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Digest of Education Statistics
2001 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 260. Degrees conferred by degree-granting institutions, by control of institution: 1969-70 to 1999-2000

            |                     Public institutions              |                   Private institutions
    Year    |______________________________________________________|______________________________________________________
            |   Associate|Bachelor's|Master's|Doctor's\1\| First-  |   Associate|Bachelor's|Master's|Doctor's\1\| First-
            |            |          |        |           | profes- |            |          |        |           | profes-
            |            |          |        |           |sional\2\|            |          |        |           |sional\2\
     1      |       2    |    3     |   4    |     5     |    6    |       7    |    8     |   9    |    10     |   11
1969-70 ....|    170,966 |  519,550 |134,545 |    19,183 |  14,542 |     35,057 |  272,766 | 73,746 |    10,683 |  20,376
1970-71 ....|    215,645 |  557,996 |151,603 |    20,788 |  16,139 |     36,666 |  281,734 | 78,906 |    11,319 |  21,807
1971-72 ....|    255,218 |  599,615 |167,075 |    21,776 |  18,521 |     36,796 |  287,658 | 84,558 |    11,587 |  24,890
1972-73 ....|    278,132 |  630,899 |174,405 |    22,357 |  21,872 |     38,042 |  291,463 | 88,966 |    12,420 |  28,146
1973-74 ....|    303,188 |  651,544 |184,632 |    21,810 |  23,208 |     40,736 |  294,232 | 92,401 |    12,006 |  30,608
1974-75 ....|    318,474 |  634,785 |193,804 |    22,176 |  23,612 |     41,697 |  288,148 | 98,646 |    11,907 |  32,304
            |            |          |        |           |         |            |          |        |           |
1975-76 ....|    345,006 |  635,161 |206,298 |    21,751 |  25,766 |     46,448 |  290,585 |105,473 |    12,313 |  36,883
1976-77 ....|    355,650 |  630,463 |208,901 |    21,229 |  26,344 |     50,727 |  289,086 |108,263 |    12,003 |  38,015
1977-78 ....|    358,874 |  627,903 |202,099 |    20,456 |  27,097 |     53,372 |  293,301 |109,521 |    11,675 |  39,484
1978-79 ....|    346,808 |  621,666 |192,016 |    20,817 |  27,785 |     55,894 |  299,724 |109,063 |    11,913 |  41,063
1979-80 ....|    344,536 |  624,084 |187,499 |    20,608 |  27,942 |     56,374 |  305,333 |110,582 |    12,007 |  42,189
1980-81 ....|    352,391 |  626,452 |184,384 |    20,895 |  29,128 |     63,986 |  308,688 |111,355 |    12,063 |  42,828
            |            |          |        |           |         |            |          |        |           |
1981-82 ....|\3\ 366,732 |  636,475 |182,295 |    20,889 |  29,611 |\3\  67,794 |  316,523 |113,251 |    11,818 |  42,421
1982-83 ....|    377,817 |  646,317 |176,246 |    21,186 |  29,757 |     71,803 |  323,193 |113,675 |    11,589 |  43,297
1983-84 ....|\3\ 379,249 |  646,013 |170,693 |    21,141 |  29,586 |\3\  72,991 |  328,296 |113,570 |    12,068 |  44,882
1984-85 ....|    377,625 |  652,246 |170,000 |    21,337 |  30,152 |     77,087 |  327,231 |116,251 |    11,606 |  44,911
1985-86 ....|    369,052 |  658,586 |169,903 |    21,433 |  29,568 |     76,995 |  329,237 |118,664 |    12,220 |  44,342
1986-87 ....|    358,811 |  659,260 |167,797 |    21,870 |  29,346 |     77,493 |  332,004 |121,552 |    12,171 |  42,271
            |            |          |        |           |         |            |          |        |           |
1987-88 ....|    354,180 |  658,491 |173,778 |    22,488 |  29,153 |     80,905 |  336,338 |125,539 |    12,382 |  41,582
1988-89 ....|    357,001 |  675,675 |179,109 |    22,970 |  28,993 |     79,763 |  343,080 |131,512 |    12,750 |  41,863
1989-90 ....|    375,635 |  700,015 |186,104 |    24,641 |  28,810 |     79,467 |  351,329 |138,197 |    13,730 |  42,178
1990-91 ....|    398,055 |  724,062 |193,057 |    25,681 |  29,554 |     83,665 |  370,476 |144,111 |    13,613 |  42,394
1991-92 ....|    420,265 |  759,475 |203,398 |    26,820 |  29,366 |     83,966 |  377,078 |149,440 |    13,839 |  44,780
            |            |          |        |           |         |            |          |        |           |
1992-93 ....|    430,321 |  785,112 |213,843 |    27,392 |  29,628 |     84,435 |  380,066 |155,742 |    14,740 |  45,759
1993-94 ....|    444,373 |  789,148 |221,428 |    28,524 |  29,842 |     86,259 |  380,127 |165,642 |    14,661 |  45,576
1994-95 ....|    451,539 |  776,670 |224,152 |    28,917 |  29,871 |     88,152 |  383,464 |173,477 |    15,529 |  45,929
1995-96 ....|    454,291 |  774,070 |227,179 |    29,516 |  29,882 |    100,925 |  390,722 |179,122 |    15,136 |  46,852
1996-97 ....|    465,494 |  776,677 |233,237 |    29,838 |  31,243 |    105,732 |  396,202 |186,164 |    16,038 |  47,487
1997-98 ....|    455,084 |  784,296 |235,922 |    29,715 |  31,233 |    103,471 |  400,110 |194,242 |    16,295 |  47,365
1998-99\4\ .|    448,334 |  790,287 |238,501 |    28,134 |  31,693 |    111,620 |  410,016 |201,485 |    15,943 |  46,746
1999-2000 ..|    448,446 |  810,855 |243,157 |    28,408 |  32,247 |    116,487 |  427,020 |213,899 |    16,400 |  47,810

\1\Doctor's degrees include Ph.D., Ed.D., and comparable degrees at the doctoral level. Excludes first-professional degrees such as M.D., D.D.S., and law degrees.
\2\Includes degrees which require at least 6 years of college work for completion (including at least 2 years of preprofessional training). Some data have been revised from previously published figures.
\3\Data are approximations.
\4\Data imputed using alternative procedures. (See Guide to Sources for details.)

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS), "Degrees and Other Formal Awards Conferred" surveys, and Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Completions" surveys. (This table was prepared August 2001.)

2001 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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