for use in the child nutrition programs. \11\This program assisted in the construction of public facilities, such as vocational schools, through grants or loans. No funds have been appropriated for this account since FY 77, and it was completely phased out in FY 84. \12\The U.S. Department of Energy was created in 1977. It formerly was the Energy Research and Development Administration and before that the Atomic Energy Commission. No funds were designated for any of the education programs listed on this table in FYs 96 and 97. \13\This program was established in 1979. Funds were first appropriated for this program in FY 80. \14\The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services was part of the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare until May 1980. \15\The Head Start program was formerly in the Office of Economic Opportunity, and funds were appropriated to the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Child Development, beginning in 1972. \16\This program was created by the Family Support Act of 1988. It provides funds for the Job Opportunities and Basic Skills Training program. This activity is being replaced by Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. \17\After age 18, benefits terminate at the end of the school term or in 3 months, whichever is less. \18\This program provides funding for supplemental programs for eligible American Indian students in public schools. \19\This program finances the cost of academic, social, and occupational education courses for inmates in federal prisons. \20\The Job Corps program was formerly in the Office of Economic Opportunity, and funds were appropriated to the U.S. Department of Labor beginning in 1971 and 1972. \21\Some of the work and training programs included in this program were in the Office of Economic Opportunity and were transferred to the U.S. Department of Labor in 1971 and 1972. Beginning in FY 94, the School-to-Work Opportunities program is included. This program is administered jointly by the U.S. Departments of Education and Labor. \22\The U.S. Department of Transportation was created in 1967. \23\This program was transferred from the U.S. Department of the Treasury to the U.S. Department of Transportation in 1967. \24\This program was established in FY 72 and closed in FY 86. \25\The states' share of revenue-sharing funds could not be spent on education in FYs 81-86. \26\The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, formerly the Veterans Administration, was created in March 1989. \27\This program provides educational assistance allowances in order to restore lost educational opportunities to those individuals whose careers were interrupted or impeded by reason of active military service between January 31, 1955, and January 1, 1977. Includes "Readjustment Benefits," Chapter 34, for education other than college and also includes the Veterans Job Training program for service persons and veterans. The Chapter 34 program closed December 31, 1989. The Veterans Job Training Program was put in the program Payments to State Education Agencies. Veterans who were still eligible to receive benefits under Chapter 34 were covered by Chapter 30 (The All-Volunteer-Force Educational Assistance program). \28\This program is in "Readjustment Benefits" program, Chapter 31, and covers the costs of subsistence, tuition, books, supplies, and equipment for disabled veterans requiring vocational rehabilitation. \29\This program is in the "Readjustment Benefits" program, Chapter 35, and provides benefits to children and spouses of veterans. \30\The purpose of this program is to provide stable and permanent employment to those men and women who have served on active duty on or after August 2, 1990, and are unemployed. Program expired in 1997. \31\This agency was established March 9, 1965. Its first year of appropriations was 1966. The outlays were larger in the years 1970 and 1975 for elementary and secondary education because of the construction of facilities for vocational schools. \32\This agency was established in 1965. In 1970, $900,000 was appropriated through the Office of Education, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, for the National Endowment for the Arts, Arts in Education program. \33\This agency was established in 1965. First year of appropriations was 1966. \34\The Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 authorized 10 major action programs, including Job Corps, Neighborhood Youth Corps, Adult Literacy, Work Experience, College Work-Study, and Community Action programs, including Head Start, Follow Through, and Upward Bound, and authorized the establishment of Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA). These programs were transferred to the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, U.S. Department of Labor, and the Action Agency in the 1970s. An act on January 4, 1975 established the Community Services Administration as the successor agency to the Office of Economic Opportunity. \35\Head Start program funds were transferred to the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Child Development, in 1972. \36\Most of these programs were transferred to the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education, in 1972. \37\The Job Corps programs were transferred to the U.S. Department of Labor in 1971 and 1972. \38\These programs were transferred to the U.S. Department of Labor in 1971 and 1972. \39\These programs were transferred to the Action Agency in 1972. \40\Similar programs were included in the "higher education" program in 1965 through 1975. \41\The Student Loan Reform Act of 1993 authorized a new Federal Direct Student Loan (FDSL) program, renamed the William D. Ford Direct Loan program. This program is a new streamlined lending system that simplifies the process of obtaining and repaying loans for student and parent borrowers and provides borrowers with greater choice in repayment plans. \42\Negative amounts occur when program receipts exceed outlays. \43\Similar programs were included in the "higher education" program in 1965 through 1975, formerly called the "Guaranteed Student Loan" program. \44\This program was transferred from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education, in FY 79. \45\The Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) Capital Financing program was authorized by the