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Digest of Education Statistics
1997 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 378.Median annual income of year-round full-time workers 25 years old and over, by level of education completed and sex: 1989to 1995

           |        |   Elementary/secondary      |           College
           |        |_____________________________|_________________________________________________________________
  Sex and  |        |  Less  |  9th to   |  High  |  Some   |         |         Bachelor's degree or higher\6\
   year    | Total  |  than  |12th grade,| school |college, |         |_____________________________________________
           |        |  9th   |  no di-   | gradu- |   no    |Associate| Total  | Bache- |Master's| Profes- |Doctor-
           |        |grade\1\| ploma\2\  | ate\3\ |degree\4\|degree\5\|  \6\   |lor's\7\|  \8\   |sional\8\| ate\8\
     1     |   2    |   3    |     4     |   5    |    6    |    7    |   8    |   9    |   10   |   11    |   12
           |                                 Current dollars
    Men    |        |        |           |        |         |         |        |        |        |         |
1989 ......|$30,465 |$17,555 |   $21,065 |$26,609 | $31,308 |      ---|$41,892 |$38,565 |     ---|      ---|     ---
1990 ......| 30,733 | 17,394 |    20,902 | 26,653 |  31,734 |      ---| 42,671 | 39,238 |     ---|      ---|     ---
1991 ......| 31,613 | 17,623 |    21,402 | 26,779 |  31,663 | $33,817 | 45,138 | 40,906 |$49,734 | $73,996 |$57,187
1992\9\ ...| 32,057 | 17,294 |    21,274 | 27,280 |  32,103 |  33,433 | 45,802 | 41,355 | 49,973 |  76,220 | 57,418
1993 ......| 32,359 | 16,863 |    21,752 | 27,370 |  32,077 |  33,690 | 47,740 | 42,757 | 51,867 |  80,549 | 63,149
1994 ......| 33,440 | 17,532 |    22,048 | 28,037 |  32,279 |  35,794 | 49,228 | 43,663 | 53,500 |  75,009 | 61,921
1995 ......| 34,551 | 18,354 |    22,185 | 29,510 |  33,883 |  35,201 | 50,481 | 45,266 | 55,216 |  79,667 | 65,336
           |        |        |           |        |         |         |        |        |        |         |
   Women   |        |        |           |        |         |         |        |        |        |         |
1989 ......| 20,570 | 12,188 |    13,923 | 17,528 |  21,631 |      ---| 28,799 | 26,709 |     ---|      ---|     ---
1990 ......| 21,372 | 12,251 |    14,429 | 18,319 |  22,227 |      ---| 30,377 | 28,017 |     ---|      ---|     ---
1991 ......| 22,043 | 12,066 |    14,455 | 18,836 |  22,143 |  25,000 | 31,310 | 29,079 | 34,949 |  46,742 | 43,303
1992\9\ ...| 23,139 | 12,958 |    14,559 | 19,427 |  23,157 |  25,624 | 32,304 | 30,326 | 36,037 |  46,257 | 45,790
1993 ......| 23,629 | 12,415 |    15,386 | 19,963 |  23,056 |  25,883 | 34,307 | 31,197 | 38,612 |  50,211 | 47,248
1994 ......| 24,399 | 12,430 |    15,133 | 20,373 |  23,514 |  25,940 | 35,378 | 31,741 | 39,457 |  50,615 | 51,119
1995 ......| 24,875 | 13,577 |    15,825 | 20,463 |  23,997 |  27,311 | 35,259 | 32,051 | 40,263 |  50,000 | 48,141
           |                                 Constant 1995 dollars
    Men    |        |        |           |        |         |         |        |        |        |         |
1989 ......|$37,442 |$21,576 |   $25,890 |$32,703 | $38,479 |      ---|$51,487 |$47,398 |     ---|      ---|     ---
1990 ......| 35,836 | 20,282 |    24,372 | 31,078 |  37,003 |      ---| 49,756 | 45,753 |     ---|      ---|     ---
1991 ......| 35,373 | 19,719 |    23,948 | 29,964 |  35,429 | $37,839 | 50,507 | 45,771 |$55,649 | $82,797 |$63,989
1992\9\ ...| 34,822 | 18,785 |    23,109 | 29,633 |  34,872 |  36,316 | 49,752 | 44,922 | 54,283 |  82,793 | 62,370
1993 ......| 34,128 | 17,785 |    22,941 | 28,866 |  33,831 |  35,532 | 50,350 | 45,095 | 54,703 |  84,953 | 66,601
1994 ......| 34,388 | 18,029 |    22,673 | 28,832 |  33,194 |  36,808 | 50,623 | 44,900 | 55,016 |  77,135 | 63,676
1995 ......| 34,551 | 18,354 |    22,185 | 29,510 |  33,883 |  35,201 | 50,481 | 45,266 | 55,216 |  79,667 | 65,336
