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Digest of Education Statistics
2005 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 78. Staff employed in public elementary and secondary school systems, by functional area: Selected years, 1949-50 through fall 2003

[In full-time equivalents]
           |         |         School district administrative staff   |                            Instructional staff                     |
           |         |________________________________________________|____________________________________________________________________|
           |         |          |Interme-|   School|Officials|Instruc-|            |Principals|         |        |       |        |   Other|
           |         |          |   diate| district|      and|    tion|            |       and|         |Instruc-|       |Guidance|instruc-|
           |         |          |district| superin-| adminis-| coordi-|            | assistant|         |  tional|Librar-|   coun-|  tional|     Support
School year|    Total|     Total|   staff| tendents|  trators|  nators|       Total|principals| Teachers|   aides|   ians|  selors|staff\1\|    staff\2\
1          |        2|         3|       4|        5|        6|       7|           8|         9|       10|      11|     12|      13|      14|          15
1949-50 ...|1,300,031|    33,642|   5,843|   18,025|   (\3\) |   9,774|     963,110|    43,137|  913,671|  (\4\) | (\4\) |  (\4\) |   6,302|     303,280
1959-60 ...|2,089,283|    42,423|   9,901|   13,361|    5,386|  13,775|   1,457,329|    63,554|1,353,372|  (\4\) | 17,363|  14,643|   8,398|     589,531
1969-70 ...|3,360,763|    65,282|   7,113|   13,014|   13,618|  31,537|   2,285,568|    90,593|2,016,244|  57,418| 42,689|  48,763|  29,861|   1,009,913
Fall 1980 .|4,168,286|    78,784|    --- |   13,269|   44,961|  20,554|   2,859,573|   107,061|2,184,216| 325,755| 48,018|  63,973| 130,550|   1,229,929
Fall 1985 .|4,159,624|\5\ 67,404|    --- |     --- |     --- |    --- |\5\2,756,232|   129,297|2,205,987| 306,860| 47,442|  66,646|  (\6\) |\5\1,335,988
           |         |          |        |         |         |        |            |          |         |        |       |        |        |
Fall 1986 .|4,236,428|\5\ 74,541|    --- |     --- |     --- |    --- |\5\2,821,069|   131,564|2,244,445| 328,543| 47,938|  68,579|  (\6\) |\5\1,340,818
Fall 1987 .|4,311,941|\5\ 74,191|    --- |     --- |     --- |    --- |\5\2,859,626|   125,927|2,279,241| 335,991| 48,185|  70,282|  (\6\) |\5\1,378,124
Fall 1988 .|4,319,356|\5\ 69,334|    --- |     --- |     --- |    --- |\5\2,930,547|   126,609|2,323,213| 356,682| 48,980|  75,063|  (\6\) |\5\1,319,475
Fall 1989 .|4,431,033|\5\ 70,302|    --- |     --- |     --- |    --- |\5\2,985,851|   125,594|2,356,702| 374,172| 49,769|  79,614|  (\6\) |\5\1,374,880
Fall 1990 .|4,494,076|\5\ 75,868|    --- |     --- |     --- |    --- |\5\3,051,404|   127,417|2,398,169| 395,959| 49,909|  79,950|  (\6\) |\5\1,366,804
           |         |          |        |         |         |        |            |          |         |        |       |        |        |
Fall 1991 .|4,559,359|\5\ 76,084|    --- |     --- |     --- |    --- |\3\3,103,939|   129,304|2,432,243| 410,538| 49,917|  81,937|  (\6\) |\3\1,379,336
Fall 1992 .|4,708,286|\5\ 78,414|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |   45,712|  32,702|\5\3,139,544|   121,936|2,458,956| 427,279| 50,324|  81,049|  (\6\) |\5\1,490,328
Fall 1993 .|4,808,080|\5\ 80,862|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |   47,614|  33,248|\5\3,209,381|   121,486|2,503,901| 450,519| 50,511|  82,964|  (\6\) |\5\1,517,837
Fall 1994 .|4,904,757|\5\ 81,867|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |   48,827|  33,040|\5\3,280,752|   120,017|2,551,875| 473,348| 50,668|  84,844|  (\6\) |\5\1,542,138
Fall 1995 .|4,994,358|\5\ 82,998|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |   49,315|  33,683|\5\3,351,528|   120,629|2,598,220| 494,289| 50,862|  87,528|  (\6\) |\5\1,559,832
