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Digest of Education Statistics
2001 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 162. Total expenditures for public elementary and secondary education, by function and state: 1998-99 [In thousands]

                      |                                                  Total expenditures
                      |             |                                               Current expenditures for elementary and secondary programs                                                |   Other   |  Capital   | Interest
                      |    Total    |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|  current  | outlay\2\  |    on
       State or       |             |   Current   |             |                                       Student support services                                       |            |         | expendi-  |            |  school
      other area      |             |expenditures | Instruction |______________________________________________________________________________________________________|    Food    | Enter-  | tures\1\  |            |   debt
                      |             | for public  |             |    Total    |  Student   |  Instruc-  |  General  |   School   | Operation  |  Student   |   Other   |  services  |  prise  |           |            |
                      |             |   schools   |             |             | support\4\ |   tional   |  admini-  |  admini-   |    and     | transpor-  |  support  |            | opera-  |           |            |
                      |             |             |             |             |            |  staff\5\  | stration  |  stration  |maintenance |   tation   | services  |            |tions\3\ |           |            |
          1           |      2      |      3      |      4      |      5      |     6      |     7      |     8     |     9      |     10     |     11     |    12     |     13     |   14    |    15     |     16     |    17
   United States .....|$355,859,449 |$302,873,955 |$186,756,251 |$102,984,961 |$15,239,907 |$13,299,688 |$6,120,740 |$17,175,997 |$29,383,542 |$11,982,509 |$9,782,578 |$12,262,012 |$870,731 |$5,262,613 |$39,526,645 |$8,196,236
Alabama ..............|   4,626,884 |   3,880,188 |   2,400,979 |   1,210,422 |    166,526 |    140,762 |   104,219 |    237,210 |    322,180 |    162,239 |    77,287 |    268,786 |       0 |   171,898 |    518,782 |    56,016
Alaska ...............|   1,264,525 |   1,137,610 |     643,949 |     456,525 |     58,958 |     76,369 |    57,881 |     67,174 |    153,257 |     40,575 |     2,311 |     31,727 |   5,409 |     4,925 |    104,780 |    17,210
Arizona ..............|   5,341,305 |   3,963,428 |   2,380,620 |   1,385,289 |    191,444 |    114,967 |    76,834 |    221,458 |    453,182 |    134,737 |   192,667 |    171,701 |  25,818 |    28,041 |  1,342,733 |     7,103
Arkansas .............|   2,480,435 |   2,241,244 |   1,436,486 |     649,836 |     95,067 |     87,535 |    73,766 |     52,553 |    210,317 |     90,178 |    40,420 |    133,189 |  21,732 |    15,724 |    175,046 |    48,421
California ...........|  39,973,279 |  34,379,878 |  20,972,433 |  12,034,782 |  1,790,834 |  1,729,249 |   207,722 |  2,513,028 |  3,395,541 |    886,406 | 1,512,002 |  1,362,268 |  10,394 |   663,236 |  4,688,499 |   241,666
                      |             |             |             |             |            |            |           |            |            |            |           |            |         |           |            |
Colorado .............|   5,024,543 |   4,140,699 |   2,410,400 |   1,581,647 |    158,596 |    171,589 |    67,013 |    269,118 |    385,775 |    122,234 |   407,321 |    136,659 |  11,993 |    38,260 |    628,792 |   216,791
Connecticut ..........|   5,827,005 |   5,075,581 |   3,225,862 |   1,602,041 |    276,369 |    162,445 |    97,816 |    278,828 |    451,985 |    225,124 |   109,474 |    138,962 | 108,717 |    96,314 |    533,001 |   122,109
Delaware .............|     972,747 |     872,786 |     534,174 |     298,325 |     40,678 |     12,653 |    10,043 |     49,470 |     91,907 |     48,615 |    44,960 |     40,287 |       0 |    14,516 |     73,511 |    11,934
District of Columbia .|     755,576 |     693,716 |     314,468 |     351,290 |     59,335 |     98,935 |    12,309 |     46,825 |     80,096 |     28,488 |    25,302 |     27,958 |       0 |     1,784 |     43,842 |    16,235
