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Digest of Education Statistics
1999 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 399  Estimated population, school enrollment, and teachers in major areas of the world: 1980, 1990, 1995, and 1996

                                         |           |                   Major areas of the world
                  Item                   |   World   |____________________________________________________________________
                                         | total\1\  |         |          |             | Central  | Northern |
                                         |           |Africa\2\| Asia\3\  |    Europe\4\|and South |America\5\|Oceania\6\
                                         |           |         |          |             |America\5\|          |
                    1                    |     2     |    3    |    4     |        5    |    6     |    7     |     8
                  1980                   |           |         |          |             |          |          |
                                         |           |         |          |             |          |          |
Population, all ages,\7\ in thousands ...| 4,447,090 | 475,714 |2,641,312 |     693,075 |  359,307 |  255,109 |    22,573
Enrollment, all levels, in thousands ....|   857,052 |  78,029 |  495,087 |     131,762 |   87,315 |   60,043 |     4,815
   First (primary) level\8\ .............|   541,444 |  62,128 |  336,068 |      52,471 |   65,414 |   22,611 |     2,752
   Second level\9\ ......................|   264,521 |  14,360 |  144,753 |      62,876 |   16,972 |   23,913 |     1,647
   Third level\10\ ......................|    51,087 |   1,541 |   14,266 |      16,416 |    4,930 |   13,518 |       416
Teachers, all levels, in thousands.......|    38,263 |   2,341 |   19,616 |       8,224 |    3,731 |    4,079 |       272
   First (primary) level\8\ .............|    19,046 |   1,663 |   10,874 |       2,541 |    2,260 |    1,580 |       129
   Second level\9\ ......................|    15,368 |     584 |    7,524 |       4,385 |    1,083 |    1,679 |       112
   Third level\10\ ......................|     3,848 |      94 |    1,218 |       1,297 |      388 |      820 |        31
                                         |           |         |          |             |          |          |
Public expenditures on education, in     |           |         |          |             |          |          |
   millions of U.S. dollars .............|  $516,400 | $22,900 |  $93,800 |    $200,600 |  $33,500 | $155,100 |   $10,400
As a percent of gross national product ..|       4.8 |     5.3 |      4.0 |\11\     5.1 |      3.8 |      5.2 |       5.6
                                         |           |         |          |             |          |          |
                  1990                   |           |         |          |             |          |          |
                                         |           |         |          |             |          |          |
Population, all ages,\7\ in thousands ...| 5,281,986 | 629,389 |3,184,342 |     722,109 |  437,822 |  282,020 |    26,304
Enrollment, all levels, in thousands ....|   980,993 | 107,813 |  569,907 |     131,159 |  104,910 |   62,008 |     5,197
   First (primary) level\8\ .............|   596,791 |  80,585 |  364,204 |      48,968 |   75,504 |   24,811 |     2,720
   Second level\9\ ......................|   315,555 |  24,373 |  182,321 |      63,364 |   22,079 |   21,569 |     1,849
   Third level\10\ ......................|    68,647 |   2,855 |   23,382 |      18,828 |    7,326 |   15,629 |       628
Teachers, all levels, in thousands ......|    47,083 |   3,791 |   24,441 |       9,354 |    5,165 |    4,001 |       331
   First (primary) level\8\ .............|    22,593 |   2,390 |   12,691 |       2,780 |    3,006 |    1,582 |       143
   Second level\9\ ......................|    19,352 |   1,241 |    9,932 |       5,065 |    1,519 |    1,449 |       146
   Third level\10\ ......................|     5,138 |     160 |    1,818 |       1,509 |      640 |      969 |        41
                                         |           |         |          |             |          |          |
Public expenditures on education, in     |           |  10,981 |          |             |          |          |
   millions of U.S. dollars .............|  $986,500 | $25,700 | $199,800 |    $367,500 |  $44,600 | $330,300 |   $18,600
As a percent of gross national product ..|       4.8 |     5.6 |      3.7 |\11\     5.1 |      4.1 |      5.4 |       5.6