           |         |          |        |         |         |        |            |          |         |        |       |        |        |
Fall 1996 .|5,091,205|\5\ 81,975|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |   48,480|  33,495|\5\3,447,580|   123,734|2,667,419| 516,356| 51,464|  88,607|  (\6\) |\5\1,561,650
Fall 1997 .|5,266,415|\5\ 85,267|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |   50,432|  34,835|\5\3,572,955|   126,129|2,746,157| 557,453| 52,142|  91,074|  (\6\) |\5\1,608,193
Fall 1998 .|5,419,181|\5\ 88,939|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |   52,975|  35,964|\5\3,693,630|   129,317|2,830,286| 588,108| 52,805|  93,114|  (\6\) |\5\1,636,612
Fall 1999 .|5,632,004|\5\ 94,134|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |   55,467|  38,667|\5\3,819,057|   137,199|2,910,633| 621,942| 53,659|  95,624|  (\6\) |\5\1,718,813
Fall 2000 .|5,709,753|\5\ 97,270|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |   57,837|  39,433|\5\3,876,628|   141,792|2,941,461| 641,392| 54,246|  97,737|  (\6\) |\5\1,735,855
           |         |          |        |         |         |        |            |          |         |        |       |        |        |
Fall 2001 .|5,904,195|\5\109,526|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |   63,517|  46,009|\5\3,989,211|   160,543|2,999,528| 674,741| 54,350| 100,049|  (\6\) |\5\1,805,458
Fall 2002 .|5,954,661|\5\110,777|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |   62,781|  47,996|\5\4,016,963|   164,171|3,034,123| 663,552| 54,205| 100,912|  (\6\) |\5\1,826,921
Fall 2003 .|5,948,475|\5\107,637|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |   63,561|  44,076|\5\4,053,068|   165,531|3,048,549| 685,242| 54,351|  99,395|  (\6\) |\5\1,787,770
           |                                                               Percentage distribution
1949-50 ...|    100.0|       2.6|     0.4|      1.4|   (\1\) |     0.8|        74.1|       3.3|     70.3|  (\4\) | (\4\) |  (\4\) |     0.5|        23.3
1959-60 ...|    100.0|       2.0|     0.5|      0.6|      0.3|     0.7|        69.8|       3.0|     64.8|  (\4\) |    0.8|     0.7|     0.4|        28.2
1969-70 ...|    100.0|       1.9|     0.2|      0.4|      0.4|     0.9|        68.0|       2.7|     60.0|     1.7|    1.3|     1.5|     0.9|        30.1
Fall 1980 .|    100.0|       1.9|    --- |      0.3|      1.1|     0.5|        68.6|       2.6|     52.4|     7.8|    1.2|     1.5|     3.1|        29.5
Fall 1985 .|    100.0|\5\    1.6|    --- |     --- |     --- |    --- |\5\     66.3|       3.1|     53.0|     7.4|    1.1|     1.6|  (\6\) |\5\     32.1
           |         |          |        |         |         |        |            |          |         |        |       |        |        |
Fall 1986 .|    100.0|\5\    1.8|    --- |     --- |     --- |    --- |\5\     66.6|       3.1|     53.0|     7.8|    1.1|     1.6|  (\6\) |\5\     31.7
Fall 1987 .|    100.0|\5\    1.7|    --- |     --- |     --- |    --- |\5\     66.3|       2.9|     52.9|     7.8|    1.1|     1.6|  (\6\) |\5\     32.1
Fall 1988 .|    100.0|\5\    1.6|    --- |     --- |     --- |    --- |\5\     67.8|       2.9|     53.8|     8.3|    1.1|     1.7|  (\6\) |\5\     30.5
Fall 1989 .|    100.0|\5\    1.6|    --- |     --- |     --- |    --- |\5\     67.4|       2.8|     53.2|     8.4|    1.1|     1.8|  (\6\) |\5\     31.0
Fall 1990 .|    100.0|\5\    1.7|    --- |     --- |     --- |    --- |\5\     67.9|       2.8|     53.4|     8.8|    1.1|     1.8|  (\6\) |\5\     30.4
           |         |          |        |         |         |        |            |          |         |        |       |        |        |
Fall 1991 .|    100.0|\5\    1.7|    --- |     --- |     --- |    --- |\3\     68.1|       2.8|     53.3|     9.0|    1.1|     1.8|  (\6\) |\3\     30.3
Fall 1992 .|    100.0|\5\    1.7|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |      1.0|     0.7|\5\     66.7|       2.6|     52.2|     9.1|    1.1|     1.7|  (\6\) |\5\     31.7
