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Digest of Education Statistics
2005 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 122. Average scale score in mathematics and percentage attaining mathematics achievement levels of 8th-graders in public schools, by level of parental education and state or jurisdiction: Selected years, 1990 through 2005
                         |                                                       |    Percent attaining mathematics  |Average scale score, by highest level of
                         |                    Average scale score                |     achievement levels, 2005\1\   | education attained by parents, 2005\2\
                         |        |        |        |        |         |         |       |        |        |         |  Did not|         |     Some |
                         |        |        |        |        |         |         |       |        |  Profi-|         |   finish|Graduated| education|
                         |        |        |        |        |         |         |  Below|Basic or|cient or|     Ad- |     high|     high|after high| Graduated
State or jurisdiction    |    1990|    1992|    1996|    2000|     2003|     2005|  basic|above\3\|above\4\|vanced\5\|   school|   school|    school|   college
1                        |       2|       3|       4|       5|        6|       7 |      8|       9|      10|       11|       12|       13|        14|        15
   United States ........|262(1.4)|267(1.0)|271(1.2)|272(0.9)| 276(0.3)|278 (0.2)|32(0.2)| 68(0.2)| 29(0.2)|  6 (0.1)|259  0.5 |267 (0.3)| 280 (0.3)|289  (0.3)
Alabama .................|253(1.1)|252(1.7)|257(2.1)|264(1.8)| 262(1.5)|262 (1.5)|47(1.9)| 53(1.9)| 15(1.4)|  2 (0.7)|245 (2.8)|254 (1.6)| 267 (1.8)|272  (2.1)
Alaska ..................|--- (†) |--- (†) |278(1.8)|--- (†) | 279(0.9)|279 (0.8)|31(1.5)| 69(1.5)| 29(1.3)|  6 (0.6)| ‡   (†) | ‡   (†) |  ‡   (†) | ‡    (†)
Arizona\6\ ..............|260(1.3)|265(1.3)|268(1.6)|269(1.8)| 271(1.2)|274 (1.1)|36(1.5)| 64(1.5)| 26(1.2)|  5 (0.4)|255 (1.7)|266 (1.6)| 278 (1.9)|290  (1.5)
Arkansas ................|256(0.9)|256(1.2)|262(1.5)|257(1.5)| 266(1.2)|272 (1.2)|36(1.6)| 64(1.6)| 22(1.1)|  3 (0.4)|263 (2.5)|264 (1.8)| 279 (1.5)|279  (1.7)
California\6\ ...........|256(1.3)|261(1.7)|263(1.9)|260(2.1)| 267(1.2)|269 (0.7)|43(0.8)| 57(0.8)| 22(0.6)|  5 (0.4)|253 (1.2)|258 (1.3)| 274 (1.2)|284  (1.0)
                         |        |        |        |        |         |         |       |        |        |         |         |         |          |
Colorado ................|267(0.9)|272(1.0)|276(1.1)|--- (†) | 283(1.1)|281 (1.2)|30(1.6)| 71(1.6)| 32(1.4)|  6 (0.8)|257 (1.9)|266 (2.0)| 282 (1.9)|294  (1.1)
Connecticut .............|270(1.0)|274(1.1)|280(1.1)|281(1.3)| 284(1.2)|281 (1.4)|30(1.7)| 70(1.7)| 35(1.4)|  8 (0.7)|252 (3.6)|264 (1.8)| 280 (1.7)|294  (1.5)
