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Digest of Education Statistics
2005 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 10. Persons age 18 and over who hold at least a bachelor's degree in specific fields of study, by sex, race/ethnicity, and age: 2001
                                  |              |              Sex            |                                 Race/ethnicity                       |                     Age
                                  |              |_____________________________|______________________________________________________________________|_________________________________________
                                  |              |              |              |              |             |             |             |     American|             |             |
                                  |              |              |              |        White,|       Black,|             |Asian/Pacific|      Indian/|     18 to 29|     30 to 49|     50 years
Field of study                    |         Total|         Males|       Females|  non-Hispanic| non-Hispanic|     Hispanic|     Islander|Alaska Native|    years old|    years old| old and over
1                                 |             2|             3|             4|             5|            6|            7|            8|            9|           10|           11|           12
                                  |                                                                           Numbers in thousands
   Number of persons with         |              |              |              |              |             |             |             |             |             |             |
      bachelor's or higher degree | 49,144(595.5)| 24,977(422.6)| 24,166(419.3)| 40,138(548.5)| 3,192(142.5)| 2,189(145.7)| 3,389(177.9)|   235 (49.2)| 7,016  (245)|24,666  (444)|17,461(378.5)
Total population, 18 and over ....|208,762(680.6)| 99,811(484.3)|108,951(477.6)|151,898(779.3)|23,314(234.3)|23,580(273.6)| 8,097(252.9)| 1,873(135.5)|44,447(572.0)|85,830(721.6)|78,485(703.0)
Percent of population ............|   23.5 (0.57)|   25.0 (0.81)|   22.2 (0.79)|   26.4 (0.65)|  13.7 (1.61)|   9.3 (2.00)|  41.9 (2.73)|  12.6 (6.96)|  15.8 (1.29)|  28.7 (0.85)|  22.2 (0.93)
                                  |              |              |              |              |             |             |             |             |             |             |
Agriculture/forestry .............|    540 (68.7)|    421 (60.6)|     ‡    (†) |    473 (64.3)|    ‡    (†) |    ‡    (†) |    ‡    (†) |    ‡    (†) |    ‡    (†) |   254 (47.1)|   239 (45.7)
Art/architecture .................|  1,450(112.4)|    649 (75.2)|    801 (83.5)|  1,156(100.4)|    ‡    (†) |    ‡    (†) |    ‡    (†) |    ‡    (†) |   259 (47.6)|   748 (80.8)|   443 (62.2)
Business/management ..............|  8,976(275.8)|  5,679(218.3)|  3,297(167.9)|  7,254(248.7)|   623 (65.4)|   426 (66.1)|   633 (80.2)|    ‡    (†) | 1,202(102.4)| 5,102(209.4)| 2,672(152.2)
Communications ...................|  1,164(100.7)|    577 (70.9)|    586 (71.5)|    945 (90.8)|    ‡    (†) |    ‡    (†) |    ‡    (†) |    ‡    (†) |   301 (51.3)|   706 (78.5)|   157 (37.1)
Computer and information sciences |  1,249(104.3)|    871 (87.0)|    378 (57.4)|    895 (88.4)|    ‡    (†) |    ‡    (†) |   166 (41.4)|    ‡    (†) |   268 (48.4)|   828 (85.0)|   152 (36.5)
Education ........................|  7,102(246.1)|  1,750(123.0)|  5,351(212.3)|  6,160(229.6)|   490 (58.1)|   234 (49.1)|   181 (43.2)|    ‡    (†) |   663 (76.1)| 2,891(158.2)| 3,548(175.1)
