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Digest of Education Statistics
2005 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 87. Public elementary and secondary students, schools, pupil/teacher ratios, and finances, by type of locale: 2002-03 and 2003-04
                                             |         |        |         |     Urban|     Urban|        |        |    Rural|  Rural
                                             |         |        |     Mid-| fringe of| fringe of|        |        |outside a|within a
Selected                                     |         |   Large|     size|   a large| a midsize|   Large|   Small|  CBSA or|CBSA or
characteristic                               | Total\1\| city\2\|  city\3\|   city\4\|   city\5\| town\6\| town\7\|   CSA\8\| CSA\9\
1                                            |       2 |      3 |       4 |         5|        6 |      7 |      8 |       9 |     10
Enrollment, schools, and teachers, fall      |         |        |         |          |          |        |        |         |
   2003                                      |         |        |         |          |          |        |        |         |
Enrollment (in thousands) ...................|   48,354|   7,616|    7,330|    13,807|     5,871|     488|   3,509|    4,366|   5,363
Percent distribution of enrollment, by       |         |        |         |          |          |        |        |         |
   race/ethnicity ...........................|    100.0|   100.0|    100.0|     100.0|     100.0|   100.0|   100.0|    100.0|   100.0
  White, non-Hispanic .......................|     58.4|    22.7|     48.0|      59.2|      73.2|    63.8|    71.4|     80.0|    78.5
  Black, non-Hispanic .......................|     17.1|    32.4|     22.9|      14.6|      10.4|    14.6|    13.5|     10.2|     9.7
  Hispanic ...............................   |     18.8|    36.6|     22.6|      19.6|      13.0|    16.1|    10.9|      5.2|     9.0
  Asian/Pacific Islander ....................|      4.5|     7.5|      5.6|       6.0|       2.6|     3.2|     1.5|      0.9|     1.6
  American Indian/Alaska Native .............|      1.2|     0.8|      0.8|       0.6|       0.9|     2.3|     2.8|      3.7|     1.2
                                             |         |        |         |          |          |        |        |         |
Schools .....................................|   95,726|  12,037|   12,950|    21,262|    10,763|   1,047|   8,754|   16,964|  11,939
Average school size\10\ .....................|      521|     644|      588|       666|       560|     486|     426|      265|     464
Pupil/teacher ratio\11\ .....................|     16.4|    17.5|     16.5|      17.1|      17.0|    15.9|    15.5|     14.3|    15.3
                                             |         |        |         |          |          |        |        |         |
Enrollment (percent distribution) ...........|    100.0|    15.8|     15.2|      28.6|      12.1|     1.0|     7.3|      9.0|    11.1
Schools (percent distribution) ..............|    100.0|    12.6|     13.5|      22.2|      11.2|     1.1|     9.1|     17.7|    12.5
Revenues, 2002-03                            |         |        |         |          |          |        |        |         |
Total revenue (in millions of dollars) ......| $448,737| $73,692|  $67,387|  $144,239|   $56,005|  $4,080| $31,101|  $36,129| $30,962
  Federal ................................   |   36,911|   8,432|    6,219|     8,003|     3,821|     405|   3,201|    3,696|   2,021
    Title I .................................|    8,716|   2,535|    1,601|     1,610|       897|     101|     721|      793|     400
    Child Nutrition Act .....................|    7,450|   1,745|    1,310|     1,636|       811|      85|     662|      751|     440
    Children with disabilities (IDEA) .......|    6,659|   1,166|    1,010|     1,875|       787|      60|     426|      387|     378
    Impact aid ..............................|    1,096|      79|       98|       207|       149|       6|     169|      314|      55
    Bilingual education .....................|      145|      47|       32|        32|        13|       1|       6|        9|       3
    Indian education ........................|       80|       8|        7|         9|         7|       2|      18|       24|       6
    Math, science, and professional          |         |        |         |          |          |        |        |         |