Delaware ................|261(0.9)|263(1.0)|267(0.9)|--- (†) | 277(0.7)|281 (0.6)|28(1.0)| 72(1.0)| 30(1.0)|  5 (0.5)|267 (2.7)|271 (1.7)| 284 (1.2)|289  (1.0)
District of Columbia ....|231(0.9)|235(0.9)|233(1.3)|235(1.1)| 243(0.8)|245 (0.9)|69(1.3)| 31(1.3)|  7(0.6)|  2 (0.3)|243 (3.6)|238 (1.3)| 252 (1.8)|253  (1.3)
Florida .................|255(1.2)|260(1.5)|264(1.8)|--- (†) | 271(1.5)|274 (1.1)|35(1.3)| 65(1.3)| 26(1.2)|  5 (0.7)|260 (2.1)|267 (1.8)| 279 (1.6)|282  (1.5)
                         |        |        |        |        |         |         |       |        |        |         |         |         |          |
Georgia .................|259(1.3)|259(1.2)|262(1.6)|265(1.2)| 270(1.2)|272 (1.1)|38(1.3)| 62(1.3)| 23(1.2)|  4 (0.5)|252 (2.6)|261 (2.0)| 275 (1.9)|284  (1.5)
Hawaii ..................|251(0.8)|257(0.9)|262(1.0)|262(1.4)| 266(0.8)|266 (0.7)|44(1.0)| 56(1.0)| 18(0.8)|  3 (0.4)|250 (4.4)|255 (1.7)| 271 (1.4)|274  (1.3)
Idaho\6\ ................|271(0.8)|275(0.7)|--- (†) |277(1.0)| 280(0.9)|281 (0.9)|27(1.1)| 73(1.1)| 30(1.2)|  5 (0.6)|265 (2.3)|270 (1.9)| 283 (2.2)|290  (1.0)
Illinois\6\ .............|261(1.7)|--- (†) |--- (†) |275(1.7)| 277(1.2)|278 (1.1)|32(1.2)| 68(1.2)| 29(1.3)|  5 (0.6)|255 (2.0)|266 (1.4)| 279 (1.4)|289  (1.4)
Indiana\6\ ..............|267(1.2)|270(1.1)|276(1.4)|281(1.4)| 281(1.1)|282 (1.0)|26(1.2)| 74(1.2)| 30(1.3)|  5 (0.6)|264 (2.5)|274 (1.5)| 286 (1.7)|291  (1.5)
                         |        |        |        |        |         |         |       |        |        |         |         |         |          |
Iowa ....................|278(1.1)|283(1.0)|284(1.3)|--- (†) | 284(0.8)|284 (0.9)|25(1.1)| 76(1.1)| 34(1.2)|  6 (0.6)|264 (2.6)|272 (1.7)| 285 (1.3)|293  (1.0)
Kansas\6\ ...............|--- (†) |--- (†) |--- (†) |283(1.7)| 284(1.3)|284 (1.0)|23(1.3)| 77(1.3)| 34(1.4)|  5 (0.6)|261 (2.7)|273 (1.8)| 286 (1.3)|294  (1.3)
Kentucky ................|257(1.2)|262(1.1)|267(1.1)|270(1.3)| 274(1.2)|274 (1.2)|36(1.6)| 64(1.6)| 23(1.4)|  3 (0.6)|256 (1.9)|264 (1.4)| 277 (1.8)|285  (1.6)
Louisiana ...............|246(1.2)|250(1.7)|252(1.6)|259(1.5)| 266(1.5)|268 (1.4)|41(2.1)| 59(2.1)| 16(1.4)|  2 (0.4)|260 (2.6)|260 (2.3)| 274 (1.6)|275  (1.7)
Maine\6\ ................|--- (†) |279(1.0)|284(1.3)|281(1.1)| 282(0.9)|281 (0.8)|26(1.0)| 74(1.0)| 30(1.1)|  5 (0.5)|264 (3.1)|271 (1.7)| 284 (1.7)|290  (1.1)
                         |        |        |        |        |         |         |       |        |        |         |         |         |          |
Maryland ................|261(1.4)|265(1.3)|270(2.1)|272(1.7)| 278(1.0)|278 (1.1)|34(1.5)| 66(1.5)| 30(1.3)|  7 (0.7)|255 (4.2)|268 (2.2)| 277 (1.9)|288  (1.5)
Massachusetts ...........|--- (†) |273(1.0)|278(1.7)|279(1.5)| 287(0.9)|292 (0.9)|20(1.1)| 80(1.1)| 43(1.4)| 11 (0.8)|271 (3.2)|278 (1.7)| 286 (1.6)|302  (1.1)
Michigan\6\ .............|264(1.2)|267(1.4)|277(1.8)|277(1.9)| 276(2.0)|277 (1.5)|32(1.6)| 68(1.6)| 29(1.8)|  6 (0.8)|254 (4.0)|265 (2.4)| 281 (1.7)|286  (1.9)