Florida ..............|  16,615,626 |  13,534,374 |   7,925,242 |   4,945,464 |    683,444 |    812,964 |   151,878 |    832,576 |  1,475,807 |    564,554 |   424,241 |    663,668 |       0 |   459,476 |  2,099,396 |   522,379
                      |             |             |             |             |            |            |           |            |            |            |           |            |         |           |            |
Georgia ..............|  10,113,816 |   8,537,177 |   5,339,447 |   2,726,325 |    412,249 |    474,475 |   112,642 |    510,681 |    685,685 |    311,183 |   219,409 |    464,880 |   6,524 |    44,952 |  1,354,965 |   176,722
Hawaii ...............|   1,400,063 |   1,143,713 |     718,107 |     350,077 |     77,903 |     37,588 |     7,256 |     74,965 |    100,916 |     20,731 |    30,718 |     75,529 |       0 |    32,952 |    183,164 |    40,235
Idaho ................|   1,420,733 |   1,239,755 |     767,909 |     417,679 |     68,225 |     52,260 |    30,135 |     72,969 |    115,051 |     56,220 |    22,819 |     54,167 |       0 |     3,507 |    148,922 |    28,549
Illinois .............|  16,255,656 |  13,602,965 |   8,240,926 |   4,889,281 |    773,720 |    536,087 |   458,073 |    715,459 |  1,404,090 |    624,746 |   377,108 |    472,759 |       0 |   121,406 |  2,241,468 |   289,817
Indiana...............|   8,111,363 |   6,697,468 |   4,183,169 |   2,229,545 |    291,828 |    206,426 |   119,207 |    377,460 |    720,014 |    355,968 |   158,643 |    284,755 |       0 |    53,115 |    813,218 |   547,562
                      |             |             |             |             |            |            |           |            |            |            |           |            |         |           |            |
Iowa .................|   3,521,011 |   3,110,585 |   1,828,806 |   1,048,543 |    198,621 |    153,702 |    89,647 |    162,200 |    258,157 |     96,550 |    89,665 |    138,412 |  94,824 |    21,400 |    340,189 |    48,837
Kansas ...............|   3,155,418 |   2,841,147 |   1,632,547 |   1,066,511 |    156,478 |    130,343 |   105,258 |    185,698 |    297,631 |    115,328 |    75,776 |    142,090 |       0 |     3,089 |    226,510 |    84,673
Kentucky .............|   3,948,832 |   3,645,631 |   2,249,562 |   1,190,541 |    135,467 |    172,884 |    96,746 |    208,046 |    317,778 |    179,780 |    79,840 |    205,528 |       0 |    44,661 |    179,613 |    78,926
Louisiana ............|   4,801,137 |   4,264,981 |   2,576,840 |   1,343,988 |    169,484 |    186,293 |    91,349 |    234,233 |    356,503 |    222,082 |    84,044 |    290,415 |  53,738 |    17,627 |    418,660 |    99,868
Maine ................|   1,642,951 |   1,510,024 |   1,015,728 |     441,736 |     47,139 |     44,985 |    29,762 |     85,226 |    142,021 |     66,769 |    25,836 |     52,508 |      51 |    16,550 |     83,417 |    32,961
                      |             |             |             |             |            |            |           |            |            |            |           |            |         |           |            |
Maryland .............|   7,182,797 |   6,165,934 |   3,791,102 |   2,092,027 |    256,360 |    334,700 |    37,248 |    436,912 |    574,526 |    301,689 |   150,593 |    189,185 |  93,621 |    20,903 |    928,053 |    67,906
Massachusetts ........|   8,368,976 |   7,948,502 |   5,295,485 |   2,406,210 |    405,269 |    254,134 |   158,366 |    353,541 |    713,594 |    356,282 |   165,024 |    246,807 |       0 |    83,754 |    154,450 |   182,270
Michigan .............|  15,604,340 |  12,785,480 |   7,432,224 |   4,980,257 |    823,394 |    574,583 |   306,938 |    808,357 |  1,358,512 |    514,848 |   593,625 |    372,999 |       0 |   320,671 |  2,034,936 |   463,254
Minnesota ............|   7,353,993 |   5,816,329 |   3,647,489 |   1,929,556 |    192,749 |    327,321 |    88,927 |    240,563 |    481,708 |    316,332 |   281,957 |    239,284 |       0 |   279,907 |    985,825 |   271,932
Mississippi ..........|   2,830,349 |   2,293,188 |   1,384,027 |     746,304 |     90,589 |     95,818 |    71,036 |    128,930 |    229,799 |     92,344 |    37,788 |    162,303 |     554 |    16,001 |    467,260 |    53,901
                      |             |             |             |             |            |            |           |            |            |            |           |            |         |           |            |
