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Digest of Education Statistics
2001 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 339. Appropriations from state and local governments for public degree-granting institutions, by state: 1986-87 to 1996-97 [In thousands]

                      |                  State appropriations                                       |                  Local appropriations
        State         |_____________________________________________________________________________|_______________________________________________________________________
    or other area     |            |            |            |            |            |            |           |           |           |           |           |
                      | 1986-87\1\ | 1990-91\1\ | 1993-94\1\ | 1994-95\1\ | 1995-96\2\ | 1996-97\2\ |1986-87\1\ |1990-91\1\ |1993-94\1\ |1994-95\1\ |1995-96\2\ |1996-97\2\
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |           |           |           |           |           |
          1           |     2      |     3      |     4      |     5      |     6      |     7      |     8     |     9     |    10     |    11     |    12     |    13
   United States .....|$28,974,665 |$35,898,653 |$37,565,065 |$39,405,865 |$40,081,437 |$42,226,673 |$2,289,420 |$3,159,789 |$4,021,421 |$4,243,984 |$4,397,098 |$4,418,919
Alabama ..............|    578,414 |    708,191 |    793,597 |    893,353 |    879,680 |    883,364 |     5,408 |     6,796 |     4,464 |     4,266 |     4,736 |     5,031
Alaska ...............|    137,263 |    168,395 |    175,337 |    172,463 |    171,580 |    170,344 |       252 |       260 |       616 |       713 |       693 |       681
Arizona ..............|    439,813 |    591,656 |    608,640 |    657,604 |    691,335 |    724,555 |   105,445 |   149,337 |   178,478 |   198,406 |   217,426 |   236,758
Arkansas .............|    264,673 |    315,372 |    377,115 |    395,497 |    437,257 |    463,127 |       --- |       216 |     2,513 |     4,702 |     2,524 |     3,567
California ...........|  4,557,544 |  5,313,052 |  4,496,412 |  4,606,377 |  4,811,297 |  5,285,031 |   494,339 |   771,160 | 1,253,614 | 1,319,989 | 1,353,630 | 1,365,004
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |           |           |           |           |           |
Colorado .............|    311,402 |    423,710 |    445,496 |    460,730 |    497,663 |    526,802 |    15,192 |    22,400 |    24,613 |    27,809 |    28,786 |    29,528
Connecticut ..........|    281,045 |    363,427 |    359,722 |    451,210 |    462,183 |    486,523 |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       ---
Delaware .............|     94,096 |    115,729 |    128,382 |    136,064 |    107,968 |    125,015 |       --- |       --- |       804 |       999 |    12,379 |       ---
District of Columbia .|        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |    70,215 |    73,495 |    66,449 |    69,337 |    68,257 |    67,422
Florida ..............|  1,195,127 |  1,638,218 |  1,692,248 |  1,805,882 |  1,898,618 |  2,024,793 |       --- |     1,850 |     4,677 |     3,751 |       116 |        52
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |           |           |           |           |           |
Georgia ..............|    675,940 |    915,303 |  1,112,771 |  1,224,804 |  1,254,216 |  1,375,306 |    17,456 |    25,705 |    18,262 |    18,618 |    17,371 |    15,819
Hawaii ...............|    194,170 |    304,131 |    383,957 |    385,772 |    280,503 |    271,397 |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       ---
Idaho ................|    121,857 |    177,918 |    196,847 |    218,578 |    223,108 |    234,505 |     5,549 |     6,161 |     9,487 |    10,102 |    10,435 |    10,520
Illinois .............|  1,117,168 |  1,296,895 |  1,290,028 |  1,367,563 |  1,161,833 |  1,394,951 |   174,929 |   284,635 |   383,470 |   403,423 |   418,269 |   433,746
Indiana...............|    667,295 |    886,124 |    933,408 |    936,630 |    977,517 |  1,027,850 |       817 |     1,507 |     2,290 |     2,382 |     2,831 |     3,408
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |           |           |           |           |           |
Iowa .................|    388,566 |    544,945 |    596,617 |    618,557 |    649,901 |    682,869 |    19,773 |    21,624 |    25,012 |    26,529 |    29,098 |    28,004
Kansas ...............|    317,425 |    437,413 |    478,847 |    500,747 |    528,243 |    536,390 |    67,979 |    87,026 |   106,172 |   115,389 |   117,684 |   119,414
