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Contact: David Boyd, Public Affairs Specialist, (970) 947-2832

June 23, 2008

BLM seeks public comment on well-development proposal near Parachute 

GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLO. – The Bureau of Land Management Glenwood Springs Energy Office is seeking public comment on an oil and gas exploration and development proposal nine miles east of Parachute, Colo.

Williams Production RMT Company has submitted a Master Development Plan to BLM for the Spruce Creek area south of Interstate 70. The plan details Williams’ proposal to develop 58 new wells from one existing and three proposed well pads over the next three to four years for the 688-acre area, which includes 486 acres of BLM-managed lands. The proposal also includes constructing 4,200 feet of new roads and installing 9,163 feet of buried pipeline.

The Glenwood Springs Energy Office requires operators to submit Master Development Plans so that a broad evaluation of plans and impacts can be completed, and environmental impacts and appropriate measures to mitigate these impacts can be identified.

Before BLM completes an Environmental Assessment on this master plan, it wants to hear any specific issues, concerns and comments the public would like to see addressed through the assessment. Comments will be most helpful if received by July 23, 2008.

Written comments and questions should be directed to the Glenwood Springs Energy Office at 2425 S. Grand Ave., Suite 101, Glenwood Springs, Colo. 81601. Electronic comments may be submitted to




gsfomail@co.blm.gov. Copies of the Master Development Plan further detailing the proposed oil and gas development are available for review at the BLM Glenwood Springs Energy Office. Digital copies of the plan and project map are available at http://www.blm.gov/co/st/en/fo/gsfo/GSFO_MasterPlansOfDevelopment.html


Last updated: 06-23-2008