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Department of the Interior Ethics Office
SF-278 Public Financial Disclosure Report form
This file will allow the user to complete the SF-278 Report form online and then print it out. 

Form DI-278. This file will allow the user view and print a blank copy of the Form DI-278. This form is a supplement to the SF-278 Report form.  Employees who work for the National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Reclamation and the Bureau of Indian Affairs do not have to complete this form. 

OGE Form 450 Confidential Disclosure Report form
This file will allow the user to view and print a blank copy of the OGE Form 450 Confidential Financial Disclosure Report form. 

OGE Form 450A Confidential Certificate form. This program will allow the user to print a blank hard copy of the OGE Confidential Certificate of No New Interests.

Form DI-1993. This file will allow the user to view and print a blank copy of the Form DI-1993 (PDF format). The DI-1993 is a supplement to the OGE Form 450. Employees who work for the National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Reclamation and the Bureau of Indian Affairs do not have to complete this form.  

Form DI-1958.This file will allow the user view and print a blank copy of the Form DI-1958. This form is used when seeking supervisory approval to accept free attendance at widely-attended events.

Form DI-2000. This file will allow the user to view and print a blank copy of the Form DI-2000. This form must be used by an employee who plans to go on official travel at the expense of a non-Federal source. The applicable statutory authority is 31 U.S.C. 1353.  A two page ethics bulletin is attached to the Form.  This bulletin explains how to complete Form DI-2000.

OGE Form 201 Request to inspect or receive a copy of an employee's completed SF-278 Report form. This file will allow the user to view and print a blank copy of the OGE Form 201 which allows an individual to request and/or inspect an employee's filed completed SF-278 Public Financial Disclosure Report.

Sample Recusal Statement. This file contains the format and language for preparing a recusal statement as a result of negotiating for outside employment. 

Sample Recusal Statement. This file contains the format and language for preparing a recusal statement as a result of a questionable financial interest. 

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