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Digest of Education Statistics
1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 330.Current-fund expenditures of public institutions of higher education, by purpose: 1980-81 to 1992-93

                                        |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
                Purpose                 |  1980-81   |  1985-86   |  1986-87   |  1987-88   |  1988-89   |  1989-90   |  1990-91   |1991-92\1\  | 1992-93 \2\
                   1                    |     2      |     3      |     4      |     5      |     6      |     7      |     8      |     9      |     10
                                        |                                             In thousands
     Total current-fund expenditures ...|$42,279,806 |$63,193,853 |$67,653,838 |$72,641,301 |$78,945,618 |$85,770,530 |$92,961,093 |$98,847,180 |$104,570,101
Educational and general expenditures ...| 34,173,013 | 50,872,962 | 54,359,434 | 58,639,468 | 63,444,908 | 69,163,958 | 74,395,428 | 78,554,534 |  83,210,979
  Instruction ..........................| 14,849,822 | 21,880,782 | 23,359,057 | 24,954,204 | 26,893,691 | 29,257,209 | 31,371,394 | 32,828,420 |  34,260,177
  Research .............................|  3,813,350 |  5,705,144 |  6,258,625 |  6,976,925 |  7,796,952 |  8,542,235 |  9,364,213 |  9,948,580 |  10,604,973
  Public service .......................|  1,718,924 |  2,515,734 |  2,727,593 |  2,986,164 |  3,351,950 |  3,688,664 |  3,990,232 |  4,285,501 |   4,563,397
  Academic support .....................|  3,029,284 |  4,693,543 |  5,048,232 |  5,436,155 |  5,941,906 |  6,535,076 |  6,933,847 |  7,274,159 |   7,613,244
    Libraries ..........................|  1,187,116 |  1,685,052 |  1,619,353 |  1,853,410 |  1,956,497 |  2,102,672 |  2,167,161 |  2,284,520 |   2,329,625
  Student services .....................|  1,950,566 |  2,921,758 |  3,158,991 |  3,482,112 |  3,678,419 |  4,021,328 |  4,398,365 |  4,690,921 |   5,173,239
  Institutional support ................|  3,563,194 |  5,667,144 |  6,042,593 |  6,470,162 |  6,876,360 |  7,490,137 |  8,030,642 |  8,423,156 |   9,049,589
  Operation and maintenance of plant ...|  3,681,921 |  5,177,254 |  5,308,631 |  5,601,732 |  5,913,267 |  6,333,582 |  6,655,605 |  6,790,215 |   7,076,805
  Scholarships and fellowships .........|  1,064,864 |  1,575,909 |  1,751,671 |  1,941,389 |  2,150,350 |  2,386,493 |  2,688,532 |  3,255,660 |   3,727,838
    From unrestricted funds ............|    367,476 |    696,973 |    750,931 |    830,195 |    944,001 |  1,099,425 |  1,270,158 |  1,523,721 |   1,745,339
    From restricted funds\3\ ...........|    697,388 |    878,935 |  1,000,740 |  1,111,194 |  1,206,349 |  1,287,068 |  1,418,374 |  1,731,939 |   1,982,498
  Mandatory transfers ..................|    501,087 |    735,695 |    704,040 |    790,624 |    842,012 |    909,234 |    962,598 |  1,057,923 |   1,141,717
Auxiliary enterprises ..................|  4,658,140 |  6,830,235 |  7,135,393 |  7,237,866 |  7,744,725 |  8,282,332 |  9,049,935 |  9,634,131 |  10,024,352
  Mandatory transfers ..................|    344,043 |    410,777 |    409,726 |    412,006 |    512,413 |    551,331 |    623,146 |    655,301 |     758,644
Hospitals ............................. |  3,377,972 |  5,358,699 |  5,904,212 |  6,532,905 |  7,533,912 |  8,113,989 |  9,315,902 | 10,432,773 |  11,100,602
  Mandatory transfers ..................|     26,613 |     75,569 |    102,623 |    106,181 |    159,507 |    156,029 |    195,961 |    224,095 |     223,241
Independent operations (FFRDC)\4\ ......|     70,681 |    131,956 |    254,799 |    231,063 |    222,072 |    210,252 |    199,827 |    225,742 |     234,168
  Mandatory transfers ..................|        322 |        846 |        194 |      2,063 |      1,787 |      2,276 |      1,201 |        510 |         462
