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Digest of Education Statistics
1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 375.College enrollment and labor force status of 1993 and 1994 high school graduates 16 to 24 years old, by sex and race/ethnicity: October 1993 and October 1994
[Numbers in thousands]

                                         | Civilian noninstitutional |          Civilian labor force\1\           |
                                         |          population       |____________________________________________|Not in
                                         |___________________________|      |           |        |   Unemployed   | labor
                  Item                   |       |       |Percent of |      |Labor force|        |________________| force
                                         |Number |Percent|high school|Number|participa- |Employed|Number|Unemploy-|
                                         |       |       | graduates |      | tion rate |        |      |ment rate|
                    1                    |   2   |   3   |     4     |  5   |     6     |   7    |  8   |    9    |  10
      1993 high school graduates\2\      |       |       |           |      |           |        |      |         |
Total ...................................| 2,338 | 100.0 |     100.0 |1,413 |      60.5 |  1,144 |  268 |    19.1 |   925
  Men ...................................| 1,118 |  47.8 |      47.8 |  693 |      62.0 |    558 |  135 |    19.5 |   425
  Women .................................| 1,219 |  52.1 |      52.1 |  720 |      59.0 |    586 |  134 |    18.6 |   500
                                         |       |       |           |      |           |        |      |         |
  White\3\ ..............................| 1,910 |  81.7 |      81.7 |1,217 |      63.7 |  1,002 |  215 |    17.7 |   693
  Black\3\ ..............................|   302 |  12.9 |      12.9 |  149 |      49.2 |    102 |   47 |    31.6 |   154
  Hispanic origin\4\ ....................|   200 |   8.6 |       8.6 |  131 |      65.7 |     86 |   46 |    34.8 |    68
  Enrolled in college, October 1993 .....| 1,464 | 100.0 |      62.6 |  677 |      46.3 |    580 |   97 |    14.3 |   787
    Men .................................|   668 |  45.6 |      28.6 |  305 |      45.7 |    252 |   54 |    17.6 |   362
    Women ...............................|   797 |  54.4 |      34.1 |  372 |      46.7 |    329 |   43 |    11.6 |   425
                                         |       |       |           |      |           |        |      |         |
    2-year ..............................|   534 |  36.5 |      22.8 |  351 |      65.7 |    305 |   46 |    13.2 |   183
    4-year ..............................|   930 |  63.5 |      39.8 |  326 |      35.1 |    276 |   51 |    15.5 |   604
                                         |       |       |           |      |           |        |      |         |
    Full-time students ..................| 1,314 |  89.8 |      56.2 |  567 |      43.1 |    473 |   93 |    16.5 |   748
    Part-time students ..................|   150 |  10.2 |       6.4 |  111 |      73.6 |    107 |    3 |     3.2 |    40
                                         |       |       |           |      |           |        |      |         |
    White\3\ ............................| 1,200 |  82.0 |      51.3 |  585 |      48.7 |    511 |   74 |    12.6 |   615
    Black\3\ ............................|   168 |  11.5 |       7.2 |   62 |      37.1 |     45 |   17 |   (\5\) |   106
    Hispanic origin\4\ ..................|   125 |   8.5 |       5.3 |   70 |      56.2 |     53 |   17 |   (\5\) |    54
  Not enrolled in college, October 1993 .|   873 | 100.0 |      37.3 |  736 |      84.3 |    563 |  173 |    23.5 |   137
    Men .................................|   451 |  51.7 |      19.3 |  388 |      86.1 |    306 |   82 |    21.1 |    63
    Women ...............................|   422 |  48.3 |      18.0 |  348 |      82.3 |    257 |   91 |    26.1 |    75
                                         |       |       |           |      |           |        |      |         |
    White\3\ ............................|   710 |  81.3 |      30.4 |  632 |      89.1 |    491 |  141 |    22.4 |    77
    Black\3\ ............................|   134 |  15.3 |       5.7 |   86 |      64.3 |     57 |   30 |    34.4 |    48
    Hispanic origin\4\ ..................|    75 |   8.6 |       3.2 |   61 |      81.1 |     33 |   28 |   (\5\) |    14
