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Digest of Education Statistics
2001 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 179. Total fall enrollment in degree-granting institutions, by type and control of institution, attendance status, and sex of student: 1970 to 1999

Type and control of |                                              Institutions of higher education                ||Degree-granting institutions
  institution, sex  |______________________________________________________________________________________________||_______________________________________________
   and attendance   |   1970   |   1975    |  1980\1\  |   1985    |   1990    |   1995    |   1996    |   1997    ||   1996    |   1997    |  1998\2\  |  1999\3\
 status of student  |          |           |           |           |           |           |           |           ||           |           |           |
         1          |    2     |     3     |     4     |     5     |     6     |     7     |     8     |     9     ||    10     |    11     |    12     |    13
  Total ............|8,580,887 |11,184,859 |12,096,895 |12,247,055 |13,818,637 |14,261,781 |14,300,255 |14,345,416 ||14,367,520 |14,502,334 |14,506,967 |14,791,224
Full-time ..........|5,816,290 | 6,841,334 | 7,097,958 | 7,075,221 | 7,820,985 | 8,128,802 | 8,213,490 | 8,322,362 || 8,302,953 | 8,438,062 | 8,563,338 | 8,786,494
  Men ..............|3,504,095 | 3,926,753 | 3,689,244 | 3,607,720 | 3,807,752 | 3,807,392 | 3,815,519 | 3,839,015 || 3,851,208 | 3,890,442 | 3,933,653 | 4,025,721
  Women ............|2,312,195 | 2,914,581 | 3,408,714 | 3,467,501 | 4,013,233 | 4,321,410 | 4,397,971 | 4,483,347 || 4,451,745 | 4,547,620 | 4,629,685 | 4,760,773
Part-time ..........|2,764,597 | 4,343,525 | 4,998,937 | 5,171,834 | 5,997,652 | 6,132,979 | 6,086,765 | 6,023,054 || 6,064,567 | 6,064,272 | 5,943,629 | 6,004,730
  Men ..............|1,539,547 | 2,222,244 | 2,185,130 | 2,210,730 | 2,476,157 | 2,535,147 | 2,528,473 | 2,490,945 || 2,501,617 | 2,505,586 | 2,435,612 | 2,464,925
  Women ............|1,225,050 | 2,121,281 | 2,813,807 | 2,961,104 | 3,521,495 | 3,597,832 | 3,558,292 | 3,532,109 || 3,562,950 | 3,558,686 | 3,508,017 | 3,539,805
4-year, total ......|6,261,502 | 7,214,740 | 7,570,608 | 7,715,978 | 8,578,554 | 8,769,252 | 8,802,835 | 8,874,676 || 8,804,193 | 8,896,765 | 9,017,653 | 9,198,525
  Full-time ........|4,587,379 | 5,080,256 | 5,344,163 | 5,384,614 | 5,937,023 | 6,151,755 | 6,226,868 | 6,326,650 || 6,230,648 | 6,342,891 | 6,477,432 | 6,642,033
    Men ............|2,732,796 | 2,891,192 | 2,809,528 | 2,781,412 | 2,926,360 | 2,929,177 | 2,933,912 | 2,950,083 || 2,934,736 | 2,959,048 | 2,997,232 | 3,056,957
    Women ..........|1,854,583 | 2,189,064 | 2,534,635 | 2,603,202 | 3,010,663 | 3,222,578 | 3,292,956 | 3,376,567 || 3,295,912 | 3,383,843 | 3,480,200 | 3,585,076
  Part-time ........|1,674,123 | 2,134,484 | 2,226,445 | 2,331,364 | 2,641,531 | 2,617,497 | 2,575,967 | 2,548,026 || 2,573,545 | 2,553,874 | 2,540,221 | 2,556,492
    Men ............|  936,189 | 1,092,461 | 1,017,813 | 1,034,804 | 1,124,780 | 1,084,753 | 1,061,989 | 1,044,133 || 1,059,175 | 1,047,269 | 1,038,699 | 1,046,340
    Women ..........|  737,934 | 1,042,023 | 1,208,632 | 1,296,560 | 1,516,751 | 1,532,744 | 1,513,978 | 1,503,893 || 1,514,370 | 1,506,605 | 1,501,522 | 1,510,152
                    |          |           |           |           |           |           |           |           ||           |           |           |
