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Digest of Education Statistics
2001 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 202. Full-time-equivalent fall enrollment in degree-granting institutions, by control, type of institution, and state: 1997 to 1999

                      |          Public 4-year         |          Public 2-year         |         Private 4-year         |      Private 2-year
  State or other area |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |         |         |
                      |   1997   |   1998   |   1999   |   1997   |   1998   |   1999   |   1997   |   1998   |   1999   |  1997   |  1998   |  1999
          1           |    2     |    3     |    4     |    5     |    6     |    7     |    8     |    9     |    10    |   11    |   12    |   13
   United States .....|4,813,849 |4,868,857 |4,944,554 |3,055,915 |3,011,278 |3,075,520 |2,524,945 |2,598,971 |2,694,422 | 220,319 | 219,669 | 229,113
Alabama ..............|  101,863 |  103,208 |  106,355 |   52,497 |   46,231 |   46,002 |   21,323 |   22,246 |   22,695 |     961 |     777 |     768
Alaska ...............|   16,925 |   16,490 |   16,097 |      311 |      346 |      309 |      575 |      702 |      645 |     356 |     333 |     283
Arizona ..............|   85,153 |   85,572 |   86,582 |   79,407 |   82,375 |   86,901 |   22,412 |   25,248 |   39,280 |   7,139 |   5,978 |   7,495
Arkansas .............|   52,430 |   56,742 |   57,367 |   23,685 |   21,455 |   22,291 |   10,246 |   10,325 |   10,654 |     494 |     358 |     356
California ...........|  443,300 |  451,546 |  464,658 |  597,110 |  585,983 |  600,019 |  221,247 |  230,530 |  246,196 |  28,653 |  28,735 |  31,790
                      |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |         |         |
Colorado .............|  106,894 |  107,805 |  109,956 |   40,555 |   41,545 |   41,422 |   27,097 |   28,301 |   28,949 |   4,387 |   4,330 |   4,882
Connecticut ..........|   42,028 |   42,563 |   44,405 |   19,888 |   19,626 |   20,340 |   45,548 |   46,914 |   47,629 |   1,156 |     923 |   1,814
Delaware .............|   20,799 |   21,318 |   21,406 |    6,976 |    7,575 |    7,391 |    5,393 |    5,631 |    6,239 |     --- |     100 |     127
District of Columbia .|    3,105 |    3,322 |    3,251 |      --- |      --- |      --- |   55,635 |   55,192 |   54,604 |     --- |     --- |     ---
Florida ..............|  167,585 |  172,690 |  182,007 |  175,183 |  171,523 |  175,662 |   87,391 |   93,753 |  103,400 |  13,092 |  13,220 |  14,157
                      |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |         |         |
Georgia ..............|  135,939 |  130,986 |  134,719 |   46,197 |   43,536 |   44,805 |   59,236 |   61,686 |   62,069 |   3,685 |   3,507 |   3,558
Hawaii ...............|   17,079 |   16,839 |   17,249 |   15,515 |   15,649 |   15,887 |   10,907 |   11,206 |   11,512 |   1,578 |   1,620 |   1,542
Idaho ................|   32,539 |   32,888 |   33,696 |    6,222 |    6,249 |    6,370 |    2,510 |    2,571 |    2,709 |   8,195 |   8,609 |   8,644
Illinois .............|  160,767 |  163,015 |  163,870 |  190,362 |  188,334 |  186,937 |  145,286 |  151,232 |  155,459 |   5,294 |   5,029 |   4,968
Indiana...............|  149,174 |  152,068 |  153,878 |   23,233 |   23,999 |   24,794 |   56,500 |   57,419 |   60,501 |   6,626 |   5,781 |   5,413
                      |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |         |         |
Iowa .................|   59,382 |   60,052 |   60,950 |   42,236 |   41,949 |   44,916 |   41,986 |   42,987 |   42,511 |   1,795 |     840 |   2,249
Kansas ...............|   71,007 |   71,426 |   72,499 |   39,857 |   39,461 |   38,810 |   13,444 |   14,018 |   14,724 |   1,370 |   1,394 |   1,266
Kentucky .............|   86,461 |   87,224 |   86,156 |   27,844 |   27,885 |   28,792 |   23,516 |   24,853 |   25,007 |   4,261 |   4,189 |   4,712
