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Digest of Education Statistics
2004 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 86. Number of regular public school districts, by enrollment size of district: Selected years, 1990-91 to 2002-03

                  |                                    Number of districts                                |         2002-03
Enrollment size   |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |Number |Percent|Percent
of district       |1990-91|1992-93|1993-94|1994-95|1995-96|1996-97|1997-98|1998-99|  1999-|2000-01|2001-02|of dis-|of dis-|of stu-
                  |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |   2000|       |       | tricts| tricts|  dents
1                 |      2|     3 |     4 |     5 |     6 |     7 |     8 |     9 |    10 |    11 |     12|     13|     14|     15
     Total .......| 15,358| 15,025| 14,881| 14,772| 14,766| 14,841| 14,805| 14,891| 14,928| 14,859| 14,559| 14,465|  100.0|  100.0
25,000 or more ...|    190|    202|    206|    207|    216|    226|    230|    236|    238|    240|    243|    248|    1.7|   33.1
10,000 to 24,999 .|    489|    510|    525|    542|    553|    569|    572|    574|    579|    581|    573|    587|    4.1|   18.9
5,000 to 9,999 ...|    937|    955|    973|    996|  1,013|  1,024|  1,038|  1,026|  1,036|  1,036|  1,067|  1,062|    7.3|   15.5
2,500 to 4,999 ...|  1,940|  2,002|  2,008|  2,013|  2,027|  2,069|  2,079|  2,062|  2,068|  2,060|  2,031|  2,033|   14.1|   15.1
                  |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
1,000 to 2,499 ...|  3,542|  3,530|  3,570|  3,579|  3,554|  3,536|  3,524|  3,496|  3,457|  3,448|  3,429|  3,411|   23.6|   11.7
600 to 999 .......|  1,799|  1,798|  1,785|  1,777|  1,777|  1,772|  1,775|  1,790|  1,814|  1,776|  1,744|  1,745|   12.1|    2.9
300 to 599 .......|  2,275|  2,200|  2,162|  2,113|  2,104|  2,066|  2,044|  2,066|  2,081|  2,107|  2,015|  1,987|   13.7|    1.8
1 to 299 .........|  3,816|  3,465|  3,294|  3,173|  3,123|  3,160|  3,165|  3,245|  3,298|  3,265|  3,127|  3,117|   21.5|    0.9
Size not reported |    370|    363|    358|    372|    399|    419|    378|    396|    357|    346|    330|    275|    1.9|    †

†Not applicable.

NOTE: Size not reported includes school districts reporting enrollment of zero. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, The Common Core of Data (CCD), "Local Education Agency Universe Survey," 1990-91 through 2002-03. (This table was prepared September 2004.)