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Digest of Education Statistics
2001 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 32. Direct general expenditures of state and local governments for all functions and for education, by level and state: 1997-98
[In millions]

                      |           |                     Education expenditures
                      |   Total   |____________________________________________________________________________________
                      |  direct   |         |Elementary and secondary education|  Colleges and universities   |
        State         |  general  |         |__________________________________|______________________________| Other
                      | expendi-  |  Total  |          |  Current  |  Capital  |         |  Current  |Capital | educa-
                      | tures\1\  |         |  Total   |expenditure| outlay\2\ |  Total  |expenditure| outlay |tion\3\
          1           |     2     |    3    |    4     |     5     |     6     |    7    |     8     |   9    |   10
   United States .....|$1,314,496 |$450,365 | $318,065 |  $281,867 |   $36,198 |$112,874 |  $100,284 |$12,590 |$19,426
Alabama ..............|    18,583 |   6,629 |    4,209 |     3,743 |       466 |   2,032 |     1,847 |    184 |    388
Alaska ...............|     6,763 |   1,532 |    1,158 |     1,048 |       109 |     316 |       315 |      1 |     59
Arizona ..............|    18,642 |   6,515 |    4,465 |     3,705 |       760 |   1,802 |     1,618 |    184 |    247
Arkansas .............|    10,101 |   3,748 |    2,442 |     2,249 |       193 |   1,028 |       833 |    195 |    278
California ...........|   167,985 |  52,190 |   36,674 |    32,323 |     4,351 |  13,345 |    11,930 |  1,415 |  2,171
                      |           |         |          |           |           |         |           |        |
Colorado .............|    18,469 |   6,830 |    4,488 |     3,865 |       623 |   2,167 |     2,005 |    162 |    175
Connecticut ..........|    18,300 |   5,451 |    4,193 |     3,989 |       204 |   1,010 |       934 |     76 |    247
Delaware .............|     4,053 |   1,505 |      889 |       828 |        61 |     496 |       480 |     16 |    120
District of Columbia .|     4,454 |     755 |      690 |       625 |        65 |      65 |        62 |      3 |    ---
Florida ..............|    66,491 |  19,659 |   14,789 |    12,840 |     1,950 |   4,149 |     3,538 |    611 |    721
                      |           |         |          |           |           |         |           |        |
Georgia ..............|    33,262 |  12,306 |    8,699 |     7,676 |     1,023 |   2,760 |     2,275 |    485 |    847
Hawaii ...............|     6,595 |   1,636 |      973 |       813 |       160 |     640 |       582 |     58 |     23
Idaho ................|     5,185 |   1,925 |    1,310 |     1,145 |       165 |     544 |       460 |     84 |     70
Illinois .............|    55,825 |  19,324 |   14,099 |    12,182 |     1,917 |   4,183 |     3,743 |    440 |  1,042
Indiana...............|    24,559 |  10,234 |    6,649 |     5,869 |       780 |   3,179 |     2,871 |    308 |    406
                      |           |         |          |           |           |         |           |        |
Iowa .................|    13,837 |   5,459 |    3,319 |     2,994 |       326 |   1,809 |     1,662 |    146 |    331
Kansas ...............|    11,333 |   4,371 |    2,857 |     2,668 |       189 |   1,372 |     1,239 |    133 |    143
Kentucky .............|    16,609 |   5,576 |    3,507 |     3,107 |       400 |   1,671 |     1,461 |    210 |    397
Louisiana ............|    19,864 |   6,336 |    4,287 |     3,977 |       310 |   1,697 |     1,563 |    133 |    353
Maine ................|     6,130 |   2,029 |    1,537 |     1,455 |        82 |     413 |       380 |     34 |     79
                      |           |       0 |          |           |           |         |           |        |
Maryland .............|    23,448 |   8,536 |    5,837 |     5,292 |       545 |   2,332 |     2,161 |    171 |    367
Massachusetts ........|    33,916 |   9,816 |    7,457 |     6,790 |       667 |   1,832 |     1,723 |    109 |    526
Michigan .............|    48,482 |  19,846 |   13,694 |    11,981 |     1,713 |   5,617 |     4,961 |    655 |    536
Minnesota ............|    27,019 |   9,044 |    6,318 |     5,536 |       782 |   2,308 |     2,107 |    201 |    419
Mississippi ..........|    11,886 |   4,098 |    2,508 |     2,175 |       333 |   1,346 |     1,123 |    222 |    244