Minnesota ...............|275(0.9)|282(1.0)|284(1.3)|287(1.4)| 291(1.1)|290 (1.2)|21(1.3)| 79(1.3)| 43(1.6)| 11 (0.9)|263 (4.4)|275 (2.5)| 291 (1.9)|300  (1.2)
Mississippi .............|--- (†) |246(1.2)|250(1.2)|254(1.1)| 261(1.1)|263 (1.2)|48(1.7)| 52(1.7)| 14(0.9)|  1 (0.3)|254 (2.0)|253 (1.6)| 269 (1.8)|269  (1.5)
                         |        |        |        |        |         |         |       |        |        |         |         |         |          |
Missouri ................|--- (†) |271(1.2)|273(1.4)|271(1.5)| 279(1.1)|276 (1.3)|32(1.8)| 68(1.8)| 26(1.4)|  4 (0.6)|263 (3.0)|270 (1.8)| 277 (1.9)|285  (1.8)
Montana\6\ ..............|280(0.9)|--- (†) |283(1.3)|285(1.4)| 286(0.8)|286 (0.7)|21(1.0)| 80(1.0)| 36(1.1)|  6 (0.6)|262 (3.2)|277 (1.8)| 288 (1.3)|293  (0.9)
Nebraska ................|276(1.0)|278(1.1)|283(1.0)|280(1.2)| 282(0.9)|284 (1.0)|25(1.2)| 75(1.2)| 35(1.6)|  6 (0.6)|263 (3.0)|273 (1.9)| 285 (2.0)|293  (1.1)
Nevada ..................|--- (†) |--- (†) |--- (†) |265(0.8)| 268(0.8)|270 (0.8)|40(1.1)| 60(1.1)| 21(0.9)|  3 (0.5)|257 (2.2)|261 (1.6)| 278 (1.8)|281  (1.1)
New Hampshire ...........|273(0.9)|278(1.0)|--- (†) |--- (†) | 286(0.8)|285 (0.8)|23(0.9)| 77(0.9)| 35(1.6)|  7 (0.7)|269 (2.8)|275 (1.4)| 283 (2.0)|294  (1.0)
                         |        |        |        |        |         |         |       |        |        |         |         |         |          |
New Jersey ..............|270(1.1)|272(1.6)|--- (†) |--- (†) | 281(1.1)|284 (1.4)|26(1.4)| 74(1.4)| 36(1.5)|  9 (1.0)|266 (3.2)|272 (1.9)| 283 (1.8)|294  (1.7)
New Mexico ..............|256(0.7)|260(0.9)|262(1.2)|259(1.3)| 263(1.0)|263 (0.9)|47(1.5)| 53(1.5)| 14(1.1)|  1 (0.3)|249 (1.8)|254 (1.3)| 270 (1.7)|276  (1.4)
New York\6\ .............|261(1.4)|266(2.1)|270(1.7)|271(2.2)| 280(1.1)|280 (0.9)|30(1.1)| 70(1.1)| 31(1.3)|  6 (0.5)|263 (1.9)|271 (1.4)| 280 (1.4)|289  (1.3)
North Carolina ..........|250(1.1)|258(1.2)|268(1.4)|276(1.3)| 281(1.0)|282 (0.9)|28(1.2)| 72(1.2)| 32(1.1)|  7 (0.8)|265 (3.1)|270 (1.4)| 283 (1.5)|294  (1.5)
North Dakota ............|281(1.2)|283(1.1)|284(0.9)|282(1.1)| 287(0.8)|287 (0.6)|19(1.1)| 81(1.1)| 35(1.2)|  5 (0.5)|271 (3.7)|274 (1.8)| 286 (1.5)|292  (0.8)
                         |        |        |        |        |         |         |       |        |        |         |         |         |          |
Ohio ....................|264(1.0)|268(1.5)|--- (†) |281(1.6)| 282(1.3)|283 (1.1)|26(1.4)| 74(1.4)| 33(1.4)|  7 (0.6)|266 (3.8)|272 (1.6)| 283 (1.9)|294  (1.3)
Oklahoma ................|263(1.3)|268(1.1)|--- (†) |270(1.3)| 272(1.1)|271 (1.0)|37(1.2)| 64(1.2)| 21(1.3)|  2 (0.4)|252 (2.1)|262 (2.0)| 275 (1.5)|281  (1.3)
Oregon\6\ ...............|271(1.0)|--- (†) |276(1.5)|280(1.5)| 281(1.3)|282 (1.0)|28(1.1)| 72(1.1)| 34(1.3)|  7 (0.8)|262 (3.2)|270 (1.8)| 283 (2.0)|295  (1.3)
Pennsylvania ............|266(1.6)|271(1.5)|--- (†) |--- (†) | 279(1.1)|281 (1.5)|28(1.6)| 72(1.6)| 31(1.6)|  6 (0.8)|263 (2.9)|269 (1.9)| 283 (2.0)|292  (1.5)