       development .......................   |      889|     234|      160|       173|       106|       8|      76|       81|      44
    Safe and drug-free schools ..............|      287|      55|       59|        66|        31|       5|      24|       23|      16
    Title V, Part A .........................|      508|     131|       88|       111|        46|       9|      48|       47|      25
    Vocational and technical education ......|      575|     111|       97|       110|        62|       7|      52|       43|      28
    Other and unclassified ..................|   10,506|   2,320|    1,756|     2,174|       913|     120|     998|    1,223|     627
                                             |         |        |         |          |          |        |        |         |
  State (in millions of dollars) ............|  213,812|  35,412|   33,810|    61,765|    26,655|   2,119|  16,607|   20,114|  15,839
    Special education programs ..............|   13,706|   2,729|    2,022|     4,445|     1,887|      89|     725|      758|     861
    Compensatory and basic skills ...........|    4,605|   1,220|      930|     1,560|       343|      16|     157|      198|     156
    Bilingual education .....................|      583|      18|       41|       398|       102|       1|       8|        8|       6
    Gifted and talented  ....................|      524|      40|       57|       228|       139|       1|      14|       21|      22
    Vocational education  ...................|      914|      62|       86|       230|       210|      11|     100|       90|      72
    Other  ..................................|  193,481|  31,343|   30,674|    54,904|    23,974|   2,001|  15,603|   19,039|  14,721
                                             |         |        |         |          |          |        |        |         |
  Local (in millions of dollars) ............|  198,013|  29,848|   27,357|    74,470|    25,528|   1,557|  11,292|   12,319|  13,101
    Property tax\12\ ......................  |  121,714|  16,239|   16,894|    50,076|    14,635|     981|   7,270|    7,463|   7,676
    Parent government contribution\12\ ...   |   32,513|   8,780|    3,929|    10,149|     5,381|     201|     772|    1,306|   1,956
    Private (fees from individuals) .........|   11,134|     891|    1,462|     3,887|     1,578|     122|     863|    1,062|     936
    Other .................................  |   32,652|   3,939|    5,071|    10,359|     3,935|     253|   2,387|    2,487|   2,534
                                             |         |        |         |          |          |        |        |         |
Total revenue (percentage distribution) .....|    100.0|   100.0|    100.0|     100.0|     100.0|   100.0|   100.0|    100.0|   100.0
  Federal ...................................|      8.2|    11.4|      9.2|       5.5|       6.8|     9.9|    10.3|     10.2|     6.5
  State .....................................|     47.6|    48.1|     50.2|      42.8|      47.6|    51.9|    53.4|     55.7|    51.2
  Local .....................................|     44.1|    40.5|     40.6|      51.6|      45.6|    38.2|    36.3|     34.1|    42.3
Expenditures, 2002-03                        |         |        |         |          |          |        |        |         |
Total expenditures (in millions of           |         |        |         |          |          |        |        |         |
   dollars) .................................| $463,207| $78,386|  $68,196|  $149,404|   $57,232|  $4,155| $31,806|  $37,005| $31,873
  Current expenditures for schools .......   |  384,249|  65,141|   57,564|   121,785|    47,522|   3,553|  27,128|   31,170|  25,997
    Instruction .............................|  237,059|  40,845|   35,492|    75,298|    29,474|   2,195|  16,783|   19,134|  15,924
    Support services, students ..............|   19,735|   2,857|    3,125|     6,717|     2,442|     192|   1,330|    1,246|   1,245
    Support services, instructional          |         |        |         |          |          |        |        |         |
       staff ................................|   18,398|   3,458|    2,954|     5,593|     2,183|     164|   1,163|    1,203|   1,067
    Administration ..........................|   29,421|   4,544|    4,173|     9,190|     3,628|     272|   2,239|    2,845|   2,175
    Operation and maintenance ...............|   36,559|   6,294|    5,525|    11,814|     4,521|     349|   2,549|    2,896|   2,417
    Transportation ..........................|   16,000|   2,402|    1,939|     5,264|     2,048|     120|   1,094|    1,588|   1,379