                                         |           |         |          |             |          |          |
                  1995                   |           |         |          |             |          |          |
                                         |           |         |          |             |          |          |
Population, all ages,\7\ in thousands ...| 5,686,775 | 719,497 |3,437,791 |     728,034 |  476,641 |  296,644 |    28,168
Enrollment, all levels, in thousands ....| 1,105,367 | 130,308 |  646,855 |     137,836 |  116,672 |   66,511 |     7,186
   First (primary) level\8\ .............|   650,876 |  95,667 |  395,725 |      47,367 |   82,490 |   26,500 |     3,127
   Second level\9\ ......................|   373,200 |  30,698 |  220,333 |      69,453 |   25,841 |   23,984 |     2,891
   Third level\10\ ......................|    81,291 |   3,944 |   30,796 |      21,016 |    8,342 |   16,026 |     1,167
Teachers, all levels, in thousands ......|    52,081 |   4,474 |   26,977 |      10,104 |    5,816 |    4,269 |       439
   First (primary) level\8\ .............|    24,340 |   2,802 |   13,515 |       2,848 |    3,366 |    1,649 |       161
   Second level\9\ ......................|    21,759 |   1,468 |   11,283 |       5,561 |    1,703 |    1,528 |       217
   Third level\10\ ......................|     5,981 |     205 |    2,180 |       1,696 |      747 |    1,092 |        61
                                         |           |         |          |             |          |          |
                  1996                   |           |         |          |             |          |          |
                                         |           |         |          |             |          |          |
Population, all ages,\7\ in thousands ...| 5,767,443 | 738,740 |3,488,028 |     728,561 |  484,309 |  299,250 |    28,555
Enrollment, all levels, in thousands ....| 1,127,901 | 134,610 |  661,015 |     138,812 |  118,993 |   67,119 |     7,353
   First (primary) level\8\ .............|   661,750 |  98,061 |  402,264 |      47,619 |   83,920 |   26,737 |     3,150
   Second level\9\ ......................|   381,890 |  32,222 |  226,169 |      69,853 |   26,291 |   24,356 |     3,000
   Third level\10\ ......................|    84,261 |   4,327 |   32,582 |      21,339 |    8,781 |   16,028 |     1,204
Teachers, all levels, in thousands.......|    52,270 |   4,649 |   27,190 |       9,742 |    5,937 |    4,306 |       446
   First (primary) level\8\ .............|    24,641 |   2,890 |   13,635 |       2,866 |    3,428 |    1,661 |       161
   Second level\9\ ......................|    21,535 |   1,537 |   11,327 |       5,173 |    1,722 |    1,552 |       223
   Third level\10\ ......................|     6,093 |     222 |    2,228 |       1,703 |      787 |    1,092 |        61

\1\Enrollment and teacher data exclude the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
\2\Excludes Rodrigues and other small islands.
\3\Includes 5 countries of the former U.S.S.R., the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Arab states, and both the Asian and the European portions of Turkey.
\4\Includes all countries of the former U.S.S.R. except Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Takjikistan, and Turkmenistan.
\5\Northern America includes Bermuda, Canada, Greenland, St. Pierre and Miquelon, and the United States of America. Hawaii is included in Northern America rather than Oceania. Central and South America includes Latin America and the Caribbean.
\6\Includes American Samoa, Australia, Cook Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia, Guam, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Niue, Norfolk Island, Pacific Islands, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, and the Republic of Vanuatu.
\7\Estimate of midyear population.
\8\First level enrollment generally consists of elementary school, grades 1-6.
\9\Second level enrollment includes general education, teacher training (at the second level), and technical and vocational education. This level generally corresponds to secondary education in the United States, grades 7-12.
\10\Third level enrollment includes college and university enrollment, and technical and vocational education beyond the high school level. There is considerable variation in reporting from country to country. NOTE.
--Because of rounding, details may not add to totals.

SOURCE: United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, Paris, 1998 Statistical Yearbook. (This table was prepared August 1999.)

1999 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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