Engineering ......................|  3,959(184.8)|  3,558(174.2)|    401 (59.2)|  3,085(163.4)|    ‡    (†) |   173 (42.3)|   559 (75.5)|    ‡    (†) |   459 (63.3)| 2,057(133.7)| 1,443(112.1)
English/literature ...............|  1,527(115.3)|    597 (72.1)|    930 (89.9)|  1,316(107.1)|    ‡    (†) |    ‡    (†) |    ‡    (†) |    ‡    (†) |   241 (45.9)|   633 (74.3)|   654 (75.6)
Foreign languages ................|    448 (62.6)|    135 (34.4)|    313 (52.3)|    344 (54.9)|    ‡    (†) |    ‡    (†) |    ‡    (†) |    ‡    (†) |    ‡    (†) |   219 (43.7)|   189 (40.6)
Health sciences ..................|  2,298(141.3)|    482 (64.8)|  1,817(125.3)|  1,811(125.5)|   173 (34.8)|    ‡    (†) |   213 (46.9)|    ‡    (†) |   382 (57.8)| 1,247(104.2)|   670 (76.5)
Liberal arts/humanities ..........|  2,846(157.0)|  1,150 (99.9)|  1,695(121.1)|  2,444(145.6)|   146 (31.9)|    ‡    (†) |   142 (38.3)|    ‡    (†) |   400 (59.1)| 1,308(106.7)| 1,137 (99.6)
Mathematics/statistics ...........|    869 (87.1)|    507 (66.5)|    362 (56.2)|    567 (70.4)|    ‡    (†) |    ‡    (†) |   149 (39.2)|    ‡    (†) |    ‡    (†) |   386 (58.1)|   363 (56.3)
Natural sciences (biological and  |              |              |              |              |             |             |             |             |             |             |
   physical) .....................|  2,910(158.8)|  1,756(123.2)|  1,153(100.1)|  2,260(140.1)|   190 (36.4)|    ‡    (†) |   345 (59.5)|    ‡    (†) |   413 (60.1)| 1,426(111.4)| 1,071 (96.6)
Philosophy/religion/theology .....|    628 (74.1)|    437 (61.8)|    191 (40.9)|    533 (68.3)|    ‡    (†) |    ‡    (†) |    ‡    (†) |    ‡    (†) |    ‡    (†) |   268 (48.4)|   255 (47.2)
Pre-professional .................|    596 (72.1)|    397 (58.9)|    199 (41.7)|    448 (62.6)|    ‡    (†) |    ‡    (†) |    ‡    (†) |    ‡    (†) |    ‡    (†) |   306 (51.7)|   216 (43.4)
Psychology .......................|  1,903(128.6)|    606 (72.7)|  1,297(106.1)|  1,561(116.6)|   157 (33.0)|    ‡    (†) |    ‡    (†) |    ‡    (†) |   428 (61.2)|   940 (90.6)|   535 (68.3)
Social sciences/history ..........|  2,436(145.4)|  1,026 (94.4)|  1,410(110.5)|  1,981(131.2)|   260 (42.5)|    ‡    (†) |    ‡    (†) |    ‡    (†) |   359 (56.0)| 1,092 (97.6)|   985 (92.7)
Other fields .....................|  8,243(264.6)|  4,377(192.6)|  3,866(181.5)|  6,907(242.8)|   417 (53.7)|   337 (58.8)|   559 (75.5)|    ‡    (†) | 1,253(104.5)| 4,256(191.5)| 2,734(153.9)
                                  |                                                             Percentage distribution of degree holders, by field
   Total .........................|  100.0   (†) |  100.0   (†) |  100.0   (†) |  100.0   (†) | 100.0   (†) | 100.0   (†) | 100.0   (†) | 100.0   (†) | 100.0   (†) | 100.0   (†) | 100.0   (†)
Agriculture/forestry .............|    1.1 (0.14)|    1.7 (0.24)|    0.5 (0.13)|    1.2 (0.16)|   0.7 (0.38)|   1.1 (0.73)|   0.5 (0.40)|    ‡    (†) |   0.7 (0.29)|   1.0 (0.19)|   1.4 (0.26)
Art/architecture .................|    3.0 (0.23)|    2.6 (0.30)|    3.3 (0.34)|    2.9 (0.25)|   3.3 (0.83)|   4.8 (1.47)|   2.2 (0.81)|   4.4 (4.32)|   3.7 (0.67)|   3.0 (0.32)|   2.5 (0.35)
Business/management ..............|   18.3 (0.52)|   22.7 (0.78)|   13.6 (0.65)|   18.1 (0.57)|  19.5 (1.86)|  19.5 (2.72)|  18.7 (2.16)|  17.5 (7.98)|  17.1 (1.33)|  20.7 (0.76)|  15.3 (0.81)