Higher Education Act Amendments of 1992 to provide HBCUs with private funds for repair, renovation, and construction projects. \46\First year of appropriations for this program was 1967. \47\Program funds were first appropriated for Tuskegee Institute in 1972. \48\The Sea Grant College Program Act of 1966 established a matching fund grant program that provides for the establishment of a network of programs in fields related to development and preservation of the nation's coastal and marine resources. This program was transferred from the National Science Foundation to the U.S. Department of Commerce, October 1970. \49\This program was transferred to the U.S. Department of Transportation in FY 81 by Public Law 97-31, from the U.S. Department of Commerce. \50\The U.S. Department of Defense funds for FYs 90 to 96 exclude military pay and reserve accounts which were included in previous years. FY 65 data are not available except for service academies. \51\Included in total above. \52\Instructional costs only are included. These include academics, audiovisual, academic computing center, faculty training, military training, physical education, and libraries. \53\Includes special education programs (military and civilian); legal education program; flight training; advanced degree program; college degree program (officers); and "Armed Forces Health Professions Scholarship" program. \54\No funds have been appropriated since FY 82. \55\This program receives funds periodically. \56\Appropriations began in FY 84. \57\Appropriations began in FY 89. \58\Does not include higher education assistance loans. \59\Appropriations began in FY 78. \60\Alcohol, drug abuse, and mental health training programs are included starting in fiscal year 1992. \61\Beginning in fiscal year 1992, data were included in the National Institutes of Health training grants program. \62\Postsecondary student benefits were ended by the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981 (Public Law 97-35) and were completely phased out by August 1985. \63\Includes adult education, tribally-controlled community colleges, postsecondary instruction, and other education. \64\This program was transferred from the U.S. Department of State to the International Communication Agency (I.C.A.) in 1977, which consolidated the functions of the U.S. Information Agency and the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. In FY 82 the I.C.A. became the U.S.I.A. In FY 98 pursuant to the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998, this program from the United States Information Agency was transferred to the U.S. Department of State. \65\This program provides funds for advanced study and research projects of the Russian, Eurasian, and Eastern European countries by American institutions of higher education and private research firms. Appropriations began in FY 88. \66\This program was transferred to the U.S. Department of Transportation in FY 81 by Public Law 97-31 from the U.S. Department of Commerce. \67\Includes flight training. This program was in the U.S. Department of the Treasury in 1965 and was transferred to the U.S. Department of Transportation in 1967. \68\Includes benefits for Vietnam-era veterans under Chapter 34 (GI Bill) of the "Readjustment Benefits" education and training program. This program provides educational assistance allowances, primarily on a monthly basis, in order to restore lost educational opportunities to those individuals whose careers were interrupted or impeded by reason of active military service between January 31, 1955, and January 1, 1977. This program closed December 31, 1989. Some veterans who were still eligible were put in Chapter 30 (the All-Volunteer-Force Educational Assistance program). \69\Includes service persons under Chapter 34 (GI Bill) of the "Readjustment Benefits" education and training program. Service persons with over 180 days of active duty, any part of which was before January 1, 1977, are eligible to participate in this program. \70\Includes post-Vietnam-era veterans, under Chapter 32, of the post-Vietnam-era "Veterans Education Account." Provides education and training assistance payments to veterans and service persons with no active duty time before January 1, 1977. Funding is provided through participants' contributions while on active duty and through transfers from the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs funds are not appropriated for this program, so these data represent obligations, which are funded through other agencies' appropriations. \71\Public Law 98-525, enacted October 19, 1984 (New GI Bill), established two new peacetime educational programs: an assistance program for veterans who entered active duty during the period beginning July 1, 1985, to June 30, 1988, and an assistance program for certain members of the Selected Reserve. \72\Chapter 30, also called the Montgomery Bill, and the new GI Bill are for eligible veterans who have agreed to have their military pay reduced $100 per month for their first 12 months of active duty. The "Readjustment Benefits" account under the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs pays only the basic allowance, up to a maximum of $536 per month, for full-time training. "Supplemental Benefits" are paid by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). \73\Chapter 106 is for members of the Selected Reserve. The reserve components include the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps Reserve, Army National Guard and Air National Guard under the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), and the Coast Guard Reserve, which is under the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) when it is not operating as a service in the Navy. Eligible persons can receive up to $255 per month for full-time training. The DOD and DOT pay for this program, and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs administers it. \74\Includes dependents of veterans under Chapter 35, the "Readjustment Benefits" education and training program. Provides education and training benefits to dependents of veterans who died of a service-connected disability or whose service-connected disability is rated permanent and total. \75\Payments have been made to state education agencies for a number of years but were not listed separately until FY 88. \76\The U.S.I.A. was called the "International