  Public 4-year ....|4,232,722 | 4,998,142 | 5,128,612 | 5,209,540 | 5,848,242 | 5,814,545 | 5,806,904 | 5,834,525 || 5,806,036 | 5,835,433 | 5,891,806 | 5,969,950
    Full-time ......|3,086,491 | 3,469,821 | 3,592,193 | 3,623,341 | 4,033,654 | 4,084,711 | 4,106,094 | 4,164,180 || 4,106,453 | 4,164,759 | 4,218,990 | 4,292,863
      Men ..........|1,813,584 | 1,947,823 | 1,873,397 | 1,863,689 | 1,982,369 | 1,951,140 | 1,943,086 | 1,950,899 || 1,943,259 | 1,951,171 | 1,959,198 | 1,983,766
      Women ........|1,272,907 | 1,521,998 | 1,718,796 | 1,759,652 | 2,051,285 | 2,133,571 | 2,163,008 | 2,213,281 || 2,163,194 | 2,213,588 | 2,259,792 | 2,309,097
    Part-time ......|1,146,231 | 1,528,321 | 1,536,419 | 1,586,199 | 1,814,588 | 1,729,834 | 1,700,810 | 1,670,345 || 1,699,583 | 1,670,674 | 1,672,816 | 1,677,087
      Men ..........|  609,422 |   760,469 |   685,051 |   693,115 |   764,248 |   720,402 |   703,691 |   686,876 ||   703,078 |   686,997 |   685,205 |   685,863
      Women ........|  536,809 |   767,852 |   851,368 |   893,084 | 1,050,340 | 1,009,432 |   997,119 |   983,469 ||   996,505 |   983,677 |   987,611 |   991,224
                    |          |           |           |           |           |           |           |           ||           |           |           |
  Private 4-year ...|2,028,780 | 2,216,598 | 2,441,996 | 2,506,438 | 2,730,312 | 2,954,707 | 2,995,931 | 3,040,151 || 2,998,157 | 3,061,332 | 3,125,847 | 3,228,575
    Full-time ......|1,500,888 | 1,610,435 | 1,751,970 | 1,761,273 | 1,903,369 | 2,067,044 | 2,120,774 | 2,162,470 || 2,124,195 | 2,178,132 | 2,258,442 | 2,349,170
      Men ..........|  919,212 |   943,369 |   936,131 |   917,723 |   943,991 |   978,037 |   990,826 |   999,184 ||   991,477 | 1,007,877 | 1,038,034 | 1,073,191
      Women ........|  581,676 |   667,066 |   815,839 |   843,550 |   959,378 | 1,089,007 | 1,129,948 | 1,163,286 || 1,132,718 | 1,170,255 | 1,220,408 | 1,275,979
    Part-time ......|  527,892 |   606,163 |   690,026 |   745,165 |   826,943 |   887,663 |   875,157 |   877,681 ||   873,962 |   883,200 |   867,405 |   879,405
      Men ..........|  326,767 |   331,992 |   332,762 |   341,689 |   360,532 |   364,351 |   358,298 |   357,257 ||   356,097 |   360,272 |   353,494 |   360,477
      Women ........|  201,125 |   274,171 |   357,264 |   403,476 |   466,411 |   523,312 |   516,859 |   520,424 ||   517,865 |   522,928 |   513,911 |   518,928
                    |          |           |           |           |           |           |           |           ||           |           |           |
    Not-for-profit  |          |           |           |           |           |           |           |           ||           |           |           |
      4-year .......|      --- |       --- | 2,413,693 | 2,463,000 | 2,671,069 | 2,853,890 | 2,871,693 | 2,897,816 || 2,867,181 | 2,905,820 | 2,939,055 | 2,989,285
      Full-time ....|      --- |       --- | 1,733,014 | 1,727,707 | 1,859,124 | 1,989,457 | 2,024,856 | 2,051,308 || 2,021,570 | 2,056,019 | 2,111,274 | 2,160,126
        Men ........|      --- |       --- |   921,253 |   894,080 |   915,100 |   931,956 |   937,078 |   937,353 ||   934,474 |   939,532 |   957,212 |   972,280
        Women ......|      --- |       --- |   811,761 |   833,627 |   944,024 | 1,057,501 | 1,087,778 | 1,113,955 || 1,087,096 | 1,116,487 | 1,154,062 | 1,187,846
      Part-time ....|      --- |       --- |   680,679 |   735,293 |   811,945 |   864,433 |   846,837 |   846,508 ||   845,611 |   849,801 |   827,781 |   829,159
