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Digest of Education Statistics
1997 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 193.Total fall enrollment in all institutions of higher education, by attendance status, sex, and state: 1994 and 1995

                       |                      Fall 1994\1\                     |                      Fall 1995\2\
  State or other area  |           |       Full-time     |       Part-time     |           |       Full-time     |       Part-time
                       |   Total   |_____________________|_____________________|   Total   |_____________________|_____________________
                       |           |   Men    |  Women   |   Men    |  Women   |           |   Men    |  Women   |   Men    |  Women
           1           |     2     |    3     |    4     |    5     |    6     |     7     |    8     |    9     |    10    |    11
   United States ......|14,278,790 |3,855,183 |4,282,593 |2,516,715 |3,624,299 |14,261,781 |3,807,392 |4,321,410 |2,535,147 |3,597,832
Alabama ...............|   229,511 |   69,230 |   82,660 |   33,045 |   44,576 |   225,612 |   68,713 |   83,031 |   31,064 |   42,804
Alaska ................|    28,798 |    5,668 |    6,788 |    6,161 |   10,181 |    29,348 |    5,424 |    6,559 |    6,444 |   10,921
Arizona ...............|   274,932 |   63,697 |   64,013 |   60,773 |   86,449 |   273,981 |   61,685 |   64,369 |   61,226 |   86,701
Arkansas ..............|    96,294 |   30,261 |   36,712 |   11,093 |   18,228 |    98,180 |   30,077 |   37,101 |   11,626 |   19,376
California ............| 1,835,791 |  412,716 |  450,914 |  421,148 |  551,013 | 1,817,042 |  408,376 |  458,540 |  410,267 |  539,859
                       |           |          |          |          |          |           |          |          |          |
Colorado ..............|   241,295 |   63,265 |   65,091 |   48,463 |   64,476 |   242,739 |   62,892 |   65,994 |   48,117 |   65,736
Connecticut ...........|   159,990 |   39,144 |   42,766 |   30,283 |   47,797 |   157,695 |   38,877 |   43,222 |   29,623 |   45,973
Delaware ..............|    44,197 |   11,521 |   14,411 |    7,533 |   10,732 |    44,307 |   11,287 |   14,252 |    7,576 |   11,192
District of Columbia ..|    77,256 |   22,470 |   26,610 |   12,646 |   15,530 |    77,277 |   22,706 |   27,643 |   11,807 |   15,121
Florida ...............|   634,237 |  142,547 |  159,592 |  136,851 |  195,247 |   637,303 |  142,368 |  162,172 |  135,424 |  197,339
                       |           |          |          |          |          |           |          |          |          |
Georgia ...............|   308,587 |   92,709 |  110,110 |   42,371 |   63,397 |   314,712 |   93,962 |  115,663 |   40,920 |   64,167
Hawaii ................|    64,322 |   16,061 |   19,169 |   12,871 |   16,221 |    63,198 |   16,175 |   19,166 |   12,030 |   15,827
Idaho .................|    60,393 |   19,255 |   21,103 |    7,908 |   12,127 |    59,566 |   19,013 |   21,136 |    7,706 |   11,711
Illinois ..............|   731,420 |  178,957 |  193,474 |  145,279 |  213,710 |   717,854 |  174,969 |  193,430 |  141,323 |  208,132
Indiana................|   292,276 |   92,089 |   97,935 |   41,063 |   61,189 |   289,615 |   90,941 |   98,818 |   41,298 |   58,558
                       |           |          |          |          |          |           |          |          |          |
Iowa ..................|   172,450 |   58,901 |   61,720 |   19,478 |   32,351 |   173,835 |   58,553 |   62,170 |   19,478 |   33,634
Kansas ................|   170,603 |   48,013 |   49,915 |   28,114 |   44,561 |   177,643 |   47,394 |   50,144 |   31,446 |   48,659
