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Digest of Education Statistics
2004 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 74. Mobility of public and private elementary and secondary teachers, by selected teacher and school characteristics: Selected years, 1987-88 to 2000-01

                              |            Percentage distribution of public school teachers          |                     Percent of private school teachers
                              |                                    |                                  |                                      |
                              |             Left teaching          |          1999-2000 to 2000-01    |             Left teaching            |             1999-2000 to 2000-01
Selected                      |                                    |                                  |                                      |
Characteristic                |____________________________________|__________________________________|______________________________________|______________________________________
                              |   1987-88|     1990-91|     1993-94|   Remained|   Remained|     Left |     1987-88|     1990-91|     1993-94|    Remained|    Remained|       Left
                              |        to|          to|          to|   teaching|  in teach-|    teach-|          to|          to|          to|    teaching|   in teach-|     teach-
                              |   1988-89|     1991-92|     1994-95|     in the|   ing, but|      ing |     1988-89|     1991-92|     1994-95|      in the|    ing, but|        ing
                              |          |            |            |       same|    changed|          |            |            |            |        same|     changed|
                              |          |            |            |     school|    schools|          |            |            |            |      school|     schools|
1                             |         2|           3|           4|         5 |         6 |        7 |          8 |          9 |         10 |         11 |         12 |         13
     Total ...................| 5.6(0.30)| 5.1  (0.36)| 6.6  (0.34)|84.9  (0.6)| 7.7  (0.5)| 7.4 (0.4)|12.7  (0.85)|12.3  (0.80)|11.9  (0.70)|79.1   (0.8)| 8.4   (0.5)|12.5   (0.7)
Sex                           |          |            |            |           |           |          |            |            |            |            |            |
  Male .......................| 5.1(0.52)| 4.5  (0.60)| 5.2  (0.32)|86.7 (0.88)| 6.0  (0.7)| 7.4 (0.7)|10.2  (1.72)|12.1  (1.91)|13.1  (1.20)|81.1   (1.6)| 7.2   (0.8)|11.7   (1.5)
  Female .....................| 5.8(0.39)| 5.3  (0.48)| 7.1  (0.44)|84.3  (0.7)| 8.3  (0.5)| 7.4 (0.5)|13.4  (0.92)|12.3  (0.84)|11.6  (0.78)|78.5   (0.9)| 8.8   (0.6)|12.8   (0.8)
                              |          |            |            |           |           |          |            |            |            |            |            |
Race/ethnicity                |          |            |            |           |           |          |            |            |            |            |            |
  White, non-Hispanic ........| 5.7(0.32)| 5.1  (0.37)| 6.5  (0.36)|85.0  (0.6)| 7.6  (0.4)| 7.5 (0.4)|12.1  (0.90)|12.0  (0.86)|11.7  (0.69)|79.0   (0.9)| 8.7   (0.5)|12.3   (0.7)
  Black, non-Hispanic ........| 5.1(1.84)| 6.1  (1.45)| 6.6  (1.48)|84.3  (2.4)| 8.3  (1.8)| 7.4 (1.6)|34.7  (8.35)|19.3  (6.76)|12.6  (4.52)|83.2   (5.4)| 2.1   (1.0)|14.8   (5.1)
  Hispanic ...................| 2.9(0.84)| 4.4  (0.99)| 9.1  (2.14)|85.4  (2.1)| 7.1  (1.2)| 7.5 (1.7)|21.3  (6.46)|13.6  (4.32)|14.6  (4.31)|81.5   (3.4)| 8.9   (2.1)| 9.6   (2.9)
  Asian/Pacific Islander .....| 4.2(2.77)| 7.0  (5.37)| 2.4  (0.71)|81.7  (7.7)|16.2  (7.4)| 2.1 (0.9)| 8.8 (10.39)|12.2  (6.51)|17.5  (8.67)|68.6  (12.7)| 7.2   (2.6)|24.2  (12.2)