        Men ........|      --- |       --- |   327,986 |   336,168 |   352,106 |   351,874 |   342,826 |   341,575 ||   341,460 |   343,344 |   333,576 |   335,443
        Women ......|      --- |       --- |   352,693 |   399,125 |   459,839 |   512,559 |   504,011 |   504,933 ||   504,151 |   506,457 |   494,205 |   493,716
                    |          |           |           |           |           |           |           |           ||           |           |           |
2-year, total ......|2,319,385 | 3,970,119 | 4,526,287 | 4,531,077 | 5,240,083 | 5,492,529 | 5,497,420 | 5,470,740 || 5,563,327 | 5,605,569 | 5,489,314 | 5,592,699
  Full-time ........|1,228,911 | 1,761,078 | 1,753,795 | 1,690,607 | 1,883,962 | 1,977,047 | 1,986,622 | 1,995,712 || 2,072,305 | 2,095,171 | 2,085,906 | 2,144,461
    Men ............|  771,299 | 1,035,561 |   879,716 |   826,308 |   881,392 |   878,215 |   881,607 |   888,932 ||   916,472 |   931,394 |   936,421 |   968,764
    Women ..........|  457,612 |   725,517 |   874,079 |   864,299 | 1,002,570 | 1,098,832 | 1,105,015 | 1,106,780 || 1,155,833 | 1,163,777 | 1,149,485 | 1,175,697
  Part-time ........|1,090,474 | 2,209,041 | 2,772,492 | 2,840,470 | 3,356,121 | 3,515,482 | 3,510,798 | 3,475,028 || 3,491,022 | 3,510,398 | 3,403,408 | 3,448,238
    Men ............|  603,358 | 1,129,783 | 1,167,317 | 1,175,926 | 1,351,377 | 1,450,394 | 1,466,484 | 1,446,812 || 1,442,442 | 1,458,317 | 1,396,913 | 1,418,585
    Women ..........|  487,116 | 1,079,258 | 1,605,175 | 1,664,544 | 2,004,744 | 2,065,088 | 2,044,314 | 2,028,216 || 2,048,580 | 2,052,081 | 2,006,495 | 2,029,653
                    |          |           |           |           |           |           |           |           ||           |           |           |
  Public 2-year ....|2,195,412 | 3,836,366 | 4,328,782 | 4,269,733 | 4,996,475 | 5,277,829 | 5,283,267 | 5,311,630 || 5,314,463 | 5,360,686 | 5,245,963 | 5,339,449
    Full-time ......|1,129,165 | 1,662,621 | 1,595,493 | 1,496,905 | 1,716,843 | 1,840,590 | 1,858,080 | 1,871,120 || 1,872,014 | 1,891,027 | 1,881,826 | 1,931,251
      Men ..........|  720,440 |   988,701 |   811,871 |   742,673 |   810,664 |   818,605 |   824,832 |   831,754 ||   832,839 |   842,082 |   841,435 |   867,867
      Women ........|  408,725 |   673,920 |   783,622 |   754,232 |   906,179 | 1,021,985 | 1,033,248 | 1,039,366 || 1,039,175 | 1,048,945 | 1,040,391 | 1,063,384
    Part-time ......|1,066,247 | 2,173,745 | 2,733,289 | 2,772,828 | 3,279,632 | 3,437,239 | 3,425,187 | 3,440,510 || 3,442,449 | 3,469,659 | 3,364,137 | 3,408,198
      Men ..........|  589,439 | 1,107,680 | 1,152,268 | 1,138,011 | 1,317,730 | 1,417,488 | 1,415,928 | 1,430,701 || 1,423,277 | 1,443,937 | 1,382,860 | 1,403,685
      Women ........|  476,808 | 1,066,065 | 1,581,021 | 1,634,817 | 1,961,902 | 2,019,751 | 2,009,259 | 2,009,809 || 2,019,172 | 2,025,722 | 1,981,277 | 2,004,513
                    |          |           |           |           |           |           |           |           ||           |           |           |
  Private 2-year ...|  123,973 |   133,753 |   197,505 |   261,344 |   243,608 |   214,700 |   214,153 |   159,110 ||   248,864 |   244,883 |   243,351 |   253,250
    Full-time ......|   99,746 |    98,457 |   158,302 |   193,702 |   167,119 |   136,457 |   128,542 |   124,592 ||   200,291 |   204,144 |   204,080 |   213,210