Kentucky ..............|   182,577 |   53,533 |   65,836 |   22,407 |   40,801 |   178,858 |   52,229 |   65,429 |   22,025 |   39,175
Louisiana .............|   203,567 |   64,832 |   79,536 |   21,798 |   37,401 |   203,935 |   64,292 |   79,971 |   21,820 |   37,852
Maine .................|    56,724 |   15,014 |   17,035 |    8,032 |   16,643 |    56,547 |   14,632 |   16,920 |    7,978 |   17,017
                       |           |          |          |          |          |           |          |          |          |
Maryland ..............|   266,214 |   57,746 |   66,913 |   54,678 |   86,877 |   266,310 |   57,822 |   68,689 |   54,075 |   85,724
Massachusetts .........|   416,505 |  123,189 |  138,072 |   60,797 |   94,447 |   413,794 |  121,670 |  140,343 |   59,062 |   92,719
Michigan ..............|   551,307 |  130,298 |  148,247 |  112,668 |  160,094 |   548,339 |  127,404 |  146,846 |  113,756 |  160,333
Minnesota .............|   289,300 |   77,477 |   84,168 |   53,571 |   74,084 |   280,816 |   74,919 |   83,181 |   51,380 |   71,336
Mississippi ...........|   120,884 |   40,937 |   49,527 |   11,282 |   19,138 |   122,690 |   41,390 |   50,577 |   11,219 |   19,504
                       |           |          |          |          |          |           |          |          |          |
Missouri...............|   293,810 |   79,571 |   87,509 |   50,435 |   76,295 |   291,536 |   77,858 |   88,270 |   49,402 |   76,006
Montana ...............|    40,095 |   15,246 |   15,508 |    3,798 |    5,543 |    42,674 |   15,967 |   16,789 |    3,991 |    5,927
Nebraska ..............|   116,000 |   32,353 |   34,308 |   19,706 |   29,633 |   115,718 |   32,125 |   34,529 |   20,327 |   28,737
Nevada ................|    64,085 |   10,186 |   11,011 |   18,044 |   24,844 |    67,826 |   10,196 |   11,524 |   19,787 |   26,319
New Hampshire .........|    62,847 |   18,376 |   21,513 |    8,470 |   14,488 |    64,327 |   18,307 |   21,598 |    9,070 |   15,352
                       |           |          |          |          |          |           |          |          |          |
New Jersey ............|   335,480 |   81,351 |   91,263 |   65,599 |   97,267 |   333,831 |   81,944 |   92,990 |   63,695 |   95,202
New Mexico ............|   101,881 |   23,684 |   27,696 |   20,075 |   30,426 |   102,405 |   23,306 |   28,210 |   19,900 |   30,989
New York ..............| 1,057,841 |  311,858 |  363,375 |  144,142 |  238,466 | 1,041,566 |  301,712 |  363,252 |  142,426 |  234,176
North Carolina ........|   369,386 |  104,943 |  130,290 |   54,140 |   80,013 |   372,030 |  105,756 |  132,332 |   54,248 |   79,694
North Dakota ..........|    40,184 |   16,426 |   15,439 |    3,585 |    4,734 |    40,399 |   16,462 |   15,756 |    3,480 |    4,701
                       |           |          |          |          |          |           |          |          |          |
Ohio ..................|   549,304 |  160,869 |  181,175 |   87,286 |  119,974 |   540,275 |  157,392 |  180,152 |   84,648 |  118,083
Oklahoma ..............|   185,174 |   52,979 |   57,218 |   30,890 |   44,087 |   180,676 |   51,848 |   56,218 |   30,422 |   42,188
Oregon ................|   164,447 |   45,748 |   46,680 |   31,295 |   40,724 |   167,145 |   43,214 |   46,067 |   33,792 |   44,072
Pennsylvania ..........|   611,174 |  186,827 |  199,592 |   91,629 |  133,126 |   617,759 |  186,435 |  201,884 |   91,493 |  137,947
Rhode Island ..........|    74,718 |   22,796 |   24,221 |   10,770 |   16,931 |    74,100 |   22,522 |   24,308 |   10,642 |   16,628
