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Digest of Education Statistics
2002 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 179. Total fall enrollment in degree-granting institutions, by type and control of institution, attendance status, and sex of student: 1970 to 2000

Type and control of |                       Institutions of higher education                           ||               Degree-granting institutions
  institution, sex  |__________________________________________________________________________________||___________________________________________________________
   and attendance   |   1970   |   1975    |  1980\1\  |   1985    |   1990    |   1995    |   1997    ||   1996    |   1997    |   1998    |  1999\2\  |   2000
 status of student  |          |           |           |           |           |           |           ||           |           |           |           |
         1          |    2     |     3     |     4     |     5     |     6     |     7     |     8     ||     9     |    10     |    11     |    12     |    13
  Total ............|8,580,887 |11,184,859 |12,096,895 |12,247,055 |13,818,637 |14,261,781 |14,345,416 ||14,367,520 |14,502,334 |14,506,967 |14,791,224 |15,312,289
Full-time ..........|5,816,290 | 6,841,334 | 7,097,958 | 7,075,221 | 7,820,985 | 8,128,802 | 8,322,362 || 8,302,953 | 8,438,062 | 8,563,338 | 8,786,494 | 9,009,600
  Men ..............|3,504,095 | 3,926,753 | 3,689,244 | 3,607,720 | 3,807,752 | 3,807,392 | 3,839,015 || 3,851,208 | 3,890,442 | 3,933,653 | 4,025,721 | 4,111,093
  Women ............|2,312,195 | 2,914,581 | 3,408,714 | 3,467,501 | 4,013,233 | 4,321,410 | 4,483,347 || 4,451,745 | 4,547,620 | 4,629,685 | 4,760,773 | 4,898,507
Part-time ..........|2,764,597 | 4,343,525 | 4,998,937 | 5,171,834 | 5,997,652 | 6,132,979 | 6,023,054 || 6,064,567 | 6,064,272 | 5,943,629 | 6,004,730 | 6,302,689
  Men ..............|1,539,547 | 2,222,244 | 2,185,130 | 2,210,730 | 2,476,157 | 2,535,147 | 2,490,945 || 2,501,617 | 2,505,586 | 2,435,612 | 2,464,925 | 2,610,676
  Women ............|1,225,050 | 2,121,281 | 2,813,807 | 2,961,104 | 3,521,495 | 3,597,832 | 3,532,109 || 3,562,950 | 3,558,686 | 3,508,017 | 3,539,805 | 3,692,013
4-year, total ......|6,261,502 | 7,214,740 | 7,570,608 | 7,715,978 | 8,578,554 | 8,769,252 | 8,874,676 || 8,804,193 | 8,896,765 | 9,017,653 | 9,198,525 | 9,363,858
  Full-time ........|4,587,379 | 5,080,256 | 5,344,163 | 5,384,614 | 5,937,023 | 6,151,755 | 6,326,650 || 6,230,648 | 6,342,891 | 6,477,432 | 6,642,033 | 6,792,551
    Men ............|2,732,796 | 2,891,192 | 2,809,528 | 2,781,412 | 2,926,360 | 2,929,177 | 2,950,083 || 2,934,736 | 2,959,048 | 2,997,232 | 3,056,957 | 3,115,252
    Women ..........|1,854,583 | 2,189,064 | 2,534,635 | 2,603,202 | 3,010,663 | 3,222,578 | 3,376,567 || 3,295,912 | 3,383,843 | 3,480,200 | 3,585,076 | 3,677,299
  Part-time ........|1,674,123 | 2,134,484 | 2,226,445 | 2,331,364 | 2,641,531 | 2,617,497 | 2,548,026 || 2,573,545 | 2,553,874 | 2,540,221 | 2,556,492 | 2,571,307
    Men ............|  936,189 | 1,092,461 | 1,017,813 | 1,034,804 | 1,124,780 | 1,084,753 | 1,044,133 || 1,059,175 | 1,047,269 | 1,038,699 | 1,046,340 | 1,047,917
    Women ..........|  737,934 | 1,042,023 | 1,208,632 | 1,296,560 | 1,516,751 | 1,532,744 | 1,503,893 || 1,514,370 | 1,506,605 | 1,501,522 | 1,510,152 | 1,523,390
                    |          |           |           |           |           |           |           ||           |           |           |           |