    Food service ............................|   14,593|   2,420|    2,250|     4,015|     1,907|     154|   1,246|    1,482|   1,090
    Other ...................................|   12,485|   2,319|    2,108|     3,895|     1,319|     107|     725|      777|     700
  Other current expenditures .............   |   17,210|   3,211|    2,573|     5,486|     1,746|     104|     971|    1,259|   1,359
  Interest on school debt ...................|   11,218|   1,713|    1,460|     4,197|     1,518|      83|     647|      689|     881
  Capital outlay ............................|   50,529|   8,321|    6,598|    17,935|     6,445|     415|   3,060|    3,887|   3,636
                                             |         |        |         |          |          |        |        |         |
Current expenditures (percentage             |         |        |         |          |          |        |        |         |
   distribution .............................|    100.0|   100.0|    100.0|     100.0|     100.0|   100.0|   100.0|    100.0|   100.0
  Instruction ...............................|     61.7|    62.7|     61.7|      61.8|      62.0|    61.8|    61.9|     61.4|    61.3
  Support services ..........................|      9.9|     9.7|     10.6|      10.1|       9.7|    10.0|     9.2|      7.9|     8.9
  Administration ............................|      7.7|     7.0|      7.2|       7.5|       7.6|     7.7|     8.3|      9.1|     8.4
  Operation and maintenance .................|      9.5|     9.7|      9.6|       9.7|       9.5|     9.8|     9.4|      9.3|     9.3
  Transportation ............................|      4.2|     3.7|      3.4|       4.3|       4.3|     3.4|     4.0|      5.1|     5.3
  Food service and other ....................|      7.0|     7.3|      7.6|       6.5|       6.8|     7.3|     7.3|      7.2|     6.9
                                             |         |        |         |          |          |        |        |         |
Current expenditure per student              |         |        |         |          |          |        |        |         |
   (in dollars) .............................|   $8,030|  $8,661|   $7,912|    $8,198|    $7,421|  $7,121|  $7,338|   $7,582|  $7,507
Instruction expenditure per student          |         |        |         |          |          |        |        |         |
   (in dollars) .............................|    4,954|   5,431|    4,878|     5,068|     4,602|   4,399|   4,540|    4,654|   4,598
\1\Includes data for districts without locale information, which are not separately shown.
\2\Central city of a core based statistical area (CBSA) or consolidated statistical area (CSA) with the city having a population greater than or equal to 250,000.
\3\Central city of a CBSA or a CSA with the city having a population of less than 250,000.
\4\Any incorporated place, Census designated place, or non-place territory within a CBSA or a CSA of a large city and defined as urban by the Census Bureau.
\5\Any incorporated place, Census designated place, or non-place territory within a CBSA or a CSA of a mid-size city and defined as urban by the Census Bureau.
\6\Place not within a CBSA or CSA but with population of 25,000 or more.
\7\Place not within a CBSA or CSA with a population of at least 2,500, but less than 25,000.
\8\Place with a population of less than 2,500 outside a CBSA or a CSA, and designated as rural by the Census Bureau.
\9\Place with a population of less than 2,500 within a CBSA or a CSA and designated as rural by the Census Bureau.
\10\Average for schools reporting enrollment.
\11\Ratio for schools reporting both full-time-equivalent teachers and fall enrollment data.
\12\Property tax and parent government contributions are determined on the basis of independence or dependence of the local school system and are mutually exclusive.
NOTE: Locale codes for missing school districts were imputed from prior year. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding, and missing locale codes for some schools.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, The NCES Common Core of Data (CCD), "Public Elementary/Secondary School Universe Survey," 2003-04 and "Local Education Agency Universe Survey," 2002-03 and 2003-04. U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, 2003 "Annual Survey of Local Government Finances," unpublished tabulations. (This table was prepared December 2005.)

2005 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

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