Fall 1993 .|    100.0|\5\    1.7|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |      1.0|     0.7|\5\     66.7|       2.5|     52.1|     9.4|    1.1|     1.7|  (\6\) |\5\     31.6
Fall 1994 .|    100.0|\5\    1.7|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |      1.0|     0.7|\5\     66.9|       2.4|     52.0|     9.7|    1.0|     1.7|  (\6\) |\5\     31.4
Fall 1995 .|    100.0|\5\    1.7|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |      1.0|     0.7|\5\     67.1|       2.4|     52.0|     9.9|    1.0|     1.8|  (\6\) |\5\     31.2
           |         |          |        |         |         |        |            |          |         |        |       |        |        |
Fall 1996 .|    100.0|\5\    1.6|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |      1.0|     0.7|\5\     67.7|       2.4|     52.4|    10.1|    1.0|     1.7|  (\6\) |\5\     30.7
Fall 1997 .|    100.0|\5\    1.6|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |      1.0|     0.7|\5\     67.8|       2.4|     52.1|    10.6|    1.0|     1.7|  (\6\) |\5\     30.5
Fall 1998 .|    100.0|\5\    1.6|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |      1.0|     0.7|\5\     68.2|       2.4|     52.2|    10.9|    1.0|     1.7|  (\6\) |\5\     30.2
Fall 1999 .|    100.0|\5\    1.7|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |      1.0|     0.7|\5\     67.8|       2.4|     51.7|    11.0|    1.0|     1.7|  (\6\) |\5\     30.5
Fall 2000 .|    100.0|\5\    1.7|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |      1.0|     0.7|\5\     67.9|       2.5|     51.5|    11.2|    1.0|     1.7|  (\6\) |\5\     30.4
           |         |          |        |         |         |        |            |          |         |        |       |        |        |
Fall 2001 .|    100.0|\5\    1.9|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |      1.1|     0.8|\5\     67.6|       2.7|     50.8|    11.4|    0.9|     1.7|  (\6\) |\5\     30.6
Fall 2002 .|    100.0|\5\    1.9|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |      1.1|     0.8|\5\     67.5|       2.8|     51.0|    11.1|    0.9|     1.7|  (\6\) |\5\     30.7
Fall 2003 .|    100.0|\5\    1.8|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |      1.1|     0.7|\5\     68.1|       2.8|     51.2|    11.5|    0.9|     1.7|  (\6\) |\5\     30.1
           |                                                         Pupils per staff member
1949-50 ...|     19.3|     746.4| 4,297.7|  1,393.1|     --- | 2,569.2|        26.1|     582.1|     27.5|  (\4\) | (\4\) |  (\4\) | 3,984.7|        82.8
1959-60 ...|     16.8|     829.3| 3,553.4|  2,633.2|  6,532.2| 2,554.1|        24.1|     553.6|     26.0|  (\4\) |2,026.3| 2,402.7| 4,189.5|        59.7
1969-70 ...|     13.6|     697.7| 6,403.8|  3,500.1|  3,344.9| 1,444.3|        19.9|     502.8|     22.6|   793.3|1,067.0|   934.1| 1,525.4|        45.1
Fall 1980 .|      9.8|     518.9|    --- |  3,080.7|    909.2| 1,988.8|        14.3|     381.8|     18.7|   125.5|  851.3|   639.0|   313.1|        33.2
Fall 1985 .|      9.5|\5\  584.9|    --- |     --- |     --- |    --- |\5\     14.3|     304.9|     17.9|   128.5|  831.0|   591.5|  (\6\) |\5\     29.5
           |         |          |        |         |         |        |            |          |         |        |       |        |        |
Fall 1986 .|      9.4|\5\  533.3|    --- |     --- |     --- |    --- |\5\     14.1|     302.2|     17.7|   121.0|  829.3|   579.7|  (\6\) |\5\     29.6
Fall 1987 .|      9.3|\5\  539.3|    --- |     --- |     --- |    --- |\5\     14.0|     317.7|     17.6|   119.1|  830.3|   569.3|  (\6\) |\5\     29.0
Fall 1988 .|      9.3|\5\  579.6|    --- |     --- |     --- |    --- |\5\     13.7|     317.4|     17.3|   112.7|  820.5|   535.4|  (\6\) |\5\     30.5
Fall 1989 .|      9.1|\5\  576.7|    --- |     --- |     --- |    --- |\5\     13.6|     322.8|     17.2|   108.4|  814.6|   509.2|  (\6\) |\5\     29.5
