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Digest of Education Statistics
1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 179.Graduation, college preparation, and college application rates of high school students, by selected school characteristics: 1993-94

                       |      Public schools       |     Private schools
                       |Number |   1993   |Average |Number |   1993   | Average
       Selected        |  of   |graduation|college |  of   |graduation| college
        school         |schools| rate of  |applica-|schools| rate of  |applica-
    characteristics    | with  |fall 1992 |  tion  | with  |fall 1992 |  tion
                       | 12th  |   12th   |  rate  | 12th  |   12th   |  rate
                       |graders| graders  |of 12th |graders| graders  | of 12th
                       |       |          |graders |       |          | graders
           1           |   2   |    3     |   4    |   5   |    6     |    7
    Total .............|17,838 |     92.6 |   57.4 | 7,875 |     98.2 |    87.5
Percent minority       |       |          |        |       |          |
 students              |       |          |        |       |          |
  Less than 5% ........| 6,843 |     94.1 |   56.4 | 2,926 |     98.9 |    84.8
  5% to 19% ...........| 3,784 |     93.7 |   60.2 | 2,735 |     98.5 |    90.0
  20% to 49% ..........| 3,850 |     92.1 |   58.5 | 1,439 |     97.7 |    90.2
  50% or more .........| 3,360 |     90.1 |   54.2 |   775 |     96.5 |    79.9
                       |       |          |        |       |          |
Community type         |       |          |        |       |          |
  Central city ........| 3,698 |     90.0 |   55.2 | 3,202 |     98.4 |    89.1
  Suburban/large town .| 3,527 |     92.5 |   62.0 | 2,306 |     97.8 |    87.2
  Small town/rural ....|10,613 |     94.8 |   55.1 | 2,368 |     98.6 |    82.5

NOTE.--Data are based upon a sample survey and may not be strictly comparable with data reported elsewhere. Only includes schools with students enrolled in 12th grade. Because of rounding, details may not add to totals.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, "Schools and Staffing Survey, 1993-94." (This table was prepared August 1995.)

1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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