                      |           |       0 |          |           |           |         |           |        |
Missouri..............|    21,918 |   8,015 |    5,633 |     5,080 |       553 |   2,020 |     1,768 |    252 |    362
Montana ..............|     4,005 |   1,466 |      997 |       923 |        74 |     379 |       344 |     35 |     90
Nebraska .............|     7,409 |   2,969 |    1,908 |     1,695 |       214 |     967 |       872 |     95 |     93
Nevada ...............|     8,584 |   2,560 |    1,919 |     1,579 |       340 |     583 |       522 |     61 |     57
New Hampshire ........|     5,092 |   1,806 |    1,336 |     1,231 |       104 |     413 |       375 |     38 |     58
                      |           |         |          |           |           |         |           |        |
New Jersey ...........|    44,513 |  16,183 |   12,822 |    11,782 |     1,040 |   2,854 |     2,570 |    284 |    507
New Mexico ...........|     8,777 |   3,108 |    1,885 |     1,638 |       247 |   1,100 |       990 |    110 |    122
New York .............|   128,227 |  35,964 |   28,670 |    25,943 |     2,727 |   5,932 |     5,131 |    801 |  1,362
North Carolina .......|    33,826 |  11,925 |    7,504 |     6,519 |       985 |   3,940 |     3,461 |    479 |    481
North Dakota .........|     3,266 |   1,136 |      666 |       608 |        57 |     418 |       384 |     35 |     52
                      |           |         |          |           |           |         |           |        |
Ohio .................|    50,572 |  18,253 |   12,783 |    11,657 |     1,126 |   4,497 |     3,853 |    643 |    973
Oklahoma .............|    12,726 |   5,126 |    3,473 |     3,144 |       329 |   1,455 |     1,365 |     90 |    198
Oregon... ............|    17,021 |   5,878 |    3,845 |     3,526 |       319 |   1,783 |     1,590 |    193 |    250
Pennsylvania .........|    57,061 |  20,888 |   15,106 |    13,425 |     1,681 |   4,331 |     3,860 |    470 |  1,452
Rhode Island .........|     4,911 |   1,650 |    1,196 |     1,172 |        24 |     349 |       334 |     15 |    106
                      |           |         |          |           |           |         |           |        |
South Carolina .......|    17,070 |   6,104 |    4,138 |     3,517 |       621 |   1,678 |     1,499 |    179 |    288
South Dakota .........|     3,133 |   1,049 |      757 |       649 |       108 |     248 |       221 |     27 |     44
Tennessee ............|    22,441 |   7,297 |    5,008 |     4,420 |       588 |   2,042 |     1,669 |    372 |    248
Texas ................|    81,312 |  32,852 |   23,747 |    20,185 |     3,561 |   8,347 |     7,461 |    886 |    758
Utah .................|     9,863 |   3,841 |    2,262 |     1,954 |       308 |   1,429 |     1,227 |    202 |    150
                      |           |         |          |           |           |         |           |        |
Vermont ..............|     3,010 |   1,171 |      773 |       709 |        63 |     321 |       300 |     21 |     77
Virginia .............|    30,074 |  11,071 |    7,623 |     6,998 |       625 |   3,002 |     2,653 |    350 |    446
Washington ...........|    30,824 |  10,433 |    7,049 |     5,932 |     1,117 |   2,889 |     2,522 |    367 |    495
West Virginia.........|     7,999 |   2,864 |    1,981 |     1,809 |       172 |     716 |       668 |     48 |    167
Wisconsin ............|    26,151 |  10,398 |    7,246 |     6,294 |       952 |   2,792 |     2,507 |    285 |    360
Wyoming ..............|     2,918 |   1,008 |      689 |       605 |        85 |     278 |       262 |     16 |     41

\1\Includes state and local government expenditures for education services, social services and income maintenance, transportation, public safety, environment and housing, governmental administration, interest on general debt, and other general expenditures. Includes intergovernmental expenditure to the federal government.
\2\Includes outlays for "other education."
\3\Includes assistance and subsidies to individuals and private elementary and secondary schools, and colleges and universities, as well as miscellaneous education expenditures.

NOTE: Current expenditure data in this table differ from figures appearing in other tables because of slightly varying definitions used in the Governmental Finances and Common Core of Data surveys. Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, unpublished data. (This table was prepared August 2001.)

2001 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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