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Digest of Education Statistics
1997 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 314.Average graduate and first-professional tuition paid by students in institutions of higher education: 1987-88 to 1996-97

            | Average |                      Average full-time first-professional tuition
            |graduate |       |         |        |         | Osteo- |        |        |          |       |
    Year    | tuition |Chiro- |Dentistry|Medicine|Optometry| pathic |Pharmacy|Podiatry|Veterinary|  Law  |Theology
            |         |practic|         |        |         |medicine|        |        | medicine |       |
     1      |    2    |   3   |    4    |   5    |    6    |   7    |   8    |   9    |    10    |  11   |   12
    All     |         |       |         |        |         |        |        |        |          |       |
institutions|         |       |         |        |         |        |        |        |          |       |
            |         |       |         |        |         |        |        |        |          |       |
1987-88 ....|  $3,599 |$6,996 |  $9,399 | $9,034 |  $7,926 |$10,674 | $5,201 |$12,736 |   $4,503 |$6,636 | $3,572
1988-89 ....|   3,728 | 7,972 |   9,324 |  9,439 |   8,503 | 11,462 |  4,952 | 13,232 |    4,856 | 7,099 |  3,911
1989-90 ....|   4,135 | 8,315 |  10,515 | 10,597 |   9,469 | 11,888 |  5,890 | 14,611 |    5,470 | 8,059 |  4,079
1990-91 ....|   4,488 | 9,108 |  10,270 | 10,571 |   9,512 | 12,830 |  5,889 | 15,143 |    5,396 | 8,708 |  4,569
1991-92 ....|   5,116 |10,226 |  12,049 | 11,646 |   9,610 | 13,004 |  6,731 | 16,257 |    6,367 | 9,469 |  4,876
1992-93 ....|   5,475 |11,117 |  12,710 | 12,265 |  10,858 | 14,297 |  6,635 | 17,426 |    6,771 |10,463 |  5,331
1993-94 ....|   5,973 |11,503 |  14,403 | 13,074 |  10,385 | 15,038 |  7,960 | 17,621 |    7,159 |11,552 |  5,253
1994-95 ....|   6,247 |12,324 |  15,164 | 13,834 |  11,053 | 15,913 |  8,315 | 18,138 |    7,741 |12,374 |  5,648
1995-96\1\ .|   6,741 |12,495 |  16,171 | 14,703 |  11,784 | 16,853 |  8,908 | 18,444 |    8,161 |13,227 |  6,031
1996-97\2\ .|   7,100 |12,927 |  16,950 | 15,448 |  12,471 | 17,564 |  9,628 | 19,083 |    8,623 |14,163 |  6,425
            |         |       |         |        |         |        |        |        |          |       |
 Public\3\  |         |       |         |        |         |        |        |        |          |       |
            |         |       |         |        |         |        |        |        |          |       |
1987-88 ....|   1,827 |    ---|   4,614 |  5,245 |   2,789 |  5,125 |  2,462 |     ---|    3,523 | 2,810 |     ---
1988-89 ....|   1,913 |    ---|   5,286 |  5,669 |   3,455 |  6,269 |  2,218 |     ---|    3,889 | 2,766 |     ---
1989-90 ....|   1,999 |    ---|   5,728 |  6,259 |   3,569 |  6,521 |  2,816 |     ---|    4,505 | 3,196 |     ---
1990-91 ....|   2,206 |    ---|   5,927 |  6,437 |   3,821 |  7,188 |  2,697 |     ---|    4,840 | 3,430 |     ---
1991-92 ....|   2,524 |    ---|   6,595 |  7,106 |   4,161 |  7,699 |  2,871 |     ---|    5,231 | 3,933 |     ---
1992-93 ....|   2,791 |    ---|   7,006 |  7,867 |   5,106 |  8,404 |  2,987 |     ---|    5,553 | 4,261 |     ---
1993-94 ....|   3,050 |    ---|   7,525 |  8,329 |   5,325 |  8,640 |  3,567 |     ---|    6,107 | 4,835 |     ---
1994-95 ....|   3,250 |    ---|   8,125 |  8,812 |   5,643 |  8,954 |  3,793 |     ---|    6,571 | 5,307 |     ---
1995-96\1\ .|   3,449 |    ---|   8,727 |  9,514 |   6,242 |  9,315 |  4,186 |     ---|    6,952 | 5,836 |     ---
1996-97\2\ .|   3,613 |    ---|   9,394 | 10,133 |   6,687 |  9,812 |  4,749 |     ---|    7,373 | 6,588 |     ---
            |         |       |         |        |         |        |        |        |          |       |
  Private   |         |       |         |        |         |        |        |        |          |       |
            |         |       |         |        |         |        |        |        |          |       |
1987-88 ....|   6,769 | 6,996 |  16,201 | 14,945 |  11,635 | 13,311 |  8,834 | 12,736 |   12,544 | 9,048 |  3,572
1988-89 ....|   6,945 | 7,972 |  16,127 | 15,610 |  12,050 | 13,536 |  9,692 | 13,232 |   13,285 | 9,892 |  3,911
1989-90 ....|   7,881 | 8,315 |  16,800 | 16,826 |  13,640 | 14,117 | 10,656 | 14,611 |   14,184 |10,901 |  4,079
1990-91 ....|   8,507 | 9,108 |  18,270 | 17,899 |  13,767 | 15,009 | 11,546 | 15,143 |   14,159 |12,247 |  4,569
1991-92 ....|   9,592 |10,226 |  20,318 | 19,225 |  14,366 | 16,098 | 12,937 | 16,257 |   15,816 |12,946 |  4,876
1992-93 ....|  10,008 |11,117 |  21,309 | 19,585 |  14,459 | 17,098 | 13,373 | 17,426 |   17,103 |13,975 |  5,331
1993-94 ....|  10,790 |11,503 |  23,824 | 20,769 |  14,156 | 17,720 | 14,838 | 17,621 |   17,433 |15,193 |  5,253
1994-95 ....|  11,338 |12,324 |  24,641 | 21,819 |  14,497 | 18,422 | 14,894 | 18,138 |   17,940 |16,201 |  5,648
1995-96\1\ .|  12,083 |12,495 |  26,191 | 22,955 |  15,312 | 19,570 | 15,778 | 18,444 |   18,699 |17,228 |  6,031
1996-97\2\ .|  12,702 |12,927 |  27,122 | 24,131 |  16,153 | 20,656 | 16,727 | 19,083 |   19,521 |18,320 |  6,425

\1\Preliminary first-professional figures based on 1994-95 graduates.

\2\Preliminary graduate figures based on fall 1995 data and first-professional figures based on 1994-95 graduates.

\3\Data are based on in-state tuition only.

---Data not available or not applicable.

NOTE.--Average graduate student tuition weighted by fall full-time-equivalent graduate enrollment. Average first-professional tuition weighted by number of degrees conferred during the academic year. Some year-to-year fluctuations in tuition data may reflect nonreporting by individual institutions. Excludes institutions not reporting degrees conferred and institutions not reporting tuition. Some data have been revised from previously published figures.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Institutional Characteristics," "Fall Enrollment," and "Degrees Conferred" surveys. (This table was prepared October 1997.)

1997 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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