Missouri..............|   6,242,701 |   5,348,366 |   3,293,321 |   1,826,265 |    246,808 |    223,756 |   157,786 |    321,179 |    512,893 |    273,187 |    90,657 |    228,780 |       0 |   105,770 |    615,064 |   173,501
Montana ..............|   1,052,773 |     955,695 |     597,772 |     318,994 |     44,102 |     35,939 |    29,090 |     50,623 |     96,651 |     41,402 |    21,187 |     38,139 |     790 |     6,426 |     79,177 |    11,475
Nebraska .............|   2,086,536 |   1,821,310 |   1,145,752 |     538,485 |     73,898 |     64,765 |    61,516 |     91,518 |    160,088 |     51,298 |    35,404 |     74,646 |  62,427 |     2,631 |    228,909 |    33,686
Nevada ...............|   2,301,747 |   1,738,009 |   1,040,680 |     643,224 |     65,571 |     69,151 |    26,115 |    126,090 |    170,011 |     69,629 |   116,658 |     54,105 |       0 |    11,776 |    449,203 |   102,758
New Hampshire ........|   1,430,462 |   1,316,946 |     858,974 |     412,145 |     71,601 |     36,143 |    49,442 |     73,990 |    110,295 |     58,421 |    12,253 |     45,827 |       0 |     3,305 |     84,178 |    26,033
                      |             |             |             |             |            |            |           |            |            |            |           |            |         |           |            |
New Jersey ...........|  14,250,489 |  12,874,579 |   7,705,505 |   4,790,297 |  1,062,690 |    381,918 |   370,834 |    712,644 |  1,319,881 |    674,909 |   267,422 |    319,721 |  59,057 |   165,775 |  1,003,338 |   206,797
New Mexico ...........|   2,116,905 |   1,788,382 |   1,015,367 |     686,625 |    162,053 |     87,897 |    48,345 |     93,308 |    177,066 |     89,682 |    28,273 |     85,053 |   1,337 |    10,971 |    286,883 |    30,669
New York .............|  30,357,364 |  26,885,444 |  18,227,087 |   7,930,135 |    997,953 |    724,357 |   565,464 |  1,108,114 |  2,439,996 |  1,348,261 |   745,989 |    728,221 |       0 | 1,010,219 |  1,787,147 |   674,555
North Carolina .......|   8,712,151 |   7,097,882 |   4,458,396 |   2,220,444 |    366,070 |    254,854 |   147,209 |    474,763 |    564,587 |    254,225 |   158,738 |    419,042 |       0 |    54,456 |  1,367,815 |   191,999
North Dakota .........|     711,740 |     625,428 |     382,138 |     192,382 |     22,007 |     16,403 |    30,289 |     29,831 |     53,081 |     27,462 |    13,310 |     31,066 |  19,842 |     4,800 |     73,784 |     7,728
                      |             |             |             |             |            |            |           |            |            |            |           |            |         |           |            |
Ohio .................|  14,006,167 |  12,207,147 |   7,198,914 |   4,565,168 |    622,258 |    673,098 |   287,163 |    721,527 |  1,140,213 |    285,098 |   835,810 |    439,540 |   3,525 |   369,125 |  1,208,148 |   221,747
Oklahoma .............|   3,668,577 |   3,332,697 |   2,000,616 |   1,116,721 |    191,951 |    100,727 |   118,462 |    175,052 |    345,276 |    101,466 |    83,786 |    183,295 |  32,065 |    10,464 |    290,924 |    34,491
Oregon ...............|   4,173,853 |   3,706,044 |   2,195,694 |   1,383,787 |    179,456 |    195,824 |    85,110 |    233,680 |    359,698 |    150,863 |   179,156 |    120,451 |   6,112 |    25,653 |    342,512 |    99,643
Pennsylvania .........|  16,343,516 |  13,532,211 |   8,575,108 |   4,453,339 |    622,772 |    485,729 |   403,535 |    599,413 |  1,345,381 |    634,077 |   362,433 |    480,510 |  23,253 |   325,740 |  1,862,114 |   623,451
Rhode Island .........|   1,341,549 |   1,283,859 |     851,859 |     396,871 |     83,602 |     51,750 |    26,658 |     62,829 |    101,507 |     52,875 |    17,650 |     35,129 |       0 |     7,885 |     29,026 |    20,779
                      |             |             |             |             |            |            |           |            |            |            |           |            |         |           |            |
South Carolina .......|   4,612,674 |   3,759,042 |   2,242,844 |   1,292,082 |    247,162 |    217,591 |    50,068 |    231,424 |    340,626 |    114,653 |    90,559 |    205,459 |  18,657 |    45,706 |    708,276 |    99,649
South Dakota .........|     840,515 |     696,785 |     424,211 |     235,257 |     36,643 |     25,970 |    24,383 |     36,854 |     66,778 |     24,865 |    19,766 |     35,840 |   1,476 |     1,454 |    125,967 |    16,309