Kentucky .............|    463,039 |    617,915 |    651,533 |    672,986 |    690,328 |    732,906 |     3,576 |     4,682 |     5,785 |     5,106 |     6,041 |     6,026
Louisiana ............|    464,346 |    566,798 |    572,390 |    610,705 |    603,825 |    666,505 |     1,695 |     1,462 |     2,524 |     3,126 |     8,061 |     4,178
Maine ................|    122,808 |    174,737 |    160,727 |    153,863 |    158,044 |    168,008 |       831 |       --- |       --- |       --- |        27 |       ---
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |           |           |           |           |           |
Maryland .............|    517,631 |    724,223 |    668,941 |    685,878 |    717,377 |    738,374 |    86,683 |   117,913 |   121,435 |   131,883 |   136,661 |   138,775
Massachusetts ........|    599,800 |    471,368 |    554,484 |    606,191 |    669,102 |    728,817 |       233 |       --- |        48 |        93 |     1,779 |     3,065
Michigan .............|  1,127,570 |  1,326,884 |  1,424,502 |  1,462,136 |  1,572,241 |  1,636,057 |   109,069 |   159,202 |   215,314 |   258,370 |   215,733 |   207,361
Minnesota ............|    567,067 |    744,381 |    848,665 |    868,344 |    901,114 |    959,759 |       246 |     2,040 |    21,867 |     5,143 |       --- |       ---
Mississippi ..........|    278,619 |    365,574 |    409,154 |    535,729 |    570,035 |    574,365 |    21,724 |    25,670 |    28,386 |    30,286 |    31,725 |    32,927
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |           |           |           |           |           |
Missouri..............|    442,527 |    563,430 |    579,585 |    624,028 |    669,832 |    726,543 |    38,363 |    38,097 |    63,394 |    69,373 |    72,895 |    76,951
Montana ..............|     87,378 |    110,199 |    124,228 |    118,848 |    121,730 |    124,946 |     3,126 |     3,310 |     4,019 |     4,104 |     3,526 |     3,550
Nebraska .............|    214,778 |    318,482 |    351,988 |    361,069 |    382,465 |    394,006 |    37,010 |    36,569 |    46,895 |    49,735 |    53,004 |    56,437
Nevada ...............|     99,496 |    161,581 |    185,186 |    226,103 |    223,413 |    240,650 |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       ---
New Hampshire ........|     54,275 |     71,226 |     75,189 |     78,490 |     79,376 |     83,495 |       103 |         6 |       --- |       --- |       --- |       ---
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |           |           |           |           |           |
New Jersey ...........|    704,721 |    854,989 |    986,616 |  1,030,214 |  1,045,117 |  1,042,476 |    97,222 |   145,010 |   155,788 |   159,908 |   156,011 |   160,278
New Mexico ...........|    199,247 |    307,083 |    358,189 |    397,463 |    413,344 |    474,793 |    24,610 |    34,364 |    38,860 |    40,643 |    42,363 |    44,497
New York .............|  2,168,446 |  2,313,128 |  2,379,089 |  2,547,935 |  2,202,186 |  2,210,205 |   293,949 |   372,650 |   346,962 |   348,602 |   405,160 |   358,437
North Carolina .......|  1,060,049 |  1,351,111 |  1,570,743 |  1,664,641 |  1,686,718 |  1,829,919 |    42,997 |    62,785 |    73,799 |    77,743 |    79,490 |    85,490
North Dakota .........|    126,892 |    129,986 |    130,183 |    146,311 |    138,785 |    152,213 |       698 |         9 |         9 |         5 |       170 |       335
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |           |           |           |           |           |
Ohio .................|  1,098,188 |  1,360,141 |  1,323,256 |  1,403,112 |  1,488,806 |  1,574,033 |    40,249 |    63,899 |    81,755 |    98,374 |   120,161 |    86,111
Oklahoma .............|    347,589 |    473,898 |    504,877 |    524,139 |    536,307 |    576,031 |     2,672 |    12,822 |    14,771 |    16,374 |    18,578 |    18,572
Oregon ...............|    294,932 |    377,476 |    405,006 |    437,230 |    442,603 |    458,761 |    93,901 |   118,499 |   108,930 |    95,352 |    82,282 |    90,957
Pennsylvania .........|    778,379 |    962,121 |  1,028,622 |  1,083,273 |  1,110,896 |  1,117,954 |    52,511 |    62,794 |    75,014 |    80,330 |    78,912 |    84,822
Rhode Island .........|    107,512 |    113,614 |    109,983 |    116,425 |    121,153 |    129,679 |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       ---
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |           |           |           |           |           |