  American Indian/Alaska      |          |            |            |           |           |          |            |            |            |            |            |
     Native ..................| 3.1(1.70)| 1.7  (0.77)| 3.5  (1.06)|87.7  (5.5)| 4.7  (2.6)| 7.6 (3.7)|17.5 (15.61)|16.5 (18.44)|38.5 (20.33)|76.9  (15.5)| 2.9  (10.5)|20.2  (12.7)
                              |          |            |            |           |           |          |            |            |            |            |            |
Age                           |          |            |            |           |           |          |            |            |            |            |            |
  Less than 25 ...............| 4.3(0.91)| 9.1  (2.30)| 3.8  (1.05)|76.4  (3.6)|14.4  (2.5)| 9.3 (2.2)|19.0  (3.79)|23.8  (4.91)|20.0  (4.19)|58.5   (4.4)|11.5   (2.0)|29.9   (4.2)
  25 to 29 ...................| 9.0(1.18)| 9.0  (1.21)|10.0  (1.25)|74.1  (2.4)|16.2  (2.1)| 9.7 (1.4)|17.6  (2.42)|17.8  (2.27)|13.1  (1.35)|67.9   (2.6)|13.6   (1.5)|18.6   (2.1)
  30 to 39 ...................| 5.8(0.59)| 4.2  (0.76)| 6.7  (0.94)|84.9  (1.1)| 8.6  (0.8)| 6.5 (0.9)|12.4  (1.59)|13.7  (1.65)|14.9  (1.54)|77.5   (1.9)| 8.8   (1.1)|13.7   (1.5)
  40 to 49 ...................| 2.4(0.32)| 2.0  (0.31)| 3.9  (0.54)|88.7  (1.0)| 6.7  (0.7)| 4.6 (0.6)|10.5  (1.63)| 7.7  (1.03)| 8.7  (1.02)|83.8   (1.6)| 7.7   (0.9)| 8.5   (1.3)
  50 to 59 ...................| 5.7(0.82)| 6.7  (0.95)| 6.3  (0.77)|88.1  (1.1)| 3.8  (0.6)| 8.1 (0.8)|11.3  (2.45)| 9.6  (1.90)| 8.2  (1.53)|88.9   (1.4)| 5.2   (1.0)| 5.9   (0.9)
  60 to 64 ...................|23.4(0.82)|26.8  (4.30)|30.5  (4.78)|72.1  (5.7)| 2.2  (1.0)|25.7 (5.4)|16.9  (5.93)|17.8  (4.62)|13.1  (2.74)|71.0   (5.6)|10.9   (4.8)|18.1   (3.7)
  65 and over ................|16.7(4.90)|40.9 (13.80)|34.1  (7.79)|80.4  (5.8)| 3.1  (1.8)|16.6 (5.4)| 7.9  (3.16)|20.7  (5.83)|41.9  (8.67)|70.6   (7.6)| 0.0    0.0 |29.4   (7.6)
                              |          |            |            |           |           |          |            |            |            |            |            |
Full-time teaching            |          |            |            |           |           |          |            |            |            |            |            |
   experience                 |          |            |            |           |           |          |            |            |            |            |            |
  1 or less years ............| 7.9(0.96)| 7.0  (1.31)| 5.7  (0.82)|69.4  (2.6)|13.3  (1.6)|17.4 (2.1)|15.9  (2.73)|22.8  (2.85)|18.2  (2.12)|46.1   (3.7)| 9.5   (1.6)|44.4   (3.5)
  2 years ....................| 7.3(1.81)| 9.5  (1.89)| 9.1  (1.51)|79.0  (2.9)|14.3  (2.7)| 6.7 (1.3)|18.2  (3.32)|19.5  (3.19)|23.6  (2.72)|78.0   (2.9)| 8.2   (1.3)|13.8   (2.1)
  3 years ....................| 9.3(1.50)| 6.6  (1.24)| 9.8  (1.42)|79.6  (2.5)|12.8  (2.0)| 7.6 (1.3)|15.4  (3.80)|19.0  (3.35)|12.8  (2.15)|70.6   (3.7)|14.7   (2.6)|14.7   (3.0)
  4 to 9 years ...............| 6.4(0.89)| 5.3  (0.89)| 6.8  (0.94)|82.6  (1.2)|10.8  (1.1)| 6.6 (0.7)|14.0  (1.91)|12.4  (1.73)|13.1  (1.51)|77.4   (2.0)|11.9   (1.3)|10.7   (1.4)
  10 to 19 years .............| 3.5(0.42)| 2.3  (0.30)| 4.9  (0.64)|87.9  (1.2)| 6.8  (0.8)| 5.3 (0.8)|11.5  (1.73)| 6.6  (1.00)| 7.1  (0.93)| 0.0    0.0 | 0.0    0.0 | 0.0    0.0
  20 to 24 years .............| 3.5(0.87)| 4.2  (0.87)| 4.0  (0.81)|92.6  (0.9)| 3.6  (0.6)| 3.8 (0.6)| 5.2  (2.36)| 3.3  (1.40)| 6.0  (1.64)|86.9   (1.2)| 6.4   (0.7)| 6.6   (0.9)
  25 years or more ...........|11.3(1.63)|11.0  (1.34)|12.0  (1.04)|86.3  (1.3)| 3.5  (0.8)|10.2 (0.9)| 8.4  (2.03)|15.0  (3.24)|12.7  (2.53)|88.5   (1.6)| 3.7   (1.3)| 7.8   (1.1)
                              |          |            |            |           |           |          |            |            |            |            |            |
Level taught                  |          |            |            |           |           |          |            |            |            |            |            |