                       |           |          |          |          |          |           |          |          |          |
South Carolina ........|   173,070 |   49,154 |   58,332 |   24,356 |   41,228 |   174,125 |   48,980 |   60,159 |   23,666 |   41,320
South Dakota ..........|    37,764 |   12,950 |   14,538 |    3,717 |    6,559 |    36,695 |   12,586 |   14,021 |    3,610 |    6,478
Tennessee .............|   242,966 |   72,240 |   83,777 |   35,384 |   51,565 |   245,962 |   73,010 |   86,590 |   35,318 |   51,044
Texas .................|   954,495 |  250,851 |  263,609 |  192,609 |  247,426 |   952,525 |  248,597 |  267,274 |  189,578 |  247,076
Utah ..................|   146,196 |   48,699 |   47,148 |   24,669 |   25,680 |   147,324 |   49,018 |   48,685 |   24,854 |   24,767
                       |           |          |          |          |          |           |          |          |          |
Vermont ...............|    35,409 |   11,434 |   12,461 |    3,684 |    7,830 |    35,065 |   11,238 |   12,739 |    3,599 |    7,489
Virginia ..............|   354,149 |   92,054 |  107,374 |   63,443 |   91,278 |   355,919 |   91,570 |  108,894 |   63,394 |   92,061
Washington ............|   284,662 |   81,419 |   90,980 |   45,744 |   66,519 |   285,819 |   81,914 |   93,836 |   44,585 |   65,484
West Virginia..........|    87,741 |   29,373 |   31,215 |    9,381 |   17,772 |    86,034 |   28,848 |   30,935 |    9,191 |   17,060
Wisconsin .............|   303,861 |   85,012 |   95,951 |   49,305 |   73,593 |   300,223 |   84,279 |   97,288 |   48,088 |   70,568
Wyoming ...............|    30,682 |    8,669 |    8,886 |    4,793 |    8,334 |    30,176 |    8,532 |    9,068 |    4,543 |    8,033
                       |           |          |          |          |          |           |          |          |          |
U.S. Service Schools ..|    51,939 |   20,585 |    9,207 |    9,453 |   12,694 |    88,451 |   16,006 |    2,676 |   58,708 |   11,061
   Outlying areas .....|   170,686 |   49,427 |   76,346 |   19,016 |   25,897 |   183,657 |   53,526 |   83,879 |   18,544 |   27,708
American Samoa ........|     1,249 |      433 |      438 |      222 |      156 |     1,232 |      428 |      436 |      217 |      151
Federated States of    |           |          |          |          |          |           |          |          |          |
  Micronesia ..........|     1,374 |      449 |      422 |      316 |      187 |     1,296 |      518 |      447 |      150 |      181
Guam ..................|     6,449 |    1,174 |    1,770 |    1,645 |    1,860 |     6,010 |      989 |    1,597 |    1,567 |    1,857
Marshall Islands.......|       424 |       92 |       76 |      147 |      109 |       418 |       89 |       75 |      146 |      108
Northern Marianas .....|     1,253 |      148 |      202 |      425 |      478 |       959 |      203 |      253 |      188 |      315
Palau .................|       403 |      198 |      136 |       34 |       35 |       351 |      143 |      125 |       31 |       52
Puerto Rico ...........|   156,439 |   46,580 |   72,315 |   15,769 |   21,775 |   170,337 |   50,834 |   79,876 |   15,798 |   23,829
Virgin Islands ........|     3,095 |      353 |      987 |      458 |    1,297 |     3,054 |      322 |    1,070 |      447 |    1,215

\1\Revised from previously published data.

\2\Preliminary data.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Fall Enrollment" survey. (This table was prepared April 1997.)

1997 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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