  Public 4-year ....|4,232,722 | 4,998,142 | 5,128,612 | 5,209,540 | 5,848,242 | 5,814,545 | 5,834,525 || 5,806,036 | 5,835,433 | 5,891,806 | 5,969,950 | 6,055,398
    Full-time ......|3,086,491 | 3,469,821 | 3,592,193 | 3,623,341 | 4,033,654 | 4,084,711 | 4,164,180 || 4,106,453 | 4,164,759 | 4,218,990 | 4,292,863 | 4,371,218
      Men ..........|1,813,584 | 1,947,823 | 1,873,397 | 1,863,689 | 1,982,369 | 1,951,140 | 1,950,899 || 1,943,259 | 1,951,171 | 1,959,198 | 1,983,766 | 2,008,618
      Women ........|1,272,907 | 1,521,998 | 1,718,796 | 1,759,652 | 2,051,285 | 2,133,571 | 2,213,281 || 2,163,194 | 2,213,588 | 2,259,792 | 2,309,097 | 2,362,600
    Part-time ......|1,146,231 | 1,528,321 | 1,536,419 | 1,586,199 | 1,814,588 | 1,729,834 | 1,670,345 || 1,699,583 | 1,670,674 | 1,672,816 | 1,677,087 | 1,684,180
      Men ..........|  609,422 |   760,469 |   685,051 |   693,115 |   764,248 |   720,402 |   686,876 ||   703,078 |   686,997 |   685,205 |   685,863 |   683,100
      Women ........|  536,809 |   767,852 |   851,368 |   893,084 | 1,050,340 | 1,009,432 |   983,469 ||   996,505 |   983,677 |   987,611 |   991,224 | 1,001,080
                    |          |           |           |           |           |           |           ||           |           |           |           |
  Private 4-year ...|2,028,780 | 2,216,598 | 2,441,996 | 2,506,438 | 2,730,312 | 2,954,707 | 3,040,151 || 2,998,157 | 3,061,332 | 3,125,847 | 3,228,575 | 3,308,460
    Full-time ......|1,500,888 | 1,610,435 | 1,751,970 | 1,761,273 | 1,903,369 | 2,067,044 | 2,162,470 || 2,124,195 | 2,178,132 | 2,258,442 | 2,349,170 | 2,421,333
      Men ..........|  919,212 |   943,369 |   936,131 |   917,723 |   943,991 |   978,037 |   999,184 ||   991,477 | 1,007,877 | 1,038,034 | 1,073,191 | 1,106,634
      Women ........|  581,676 |   667,066 |   815,839 |   843,550 |   959,378 | 1,089,007 | 1,163,286 || 1,132,718 | 1,170,255 | 1,220,408 | 1,275,979 | 1,314,699
    Part-time ......|  527,892 |   606,163 |   690,026 |   745,165 |   826,943 |   887,663 |   877,681 ||   873,962 |   883,200 |   867,405 |   879,405 |   887,127
      Men ..........|  326,767 |   331,992 |   332,762 |   341,689 |   360,532 |   364,351 |   357,257 ||   356,097 |   360,272 |   353,494 |   360,477 |   364,817
      Women ........|  201,125 |   274,171 |   357,264 |   403,476 |   466,411 |   523,312 |   520,424 ||   517,865 |   522,928 |   513,911 |   518,928 |   522,310
                    |          |           |           |           |           |           |           ||           |           |           |           |
    Not-for-profit  |          |           |           |           |           |           |           ||           |           |           |           |
      4-year .......|      --- |       --- | 2,413,693 | 2,463,000 | 2,671,069 | 2,853,890 | 2,897,816 || 2,867,181 | 2,905,820 | 2,939,055 | 2,989,285 | 3,050,575
      Full-time ....|      --- |       --- | 1,733,014 | 1,727,707 | 1,859,124 | 1,989,457 | 2,051,308 || 2,021,570 | 2,056,019 | 2,111,274 | 2,160,126 | 2,226,028
        Men ........|      --- |       --- |   921,253 |   894,080 |   915,100 |   931,956 |   937,353 ||   934,474 |   939,532 |   957,212 |   972,280 |   996,113
        Women ......|      --- |       --- |   811,761 |   833,627 |   944,024 | 1,057,501 | 1,113,955 || 1,087,096 | 1,116,487 | 1,154,062 | 1,187,846 | 1,229,915
      Part-time ....|      --- |       --- |   680,679 |   735,293 |   811,945 |   864,433 |   846,508 ||   845,611 |   849,801 |   827,781 |   829,159 |   824,547
