BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Harlem, NY


Featured U.S. Exporter Program (FUSE)

Are you looking for overseas sales leads or potential sales representatives?

Selected U.S. Commercial Service offices in these countries are now offering a listing on their local websites, which target in-country importers and commercial buyers.

For as little as $25 USD you can reach 5 different markets. If the local language of business is other than English, they will even translate a description of the product or service (at additional cost) for which you are seeking representation, distribution, or sales prospects.

This description, along with an image of your choosing, will be added to each office's on-line directory of U.S. exporters. Interested foreign importers will reply to our overseas offices. After confirming the importer's interest and contact information, we will forward the trade inquiry to you.
In FY 2005 alone, 71 export successes (totaling $6,023,276 USD) were based on FUSE listings!

Do not get left out of the global market!

If you are interested in learning more about FUSE, please contact us today or click here