Rhode Island ............|260(0.6)|266(0.7)|269(0.9)|269(1.3)| 272(0.7)|272 (0.8)|37(1.1)| 64(1.1)| 24(0.9)|  3 (0.5)|255 (2.7)|263 (1.9)| 276 (1.6)|284  (1.0)
                         |        |        |        |        |         |         |       |        |        |         |         |         |          |
South Carolina ..........|--- (†) |261(1.0)|261(1.5)|265(1.5)| 277(1.3)|281 (0.9)|29(1.4)| 71(1.4)| 30(0.9)|  7 (0.7)|270 (2.8)|273 (1.8)| 285 (2.0)|289  (1.2)
South Dakota ............|--- (†) |--- (†) |--- (†) |--- (†) | 285(0.8)|287 (0.6)|20(0.8)| 80(0.8)| 37(1.0)|  7 (0.7)|267 (2.2)|276 (1.7)| 287 (1.3)|295  (0.9)
Tennessee ...............|--- (†) |259(1.4)|263(1.4)|262(1.5)| 268(1.8)|271 (1.1)|39(1.6)| 61(1.6)| 21(1.3)|  3 (0.4)|259 (2.1)|263 (1.6)| 275 (1.9)|279  (1.7)
Texas ...................|258(1.4)|265(1.3)|270(1.4)|273(1.6)| 277(1.1)|281 (0.6)|28(0.7)| 72(0.7)| 31(0.8)|  6 (0.4)|268 (1.3)|272 (1.2)| 286 (1.2)|293  (1.0)
Utah ....................|--- (†) |274(0.7)|277(1.0)|274(1.2)| 281(1.0)|279 (0.7)|29(1.0)| 71(1.0)| 30(1.1)|  5 (0.6)|259 (2.8)|262 (1.5)| 280 (1.5)|289  (0.9)
                         |                 |        |        |         |         |       |        |        |         |         |         |          |
Vermont\6\ ..............|--- (†) |--- (†) |279(1.0)|281(1.5)| 286(0.8)|287 (0.8)|23(1.0)| 78(1.0)| 38(1.1)|  9 (0.7)|265 (3.8)|275 (1.4)| 285 (1.8)|298  (1.1)
Virginia ................|264(1.5)|268(1.2)|270(1.6)|275(1.3)| 282(1.3)|284 (1.1)|25(1.2)| 75(1.2)| 33(1.5)|  8 (0.9)|266 (2.2)|271 (1.9)| 282 (2.6)|295  (1.3)
Washington ..............|--- (†) |--- (†) |276(1.3)|--- (†) | 281(0.9)|285 (1.0)|25(1.2)| 75(1.2)| 36(1.4)|  9 (0.8)|264 (3.0)|277 (1.7)| 287 (1.5)|295  (1.3)
West Virginia ...........|256(1.0)|259(1.0)|265(1.0)|266(1.2)| 271(1.2)|269 (1.0)|40(1.5)| 60(1.5)| 18(1.0)|  1 (0.3)|251 (2.4)|263 (1.4)| 273 (1.3)|279  (1.4)
Wisconsin ...............|274(1.3)|278(1.5)|283(1.5)|--- (†) | 284(1.3)|285 (1.2)|24(1.4)| 76(1.4)| 36(1.4)|  7 (0.7)|264 (3.8)|276 (1.7)| 288 (2.0)|293  (1.3)
Wyoming .................|272(0.7)|275(0.9)|275(0.9)|276(1.0)| 284(0.7)|282 (0.8)|24(1.1)| 76(1.1)| 29(1.4)|  4 (0.4)|262 (3.6)|274 (1.5)| 283 (1.5)|290  (1.1)
                         |========|========|========|========|=========|         |       |        |        |         |         |         |          |
                         |        |        |        |        |         |         |       |        |        |         |         |         |          |
Department of Defense    |        |        |        |        |         |         |       |        |        |         |         |         |          |
   dependents schools\7\ |--- (†) |--- (†) |--- (†) |--- (†) |---  (†) |284 (0.7)|24(0.9)| 76(0.9)| 33(1.6)|  5 (0.6)| ‡   (†) |273 (2.3)| 284 (1.7)|288  (1.0)
