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Digest of Education Statistics
1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 203.Total fall enrollment in institutions of higher education, by race/ethnicity of student and by state: 1993\1\ and 1992

                      |                                             1993                                                   |   1992
                      |           |            |         Minority enrollment, by race/ethnicity    |           |           |
                      |           |            |___________________________________________________|           |           |
        State         |   Total   |   White,   |          |          |         |         |American |Nonresident|  Percent  |  Percent
          or          |           |non-Hispanic|  Total   |  Black,  |Hispanic | Asian/  | Indian/ |   alien   |minority\2\|minority\3\
      other area      |           |            |          |   non-   |         | Pacific | Alaskan |           |           |
                      |           |            |          | Hispanic |         |Islander | Native  |           |           |
          1           |     2     |     3      |    4     |    5     |    6    |    7    |    8    |     9     |    10     |    11
                      |           |            |          |          |         |         |         |           |           |
   United States .....|14,305,658 | 10,603,746 |3,245,065 |1,410,300 | 988,960 | 724,124 | 121,681 |   456,847 |      23.4 |      22.5
Alabama ..............|   233,525 |    171,999 |   56,833 |   52,113 |   1,548 |   2,094 |   1,078 |     4,693 |      24.8 |      23.7
Alaska ...............|    30,638 |     24,421 |    5,594 |    1,306 |     791 |     832 |   2,665 |       623 |      18.6 |      18.3
Arizona ..............|   272,300 |    202,042 |   63,059 |    9,294 |  35,718 |   7,625 |  10,422 |     7,199 |      23.8 |      22.2
Arkansas .............|    99,262 |     80,285 |   16,647 |   14,204 |     652 |   1,012 |     779 |     2,330 |      17.2 |      16.8
California ...........| 1,836,349 |    980,194 |  768,881 |  133,532 | 322,898 | 292,064 |  20,387 |    87,274 |      44.0 |      40.5
                      |           |            |          |          |         |         |         |           |           |
Colorado .............|   239,805 |    195,676 |   38,430 |    7,820 |  20,622 |   7,135 |   2,853 |     5,699 |      16.4 |      15.8
Connecticut ..........|   162,300 |    133,346 |   23,802 |   11,419 |   6,939 |   5,032 |     412 |     5,152 |      15.1 |      14.2
Delaware .............|    43,528 |     35,424 |    7,213 |    5,456 |     661 |     948 |     148 |       891 |      16.9 |      16.0
District of Columbia .|    81,916 |     41,065 |   32,076 |   24,850 |   2,886 |   4,144 |     196 |     8,775 |      43.9 |      43.7
Florida ..............|   623,403 |    433,723 |  171,878 |   75,424 |  77,292 |  16,572 |   2,590 |    17,802 |      28.4 |      27.5
                      |           |            |          |          |         |         |         |           |           |
Georgia ..............|   302,844 |    213,261 |   82,574 |   70,987 |   4,269 |   6,534 |     784 |     7,009 |      27.9 |      26.4
Hawaii ...............|    62,871 |     17,290 |   40,117 |    1,613 |   1,443 |  36,776 |     285 |     5,464 |      69.9 |      69.6
Idaho ................|    58,768 |     53,752 |    3,475 |      390 |   1,468 |     883 |     734 |     1,541 |       6.1 |       5.5
Illinois .............|   734,089 |    529,185 |  186,761 |   91,130 |  55,721 |  37,525 |   2,385 |    18,143 |      26.1 |      25.6
Indiana ..............|   294,685 |    257,136 |   29,144 |   17,539 |   5,752 |   4,774 |   1,079 |     8,405 |      10.2 |       9.8
                      |           |            |          |          |         |         |         |           |           |