        Men ........|      --- |       --- |   327,986 |   336,168 |   352,106 |   351,874 |   341,575 ||   341,460 |   343,344 |   333,576 |   335,443 |   332,814
        Women ......|      --- |       --- |   352,693 |   399,125 |   459,839 |   512,559 |   504,933 ||   504,151 |   506,457 |   494,205 |   493,716 |   491,733
                    |          |           |           |           |           |           |           ||           |           |           |           |
2-year, total ......|2,319,385 | 3,970,119 | 4,526,287 | 4,531,077 | 5,240,083 | 5,492,529 | 5,470,740 || 5,563,327 | 5,605,569 | 5,489,314 | 5,592,699 | 5,948,431
  Full-time ........|1,228,911 | 1,761,078 | 1,753,795 | 1,690,607 | 1,883,962 | 1,977,047 | 1,995,712 || 2,072,305 | 2,095,171 | 2,085,906 | 2,144,461 | 2,217,049
    Men ............|  771,299 | 1,035,561 |   879,716 |   826,308 |   881,392 |   878,215 |   888,932 ||   916,472 |   931,394 |   936,421 |   968,764 |   995,841
    Women ..........|  457,612 |   725,517 |   874,079 |   864,299 | 1,002,570 | 1,098,832 | 1,106,780 || 1,155,833 | 1,163,777 | 1,149,485 | 1,175,697 | 1,221,208
  Part-time ........|1,090,474 | 2,209,041 | 2,772,492 | 2,840,470 | 3,356,121 | 3,515,482 | 3,475,028 || 3,491,022 | 3,510,398 | 3,403,408 | 3,448,238 | 3,731,382
    Men ............|  603,358 | 1,129,783 | 1,167,317 | 1,175,926 | 1,351,377 | 1,450,394 | 1,446,812 || 1,442,442 | 1,458,317 | 1,396,913 | 1,418,585 | 1,562,759
    Women ..........|  487,116 | 1,079,258 | 1,605,175 | 1,664,544 | 2,004,744 | 2,065,088 | 2,028,216 || 2,048,580 | 2,052,081 | 2,006,495 | 2,029,653 | 2,168,623
                    |          |           |           |           |           |           |           ||           |           |           |           |
  Public 2-year ....|2,195,412 | 3,836,366 | 4,328,782 | 4,269,733 | 4,996,475 | 5,277,829 | 5,311,630 || 5,314,463 | 5,360,686 | 5,245,963 | 5,339,449 | 5,697,388
    Full-time ......|1,129,165 | 1,662,621 | 1,595,493 | 1,496,905 | 1,716,843 | 1,840,590 | 1,871,120 || 1,872,014 | 1,891,027 | 1,881,826 | 1,931,251 | 2,000,008
      Men ..........|  720,440 |   988,701 |   811,871 |   742,673 |   810,664 |   818,605 |   831,754 ||   832,839 |   842,082 |   841,435 |   867,867 |   891,282
      Women ........|  408,725 |   673,920 |   783,622 |   754,232 |   906,179 | 1,021,985 | 1,039,366 || 1,039,175 | 1,048,945 | 1,040,391 | 1,063,384 | 1,108,726
    Part-time ......|1,066,247 | 2,173,745 | 2,733,289 | 2,772,828 | 3,279,632 | 3,437,239 | 3,440,510 || 3,442,449 | 3,469,659 | 3,364,137 | 3,408,198 | 3,697,380
      Men ..........|  589,439 | 1,107,680 | 1,152,268 | 1,138,011 | 1,317,730 | 1,417,488 | 1,430,701 || 1,423,277 | 1,443,937 | 1,382,860 | 1,403,685 | 1,549,407
      Women ........|  476,808 | 1,066,065 | 1,581,021 | 1,634,817 | 1,961,902 | 2,019,751 | 2,009,809 || 2,019,172 | 2,025,722 | 1,981,277 | 2,004,513 | 2,147,973
                    |          |           |           |           |           |           |           ||           |           |           |           |
  Private 2-year ...|  123,973 |   133,753 |   197,505 |   261,344 |   243,608 |   214,700 |   159,110 ||   248,864 |   244,883 |   243,351 |   253,250 |   251,043
    Full-time ......|   99,746 |    98,457 |   158,302 |   193,702 |   167,119 |   136,457 |   124,592 ||   200,291 |   204,144 |   204,080 |   213,210 |   217,041
