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Digest of Education Statistics
2001 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 88. Public elementary and secondary students, schools, pupil/teacher ratios, and finances, by type of locale: 1998 and 1999

                                     |         |Central |Central |  Urban  |  Urban  | Large | Small  | Rural  | Rural
           Characteristic            |  Total  |city of |city of |fringe of|fringe of|town\5\|town\6\ |outside | within
                                     |         |large   |midsize |large    |midsize  |       |        |   an   |   an
                                     |         | MSA\1\ | MSA\2\ | MSA\3\  | MSA\4\  |       |        |MSA\7\  |MSA\8\
                  1                  |    2    |   3    |   4    |    5    |    6    |   7   |   8    |   9    |   10
                                     |                       Students, enrollment, and teachers, 1999-2000
Enrollment, in thousands.............|  46,689 |  7,423 |  6,616 |  14,692 |   4,555 |   626 |  4,747 |  4,323 |  3,707
Schools..............................|  92,012 | 11,662 | 11,911 |  22,854 |   8,267 | 1,330 | 11,847 | 16,159 |  7,980
Average school size\9\...............|     521 |    680 |    567 |     655 |     566 |   485 |    413 |    273 |    471
Pupil/teacher ratio\10\..............|    16.6 |   17.4 |   16.4 |    17.5 |    16.7 |  16.2 |   15.7 |   14.6 |   15.9
                                     |         |        |        |         |         |       |        |        |
Enrollment (percent distribution)....|   100.0 |   15.9 |   14.2 |    31.5 |     9.8 |   1.3 |   10.2 |    9.3 |    7.9
Schools (percent distribution).......|   100.0 |   12.7 |   12.9 |    24.8 |     9.0 |   1.4 |   12.9 |   17.6 |    8.7
                                     |                     Revenues and expenditures, 1997-98 (in millions)
Total revenue........................|$328,155 |$55,429 |$45,726 |$107,576 | $29,791 |$3,921 |$30,682 |$29,519 |$25,511
 Federal ............................|  21,238 |  5,330 |  3,529 |   4,664 |   1,675 |   295 |  2,326 |  2,401 |  1,018
  Impact aid ........................|     805 |     51 |     92 |     169 |      69 |     7 |     92 |    297 |     28
  Bilingual education ...............|      62 |     27 |      7 |       9 |       3 |     1 |      5 |      9 |      2
  Indian education ..................|      52 |      5 |      5 |       4 |       2 |     2 |     11 |     21 |      2
  Children with disabilites .........|   2,554 |    504 |    385 |     753 |     223 |    39 |    265 |    219 |    167
  Eisenhower science awards .........|     205 |     52 |     34 |      50 |      15 |     3 |     22 |     18 |     10
  Drug Free schools .................|     337 |     82 |     55 |      95 |      25 |     5 |     31 |     25 |     18
  Chapter 2 (block grants) ..........|     264 |     60 |     45 |      62 |      20 |     5 |     29 |     27 |     16
  Vocational education ..............|     536 |    152 |     87 |     103 |      44 |     8 |     63 |     53 |     26
  Title I ...........................|   6,948 |  2,036 |  1,230 |   1,236 |     490 |    97 |    796 |    757 |    306
  Other and unclassified ............|   9,476 |  2,361 |  1,590 |   2,183 |     783 |   129 |  1,012 |    975 |    444
                                     |         |        |        |         |         |       |        |        |
 State...............................| 156,580 | 26,029 | 23,763 |  44,791 |  14,562 | 2,106 | 16,577 | 16,289 | 12,464
  State school lunch programs .......|     358 |     64 |     47 |     107 |      37 |     4 |     38 |     34 |     27
                                     |         |        |        |         |         |       |        |        |
 Local...............................| 150,337 | 24,070 | 18,435 |  58,121 |  13,553 | 1,521 | 11,779 | 10,829 | 12,029
  Property tax\11\ ..................|  93,951 | 12,926 | 10,567 |  39,044 |   8,638 |   966 |  7,758 |  6,775 |  7,276
  Parent government contribution\11\.|  24,333 |  6,515 |  3,671 |   8,225 |   1,955 |   144 |    854 |  1,136 |  1,832
  Lunch sales .......................|   4,761 |    449 |    606 |   1,645 |     512 |    63 |    513 |    485 |    488
  Transportation ....................|      52 |      2 |      6 |      29 |       4 |     1 |      4 |      3 |      3
  Other .............................|  27,240 |  4,177 |  3,584 |   9,177 |   2,444 |   347 |  2,650 |  2,430 |  2,429