Iowa .................|   172,797 |    153,417 |   11,262 |    4,979 |   2,435 |   3,303 |     545 |     8,118 |       6.8 |       6.2
Kansas ...............|   170,135 |    145,565 |   18,047 |    7,902 |   4,314 |   3,434 |   2,397 |     6,523 |      11.0 |      10.7
Kentucky .............|   187,332 |    168,389 |   15,919 |   12,454 |   1,073 |   1,797 |     595 |     3,024 |       8.6 |       8.2
Louisiana ............|   201,987 |    137,023 |   59,315 |   50,074 |   4,526 |   3,644 |   1,071 |     5,649 |      30.2 |      29.7
Maine ................|    56,294 |     53,838 |    1,832 |      464 |     255 |     595 |     518 |       624 |       3.3 |       4.4
                      |           |            |          |          |         |         |         |           |           |
Maryland .............|   268,005 |    185,191 |   73,937 |   53,538 |   5,503 |  13,954 |     942 |     8,877 |      28.5 |      27.3
Massachusetts ........|   420,127 |    335,563 |   60,368 |   21,344 |  15,810 |  21,601 |   1,613 |    24,196 |      15.2 |      14.4
Michigan .............|   568,210 |    462,897 |   89,727 |   60,662 |  10,920 |  13,672 |   4,473 |    15,586 |      16.2 |      15.3
Minnesota ............|   268,118 |    241,946 |   19,696 |    6,016 |   3,275 |   8,002 |   2,403 |     6,476 |       7.5 |       6.8
Mississippi ..........|   122,408 |     83,462 |   36,810 |   34,959 |     523 |     905 |     423 |     2,136 |      30.6 |      29.8
                      |           |            |          |          |         |         |         |           |           |
Missouri .............|   297,062 |    249,403 |   36,937 |   25,682 |   4,212 |   5,704 |   1,339 |    10,722 |      12.9 |      12.6
Montana ..............|    39,557 |     33,956 |    4,416 |      153 |     394 |     314 |   3,555 |     1,185 |      11.5 |      12.9
Nebraska .............|   115,523 |    104,954 |    7,847 |    3,322 |   2,105 |   1,566 |     854 |     2,722 |       7.0 |       7.2
Nevada ...............|    63,947 |     50,859 |   11,184 |    3,125 |   3,873 |   3,207 |     979 |     1,904 |      18.0 |      18.7
New Hampshire ........|    64,043 |     60,003 |    3,103 |      939 |     854 |   1,022 |     288 |       937 |       4.9 |       5.4
                      |           |            |          |          |         |         |         |           |           |
New Jersey ...........|   343,029 |    245,151 |   84,266 |   38,146 |  26,955 |  18,203 |     962 |    13,612 |      25.6 |      24.8
New Mexico ...........|   101,460 |     58,836 |   40,704 |    2,489 |  30,069 |   1,397 |   6,749 |     1,920 |      40.9 |      39.8
New York .............| 1,063,779 |    739,565 |  284,699 |  131,868 |  91,251 |  58,107 |   3,473 |    39,515 |      27.8 |      26.9
North Carolina .......|   371,280 |    281,031 |   84,678 |   71,137 |   3,853 |   6,299 |   3,389 |     5,571 |      23.2 |      22.6
North Dakota .........|    40,316 |     35,616 |    2,876 |      263 |     229 |     282 |   2,102 |     1,824 |       7.5 |       7.3
                      |           |            |          |          |         |         |         |           |           |
Ohio .................|   562,402 |    476,871 |   69,559 |   49,922 |   7,743 |  10,055 |   1,839 |    15,972 |      12.7 |      12.1
Oklahoma .............|   183,342 |    142,680 |   32,919 |   13,002 |   3,592 |   3,563 |  12,762 |     7,743 |      18.7 |      17.7
Oregon ...............|   165,834 |    140,855 |   18,532 |    2,711 |   4,943 |   8,539 |   2,339 |     6,447 |      11.6 |      10.6
Pennsylvania .........|   621,228 |    528,595 |   75,624 |   46,315 |   9,671 |  18,335 |   1,303 |    17,009 |      12.5 |      12.5
Rhode Island .........|    77,407 |     66,784 |    8,249 |    3,057 |   2,441 |   2,492 |     259 |     2,374 |      11.0 |      10.2