Communications ...................|    2.4 (0.20)|    2.3 (0.28)|    2.4 (0.29)|    2.4 (0.22)|   3.2 (0.82)|   3.3 (1.23)|   1.2 (0.60)|    ‡    (†) |   4.3 (0.72)|   2.9 (0.31)|   0.9 (0.21)
Computer and information sciences |    2.5 (0.21)|    3.5 (0.34)|    1.6 (0.24)|    2.2 (0.22)|   3.9 (0.91)|   2.6 (1.10)|   4.9 (1.19)|    ‡    (†) |   3.8 (0.68)|   3.4 (0.34)|   0.9 (0.21)
Education ........................|   14.5 (0.47)|    7.0 (0.48)|   22.1 (0.79)|   15.3 (0.53)|  15.3 (1.69)|  10.7 (2.13)|   5.3 (1.24)|  16.0 (7.69)|   9.5 (1.03)|  11.7 (0.61)|  20.3 (0.90)
Engineering ......................|    8.1 (0.36)|   14.2 (0.65)|    1.7 (0.24)|    7.7 (0.39)|   3.6 (0.87)|   7.9 (1.86)|  16.5 (2.05)|  11.4 (6.67)|   6.5 (0.87)|   8.3 (0.52)|   8.3 (0.62)
English/literature ...............|    3.1 (0.23)|    2.4 (0.29)|    3.8 (0.37)|    3.3 (0.26)|   2.6 (0.75)|   3.1 (1.19)|   1.7 (0.71)|    ‡    (†) |   3.4 (0.64)|   2.6 (0.30)|   3.7 (0.43)
Foreign languages ................|    0.9 (0.13)|    0.5 (0.14)|    1.3 (0.22)|    0.9 (0.14)|   0.8 (0.42)|   1.7 (0.90)|   1.0 (0.56)|    ‡    (†) |   0.6 (0.27)|   0.9 (0.18)|   1.1 (0.23)
Health sciences ..................|    4.7 (0.28)|    1.9 (0.26)|    7.5 (0.50)|    4.5 (0.31)|   5.4 (1.06)|   4.4 (1.41)|   6.3 (1.34)|   2.1 (2.99)|   5.4 (0.80)|   5.1 (0.41)|   3.8 (0.43)
Liberal arts/humanities ..........|    5.8 (0.31)|    4.6 (0.39)|    7.0 (0.49)|    6.1 (0.35)|   4.6 (0.98)|   4.7 (1.45)|   4.2 (1.11)|   4.5 (4.37)|   5.7 (0.82)|   5.3 (0.42)|   6.5 (0.55)
Mathematics/statistics ...........|    1.8 (0.18)|    2.0 (0.26)|    1.5 (0.23)|    1.4 (0.17)|   2.4 (0.72)|   2.4 (1.05)|   4.4 (1.13)|  10.4 (6.41)|   1.7 (0.46)|   1.6 (0.23)|   2.1 (0.32)
Natural sciences (biological and  |              |              |              |              |             |             |             |             |             |             |
   physical) .....................|    5.9 (0.31)|    7.0 (0.48)|    4.8 (0.41)|    5.6 (0.34)|   6.0 (1.11)|   4.9 (1.49)|  10.2 (1.67)|   2.7 (3.41)|   5.9 (0.83)|   5.8 (0.44)|   6.1 (0.54)
Philosophy/religion/theology .....|    1.3 (0.15)|    1.8 (0.25)|    0.8 (0.17)|    1.3 (0.17)|   0.9 (0.45)|   1.8 (0.90)|   0.8 (0.49)|    ‡    (†) |   1.5 (0.43)|   1.1 (0.20)|   1.5 (0.27)
Pre-professional .................|    1.2 (0.15)|    1.6 (0.23)|    0.8 (0.17)|    1.1 (0.16)|   1.6 (0.59)|   2.0 (0.97)|   1.5 (0.67)|    ‡    (†) |   1.1 (0.36)|   1.2 (0.21)|   1.2 (0.25)
Psychology .......................|    3.9 (0.26)|    2.4 (0.29)|    5.4 (0.43)|    3.9 (0.29)|   4.9 (1.01)|   5.0 (1.50)|   1.7 (0.72)|   7.9 (5.65)|   6.1 (0.85)|   3.8 (0.36)|   3.1 (0.39)
Social sciences/history ..........|    5.0 (0.29)|    4.1 (0.37)|    5.8 (0.45)|    4.9 (0.32)|   8.1 (1.28)|   4.7 (1.45)|   2.4 (0.85)|   4.7 (4.45)|   5.1 (0.78)|   4.4 (0.39)|   5.6 (0.52)
Other fields .....................|   16.8 (0.50)|   17.5 (0.71)|   16.0 (0.70)|   17.2 (0.56)|  13.1 (1.58)|  15.4 (2.48)|  16.5 (2.05)|   9.9 (6.26)|  17.9 (1.35)|  17.3 (0.71)|  15.7 (0.81)
†Not applicable.
‡Reporting standards not met.
NOTE: Data are based on a sample survey of the civilian noninstitutional population. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. Standard errors appear in parentheses.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Survey of Income and Program Participation, 2001, unpublished tabulations. (This table was prepared September 2005.)

2005 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

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