Fall 1990 .|      9.2|\5\  543.3|    --- |     --- |     --- |    --- |\5\     13.5|     323.5|     17.2|   104.1|  825.8|   515.5|  (\6\) |\5\     30.2
           |         |          |        |         |         |        |            |          |         |        |       |        |        |
Fall 1991 .|      9.2|\5\  552.6|    --- |     --- |     --- |    --- |\3\     13.5|     325.2|     17.3|   102.4|  842.3|   513.2|  (\6\) |\3\     30.5
Fall 1992 .|      9.1|\5\  546.1|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |    936.8| 1,309.5|\5\     13.6|     351.2|     17.4|   100.2|  851.0|   528.4|  (\6\) |\5\     28.7
Fall 1993 .|      9.0|\5\  537.5|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |    912.9| 1,307.3|\5\     13.5|     357.8|     17.4|    96.5|  860.5|   523.9|  (\6\) |\5\     28.6
Fall 1994 .|      9.0|\5\  538.8|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |    903.4| 1,335.1|\5\     13.4|     367.5|     17.3|    93.2|  870.6|   519.9|  (\6\) |\5\     28.6
Fall 1995 .|      9.0|\5\  540.3|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |    909.3| 1,331.2|\5\     13.4|     371.7|     17.3|    90.7|  881.6|   512.3|  (\6\) |\5\     28.7
           |         |          |        |         |         |        |            |          |         |        |       |        |        |
Fall 1996 .|      9.0|\5\  556.4|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |    940.8| 1,361.7|\5\     13.2|     368.6|     17.1|    88.3|  886.3|   514.8|  (\6\) |\5\     29.2
Fall 1997 .|      8.8|\5\  541.0|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |    914.6| 1,324.2|\5\     12.9|     365.7|     16.8|    82.7|  884.6|   506.5|  (\6\) |\5\     28.7
Fall 1998 .|      8.6|\5\  523.3|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |    878.5| 1,294.0|\5\     12.6|     359.9|     16.4|    79.1|  881.3|   499.8|  (\6\) |\5\     28.4
Fall 1999 .|      8.3|\5\  497.8|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |    844.8| 1,211.8|\5\     12.3|     341.5|     16.1|    75.3|  873.2|   490.0|  (\6\) |\5\     27.3
Fall 2000 .|      8.3|\5\  485.3|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |    816.1| 1,197.1|\5\     12.2|     332.9|     16.0|    73.6|  870.2|   483.0|  (\6\) |\5\     27.2
           |         |          |        |         |         |        |            |          |         |        |       |        |        |
Fall 2001 .|      8.1|\5\  435.3|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |    750.5| 1,036.1|\5\     12.0|     296.9|     15.9|    70.7|  877.1|   476.5|  (\6\) |\5\     26.4
Fall 2002 .|      8.1|\5\  435.0|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |    767.5| 1,003.9|\5\     12.0|     293.5|     15.9|    72.6|  888.9|   477.5|  (\6\) |\5\     26.4
Fall 2003 .|      8.2|\5\  451.0|  (\7\) |   (\7\) |    763.7| 1,101.3|\5\     12.0|     293.2|     15.9|    70.8|  893.1|   488.4|  (\6\) |\5\     27.2
---Not available.
\1\Includes psychological personnel and other professional staff.
\2\Includes school administrative support staff, student support services, and other support services staff.
\3\Data included in column 5.
\4\Data included in column 10.
\5\Because of classification revisions, data not directly comparable with figures for years prior to 1985.
\6\Data included in column 15.
\7\Data included in column 6.
NOTE: Some data have been revised from previously published figures. Because of variations in data collection instruments, some categories are only roughly comparable over time. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Statistics of State School Systems, various years, Statistics of Public Elementary and Secondary Schools, various years; and The NCES Common Core of Data (CCD), "State Nonfiscal Survey of Public Elementary/Secondary Education," 1986-87 through 2003-04. (This table was prepared July 2005.)

2005 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

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