     1994 high school graduates \7\      |       |       |           |      |           |        |      |         |
Total ...................................| 2,517 | 100.0 |     100.0 |1,495 |      59.4 |  1,257 |  238 |    15.9 | 1,022
  Men ...................................| 1,244 |  49.4 |      49.4 |  792 |      63.6 |    665 |  127 |    16.0 |   452
  Women .................................| 1,273 |  50.6 |      50.6 |  704 |      55.3 |    592 |  111 |    15.8 |   570
                                         |       |       |           |      |           |        |      |         |
  White\3\ ..............................| 2,065 |  82.0 |      82.0 |1,252 |      60.6 |  1,108 |  144 |    11.5 |   813
  Black\3\ ..............................|   318 |  12.6 |      12.6 |  175 |      53.0 |    100 |   75 |    42.8 |   143
  Hispanic origin\4\ ....................|   178 |   7.1 |       7.1 |  114 |      64.0 |     81 |   32 |    28.5 |    64
  Enrolled in college, October 1994 .....| 1,559 | 100.0 |      61.9 |  723 |      46.4 |    642 |   82 |    11.3 |   836
    Men .................................|   754 |  48.4 |      30.0 |  359 |      47.7 |    319 |   40 |    11.1 |   394
    Women ...............................|   805 |  51.6 |      32.0 |  364 |      45.2 |    322 |   42 |    11.4 |   441
                                         |       |       |           |      |           |        |      |         |
    2-year ..............................|   530 |  34.0 |      21.1 |  324 |      61.2 |    283 |   42 |    12.8 |   205
    4-year ..............................| 1,029 |  66.0 |      40.9 |  399 |      38.7 |    359 |   40 |    10.1 |   630
                                         |       |       |           |      |           |        |      |         |
    Full-time students ..................| 1,427 |  91.6 |      56.7 |  609 |      42.7 |    537 |   72 |    11.8 |   818
    Part-time students ..................|   131 |   8.4 |       5.2 |  114 |      86.9 |    104 |   10 |     8.6 |    17
                                         |       |       |           |      |           |        |      |         |
    White\3\ ............................| 1,313 |  84.2 |      52.2 |  640 |      48.7 |    379 |   61 |     9.5 |   674
    Black\3\ ............................|   162 |  10.4 |       6.4 |   55 |      33.9 |     41 |   14 |   (\5\) |   107
    Hispanic origin\4\ ..................|    87 |   5.6 |       3.5 |   46 |      55.3 |     40 |    7 |   (\5\) |    41
  Not enrolled in college, October 1994 .|   959 | 100.0 |      38.1 |  772 |      80.3 |    616 |  156 |    20.3 |   187
    Men .................................|   491 |  51.2 |      19.5 |  432 |      88.1 |    346 |   87 |    20.1 |    58
    Women ...............................|   468 |  48.8 |      35.6 |  340 |      72.6 |    270 |   70 |    20.5 |   128
                                         |       |       |           |      |           |        |      |         |
    White\3\ ............................|   752 |  78.4 |      29.9 |  612 |      81.4 |    529 |   85 |    13.5 |   140
    Black\3\ ............................|   156 |  16.3 |       6.2 |  120 |      77.4 |     59 |   61 |    50.7 |    36
    Hispanic origin\4\ ..................|    91 |   9.5 |       3.6 |   67 |      74.3 |     42 |   26 |   (\5\) |    23

\1\The labor force includes all employed persons plus those seeking employment. The labor force participation rate is the percentage of persons either employed or seeking employment.
\2\Includes persons who graduated from high school between January and October 1993.
\3\Includes persons of Hispanic origin.
\4\Persons of Hispanic origin may be of any race.
\5\Data shown where base is less than 75,000.
\6\Includes persons who graduated from high school between January and October 1994.

NOTE.--Data are based upon sample surveys of the civilian noninstitutional population. Percents are only shown when the base is 75,000 or greater. Even though the standard errors are large, smaller estimates are shown to permit users to combine categories in various ways. Because of rounding, details may not add to totals.

SOURCE.--U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, "College Enrollment of 1993 High School Graduates" and unpublished data. (This table was prepared June 1995.)

1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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