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Digest of Education Statistics
2004 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 349. Educational and general expenditures of degree-granting public 2-year colleges, by purpose: 1976-77 to 2000-01

            |          |          |            |         |        |         |       |Operation and|Scholarships|
Year        |    Total | Instruc- |      Admini| Student |Research|Libraries|Public | maintenance |        and |Mandatory
            |          |     tion |    stration|services |        |         |service|    of plant |fellowships |transfers
1           |        2 |        3 |          4 |       5 |      6 |       7 |     8 |           9 |         10 |      11
            |                                   Expenditures, in thousands of current dollars
1976-77 ....|$4,875,998|$2,490,274|    $882,813| $409,217| $15,698| $171,409|$97,635|     $547,515|    $142,827| $118,610
1977-78 ....| 5,336,153| 2,700,489|   1,035,206|  437,060|   9,333|  188,201|112,944|      605,464|     117,996|  129,458
1978-79 ....| 5,734,611| 2,877,651|   1,119,840|  482,323|  21,289|  193,703|110,918|      650,447|     127,633|  150,807
1979-80 ....| 6,334,777| 3,185,815|   1,204,082|  547,457|  26,288|  202,583|141,000|      743,014|     147,865|  136,672
1980-81 ....| 7,063,474| 3,575,743|   1,347,020|  615,869|  26,591|  222,391|152,597|      844,781|     159,474|  119,008
            |          |          |            |         |        |         |       |             |            |
1981-82 ....| 7,757,435| 3,947,065|   1,473,733|  684,650|  15,632|  262,697|147,385|      952,691|     160,109|  113,473
1982-83 ....| 8,292,446| 4,218,388|   1,620,644|  741,179|  18,090|  248,682|123,722|    1,016,267|     175,069|  130,403
1983-84 ....| 8,820,575| 4,481,854|   1,748,535|  775,084|  18,189|  263,485|150,109|    1,076,371|     178,500|  128,448
1984-85 ....| 9,560,507| 4,806,050|   1,929,968|  841,101|  15,591|  278,363|193,903|    1,156,074|     207,975|  131,482
1985-86 ....|10,252,955| 5,116,884|   2,122,060|  920,299|  10,136|  295,691|202,440|    1,220,646|     225,979|  138,820
            |          |          |            |         |        |         |       |             |            |
1986-87 ....|10,845,969| 5,382,631|   2,363,275|1,020,496|  12,508|  246,131|235,115|    1,252,152|     243,402|   90,258
1987-88 ....|11,666,586| 5,741,049|   2,479,661|1,157,858|  11,358|  316,278|264,809|    1,326,748|     280,247|   88,578
1988-89 ....|12,666,590| 6,278,809|   2,727,058|1,197,748|  14,864|  328,809|314,250|    1,414,420|     299,491|   91,142
1989-90 ....|13,875,566| 6,909,109|   2,977,932|1,344,339|  19,213|  353,165|336,927|    1,526,086|     314,906|   93,889
1990-91 ....|15,124,313| 7,540,344|   3,265,233|1,494,583|  19,390|  372,492|364,384|    1,621,542|     357,343|   89,001
            |          |          |            |         |        |         |       |             |            |
1991-92 ....|16,267,915| 8,183,678|   3,408,080|1,660,958|  24,747|  393,325|365,281|    1,684,796|     450,572|   96,477
1992-93 ....|17,255,624| 8,645,466|   3,598,745|1,797,787|  27,510|  390,684|400,927|    1,750,489|     535,406|  108,610
1993-94 ....|18,342,808| 9,053,480|   3,858,066|1,906,802|  29,560|  424,504|431,444|    1,888,780|     627,964|  122,207
1994-95 ....|19,258,872| 9,440,773|   4,053,662|2,029,268|  29,313|  433,098|443,306|    1,967,485|     720,624|  141,342
1995-96 ....|20,272,387| 9,762,155|   4,372,689|2,173,970|  23,580|  449,726|476,341|    2,079,516|     780,184|  154,226
            |          |          |            |         |        |         |       |             |            |
1996-97 ....|20,991,675| 9,971,153|   4,686,659|2,199,091|  22,576|  457,913|509,322|    2,133,100|     829,015|  182,845
1997-98 ....|22,244,515|10,523,031|   5,032,840|2,368,433|  17,176|  466,858|532,201|    2,228,163|     877,832|  197,982
1998-99\2\ .|23,876,160|11,142,461|   5,496,470|2,560,909|  17,507|  481,724|579,554|    2,385,612|     982,809|  229,114
1999-2000 ..|25,779,793|12,041,306|\3\6,449,513|2,773,014|  24,479|     --- |634,062|    2,587,067|   1,011,505|  258,847
2000-01 ....|27,949,388|12,898,562|\3\7,038,896|2,996,920|  19,966|     --- |727,183|    2,799,281|   1,179,274|  289,308
            |======================   ===================================================================================
            |                                              Percentage distribution
1976-77 ....|     100.0|      51.1|        18.1|      8.4|     0.3|      3.5|    2.0|         11.2|         2.9|      2.4
1980-81 ....|     100.0|      50.6|        19.1|      8.7|     0.4|      3.1|    2.2|         12.0|         2.3|      1.7
1985-86 ....|     100.0|      49.9|        20.7|      9.0|     0.1|      2.9|    2.0|         11.9|         2.2|      1.4
1989-90 ....|     100.0|      49.8|        21.5|      9.7|     0.1|      2.5|    2.4|         11.0|         2.3|      0.7
1990-91 ....|     100.0|      49.9|        21.6|      9.9|     0.1|      2.5|    2.4|         10.7|         2.4|      0.6
