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Digest of Education Statistics
1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 193.Total fall enrollment in institutions of higher education, by control, level of enrollment, and state: 1992\1\

                      |                Public                                |                           Private
  State or other area |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________
                      |          Undergraduate          | First-  |          |         Undergraduate         | First-  |
                      |_________________________________| profes- | Graduate |_______________________________| profes- |Graduate
                      |   Total   |  4-year  |  2-year  | sional  |          |  Total   |  4-year  | 2-year  | sional  |
          1           |     2     |    3     |    4     |    5    |    6     |    7     |    8     |    9    |   10    |   11
   United States .....|10,216,297 |4,731,783 |5,484,514 | 110,689 |1,057,581 |2,320,359 |2,082,524 | 237,835 | 170,233 | 611,156
Alabama ..............|   184,878 |  106,108 |   78,770 |   2,216 |   19,193 |   21,729 |   18,379 |   3,350 |   1,173 |   1,348
Alaska ...............|    27,731 |   27,145 |      586 |     --- |    1,306 |    1,618 |    1,259 |     359 |     --- |     247
Arizona ..............|   230,977 |   72,301 |  158,676 |   1,564 |   23,366 |   13,051 |   12,046 |   1,005 |     --- |   5,713
Arkansas .............|    76,979 |   57,773 |   19,206 |   1,712 |    7,138 |   11,557 |   10,011 |   1,546 |     --- |     192
California ...........| 1,636,556 |  403,016 |1,233,540 |   6,705 |  105,388 |  129,074 |  115,233 |  13,841 |  24,586 |  75,694
                      |           |          |          |         |          |          |          |         |         |
Colorado .............|   182,995 |  102,438 |   80,557 |   1,691 |   27,741 |   19,782 |   15,674 |   4,108 |   1,446 |   7,697
Connecticut ..........|    92,129 |   46,490 |   45,639 |   1,123 |   14,534 |   39,333 |   37,644 |   1,689 |   2,079 |  16,676
Delaware .............|    32,227 |   20,986 |   11,241 |     --- |    3,086 |    5,311 |    5,311 |     --- |   1,370 |     769
District of Columbia .|    11,182 |   11,182 |      --- |     --- |    1,103 |   37,633 |   37,633 |     --- |   8,450 |  23,541
Florida ..............|   471,242 |  144,752 |  326,490 |   3,252 |   36,732 |   81,311 |   75,241 |   6,070 |   5,432 |  20,316
                      |           |          |          |         |          |          |          |         |         |
Georgia ..............|   203,783 |  124,918 |   78,865 |   3,442 |   25,853 |   47,914 |   39,648 |   8,266 |   5,532 |   7,082
Hawaii ...............|    42,799 |   16,475 |   26,324 |     450 |    6,356 |   10,213 |   10,213 |     --- |     --- |   1,344
Idaho ................|    39,740 |   32,871 |    6,869 |     580 |    6,287 |   10,263 |    2,009 |   8,254 |     --- |     928
Illinois .............|   515,960 |  149,255 |  366,705 |   4,284 |   46,370 |  122,179 |  115,242 |   6,937 |  12,428 |  47,584
Indiana...............|   204,253 |  163,540 |   40,713 |   3,407 |   26,964 |   54,461 |   51,019 |   3,442 |   2,051 |   5,776
                      |           |          |          |         |          |          |          |         |         |
Iowa .................|   107,344 |   51,648 |   55,696 |   2,622 |   12,875 |   42,702 |   40,569 |   2,133 |   3,691 |   3,571
Kansas ...............|   132,831 |   68,478 |   64,353 |   2,084 |   18,484 |   14,894 |   13,892 |   1,002 |      76 |   1,050
Kentucky .............|   138,579 |   90,629 |   47,950 |   2,956 |   16,303 |   26,211 |   21,689 |   4,522 |   2,039 |   2,234
Louisiana ............|   154,512 |  126,689 |   27,823 |   2,669 |   20,192 |   19,349 |   18,668 |     681 |   3,250 |   4,407
Maine ................|    36,897 |   29,572 |    7,325 |     267 |    3,682 |   15,162 |   13,559 |   1,603 |     363 |   1,606
                      |           |          |          |         |          |          |          |         |         |
Maryland .............|   201,039 |   85,883 |  115,156 |   3,000 |   23,948 |   23,888 |   22,902 |     986 |     849 |  15,675
Massachusetts ........|   165,809 |   87,315 |   78,494 |     423 |   16,887 |  169,064 |  153,896 |  15,168 |  12,709 |  58,084
Michigan .............|   413,530 |  196,209 |  217,321 |   5,651 |   54,141 |   75,484 |   72,397 |   3,087 |   4,057 |   6,866
Minnesota ............|   193,420 |  107,746 |   85,674 |   2,374 |   16,364 |   44,115 |   38,598 |   5,517 |   4,522 |  12,125
Mississippi ..........|    99,843 |   48,369 |   51,474 |   1,201 |    8,867 |   11,667 |    9,272 |   2,395 |     599 |   1,577
                      |           |          |          |         |          |          |          |         |         |
Missouri..............|   178,974 |  102,949 |   76,025 |   2,432 |   17,204 |   73,054 |   68,072 |   4,982 |   5,965 |  18,988
Montana ..............|    30,410 |   26,329 |    4,081 |     222 |    3,133 |    5,788 |    3,369 |   2,419 |     --- |      91
Nebraska .............|    91,003 |   48,207 |   42,796 |   1,384 |   10,809 |   16,848 |   16,321 |     527 |   1,460 |   1,099
