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Digest of Education Statistics
1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 54.State legislation on gifted and talented programs and numberand percent of students receiving services in publicelementary and secondary schools, by state: 1989-90

                |          | Discretionary |           |
                |  State-  |    state-     |Gifted and | Gifted and
                | mandated |   supported   | talented  |  talented
     State      |gifted and|  gifted and   | students  | students as
                |talented  |   talented    | receiving |a percent of
                | programs |   programs    | services  | enrollment 1/
       1        |    2     |       3       |      4    |      5
Alabama ........|    X     |               |    17,827 |          2.5
Alaska..........|    X     |               |     4,577 |          4.2
Arizona ........|          |               |       --- |          ---
Arkansas .......|    X     |               |    31,519 |          7.2
California .....|          |       X       |   223,712 |          4.7
                |          |               |           |
Colorado .......|          |       X       |       --- |          ---
Connecticut ....|          |3/     X       |       --- |          ---
Delaware .......|          |       X       |     5,025 |          5.1
Florida ........|    X     |               |    61,458 |          3.4
Georgia ........|    X     |               |    49,384 |          4.4
                |          |               |           |
Hawaii .........|    X     |               |     8,863 |          5.2
Idaho ..........|          |               |       --- |          ---
Illinois .......|    X     |       X       |2/ 141,537 |          7.9
Indiana.........|          |       X       |2/  45,000 |          4.7
Iowa ...........|    X     |       X       |2/  18,970 |          4.0
                |          |               |           |
Kansas .........|    X     |               |    13,096 |          3.0
Kentucky .......|    X     |               |2/  31,825 |          5.0
Louisiana ......|    X     |               |2/  19,000 |          2.4
Maine ..........|    X     |       X       |2/  15,785 |          ---
Maryland .......|          |       X       |2/  60,000 |          8.6
                |          |               |           |
Massachusetts ..|          |               |       --- |          ---
Michigan .......|          |       X       |2/ 182,414 |         11.6
Minnesota ......|          |       X       |    39,725 |          5.4
Mississippi ....|    X     |       X       |    18,279 |          3.6
Missouri........|          |       X       |2/  36,200 |          4.5
                |          |               |           |
Montana ........|          |       X      |        --- |          ---
Nebraska .......|          |       X      | 2/  25,000 |          9.2
Nevada .........|          |       X      |      6,389 |          3.4
New Hampshire ..|          |              |        --- |          ---
New Jersey .....|          |       X      |    122,626 |         11.4
                |          |              |            |
New Mexico .....|          |              |        --- |          ---
New York .......|          |       X      | 2/ 150,000 |          5.8
North Carolina .|    X     |       X      |     67,119 |          6.2
North Dakota ...|          |              |      1,151 |          1.0
Ohio ...........|          |       X      |     65,486 |          3.7
                |          |              |            |
Oklahoma .......|    X     |              |     43,297 |          7.5
Oregon .........|    X     |       X      |        --- |          ---
Pennsylvania ...|    X     |              |     80,386 |          4.9
Rhode Island ...|          |       X      | 2/   5,674 |          4.2
South Carolina .|    X     |              |     46,961 |          7.6
                |          |              |            |
South Dakota ...|    X     |       X      |      4,825 |          3.8
Tennessee ......|    X     |              |     15,600 |          1.9
Texas ..........|    X     |              |    206,583 |          6.2
Utah ...........|    X     |       X      |        --- |          ---
Vermont ........|          |              |        --- |          ---
                |          |              |            |
Virginia .......|    X     |       X      |    101,579 |         10.3
Washington .....|          |       X      |        --- |          ---
West Virginia...|    X     |              |     11,989 |          3.7
Wisconsin ......|    X     |              |        --- |          ---
Wyoming ........|          |       X      |        --- |          ---

1/Percent based on enrollment figures collected by the National Center for Education Statistics.
2/Estimated by reporting state.
3/Legislation only mandates that gifted and talented students enrolled in public schools be identified.
X=Indicates that legislation has been passed.

---Data not available.

NOTE.--The District of Columbia was not included in the survey.

SOURCE: Council of State Directors of Programs for the Gifted, The 1990 State of the States Gifted and Talented Education Report. (This table was prepared May 1992.)

1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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