            |          |          |            |         |        |         |       |             |            |
1991-92 ....|     100.0|      50.3|        20.9|     10.2|     0.2|      2.4|    2.2|         10.4|         2.8|      0.6
1992-93 ....|     100.0|      50.1|        20.9|     10.4|     0.2|      2.3|    2.3|         10.1|         3.1|      0.6
1993-94 ....|     100.0|      49.4|        21.0|     10.4|     0.2|      2.3|    2.4|         10.3|         3.4|      0.7
1994-95 ....|     100.0|      49.0|        21.0|     10.5|     0.2|      2.2|    2.3|         10.2|         3.7|      0.7
1995-96 ....|     100.0|      48.2|        21.6|     10.7|     0.1|      2.2|    2.3|         10.3|         3.8|      0.8
            |          |          |            |         |        |         |       |             |            |
1996-97 ....|     100.0|      47.5|        22.3|     10.5|     0.1|      2.2|    2.4|         10.2|         3.9|      0.9
1997-98 ....|     100.0|      47.3|        22.6|     10.6|     0.1|      2.1|    2.4|         10.0|         3.9|      0.9
1998-99\2\ .|     100.0|      46.7|        23.0|     10.7|     0.1|      2.0|    2.4|         10.0|         4.1|      1.0
1999-2000 ..|     100.0|      46.7|\3\     25.0|     10.8|     0.1|     --- |    2.5|         10.0|         3.9|      1.0
2000-01 ....|     100.0|      46.1|\3\     25.2|     10.7|     0.1|     --- |    2.6|         10.0|         4.2|      1.0
            |                       Expenditure per full-time-equivalent student in constant 2000-01 dollars
1976-77 ....|    $6,080|    $3,105|      $1,101|     $510|     $20|     $214|   $122|         $683|        $178|     $148
1980-81 ....|     5,629|     2,850|       1,074|      491|      21|      177|    122|          673|         127|       95
1985-86 ....|     6,569|     3,278|       1,360|      590|       6|      189|    130|          782|         145|       89
            |          |          |            |         |        |         |       |             |            |
1986-87 ....|     7,021|     3,485|       1,530|      661|       8|      159|    152|          811|         158|       58
1987-88 ....|     6,938|     3,414|       1,475|      689|       7|      188|    157|          789|         167|       53
1988-89 ....|     7,063|     3,501|       1,521|      668|       8|      183|    175|          789|         167|       51
1989-90 ....|     6,953|     3,462|       1,492|      674|      10|      177|    169|          765|         158|       47
1990-91 ....|     7,017|     3,499|       1,515|      693|       9|      173|    169|          752|         166|       41
            |          |          |            |         |        |         |       |             |            |
1991-92 ....|     6,719|     3,380|       1,408|      686|      10|      162|    151|          696|         186|       40
1992-93 ....|     6,808|     3,411|       1,420|      709|      11|      154|    158|          691|         211|       43
1993-94 ....|     7,210|     3,559|       1,517|      750|      12|      167|    170|          742|         247|       48
1994-95 ....|     7,387|     3,621|       1,555|      778|      11|      166|    170|          755|         276|       54
1995-96 ....|     7,672|     3,694|       1,655|      823|       9|      170|    180|          787|         295|       58
            |          |          |            |         |        |         |       |             |            |
1996-97 ....|     7,639|     3,629|       1,706|      800|       8|      167|    185|          776|         302|       67
1997-98 ....|     7,880|     3,728|       1,783|      839|       6|      165|    189|          789|         311|       70
1998-99\2\ .|     8,437|     3,937|       1,942|      905|       6|      170|    205|          843|         347|       81
1999-2000 ..|     8,669|     4,049|\3\    2,169|      933|       8|      ---|    213|          870|         340|       87
2000-01 ....|     8,623|     3,979|\3\    2,172|      925|       6|      ---|    224|          864|         364|       89

---Not available.
\1\Includes institutional and academic support less libraries.
\2\Data were imputed using alternative procedures. (See Guide to Sources for details.)
\3\Includes libraries.

NOTE: Data in this table may differ slightly from data appearing in other tables. Data for 1976-77 through 1985-86 include only institutions which provided both enrollment and finance data. The Consumer Price Index was used to convert the per student figures to constant dollars. Data for 1976-77 to 1995-96 are for institutions of higher education. (See Guide to Sources for details.) Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS), "Financial Statistics of Institutions of Higher Education" surveys, 1976-77 through 1985-86 and "Fall Enrollment in Colleges and Universities" surveys, 1976 through 1985; 1986-87 through 2000-01 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System "Finance Survey" (IPEDS-F:FY87-99), and "Fall Enrollment Survey" (IPEDS-EF:86-99), and Spring 2001 and Spring 2002; and U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index. (This table was prepared October 2003.)