Communication Agency" in FYs 80 and 81. This program was transferred from the U.S. Department of State to the International Communication Agency (I.C.A.) in 1977, which consolidated the functions of the U.S. Information Agency and the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. In FY 82 the I.C.A. became the U.S.I.A. In FY 98 pursuant to the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998, this program from the United States Information Agency was transferred to the U.S. Department of State and the newly created Broadcasting Board of Governors. \77\This program was in the "Educational and Cultural Affairs" program in FYs 80-83, and became an independent program in FY 84. \78\This program was combined with the "Educational and Cultural Affairs" program in FY 77. \79\Public Law 99-661 established this program to operate the Foundation which awards scholarships and fellowships to outstanding graduate and undergraduate students who intend to pursue careers or advanced degrees in science or mathematics. It may also award honoraria to outstanding individuals who have made significant contributions to improve the instruction of science and mathematics in secondary schools. \80\Appropriations for this program began in FY 76. \81\Public Law 99-498 established this Institute as an independent non-profit corporation to provide Native Americans with an opportunity to obtain a postsecondary education in various fields of Indian art and culture. \82\Public Laws 99-500 and 99-591 established the James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation to operate a fellowship program to encourage graduate study of the American Constitution. First year of appropriations was FY 88. \83\This program was transferred to the Institute of Museum and Library Services in fiscal year 1997. Program was formerly in the U.S. Department of Education. \84\This program was transferred to the U.S. Department of Transportation in FY 68 from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. \85\This program was established by the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974 to provide education and training and to provide leadership in improving correctional programs and practices in prisons. This program was transferred in 1997 to the Federal Prison System, Salaries and Expenses, budget in the Contract Confinement program. \86\Appropriations for this program began in FY 70. \87\The Federal Aviation Administration, an independent agency, was transferred to the U.S. Department of Transportation in FY 67. \88\Appropriations began in FY 72. \89\First year of appropriations was FY 70. \90\The National Service Trust Act of 1993 established the Corporation for National and Community Service. In 1993, ACTION became part of this agency. \91\These programs included the Service Learning programs, University Year for ACTION, Volunteers in Service to America, Youth Challenge program, and the National Student Volunteer program in FY 1975. In FY 80, programs included were the University Year for ACTION, Young Volunteers for ACTION, and National Service Learning programs. In fiscal year 1985, the program included was the Service Learning programs, and in FYs 89 to 94, programs included were the Literacy Corps and the Student Community Services program. In FYs 94 through 98 the AmeriCorps program was included. This program provides education grants to help pay for college or to repay student loans for people who perform community service before, during or after postsecondary education. \92\The Federal Emergency Management Agency was created in 1979, representing a combination of five existing agencies. The two largest were the Defense Civil Preparedness Agency in the U.S. Department of Defense and the Federal Preparedness Agency in the General Services Administration. The funds for the Federal Emergency Management Agency in FY 70 to FY 75 were in the other agencies. \93\First year of appropriations was FY 68. \94\First appropriations for the "other training programs" were in the late 1960s. These programs include the Fall-Out Shelter Analysis, Blast Protection Design through 1992. Starting in FY 1993, earthquake training and safety for teachers and administrators for grades 1 through 12 are included. \95\The disaster relief program repairs and replaces damaged and destroyed school buildings. In FY 94 and FY 95 funds were for repairs due to the Northridge Earthquake in California. In FY 94, $37.2 million was spent on school districts; $4.2 million was spent on community colleges and $43.8 million spent on universities. In FY 95, $74.4 million was spent on school districts; $8.4 million on community colleges and $87.6 million on colleges and universities. \96\This program was transferred from the General Services Administration to the National Archives and Records Administration in April 1985. \97\This program makes grants for the promotion of scholarly, cultural, and artistic exchanges between Japan and the United States. Appropriations began in FY 76. \98\The National Archives and Records Administration became an independent agency in April 1985. \99\This program was established by the act of July 20, 1970, Public Law 91-345. \100\This program was established by Congress to conduct and support research and scholarships in the fields of peace, arms control, and conflict resolution. \101\Includes federal obligations for research and development centers administered by colleges and universities. FY 2000 and FY 2001 are estimated. \102\Total outlays for FYs 65 and 70 include the "Research and Training" program. FY 75 includes the "National Institute of Education" program. FYs 80 to FY 2001 include outlays for the Office of Educational Research and Improvement.

NOTE: Some data have been revised from previously published figures. To the extent possible, amounts reported represent outlays rather than obligations. Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, compiled from data appearing in U.S. Office of Management and Budget, Budget of the U.S. Government, Appendix, fiscal years 1967 to 2002; National Science Foundation, Federal Funds for Research and Development, fiscal years 1965 to 2001; and unpublished data obtained from various federal agencies. (This table was prepared March 2001.)

2001 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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