Tennessee ............|   5,432,316 |   4,638,924 |   3,032,953 |   1,372,663 |    154,165 |    248,593 |    88,931 |    240,764 |    419,748 |    157,887 |    62,574 |    233,308 |       0 |    24,753 |    670,141 |    98,497
Texas ................|  27,496,479 |  22,430,153 |  13,571,196 |   7,671,526 |  1,083,912 |  1,191,090 |   402,609 |  1,244,078 |  2,446,417 |    586,383 |   717,036 |  1,187,430 |       0 |   157,648 |  3,955,227 |   953,452
Utah .................|   2,536,260 |   2,025,714 |   1,328,807 |     574,738 |     67,306 |     86,421 |    21,548 |    118,955 |    182,391 |     58,701 |    39,416 |    110,589 |  11,579 |    59,763 |    372,519 |    78,265
                      |             |             |             |             |            |            |           |            |            |            |           |            |         |           |            |
Vermont ..............|     853,705 |     792,664 |     512,432 |     258,060 |     50,953 |     25,846 |    21,851 |     53,373 |     62,409 |     26,719 |    16,910 |     21,521 |     652 |     2,272 |     44,142 |    14,626
Virginia .............|   8,376,912 |   7,137,421 |   4,340,680 |   2,423,409 |    342,628 |    414,716 |    70,659 |    425,557 |    707,392 |    309,694 |   152,763 |    274,129 |  99,203 |   131,782 |    920,445 |   187,264
Washington ...........|   7,449,610 |   6,098,036 |   3,646,974 |   2,154,875 |    409,600 |    286,716 |   130,139 |    296,933 |    604,203 |    239,208 |   188,077 |    199,490 |  96,698 |    33,210 |  1,046,791 |   271,573
West Virginia.........|   2,207,537 |   1,986,562 |   1,230,925 |     638,769 |     64,389 |     54,535 |    50,317 |    111,145 |    205,667 |    126,321 |    26,395 |    116,821 |      47 |    29,321 |    177,663 |    13,992
Wisconsin ............|   7,928,144 |   6,620,653 |   4,138,977 |   2,277,038 |    311,494 |    331,548 |   177,293 |    340,510 |    600,434 |    264,472 |   251,286 |    204,560 |      78 |    85,286 |    956,796 |   265,409
Wyoming ..............|     735,411 |     651,622 |     391,091 |     237,459 |     38,136 |     25,286 |    13,853 |     38,367 |     74,823 |     26,750 |    20,244 |     22,514 |     558 |     1,753 |     71,424 |    10,612
  Outlying areas      |             |             |             |             |            |            |           |            |            |            |           |            |         |           |            |
American Samoa .......|      43,864 |      35,092 |      15,014 |      13,238 |      4,711 |      2,506 |       608 |      1,875 |      1,516 |        583 |     1,439 |      6,840 |       0 |     2,965 |      5,807 |         0
Guam .................|         --- |         --- |         --- |         --- |        --- |        --- |       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |       --- |        --- |     --- |       --- |        --- |       ---
Northern Marianas ....|      55,463 |      50,450 |      40,667 |       6,456 |        190 |         24 |     5,999 |          0 |         79 |         88 |        75 |      3,327 |       0 |       230 |      4,784 |         0
Puerto Rico ..........|   2,090,530 |   2,024,499 |   1,386,049 |     406,614 |     65,900 |     19,467 |    41,280 |          0 |    195,885 |     34,981 |    49,101 |    231,835 |       0 |    43,518 |      3,868 |    18,645
Virgin Islands .......|     152,211 |     146,474 |      89,700 |      49,828 |      9,532 |      6,236 |     8,672 |      5,688 |      9,073 |      5,348 |     5,279 |      6,848 |      98 |     1,737 |      4,000 |         0

---Not available.
\1\Includes expenditures for adult education, community colleges, private school programs funded by local and state education agencies, and community services.
\2\Includes expenditures for property and for building and alterations completed by school district staff or contractors.
\3\Includes expenditures for operations funded by sales of products or services (e.g., school bookstore or computer time).
\4\Includes expenditures for health, attendance, and speech pathology services.
\5\Includes expenditures for curriculum development, staff training, libraries, and media and computer centers.

NOTE: Excludes expenditures for state education agencies. Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data survey. (This table was prepared May 2001.)

2001 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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