      Men ..........|   50,859 |    46,860 |    67,845 |    83,635 |    70,728 |    59,610 |    57,178 ||    83,633 |    89,312 |    94,986 |   100,897 |   104,559
      Women ........|   48,887 |    51,597 |    90,457 |   110,067 |    96,391 |    76,847 |    67,414 ||   116,658 |   114,832 |   109,094 |   112,313 |   112,482
    Part-time ......|   24,227 |    35,296 |    39,203 |    67,642 |    76,489 |    78,243 |    34,518 ||    48,573 |    40,739 |    39,271 |    40,040 |    34,002
      Men ..........|   13,919 |    22,103 |    15,049 |    37,915 |    33,647 |    32,906 |    16,111 ||    19,165 |    14,380 |    14,053 |    14,900 |    13,352
      Women ........|   10,308 |    13,193 |    24,154 |    29,727 |    42,842 |    45,337 |    18,407 ||    29,408 |    26,359 |    25,218 |    25,140 |    20,650
                    |          |           |           |           |           |           |           ||           |           |           |           |
    Not-for-profit  |          |           |           |           |           |           |           ||           |           |           |           |
      2-year .......|      --- |       --- |   114,094 |   108,791 |    89,158 |    75,154 |    63,898 ||    75,375 |    71,794 |    65,870 |    62,341 |    58,844
      Full-time ....|      --- |       --- |    83,009 |    76,547 |    62,003 |    54,033 |    48,893 ||    56,434 |    55,153 |    50,884 |    47,275 |    46,670
        Men ........|      --- |       --- |    34,968 |    30,878 |    25,946 |    23,265 |    21,615 ||    24,064 |    24,367 |    23,384 |    21,536 |    21,950
        Women ......|      --- |       --- |    48,041 |    45,669 |    36,057 |    30,768 |    27,278 ||    32,370 |    30,786 |    27,500 |    25,739 |    24,720
      Part-time ....|      --- |       --- |    31,085 |    32,244 |    27,155 |    21,121 |    15,005 ||    18,941 |    16,641 |    14,986 |    15,066 |    12,174
        Men ........|      --- |       --- |    11,445 |    10,786 |     7,970 |     6,080 |     4,683 ||     5,337 |     5,175 |     4,568 |     4,818 |     4,499
        Women ......|      --- |       --- |    19,640 |    21,458 |    19,185 |    15,041 |    10,322 ||    13,604 |    11,466 |    10,418 |    10,248 |     7,675

---Not available.
\1\Large increase in private 2-year institutions in 1980 is due to the addition of schools accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges of Technology.
\2\Data imputed using alternative procedures. (See Guide to Sources for details.)

NOTE: Trend tabulations of institutions of higher education data are based on institutions that were accredited by an agency or association that was recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, or recognized directly by the Secretary of Education. The Department of Education no longer distinguishes between those institutions and other institutions that participated in Title IV programs. The new degree-granting classification is very similar to the earlier higher education classification, except that it includes some additional institutions, primarily 2-year colleges, and excludes a few higher education institutions that did not award degrees.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS), "Fall Enrollment in Institutions of Higher Education" surveys; and Integrated Postsecondary Education Data Systems (IPEDS), "Fall Enrollment" surveys. (This table was prepared August 2002.)

2002 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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