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Digest of Education Statistics
1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 224.Full-time instructional faculty and staff in institutions of higher education, by faculty characteristics and field: Fall 1992

                        |         |       |Agricul- |        |       |         |       |       |        |        |        | Other
                        | Number, |  All  |ture and |        |       |         |       |       |        |        |        |  and
        Faculty         |   in    |fields |  home   |        |Educa- |Engineer-| Fine  |       |Humani- |Natural | Social |  not
    characteristics     |thousands|       |economics|Business| tion  |   ing   | arts  |Health |  ties  |sciences|sciences|reported
           1            |    2    |   3   |    4    |   5    |   6   |    7    |   8   |   9   |   10   |   11   |   12   |   13
   Total, in thousands .|     526 |   --- |      11 |     40 |    37 |      25 |    32 |    78 |     74 |    102 |     59 |     61
   Percent .............|     --- | 100.0 |     2.2 |    7.6 |   7.0 |     4.7 |   6.0 |  14.8 |   14.1 |   19.3 |   11.1 |   11.5
                        |         |=======|=========|========|=======|=========|=======|=======|========|========|========|========
                        |         |                                   Percentage distribution
                        |         |________________________________________________________________________________________________
   Total................|     526 | 100.0 |   100.0 |  100.0 | 100.0 |   100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 |  100.0 |  100.0 |  100.0 |  100.0
Sex                     |         |       |         |        |       |         |       |       |        |        |        |
  Male..................|     355 |  67.5 |    76.1 |   69.8 |  49.9 |    94.1 |  67.8 |  50.6 |   59.1 |   80.3 |   73.2 |   70.3
  Female................|     171 |  32.5 |    23.9 |   30.2 |  50.1 |     5.9 |  32.2 |  49.4 |   40.9 |   19.7 |   26.8 |   29.7
                        |         |       |         |        |       |         |       |       |        |        |        |
Race/ethnicity          |         |       |         |        |       |         |       |       |        |        |        |
  White, non-Hispanic ..|     457 |  86.8 |    90.9 |   88.9 |  85.1 |    76.8 |  88.7 |  86.6 |   88.3 |   86.3 |   87.7 |   88.1
  Black, non-Hispanic ..|      26 |   4.9 |     3.8 |    3.9 |   9.0 |     2.7 |   5.7 |   5.2 |    4.1 |    3.4 |    5.9 |    5.9
  Hispanic..............|      13 |   2.5 |     1.8 |    1.4 |   3.3 |     2.9 |   2.4 |   2.0 |    4.0 |    1.8 |    2.7 |    2.6
  Asian.................|      28 |   5.2 |     2.9 |    4.9 |   1.6 |    16.9 |   2.7 |   6.0 |    3.2 |    8.1 |    3.3 |    2.9
  American Indian.......|       3 |   0.5 |     0.7 |    1.0 |   1.0 |     0.7 |   0.5 |   0.2 |    0.5 |    0.3 |    0.5 |    0.4
                        |         |       |         |        |       |         |       |       |        |        |        |
Age                     |         |       |         |        |       |         |       |       |        |        |        |
  Under 30 .............|       8 |   1.4 |     0.4 |    1.2 |   1.1 |     1.3 |   1.3 |   1.1 |    1.6 |    1.5 |    0.8 |    2.4
  30 to 34 .............|      35 |   6.7 |     7.1 |    6.3 |   3.5 |    11.1 |   6.1 |   8.5 |    4.7 |    6.7 |    7.3 |    6.7
  35 to 39 .............|      66 |  12.6 |     9.1 |   13.5 |   7.8 |    13.2 |  13.0 |  16.2 |    9.5 |   13.9 |   12.9 |   12.1
  40 to 44 .............|      90 |  17.0 |    15.8 |   16.4 |  17.5 |    16.8 |  17.7 |  21.7 |   13.3 |   15.9 |   16.4 |   18.0
  45 to 49 .............|      97 |  18.5 |    17.6 |   20.9 |  19.6 |    14.7 |  18.4 |  19.3 |   20.0 |   17.1 |   17.8 |   17.9
  50 to 54 .............|      95 |  18.0 |    18.5 |   16.1 |  21.1 |    12.2 |  17.4 |  13.4 |   21.6 |   19.3 |   19.2 |   18.5
  55 to 59 .............|      67 |  12.7 |    14.5 |   11.9 |  14.2 |    15.0 |  14.1 |   9.5 |   14.6 |   13.3 |   12.3 |   12.3
  60 to 64 .............|      45 |   8.5 |    11.4 |    8.0 |  10.6 |    10.7 |   7.9 |   7.6 |    9.9 |    7.5 |    9.2 |    7.4
  65 or older ..........|      24 |   4.5 |     5.7 |    5.8 |   4.7 |     5.1 |   4.0 |   2.7 |    4.8 |    4.7 |    4.2 |    4.7
                        |         |       |         |        |       |         |       |       |        |        |        |
Degree                  |         |       |         |        |       |         |       |       |        |        |        |
  Less than bachelor's..|       6 |   1.2 |     0.2 |    0.5 |   0.3 |     2.0 |   0.7 |   1.2 |    \1\ |    0.2 |    0.1 |    6.3
  Bachelor's............|      21 |   4.0 |     5.5 |    4.5 |   2.9 |     5.1 |   5.3 |   5.9 |    1.2 |    2.8 |    0.7 |    8.4
  Master's..............|     154 |  29.4 |    21.7 |   37.9 |  30.3 |    18.4 |  56.0 |  29.6 |   31.6 |   21.9 |   18.9 |   34.1
  Professional..........|      57 |  10.9 |     4.4 |    4.5 |   3.0 |     2.3 |   4.4 |  43.3 |    2.4 |    4.5 |    3.5 |   15.8
  Doctoral..............|     285 |  54.5 |    68.2 |   52.6 |  63.6 |    72.2 |  33.6 |  20.0 |   64.8 |   70.7 |   76.8 |   35.4
                        |         |       |         |        |       |         |       |       |        |        |        |
Rank                    |         |       |         |        |       |         |       |       |        |        |        |
  Full professor........|     161 |  30.6 |    41.8 |   24.9 |  24.6 |    36.9 |  32.3 |  21.5 |   33.3 |   37.3 |   37.2 |   26.4
  Associate professor...|     123 |  23.5 |    22.6 |   25.7 |  29.6 |    28.0 |  25.5 |  23.0 |   22.2 |   22.6 |   24.7 |   19.5
  Assistant professor...|     123 |  23.4 |    19.3 |   25.5 |  22.8 |    22.4 |  21.4 |  32.8 |   19.3 |   20.6 |   24.1 |   23.1
  Instructor............|      73 |  13.9 |    10.5 |   16.5 |  13.2 |    10.4 |  10.1 |  16.6 |   14.8 |   11.6 |    7.9 |   22.1
  Lecturer..............|      12 |   2.2 |     0.9 |    1.3 |   2.5 |     0.9 |   2.9 |   2.3 |    3.8 |    1.8 |    1.7 |    2.4
  Other.................|      17 |   3.2 |     3.2 |    2.1 |   5.5 |     0.5 |   3.2 |   2.4 |    1.9 |    2.4 |    2.0 |    3.5
  No rank ..............|      17 |   3.2 |     1.7 |    4.0 |   1.9 |     1.0 |   4.6 |   1.4 |    4.7 |    3.9 |    2.5 |    3.0

\1\Less than 0.05 percent.
---Not applicable.

NOTE.--Because of rounding and survey item nonresponse, details may not add to totals.

SOURCE: U. S. Department of Education, National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF), 1993. (This table was prepared May 1995.)

1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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