           |        |        |           |        |         |         |        |        |        |         |
   Women   |        |        |           |        |         |         |        |        |        |         |
1989 ......| 25,281 | 14,979 |    17,112 | 21,542 |  26,585 |      ---| 35,395 | 32,826 |     ---|      ---|     ---
1990 ......| 24,920 | 14,285 |    16,825 | 21,360 |  25,917 |      ---| 35,420 | 32,669 |     ---|      ---|     ---
1991 ......| 24,665 | 13,501 |    16,174 | 21,076 |  24,777 |  27,974 | 35,034 | 32,538 | 39,106 |  52,302 | 48,454
1992\9\ ...| 25,135 | 14,076 |    15,815 | 21,102 |  25,154 |  27,834 | 35,090 | 32,941 | 39,145 |  50,246 | 49,739
1993 ......| 24,921 | 13,094 |    16,227 | 21,054 |  24,317 |  27,298 | 36,183 | 32,903 | 40,723 |  52,956 | 49,831
1994 ......| 25,090 | 12,782 |    15,562 | 20,950 |  24,180 |  26,675 | 36,381 | 32,641 | 40,575 |  52,049 | 52,568
1995 ......| 24,875 | 13,577 |    15,825 | 20,463 |  23,997 |  27,311 | 35,259 | 32,051 | 40,263 |  50,000 | 48,141
           |                                 Number with income (in thousands)
    Men    |        |        |           |        |         |         |        |        |        |         |
1989 ......| 44,596 |  2,425 |     3,312 | 16,392 |   9,028 |      ---| 13,439 |  7,473 |     ---|      ---|     ---
1990 ......| 44,406 |  2,250 |     3,315 | 16,394 |   9,113 |      ---| 13,334 |  7,569 |     ---|      ---|     ---
1991 ......| 44,199 |  1,807 |     3,083 | 15,025 |   8,034 |   2,899 | 13,350 |  8,456 |  3,073 |   1,147 |    674
1992\9\ ...| 44,752 |  1,815 |     3,009 | 14,722 |   8,067 |   3,203 | 13,937 |  8,719 |  3,178 |   1,295 |    745
1993 ......| 45,873 |  1,790 |     3,083 | 14,604 |   8,493 |   3,557 | 14,346 |  9,178 |  3,131 |   1,231 |    808
1994 ......| 47,566 |  1,895 |     3,057 | 15,109 |   8,783 |   3,735 | 14,987 |  9,636 |  3,225 |   1,258 |    868
1995 ......| 48,500 |  1,946 |     3,335 | 15,331 |   8,908 |   3,926 | 15,054 |  9,597 |  3,395 |   1,208 |    853
           |        |        |           |        |         |         |        |        |        |         |
   Women   |        |        |           |        |         |         |        |        |        |         |
1989 ......| 28,056 |    906 |     1,830 | 11,785 |   6,217 |      ---|  7,318 |  4,465 |     ---|      ---|     ---
1990 ......| 28,636 |    847 |     1,861 | 11,810 |   6,462 |      ---|  7,655 |  4,704 |     ---|      ---|     ---
1991 ......| 29,474 |    733 |     1,819 | 10,959 |   5,633 |   2,523 |  7,807 |  5,263 |  2,025 |     312 |    206
1992\9\ ...| 30,346 |    734 |     1,659 | 11,039 |   5,904 |   2,655 |  8,355 |  5,604 |  2,192 |     334 |    225
1993 ......| 30,683 |    765 |     1,576 | 10,513 |   6,279 |   3,067 |  8,483 |  5,735 |  2,166 |     323 |    260
1994 ......| 31,379 |    696 |     1,675 | 10,785 |   6,256 |   3,210 |  8,756 |  5,901 |  2,174 |     398 |    283
1995 ......| 32,673 |    774 |     1,763 | 11,064 |   6,329 |   3,336 |  9,406 |  6,434 |  2,268 |     421 |    283

\1\Includes fewer than 9 years education for 1989 and 1990.

\2\Includes 1 to 3 years high school for 1989 and 1990.

\3\Includes 4 years of high school for 1989 and 1990, and equivalency certificates for the other years.

\4\Includes 1 to 3 years of college and associate degrees for 1989 and 1990.

\5\Not reported separately for 1989 and 1990.

\6\Includes 4 or more years of college for 1989 and 1990.

\7\Includes 4 years of college for 1989 and 1990.

\8\Data not collected in 1989 and 1990.

\9\Data are based on 1990 census controls.

---Data not available or not applicable.

NOTE.--Due to rounding, numbers may not add to totals.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports, Series P-60, "Money Income of Households, Families, and Persons in the United States," "Income, Poverty, and Valuation of Noncash Benefits," various years, and "Money Income in the United States: 1995," P60-193. (This table was prepared April 1997.)

1997 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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