                                     |         |        |        |         |         |       |        |        |
Total revenue (percent               |         |        |        |         |         |       |        |        |
 distribution).......................|   100.0 |  100.0 |  100.0 |   100.0 |   100.0 | 100.0 |  100.0 |  100.0 |  100.0
  Federal............................|     6.5 |    9.6 |    7.7 |     4.3 |     5.6 |   7.5 |    7.6 |    8.1 |    4.0
  State..............................|    47.7 |   47.0 |   52.0 |    41.6 |    48.9 |  53.7 |   54.0 |   55.2 |   48.9
  Local..............................|    45.8 |   43.4 |   40.3 |    54.0 |    45.5 |  38.8 |   38.4 |   36.7 |   47.2
                                     |         |        |        |         |         |       |        |        |
Total expenditures...................|$332,839 |$56,879 |$45,795 |$109,073 | $30,277 |$3,943 |$31,084 |$29,424 |$26,364
  Current expenditures for schools ..| 279,835 | 48,032 | 39,521 |  91,066 |  25,117 | 3,421 | 26,396 | 24,895 | 21,386
    Instruction .....................| 173,418 | 29,849 | 24,525 |  56,204 |  15,657 | 2,131 | 16,462 | 15,315 | 13,275
    Operation and maintenance .......|  26,534 |  4,802 |  3,705 |   8,714 |   2,328 |   332 |  2,431 |  2,279 |  1,944
    Food service ....................|  11,512 |  2,002 |  1,685 |   3,111 |   1,089 |   156 |  1,304 |  1,290 |    876
    Other ...........................|  68,372 | 11,379 |  9,606 |  23,038 |   6,044 |   802 |  6,200 |  6,011 |  5,292
  Other current expenditures ........|   9,921 |  2,097 |  1,090 |   3,234 |     788 |    89 |    862 |    968 |    793
  Interest on school debt ...........|   7,394 |  1,164 |    877 |   2,661 |     715 |    71 |    605 |    504 |    798
  Capital outlay ....................|  35,688 |  5,586 |  4,307 |  12,112 |   3,658 |   362 |  3,220 |  3,057 |  3,387
                                     |         |        |        |         |         |       |        |        |
Current expenditures                 |         |        |        |         |         |       |        |        |
 (percent distribution) .............|   100.0 |  100.0 |  100.0 |   100.0 |   100.0 | 100.0 |  100.0 |  100.0 |  100.0
  Instruction .......................|    62.0 |   62.1 |   62.1 |    61.7 |    62.3 |  62.3 |   62.4 |   61.5 |   62.1
  Operation and maintenance .........|     9.5 |   10.0 |    9.4 |     9.6 |     9.3 |   9.7 |    9.2 |    9.2 |    9.1
  Food service ......................|     4.1 |    4.2 |    4.3 |     3.4 |     4.3 |   4.5 |    4.9 |    5.2 |    4.1
  Other .............................|    24.4 |   23.7 |   24.3 |    25.3 |    24.1 |  23.5 |   23.5 |   24.1 |   24.7
                                     |         |        |        |         |         |       |        |        |
Current expenditure per student .....|  $6,123 | $6,574 | $6,076 |  $6,439 |  $5,661 |$5,453 | $5,547 | $5,719 | $5,993
Instruction expenditure per student..|   3,795 |  4,085 |  3,770 |   3,974 |   3,529 | 3,396 |  3,459 |  3,518 |  3,720

\1\Central city of metropolitan statistical area (MSA) with population of 400,000 or more or a population density of 6,000 or more persons per square mile.
\2\Central city of an MSA but not designated as a large central city.
\3\Place within the MSA of a large central city.
\4\Place within the MSA of a midsize central city.
\5\Place not within an MSA but with population of 25,000 or more and defined as urban.
\6\Place not within an MSA with a population of at least 2,500, but less than 25,000.
\7\Place with a population of less than 2,500 outside an MSA.
\8\Place with a population of less than 2,500 within an MSA.
\9\Average for schools reporting enrollment.
\10\Ratio for schools reporting both full-time-equivalent teachers and fall enrollment data.
\11\Property tax and parent government contributions are determined on the basis of independence or dependence of the local school system and are mutually exclusive.

NOTE: The enrollment of schools within a school district was used to determine the locale classification of a district. The predominant locale of enrollment within a district was used for the entire district. Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data survey; and U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Survey of Local Government Finances, unpublished data. (This table was prepared October 2001.)

2001 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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