                                        |                                               Percentage distribution
     Total current-fund expenditures ...|      100.0 |      100.0 |      100.0 |      100.0 |      100.0 |      100.0 |      100.0 |      100.0 |       100.0
Educational and general expenditures ...|       80.8 |       80.5 |       80.3 |       80.7 |       80.4 |       80.6 |       80.0 |       79.5 |        79.6
  Instruction ..........................|       35.1 |       34.6 |       34.5 |       34.4 |       34.1 |       34.1 |       33.7 |       33.2 |        32.8
  Research .............................|        9.0 |        9.0 |        9.3 |        9.6 |        9.9 |       10.0 |       10.1 |       10.1 |        10.1
  Public service .......................|        4.1 |        4.0 |        4.0 |        4.1 |        4.2 |        4.3 |        4.3 |        4.3 |         4.4
  Academic support .....................|        7.2 |        7.4 |        7.5 |        7.5 |        7.5 |        7.6 |        7.5 |        7.4 |         7.3
    Libraries ..........................|        2.8 |        2.7 |        2.4 |        2.6 |        2.5 |        2.5 |        2.3 |        2.3 |         2.2
  Student services .....................|        4.6 |        4.6 |        4.7 |        4.8 |        4.7 |        4.7 |        4.7 |        4.7 |         4.9
  Institutional support ................|        8.4 |        9.0 |        8.9 |        8.9 |        8.7 |        8.7 |        8.6 |        8.5 |         8.7
  Operation and maintenance of plant ...|        8.7 |        8.2 |        7.8 |        7.7 |        7.5 |        7.4 |        7.2 |        6.9 |         6.8
  Scholarships and fellowships .........|        2.5 |        2.5 |        2.6 |        2.7 |        2.7 |        2.8 |        2.9 |        3.3 |         3.6
    From unrestricted funds ............|        0.9 |        1.1 |        1.1 |        1.1 |        1.2 |        1.3 |        1.4 |        1.5 |         1.7
    From restricted funds\3\ ...........|        1.6 |        1.4 |        1.5 |        1.5 |        1.5 |        1.5 |        1.5 |        1.8 |         1.9
  Mandatory transfers ..................|        1.2 |        1.2 |        1.0 |        1.1 |        1.1 |        1.1 |        1.0 |        1.1 |         1.1
Auxiliary enterprises ..................|       11.0 |       10.8 |       10.5 |       10.0 |        9.8 |        9.7 |        9.7 |        9.7 |         9.6
  Mandatory transfers ..................|        0.8 |        0.7 |        0.6 |        0.6 |        0.6 |        0.6 |        0.7 |        0.7 |         0.7
Hospitals ..............................|        8.0 |        8.5 |        8.7 |        9.0 |        9.5 |        9.5 |       10.0 |       10.6 |        10.6
  Mandatory transfers ..................|        0.1 |        0.1 |        0.2 |        0.1 |        0.2 |        0.2 |        0.2 |        0.2 |         0.2
Independent operations (FFRDC)\4\ ......|        0.2 |        0.2 |        0.4 |        0.3 |        0.3 |        0.2 |        0.2 |        0.2 |         0.2
  Mandatory transfers ..................|      (\5\) |      (\5\) |      (\5\) |      (\5\) |      (\5\) |      (\5\) |      (\5\) |      (\5\) |       (\5\)

\1\Some data have been revised from previously published data.
\2\Preliminary data.
\3\Excludes Pell Grants. \4\Generally includes only those expenditures associated with major federally funded research and development centers (FFRDC).
\5\Less than 0.05 percent.

NOTE.--Because of rounding, details may not add to totals.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, "Financial Statistics of Institutions of Higher Education" surveys; and Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Finance" surveys. (This table was prepared April 1995.)

1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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