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SHARE - A Presidential Safety, Health and Return-to-Employment Initiative

            In FY 2003, the cost of federal workplace injuries, measured by workers’ compensation losses, exceeded $2 billion and resulted in over 168,000 injuries and over 2 million lost production days.  In January 2004, the President established the SHARE Initiative as a Government-wide effort to reduce this loss.  The Secretary of Labor was tasked with establishing specific goals in four indicator areas: lower workplace injury and illness case rates, lower lost-time injury and illness case rates, timely reporting of injuries and illnesses, and fewer lost days resulting from work injuries and illnesses.

SHARE – DOI Statistics

SHARE Website - US Department of Labor

DOI Statistics

One of the main principles in safety management is to locate managerial and operational errors, called accidents, in order to advise management of errors to be corrected. Data analyses of reported accidents is one way to locate errors, recommend solutions and measure results.

Fiscal Year Charts (1993-2003)

For an explanation on the methodology the Department uses to calculate the statistics for the above charts click here.

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