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Digest of Education Statistics
1997 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 372.Public and private school students receiving federally funded Chapter 1\1\ services, by selected school characteristics: School year 1993-94

                              |                      Percent of students participating in program
            School            |____________________________________________________________________________________________________
       characteristics        |   All    |                   Public                   |                   Private
                              | schools  |____________________________________________|____________________________________________
                              |          |  Total   |Elementary|Secondary |Combined\2\|  Total   |Elementary|Secondary |Combined\2\
              1               |    2     |    3     |    4     |    5     |     6     |    7     |    8     |    9     |    10
        Total ................|     13.1 |     14.3 |     18.5 |      6.1 |      13.6 |      3.3 |      4.6 |      1.9 |       1.4
Community type                |          |          |          |          |           |          |          |          |
  Central city ...............|     17.0 |     19.4 |     24.2 |      9.2 |      14.3 |      4.4 |      6.7 |      2.5 |       0.8
  Urban fringe/large town ....|      9.3 |     10.2 |     13.2 |      4.7 |       8.3 |      2.2 |      2.7 |      0.9 |       1.9
  Rural/small town ...........|     13.2 |     13.9 |     18.4 |      5.2 |      15.0 |      2.7 |      3.5 |      2.5 |       1.8
                              |          |          |          |          |           |          |          |          |
School size (students)        |          |          |          |          |           |          |          |          |
   Less than 150 ............ |      9.8 |     16.7 |     20.0 |     11.1 |      15.7 |      3.8 |      3.3 |      8.1 |       3.8
   150-299 ...................|     13.1 |     16.7 |     19.2 |      7.6 |      11.6 |      5.1 |      6.2 |      4.1 |       1.4
   300-499 .................. |     14.7 |     16.3 |     18.0 |      7.0 |      13.0 |      2.6 |      3.7 |      0.9 |       0.8
   500-749 ...................|     14.7 |     15.5 |     17.6 |      6.0 |      18.3 |      2.0 |      3.8 |      1.1 |       0.3
   750 or more ............   |     11.3 |     11.7 |     20.1 |      5.8 |      11.4 |      1.3 |      4.5 |      0.8 |       0.4
                              |          |          |          |          |           |          |          |          |
Minority students             |          |          |          |          |           |          |          |          |
   Less than 5% ............. |      7.8 |      8.8 |     11.7 |      3.7 |       9.7 |      1.7 |      2.4 |      0.6 |       0.8
   5 to 19% ..................|      6.0 |      6.6 |      8.6 |      2.3 |      14.3 |      2.1 |      3.0 |      1.6 |       0.9
   20 to 49% ................ |     10.2 |     10.8 |     14.6 |      3.3 |      13.6 |      2.7 |      2.7 |      3.7 |       1.7
   50% or more .............. |     27.8 |     29.0 |     35.8 |     14.9 |      18.0 |     10.0 |     12.4 |      2.5 |       5.2

\1\Chapter 1 was reauthorized under the Improving America's Schools Act (IASA) of 1994 and is now called Title I.

\2\Includes schools beginning with grade 6 or below and ending with grade 9 or above.

NOTE.--Some data have been revised from previously published figures.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, "Schools and Staffing Survey, 1993-94." (This table was prepared September 1996.)

1997 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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