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Digest of Education Statistics
1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 47.Percent of preschool children attending center-based programs, by child and family characteristics: 1991

                                        |Number of| Percent  | Type of center-based program\2\
            Child and family            |preschool| attend-  |__________________________________
            characteristics             |eligible |ing any   | Day care  |  Nursery   |
                                        |children | center-  |  center,  |  school,   |  Both
                                        |(in thou-|  based   |not nursery|not day care|
                                        |sands)\1\|program\2\|  school   |   center   |
                   1                    |    2    |    3     |     4     |     5      |    6
   Total ...............................|   8,442 |       53 |        14 |         35 |       4
Child's age\3\                          |         |          |           |            |
  3-year-olds...........................|   3,749 |       42 |        15 |         24 |       4
  4-year-olds...........................|   3,636 |       60 |        13 |         43 |       5
  5-year-olds...........................|   1,044 |       64 |        11 |         46 |       6
  6-year-olds and older.................|      14 |      --- |       --- |        --- |     ---
                                        |         |          |           |            |
Child's race/ethnicity                  |         |          |           |            |
  White, non-Hispanic...................|   5,880 |       54 |        13 |         36 |       5
  Black, non-Hispanic...................|   1,241 |       58 |        21 |         35 |       3
  Hispanic..............................|   1,002 |       39 |        10 |         27 |       3
  Other ................................|     319 |       53 |        10 |         36 |       6
                                        |         |          |           |            |
Household income                        |         |          |           |            |
  $10,000 or less.......................|   1,495 |       45 |        11 |         31 |       3
  $10,001 to $20,000....................|   1,439 |       44 |        13 |         28 |       4
  $20,001 to $30,000....................|   1,717 |       45 |        13 |         28 |       3
  $30,001 to $40,000....................|   1,325 |       53 |        14 |         34 |       6
  $40,001 to $50,000....................|     936 |       60 |        18 |         38 |       4
  $50,001 to $75,000....................|     975 |       68 |        15 |         47 |       7
  More than $75,000.....................|     556 |       80 |        15 |         57 |       9
                                        |         |          |           |            |
Parent's highest education\4\           |         |          |           |            |
  Less than high school.................|     789 |       30 |         7 |         23 |       1
  High school graduate or equivalent....|   2,744 |       57 |        12 |         29 |       3
  Vocational/technical or some college..|   2,554 |       56 |        16 |         34 |       5
  College graduate......................|   1,281 |       65 |        16 |         44 |       5
  Graduate or professional school.......|   1,020 |       73 |        15 |         51 |       8
                                        |         |          |           |            |
Mother's employment status              |         |          |           |            |
  Working 35 hours per week or more.....|   2,795 |       60 |        25 |         28 |       7
  Working less than 35 hours per week...|   1,908 |       58 |        12 |         40 |       6
  Looking for work......................|     518 |       43 |         9 |         32 |       2
  Not in labor force....................|   3,014 |       45 |         5 |         39 |       2

\1\Number of children 3 to 6 years of age not enrolled in kindergarten or higher level programs.
\2\Includes children enrolled in nursery school, prekindergarten, and Head Start.
\3\Calculated as of January 1, 1991.
\4\Highest level of schooling completed by either parent or guardian in the household or the only parent or guardian in the household.

---Estimate suppressed because there were fewer than 30 respondents.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, National Household Education Survey, spring 1991. (This table was prepared April 1994.)

1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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