Louisiana ............|  126,343 |  127,181 |  127,210 |   28,016 |   28,571 |   28,214 |   23,516 |   24,936 |   26,144 |   2,126 |   2,153 |   2,440
Maine ................|   22,449 |   22,908 |   24,137 |    4,695 |    4,789 |    4,832 |   12,668 |   12,764 |   12,670 |   1,535 |   1,577 |   1,400
                      |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |         |         |
Maryland .............|   89,032 |   90,571 |   91,887 |   56,296 |   56,826 |   57,140 |   31,116 |   32,346 |   34,440 |   1,012 |   1,008 |     557
Massachusetts ........|   78,707 |   78,499 |   78,702 |   42,809 |   45,135 |   47,288 |  193,523 |  193,405 |  195,493 |   5,245 |   5,251 |   5,713
Michigan .............|  211,724 |  215,660 |  219,679 |  100,988 |  101,694 |  100,096 |   66,600 |   69,721 |   72,402 |   1,294 |   2,058 |   1,946
Minnesota ............|   89,241 |   89,848 |   90,791 |   61,498 |   58,444 |   61,990 |   48,597 |   51,073 |   53,655 |   7,098 |   8,424 |   9,480
Mississippi ..........|   54,389 |   54,751 |   54,665 |   44,511 |   46,043 |   46,019 |    9,131 |    9,209 |    9,456 |     787 |     868 |     746
                      |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |         |         |
Missouri..............|   94,466 |   96,156 |   97,598 |   42,885 |   44,342 |   46,645 |   79,111 |   80,883 |   82,925 |   6,061 |   7,164 |   6,932
Montana ..............|   28,442 |   28,536 |   28,219 |    4,812 |    4,842 |    4,820 |    3,455 |    3,476 |    3,399 |   1,006 |     953 |     488
Nebraska .............|   45,492 |   44,576 |   44,213 |   19,810 |   20,564 |   20,819 |   17,608 |   17,921 |   17,942 |   1,563 |   1,240 |   1,624
Nevada ...............|   23,210 |   24,122 |   26,076 |   18,361 |   20,655 |   21,866 |    1,765 |    2,140 |    2,541 |   1,082 |   1,568 |   1,706
New Hampshire ........|   21,317 |   20,736 |   20,932 |    4,988 |    4,098 |    5,094 |   21,447 |   21,857 |   21,481 |     857 |     703 |     856
                      |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |         |         |
New Jersey ...........|  106,129 |  107,204 |  109,907 |   76,578 |   76,296 |   77,824 |   45,128 |   46,233 |   49,979 |   4,659 |   5,319 |   2,778
New Mexico ...........|   38,582 |   39,217 |   40,454 |   28,819 |   29,447 |   30,080 |    5,990 |    5,944 |    6,677 |   1,061 |     899 |   1,117
New York .............|  260,085 |  266,682 |  269,086 |  170,646 |  162,469 |  161,750 |  347,681 |  353,651 |  361,951 |  23,777 |  19,602 |  19,459
North Carolina .......|  135,100 |  136,205 |  138,499 |   84,846 |   92,767 |   96,813 |   63,943 |   65,758 |   66,258 |     737 |     703 |   1,216
North Dakota .........|   23,682 |   23,586 |   24,046 |    7,024 |    7,082 |    7,158 |    3,373 |    3,627 |    3,677 |     274 |     317 |     488
                      |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |         |         |
Ohio .................|  218,092 |  220,413 |  217,850 |   84,878 |   85,507 |   91,165 |   98,782 |  100,828 |  105,027 |  11,105 |  10,578 |   9,519
Oklahoma .............|   76,763 |   78,550 |   78,911 |   36,230 |   36,084 |   35,924 |   18,309 |   17,949 |   18,736 |   1,383 |   2,136 |   2,370
Oregon ...............|   55,201 |   55,736 |   57,903 |   43,525 |   43,720 |   45,079 |   21,419 |   22,695 |   23,280 |     664 |     748 |     951
Pennsylvania .........|  203,498 |  206,618 |  208,225 |   58,214 |   58,786 |   58,158 |  185,103 |  188,721 |  196,191 |  27,110 |  28,026 |  30,548
Rhode Island .........|   17,146 |   17,705 |   17,971 |    8,336 |    8,408 |    8,551 |   30,598 |   31,459 |   32,078 |     --- |     --- |     ---
                      |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |         |         |