Nevada ...............|    56,827 |   24,223 |   32,604 |     205 |    6,160 |      685 |      660 |      25 |     --- |     ---
New Hampshire ........|    31,966 |   22,709 |    9,257 |     --- |    3,289 |   22,568 |   18,708 |   3,860 |     304 |   5,797
                      |           |          |          |         |          |          |          |         |         |
New Jersey ...........|   247,899 |  109,186 |  138,713 |   3,407 |   27,079 |   45,291 |   41,058 |   4,233 |   2,987 |  16,569
New Mexico ...........|    82,550 |   38,982 |   43,568 |     630 |   11,721 |    3,072 |    2,235 |     837 |     --- |   1,303
New York .............|   541,181 |  278,762 |  262,419 |   4,749 |   60,378 |  324,658 |  294,134 |  30,524 |  22,257 | 111,599
North Carolina .......|   287,368 |  128,443 |  158,925 |   2,537 |   25,613 |   58,102 |   54,895 |   3,207 |   3,551 |   6,282
North Dakota .........|    33,771 |   25,659 |    8,112 |     505 |    2,507 |    3,536 |    3,298 |     238 |     --- |     151
                      |           |          |          |         |          |          |          |         |         |
Ohio .................|   382,697 |  229,531 |  153,166 |   7,608 |   46,722 |  113,195 |   92,268 |  20,927 |   4,652 |  18,309
Oklahoma .............|   143,190 |   75,978 |   67,212 |   2,113 |   19,425 |   18,309 |   15,043 |   3,266 |   1,462 |   3,347
Oregon ...............|   130,019 |   49,971 |   80,048 |   1,144 |   13,739 |   16,759 |   16,454 |     305 |   2,626 |   3,128
Pennsylvania .........|   317,393 |  197,290 |  120,103 |   4,431 |   38,032 |  213,320 |  169,539 |  43,781 |  10,746 |  42,982
Rhode Island .........|    37,561 |   19,575 |   17,986 |      13 |    5,690 |   31,803 |   31,803 |     --- |     299 |   3,799
                      |           |          |          |         |          |          |          |         |         |
South Carolina .......|   124,385 |   65,888 |   58,497 |   1,822 |   19,373 |   23,659 |   21,326 |   2,333 |     603 |   1,601
South Dakota .........|    25,866 |   25,711 |      155 |     422 |    4,058 |    6,922 |    6,737 |     185 |      80 |     248
Tennessee ............|   171,299 |   94,095 |   77,204 |   2,572 |   18,431 |   42,373 |   38,374 |   3,999 |   2,976 |   5,319
Texas ................|   740,792 |  330,240 |  410,552 |   9,886 |   81,780 |   80,096 |   75,187 |   4,909 |   7,083 |  18,889
Utah .................|    89,345 |   54,748 |   34,597 |     782 |    6,831 |   32,863 |   31,749 |   1,114 |     481 |   2,781
                      |           |          |          |         |          |          |          |         |         |
Vermont ..............|    19,362 |   13,831 |    5,531 |     377 |    1,658 |   12,751 |   12,574 |     177 |     504 |   2,725
Virginia .............|   256,057 |  121,953 |  134,104 |   4,171 |   37,294 |   46,870 |   42,803 |   4,067 |   2,137 |   7,643
Washington ...........|   224,396 |   68,649 |  155,747 |   1,603 |   12,764 |   26,662 |   24,217 |   2,445 |   1,641 |   8,490
West Virginia.........|    66,231 |   58,920 |    7,311 |   1,359 |   11,694 |   10,586 |    9,714 |     872 |     --- |     382
Wisconsin ............|   231,491 |  124,074 |  107,417 |   1,754 |   23,645 |   41,763 |   39,982 |   1,781 |   1,717 |   7,532
Wyoming ..............|    27,930 |    9,287 |   18,643 |     222 |    2,535 |      861 |      --- |     861 |     --- |     ---
                      |           |          |          |         |          |          |          |         |         |
U.S. Service Schools .|    49,099 |   14,805 |   34,294 |     666 |    2,857 |      --- |      --- |     --- |     --- |     ---
   Outlying areas ....|    60,300 |   49,724 |   10,576 |   1,124 |    5,278 |   95,778 |   84,057 |  11,721 |   1,650 |   5,629
American Samoa .......|     1,295 |      --- |    1,295 |     --- |      --- |      --- |      --- |     --- |     --- |     ---
Federated States of   |           |          |          |     --- |          |          |          |         |         |
   Micronesia.........|     1,028 |      --- |    1,028 |     --- |      --- |      --- |      --- |     --- |     --- |     ---
Guam .................|     4,581 |    2,892 |    1,689 |     --- |      264 |      --- |      --- |     --- |     --- |     ---
Marshall Islands......|       374 |      --- |      374 |     --- |      --- |      --- |      --- |     --- |     --- |     ---
Northern Marianas ....|       796 |      --- |      796 |     --- |      --- |      --- |      --- |     --- |     --- |     ---
Palau.................|       445 |      --- |      445 |     --- |      --- |      --- |      --- |     --- |     --- |     ---
Puerto Rico ..........|    49,197 |   44,248 |    4,949 |   1,124 |    4,742 |   95,778 |   84,057 |  11,721 |   1,650 |   5,629
Virgin Islands .......|     2,584 |    2,584 |      --- |     --- |      272 |      --- |      --- |     --- |     --- |     ---

---Data not reported or not applicable.

\1\Revised from previously published data.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Fall Enrollment, 1992" survey. (This table was prepared February 1995.)

1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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