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Digest of Education Statistics
1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 104.Employment status, wages earned, and living arrangements of special education students out of high school more than 1 year: 1987 /1/

                           | Percent of youth  | Average  |  Percent earning  | Percent living
                           |  working for pay  |  hourly  |___________________|________________
    Type of disability     |___________________|   wage   |Less than|More than|Indepen-| With
                           |Full-time|Part-time|  earned  |  $3.00  |  $5.00  |dently2/|parents
             1             |    2    |    3    |    4     |    5    |    6    |   7    |   8
  All conditions ..........|    29.2 |    17.2 |    $4.35 |    11.9 |    21.0 |   17.3 |  68.9
Learning disabled .........|    37.9 |    19.3 |     4.63 |     7.6 |    25.0 |   22.0 |  66.6
Speech impaired .......... |    28.8 |    21.2 |     4.09 |    13.9 |    26.5 |   13.2 |  73.0
Mentally retarded .........|    19.8 |    11.6 |     3.68 |    24.7 |    11.5 |    9.2 |  75.7
Emotionally disturbed .....|    18.5 |    21.5 |     3.94 |    16.3 |    12.4 |   15.1 |  65.9
Hard of hearing ...........|    22.9 |    22.6 |     4.08 |     6.5 |    26.2 |   16.6 |  77.8
Deaf ......................|    23.6 |    14.7 |     4.08 |     3.4 |     6.6 |   20.2 |  71.6
Orthopedically impaired ...|     1.3 |    12.6 |     (3/) |    (3/) |    (3/) |   11.8 |  76.8
Other health impaired .....|    13.9 |    14.9 |     (3/) |    (3/) |    (3/) |   15.8 |  70.8
Visually impaired .........|    10.0 |    14.3 |     3.12 |    29.3 |    10.6 |   26.0 |  64.4
Multiple disabilities .....|     1.3 |     4.4 |     (3/) |    (3/) |    (3/) |    3.1 |  50.2
Deaf-blind ................|     0.0 |     9.5 |     (3/) |    (3/) |    (3/) |   (3/) |  (3/)

1/Data based on students who completed, reached maximum age for services, or dropped out of high school during the 1985-86 school year.
2/Living independently includes living alone, with a spouse or roommate, in military housing, or in a college dormitory.
3/Too few cases to report.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, The Eleventh Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of the Education of the Handicapped Act, 1989?. (This table was prepared December 1988.)

1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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