South Carolina .......|    446,042 |    578,794 |    581,835 |    616,532 |    647,111 |    684,740 |    12,348 |    18,670 |    21,972 |    23,315 |    25,737 |    26,823
South Dakota .........|     65,942 |     81,859 |     98,378 |     99,060 |    105,090 |    106,743 |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       957 |        48
Tennessee ............|    557,452 |    663,536 |    765,915 |    827,754 |    850,110 |    861,300 |        37 |     1,779 |     1,935 |     2,057 |     2,113 |     2,216
Texas ................|  2,042,728 |  2,627,916 |  3,188,001 |  3,171,462 |  3,302,958 |  3,286,469 |   159,650 |   210,934 |   249,579 |   261,933 |   280,141 |   301,996
Utah .................|    245,227 |    304,738 |    361,814 |    394,074 |    414,407 |    439,367 |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       ---
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |           |           |           |           |           |
Vermont ..............|     33,764 |     40,997 |     40,881 |     40,667 |     42,400 |     42,505 |       --- |         4 |        13 |       114 |        62 |       ---
Virginia .............|    729,010 |    886,208 |    807,866 |    846,612 |    839,587 |    884,535 |       884 |       973 |       998 |     1,972 |     1,282 |     2,110
Washington ...........|    617,480 |    828,700 |    894,859 |    863,971 |    914,200 |    967,196 |       229 |     2,470 |       --- |       --- |       100 |        99
West Virginia.........|    212,887 |    263,269 |    291,886 |    298,016 |    320,198 |    322,869 |       702 |       574 |       615 |       678 |       693 |       686
Wisconsin ............|    648,722 |    841,192 |    938,775 |    935,211 |    937,513 |    945,373 |   176,778 |   197,712 |   246,471 |   258,949 |   275,712 |   293,208
Wyoming ..............|    108,322 |    120,623 |    122,297 |    125,560 |    130,162 |    132,256 |     9,975 |    12,721 |    13,363 |    14,005 |    13,489 |    14,013
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |           |           |           |           |           |
U.S. Service Schools .|        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       ---
   Outlying areas ....|    265,427 |    339,547 |     63,887 |    473,168 |    551,957 |    563,018 |    10,276 |    12,724 |    15,928 |    16,810 |    22,579 |    15,979
American Samoa .......|        --- |      2,154 |      2,509 |      2,622 |        --- |        --- |     1,533 |       --- |       --- |       --- |     9,443 |     3,013
Federated States of   |            |            |            |            |            |            |           |           |           |           |           |
  Micronesia .........|        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |         11 |          7 |       --- |       --- |     1,061 |     2,372 |     2,978 |     2,153
Guam .................|     11,617 |     28,283 |     33,587 |     35,091 |     29,975 |     29,425 |     6,803 |    10,028 |    11,469 |    11,761 |    10,118 |    10,772
Marshall Islands .....|        --- |        --- |        419 |        313 |        324 |        341 |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       ---
Northern Marianas ....|        --- |        --- |        --- |      5,817 |      8,164 |      8,455 |       --- |       --- |       940 |       --- |       --- |       ---
Palau ................|        --- |        644 |        697 |      1,993 |      2,040 |      2,040 |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       ---
Puerto Rico ..........|    243,054 |    277,295 |      9,587 |    410,244 |    493,833 |    504,450 |     1,940 |     2,375 |     2,459 |     2,677 |        40 |        40
Virgin Islands .......|     10,757 |     31,170 |     17,087 |     17,087 |     17,610 |     18,300 |       --- |       320 |       --- |       --- |       --- |       ---

---Not available.
\1\Data are for institutions of higher education, which are institutions that were accredited by an agency or association that was recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, or recognized directly by the Secretary of Education.
\2\Four-year and 2-year degree-granting institutions that were participating in Title IV federal financial aid programs.

NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS), "Financial Statistics of Institutions of Higher Education" surveys; and Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Finance" surveys. (This table was prepared June 2000.)

2001 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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