  Elementary .................| 5.5(0.39)| 4.8  (0.45)| 6.4  (0.53)|84.8  (0.7)| 8.4  (0.6)| 6.8 (0.4)|12.5  (0.99)|11.3  (1.02)|11.5  (0.96)|78.4   (0.9)| 8.3   (0.5)|13.4   (0.8)
  Secondary ..................| 5.6(0.42)| 5.5  (0.62)| 6.7  (0.53)|85.2  (1.0)| 6.2  (0.7)| 8.6 (0.7)|12.9  (2.38)|13.3  (1.51)|12.6  (1.51)|82.5   (1.5)| 9.0   (1.5)| 8.5   (0.9)
                              |          |            |            |           |           |          |            |            |            |            |            |
School size                   |          |            |            |           |           |          |            |            |            |            |            |
  Less than 150 ..............| 7.3(1.36)| 4.4  (0.69)| 6.4  (1.15)|78.1  (4.1)|12.4  (3.0)| 9.5 (2.3)|16.6  (1.72)|16.3  (1.87)|14.8  (1.43)|75.4   (2.2)| 9.9   (1.4)|14.6   (1.5)
  150 to 349 .................| 4.8(0.45)| 3.9  (0.53)| 7.8  (1.03)|85.1  (1.5)| 8.2  (0.9)| 6.7 (1.0)|10.9  (1.62)|13.3  (1.42)|12.6  (1.21)|78.0   (1.3)| 8.8   (0.7)|13.1   (1.2)
  350 to 499 .................| 6.1(0.98)| 6.4  (1.03)| 5.8  (0.73)|85.1  (1.5)| 7.6  (1.1)| 7.4 (0.9)|10.7  (2.63)| 6.3  (1.47)|12.1  (1.95)|83.2   (1.6)| 6.5   (1.0)|10.3   (1.3)
  500 to 749 .................| 5.6(0.77)| 4.7  (0.68)| 7.6  (0.67)|84.7  (1.2)| 8.2  (0.8)| 7.1 (0.8)| 9.6  (2.07)| 9.8  (2.11)| 7.1  (1.27)|81.9   (2.1)| 7.1   (1.0)|11.1   (1.9)
  750 or more ................| 5.0(0.48)| 5.4  (0.54)| 5.7  (0.57)|85.5  (1.0)| 6.8  (0.7)| 7.7 (0.7)|12.9  (3.14)| 6.7  (2.58)| 6.2  (1.18)|81.6   (2.0)| 7.6   (1.6)|10.8   (1.6)
                              |          |            |            |           |           |          |            |            |            |            |            |
Percent minority              |          |            |            |           |           |          |            |            |            |            |            |
   enrollment                 |          |            |            |           |           |          |            |            |            |            |            |
  Less than 5 percent ........| 5.8(0.60)| 4.5  (0.51)| 7.1  (0.68)|86.2  (0.9)| 7.3  (0.7)| 6.5 (0.8)|12.7  (1.27)|12.2  (1.35)|11.2  (0.99)|75.4   (2.2)|81.6   (2.0)| 7.1   (1.0)
  5 to 19 percent ............| 5.8(0.74)| 5.5  (0.73)| 6.0  (0.71)|86.4  (1.0)| 6.7  (0.9)| 6.9 (0.7)|10.3  (1.37)|12.2  (1.40)|11.1  (1.07)|78.0   (1.3)| 9.9   (1.4)| 7.6   (1.6)
  20 to 49 percent ...........| 5.2(0.64)| 5.9  (0.73)| 6.2  (0.82)|82.5  (1.4)| 8.0  (0.9)| 9.5 (1.1)|18.9  (4.18)|12.2  (2.01)|15.6  (2.28)|83.2   (1.6)| 8.8   (0.7)|14.6   (1.5)
  50 percent or more .........| 5.3(0.66)| 4.9  (0.66)| 6.9  (0.72)|83.7  (1.0)| 9.0  (0.8)| 7.3 (0.7)|13.6  (2.85)|13.1  (2.35)|13.2  (2.15)|81.9   (2.1)| 6.5   (1.0)|13.1   (1.2)
                              |          |            |            |           |           |          |            |            |            |            |            |
Community type                |          |            |            |           |           |          |            |            |            |            |            |
  Central city ...............| 4.6(0.59)| 5.2  (0.65)| 6.3  (0.64)|84.8  (1.3)| 8.1  (1.0)| 7.1 (0.7)|13.5  (1.67)|12.7  (1.40)|10.9  (0.75)|79.1   (1.2)| 8.8   (0.8)|12.1   (1.0)
  Urban fringe/large town ....| 5.6(0.59)| 5.5  (0.75)| 6.5  (0.70)|83.7  (1.0)| 8.0  (0.7)| 8.3 (0.8)|11.5  (1.51)|10.6  (1.21)|12.6  (1.32)|80.6   (1.3)| 7.6   (0.8)|11.8   (1.2)
  Rural/small town ...........| 5.7(0.52)| 4.8  (0.39)| 6.8  (0.59)|86.7  (0.8)| 7.0  (0.5)| 6.3 (0.5)|15.0  (1.78)|13.9  (1.81)|13.6  (1.46)|75.2   (2.8)| 9.2   (1.7)|15.5   (1.9)

---Not available.
†Not applicable.
#Rounds to zero.

NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. Standard errors appear in parentheses.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS), Teacher Attrition and Mobility: Results from the Teacher Followup Survey: 2000-01. (This table was prepared July 2005.)