      Men ..........|   50,859 |    46,860 |    67,845 |    83,635 |    70,728 |    59,610 |    56,775 |    57,178 ||    83,633 |    89,312 |    94,986 |   100,897
      Women ........|   48,887 |    51,597 |    90,457 |   110,067 |    96,391 |    76,847 |    71,767 |    67,414 ||   116,658 |   114,832 |   109,094 |   112,313
    Part-time ......|   24,227 |    35,296 |    39,203 |    67,642 |    76,489 |    78,243 |    85,611 |    34,518 ||    48,573 |    40,739 |    39,271 |    40,040
      Men ..........|   13,919 |    22,103 |    15,049 |    37,915 |    33,647 |    32,906 |    50,556 |    16,111 ||    19,165 |    14,380 |    14,053 |    14,900
      Women ........|   10,308 |    13,193 |    24,154 |    29,727 |    42,842 |    45,337 |    35,055 |    18,407 ||    29,408 |    26,359 |    25,218 |    25,140
                    |          |           |           |           |           |           |           |           ||           |           |           |
    Not-for-profit  |          |           |           |           |           |           |           |           ||           |           |           |
      2-year .......|      --- |       --- |   114,094 |   108,791 |    89,158 |    75,154 |    68,864 |    63,898 ||    75,375 |    71,794 |    65,870 |    62,341
      Full-time ....|      --- |       --- |    83,009 |    76,547 |    62,003 |    54,033 |    50,202 |    48,893 ||    56,434 |    55,153 |    50,884 |    47,275
        Men ........|      --- |       --- |    34,968 |    30,878 |    25,946 |    23,265 |    21,386 |    21,615 ||    24,064 |    24,367 |    23,384 |    21,536
        Women ......|      --- |       --- |    48,041 |    45,669 |    36,057 |    30,768 |    28,816 |    27,278 ||    32,370 |    30,786 |    27,500 |    25,739
      Part-time ....|      --- |       --- |    31,085 |    32,244 |    27,155 |    21,121 |    18,662 |    15,005 ||    18,941 |    16,641 |    14,986 |    15,066
        Men ........|      --- |       --- |    11,445 |    10,786 |     7,970 |     6,080 |     5,227 |     4,683 ||     5,337 |     5,175 |     4,568 |     4,818
        Women ......|      --- |       --- |    19,640 |    21,458 |    19,185 |    15,041 |    13,435 |    10,322 ||    13,604 |    11,466 |    10,418 |    10,248

---Not available.
\1\Large increase in private 2-year institutions in 1980 is due to the addition of schools accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges of Technology.
\2\Data revised from previously published figures.
\3\Data imputed using alternative procedures. (See Guide to Sources for details.)

NOTE: Trend tabulations of institutions of higher education data are based on institutions that were accredited by an agency or association that was recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, or recognized directly by the Secretary of Education. The Department of Education no longer distinguishes between those institutions and other institutions that participated in Title IV programs. The new degree-granting classification is very similar to the earlier higher education classification, except that it includes some additional institutions, primarily 2-year colleges, and excludes a few higher education institutions that did not award degrees.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS), "Fall Enrollment in Colleges and Universities" surveys; and Integrated Postsecondary Education Data Systems (IPEDS), "Fall Enrollment" surveys. (This table was prepared March 2001.)

2001 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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