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Digest of Education Statistics
1997 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 394.Geography proficiency of 13-year-olds in educational systems participating in the International Assessment of Educational Progress: 1991

                |                              Average percent correct
    Country     | All geography  |Geographic skills | Physical geography|Cultural geography
                |    items\1\    |   and tools\2\   |    items\3\       |   items\4\
       1        |        2       |        3         |         4         |        5
Hungary.........|   69.8    (0.6)|   76.3      (0.5)|    67.8      (0.7)|   65.0      (0.7)
Slovenia........|   65.3    (0.6)|   67.9      (0.5)|    63.6      (0.7)|   64.3      (0.9)
Canada\5\.......|   63.0    (0.5)|   69.5      (0.4)|    61.0      (0.6)|   58.2      (0.6)
Soviet Union    |                |                  |                   |
  (former)\6\...|   62.6    (1.1)|   72.2      (0.9)|    61.2      (1.0)|   53.4      (1.8)
United States...|   61.9    (0.8)|   69.4      (0.6)|    58.3      (1.0)|   58.1      (1.0)
Spain\7\........|   60.1    (0.7)|   62.4      (0.9)|    58.9      (0.7)|   58.9      (1.1)
Korea...........|   59.7    (0.5)|   67.8      (0.5)|    52.1      (0.7)|   60.3      (0.6)
Ireland.........|   58.5    (0.6)|   62.7      (0.6)|    59.5      (0.8)|   52.3      (0.8)
Scotland........|   58.3    (0.6)|   66.2      (0.5)|    57.1      (0.8)|   50.6      (0.8)

\1\All 24 geography items.

\2\Eight items testing ability to use maps, charts, and globes.

\3\Nine items testing knowledge of location of physical features and concepts of climate.

\4\Seven items testing knowledge of cultural entities and interactions between people and their environment.

\5\Eight provinces.

\6\Schools in 14 republics where instruction is in Russian.

\7\Schools where instruction is in Spanish, in all regions except Cataluna.

NOTE.--Standard errors appear in parentheses.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, The International Assessment of Educational Progress, Learning About The World, 1992. (This table was prepared May 1993.)

1997 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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