South Carolina .......|   72,462 |   73,958 |   73,915 |   38,493 |   39,245 |   40,938 |   23,307 |   24,290 |   25,792 |   1,772 |   1,572 |   1,238
South Dakota .........|   23,571 |   23,240 |   23,258 |    4,176 |    4,617 |    4,706 |    4,988 |    6,064 |    6,412 |     123 |     120 |     113
Tennessee ............|   97,946 |   99,331 |  100,726 |   47,887 |   47,293 |   47,081 |   47,404 |   48,577 |   50,183 |   3,969 |   4,462 |   3,836
Texas ................|  336,871 |  340,842 |  346,305 |  248,268 |  251,851 |  257,839 |   93,282 |   97,622 |   95,820 |  10,185 |  11,757 |  12,194
Utah .................|   64,032 |   62,022 |   65,669 |   21,324 |   18,089 |   20,259 |   32,688 |   33,413 |   34,699 |   2,404 |   2,764 |   2,717
                      |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |         |         |
Vermont ..............|   13,990 |   13,864 |   13,767 |    1,916 |    1,952 |    2,023 |   13,255 |   13,703 |   13,535 |     550 |     566 |     606
Virginia .............|  142,893 |  144,926 |  146,813 |   67,336 |   69,245 |   71,765 |   47,719 |   48,537 |   49,826 |   5,688 |   5,520 |   5,487
Washington ...........|   80,700 |   81,459 |   82,373 |  116,030 |  106,691 |  109,968 |   31,175 |   33,025 |   33,913 |   3,505 |   3,058 |   3,337
West Virginia.........|   56,618 |   57,227 |   58,016 |    4,566 |    4,382 |    4,211 |    9,123 |    9,010 |    8,901 |   1,512 |   1,676 |   2,004
Wisconsin ............|  124,851 |  127,251 |  128,938 |   56,471 |   56,652 |   57,068 |   42,889 |   43,320 |   44,156 |     328 |     206 |     165
Wyoming ..............|    9,435 |    9,532 |    9,368 |   11,358 |   10,971 |   10,689 |      --- |      --- |      --- |     805 |     950 |   1,058
                      |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |         |         |
U.S. Service Schools .|   18,960 |   13,991 |   13,344 |   22,247 |      --- |      --- |      --- |      --- |      --- |     --- |     --- |     ---
   Outlying areas ....|   64,072 |   67,302 |   67,772 |    5,662 |    4,505 |    5,307 |   74,110 |   75,842 |   77,929 |   9,279 |   9,127 |   8,806
American Samoa .......|      --- |      --- |      --- |    1,016 |      634 |      769 |      --- |      --- |      --- |     --- |     --- |     ---
Federated States of   |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |         |         |
  Micronesia .........|      --- |      --- |      --- |    1,131 |      599 |    1,254 |      --- |      --- |      --- |     --- |     --- |     ---
Guam .................|    2,707 |    2,922 |    3,104 |      937 |      956 |      882 |      --- |      --- |      --- |     --- |     --- |     ---
Marshall Islands......|      --- |      --- |      --- |      339 |      403 |      459 |      --- |      --- |      --- |     --- |     --- |     ---
Northern Marianas ....|      --- |      --- |      --- |      702 |      728 |      717 |      --- |      --- |      --- |     --- |     --- |     ---
Palau ................|      --- |      --- |      --- |      289 |      341 |      441 |      --- |      --- |      --- |     --- |     --- |     ---
Puerto Rico ..........|   59,597 |   62,585 |   62,801 |    1,248 |      844 |      785 |   74,110 |   75,842 |   77,929 |   9,279 |   9,127 |   8,806
Virgin Islands .......|    1,768 |    1,795 |    1,867 |      --- |      --- |      --- |      --- |      --- |      --- |     --- |     --- |     ---

---Not available or not applicable.

NOTE: Data for 1998 revised from previously published figures. Data for U.S. Service Schools reflect substantial changes in survey coverage between 1997 and 1999. Data for 1999 imputed using alternative procedures. (See Guide to Sources for details.)

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Fall Enrollment" surveys. (This table was prepared March 2001.)

2001 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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