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Digest of Education Statistics
2001 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 229. Full-time instructional faculty in degree-granting institutions, by race/ethnicity, academic rank, and sex: Fall 1999

                          |         |         |   Minority      |        |        |Asian or |American|  Non-  |  Race/
  Academic rank and sex   |  Total  | White,  |_________________| Black, |        | Pacific |Indian/ |resident|ethnicity
                          |         |  non-   | Number  | Per-  |  non-  |Hispanic|Islander |Alaskan | alien  | unknown
                          |         |Hispanic |         | cent  |Hispanic|        |         | Native |        |
            1             |    2    |    3    |    4    |   5   |   6    |   7    |    8    |   9    |   10   |   11
Men and women, all ranks .| 590,937 | 489,206 |  82,393 |  14.4 | 29,222 | 16,498 |  34,112 |  2,561 |  7,190 |  12,148
  Professors .............| 161,309 | 142,852 |  16,950 |  10.6 |  4,784 |  2,913 |   8,786 |    467 |    774 |     733
  Associate professors ...| 128,826 | 109,037 |  17,773 |  14.0 |  6,462 |  3,161 |   7,752 |    398 |  1,121 |     895
  Assistant professors ...| 134,791 | 104,674 |  22,999 |  18.0 |  8,431 |  4,237 |   9,718 |    613 |  3,241 |   3,877
  Instructors ............|  80,089 |  64,803 |  13,115 |  16.8 |  5,375 |  3,724 |   3,407 |    609 |    819 |   1,352
  Lecturers ..............|  16,057 |  12,964 |   2,302 |  15.1 |    883 |    660 |     692 |     67 |    451 |     340
  Other faculty ..........|  69,865 |  54,876 |   9,254 |  14.4 |  3,287 |  1,803 |   3,757 |    407 |    784 |   4,951
  Men, all ranks .........| 371,039 | 307,814 |  49,706 |  13.9 | 14,660 |  9,622 |  23,975 |  1,449 |  4,541 |   8,978
    Professors ...........| 127,684 | 113,304 |  13,105 |  10.4 |  3,078 |  2,157 |   7,519 |    351 |    648 |     627
    Associate professors .|  83,359 |  70,137 |  11,677 |  14.3 |  3,601 |  1,977 |   5,865 |    234 |    846 |     699
    Assistant professors .|  74,127 |  56,463 |  12,672 |  18.3 |  3,882 |  2,291 |   6,199 |    300 |  1,892 |   3,100
    Instructors ..........|  39,599 |  32,009 |   6,339 |  16.5 |  2,337 |  1,939 |   1,737 |    326 |    443 |     808
    Lecturers ............|   7,465 |   6,043 |   1,008 |  14.3 |    386 |    278 |     310 |     34 |    250 |     164
    Other faculty ........|  38,805 |  29,858 |   4,905 |  14.1 |  1,376 |    980 |   2,345 |    204 |    462 |   3,580
   Women, all ranks ......| 219,898 | 181,392 |  32,687 |  15.3 | 14,562 |  6,876 |  10,137 |  1,112 |  2,649 |   3,170
    Professors ...........|  33,625 |  29,548 |   3,845 |  11.5 |  1,706 |    756 |   1,267 |    116 |    126 |     106
    Associate professors .|  45,467 |  38,900 |   6,096 |  13.5 |  2,861 |  1,184 |   1,887 |    164 |    275 |     196
    Assistant professors .|  60,664 |  48,211 |  10,327 |  17.6 |  4,549 |  1,946 |   3,519 |    313 |  1,349 |     777
    Instructors ..........|  40,490 |  32,794 |   6,776 |  17.1 |  3,038 |  1,785 |   1,670 |    283 |    376 |     544
    Lecturers ............|   8,592 |   6,921 |   1,294 |  15.8 |    497 |    382 |     382 |     33 |    201 |     176
    Other faculty ........|  31,060 |  25,018 |   4,349 |  14.8 |  1,911 |    823 |   1,412 |    203 |    322 |   1,371

NOTE: Percents are based on the number of faculty members who were U.S. citizens and who were reported by race/ethnicity. Data exclude faculty employed by system offices. Totals may differ from figures reported in other tables because of varying survey methodologies.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Fall Staff, 1999" survey. (This table was prepared July 2001.)

2001 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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