  Domestic schools ......|--- (†) |--- (†) |269(2.3)|274(1.8)| 282(1.5)|---  (†) |-- (†) |--- (†) |--- (†) |---  (†) | ‡   (†) |---  (†) |---   (†) |---   (†)
  Overseas schools ......|--- (†) |--- (†) |275(0.9)|278(1.1)| 286(0.7)|---  (†) |-- (†) |--- (†) |--- (†) |---  (†) | ‡   (†) |---  (†) |---   (†) |---   (†)
                         |        |        |        |        |         |=========|=======|========|========|=========|=========|=========|==========|==========
Other jurisdictions      |        |        |        |        |         |         |       |        |        |         |         |         |          |
  American Samoa ........|--- (†) |--- (†) |--- (†) |192(5.5)|---  (†) |---  (†) |-- (†) |--- (†) |--- (†) |---  (†) |---  (†) |---  (†) |---   (†) |---   (†)
  Guam ..................|232(0.7)|235(1.0)|239(1.7)|234(2.6)|---  (†) |---  (†) |-- (†) |--- (†) |--- (†) |---  (†) |---  (†) |---  (†) |---   (†) |---   (†)
  Virgin Islands ........|219(0.9)|223(1.1)|--- (†) |--- (†) |---  (†) |---  (†) |-- (†) |--- (†) |--- (†) |---  (†) |---  (†) |---  (†) |---   (†) |---   (†)
---Not available.
†Not applicable.
‡Reporting standards not met.
\1\Achievement levels are in trial status.
\2\Excludes students who responded "I don't know" to the question about educational level of parents.
\3\The basic level denotes partial mastery of prerequisite knowledge and skills that are fundamental for proficient work at the 8th grade level.
\4\This level represents solid academic performance for 8th-graders. Students reaching this level have demonstrated competency over challenging subject matter, including subject-matter knowledge, application of such knowledge to real-world situations, and analytical skills appropriate to the subject matter.
\5\This level signifies superior performance.
\6\Did not meet one or more of the guidelines for school participation in 2000. Data are subject to appreciable nonresponse bias.
\7\The definition of the national sample has changed in 2005, it now includes all of the international Department of Defense schools.
NOTE: Excludes persons not enrolled in school and those who were unable to be tested due to limited proficiency in English or due to a disability. Fifty states, the District of Columbia, and Department of Defense school systems participated in the 2005 State Assessment of 8th-graders and met student and school participation criteria for reporting results. Scale ranges from 0 to 500. Data for 2000, 2003 and 2005 are for situations where student accommodations for the testing were permitted. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. Standard errors appear in parentheses.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), The Nations Report Card: Mathematics, 2003 and 2005; and unpublished tabulations, NAEP Data Explorer (, retrieved October 2005. (This table was prepared October 2005.)

2005 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

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