                      |           |            |          |          |         |         |         |           |           |
South Carolina .......|   174,302 |    130,396 |   40,716 |   36,933 |   1,297 |   1,990 |     496 |     3,190 |      23.8 |      23.7
South Dakota .........|    38,166 |     34,723 |    2,516 |      312 |     191 |     331 |   1,682 |       927 |       6.8 |       7.5
Tennessee ............|   244,936 |    198,786 |   41,679 |   35,843 |   2,124 |   3,061 |     651 |     4,471 |      17.3 |      17.1
Texas ................|   942,178 |    609,184 |  305,876 |   89,307 | 175,973 |  36,505 |   4,091 |    27,118 |      33.4 |      32.4
Utah .................|   138,139 |    123,496 |    8,725 |      988 |   3,513 |   2,784 |   1,440 |     5,918 |       6.6 |       5.9
                      |           |            |          |          |         |         |         |           |           |
Vermont ..............|    36,415 |     34,226 |    1,386 |      355 |     417 |     471 |     143 |       803 |       3.9 |       4.0
Virginia .............|   348,535 |    265,467 |   76,503 |   53,682 |   6,483 |  15,228 |   1,110 |     6,565 |      22.4 |      21.3
Washington ...........|   279,845 |    230,388 |   43,062 |    9,902 |   8,487 |  20,020 |   4,653 |     6,395 |      15.7 |      14.8
West Virginia ........|    88,852 |     82,063 |    4,897 |    3,433 |     433 |     870 |     161 |     1,892 |       5.6 |       5.4
Wisconsin ............|   309,036 |    275,022 |   27,464 |   12,853 |   5,818 |   6,472 |   2,321 |     6,550 |       9.1 |       8.7
Wyoming ..............|    30,702 |     28,115 |    2,023 |      277 |   1,056 |     240 |     450 |       564 |       6.7 |       7.3
                      |           |            |          |          |         |         |         |           |           |
U.S. Service Schools .|    52,647 |     40,631 |   11,228 |    4,815 |   3,689 |   2,210 |     514 |       788 |      21.7 |      21.2
  Outlying areas .....|   172,989 |      1,011 |  171,053 |    2,453 | 159,673 |   8,909 |      18 |       925 |      99.4 |      99.5
American Samoa .......|     1,264 |          0 |    1,264 |        0 |       0 |   1,264 |       0 |         0 |     100.0 |     100.0
Federated States      |           |            |          |          |         |         |         |           |           |
  of Micronesia.......|     1,148 |          0 |    1,148 |        0 |       0 |   1,148 |       0 |         0 |     100.0 |     100.0
Guam .................|     5,843 |        574 |    4,786 |       48 |      57 |   4,671 |      10 |       483 |      89.3 |      89.5
Marshall Islands .....|       386 |          1 |      385 |        0 |       0 |     385 |       0 |         0 |      99.7 |     100.0
Northern Marianas ....|     1,261 |         84 |      981 |        2 |       2 |     976 |       1 |       196 |      92.1 |      89.5
Palau.................|       436 |          0 |      436 |        0 |       0 |     436 |       0 |         0 |     100.0 |     100.0
Puerto Rico ..........|   159,709 |        122 |  159,496 |        4 | 159,486 |       5 |       1 |        91 |      99.9 |     100.0
Virgin Islands .......|     2,942 |        230 |    2,557 |    2,399 |     128 |      24 |       6 |       155 |      91.7 |      91.3

\1\Preliminary data.
\2\Percent minority based on U.S. citizen enrollment (total enrollment less enrollment of nonresident aliens).
\3\Revised from previously published data.

NOTE.--Because of adjustments to underreported and nonreported racial/ethnic data, figures are slightly different from corresponding data in other tables.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Fall Enrollment" surveys. (This table was prepared March 1995.)

1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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