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Digest of Education Statistics
1999 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 377  U.S. Department of Agriculture obligations for child nutrition programs, by state or other area: Fiscal years 1997 and 1998 (In thousands)

                      |            |                               Fiscal year 1998
                      |            |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
                      |   Total,   |            |             |               |               |     State     | Commodities  |    Child    |   Summer    | Nutrition
 State or other area  |fiscal year |   Total    |   Special   |    School     |    School     |  administra-  |   and Cash   |  And Adult  |    Food     | education
                      |    1997    |            |    milk     |   lunch\1\    |   breakfast   |     tive      |  In-Lieu of  |    Care     |   Service   |    and
                      |            |            |             |               |               |   expenses    |Commodities\2\|             |             | training
          1           |     2      |     3      |      4      |       5       |       6       |       7       |      8       |      9      |     10      |    11
  Total ..............| $8,980,908 | $9,199,590 |     $18,343 |    $5,130,325 |    $1,299,556 |      $110,426 |     $826,875 |  $1,558,721 |    $251,594 |    $3,750
Alabama...............|    173,635 |    176,994 |          43 |       102,130 |        22,749 |         2,189 |       16,438 |      28,461 |       4,935 |        50
Alaska................|     23,034 |     24,509 |           2 |        14,616 |         2,204 |           469 |        1,626 |       5,526 |          16 |        50
Arizona...............|    160,756 |    171,150 |         140 |        91,769 |        23,670 |         2,073 |       14,532 |      34,564 |       4,352 |        50
Arkansas..............|    102,716 |    105,669 |          22 |        58,579 |        18,267 |         1,340 |        9,120 |      16,159 |       2,132 |        50
California............|  1,129,777 |  1,170,024 |         822 |       688,216 |       181,342 |        13,293 |       85,950 |     179,166 |      20,910 |       326
                      |            |            |             |               |               |               |              |             |             |
Colorado..............|     91,754 |     90,498 |          88 |        48,032 |         7,883 |         1,365 |        9,193 |      22,281 |       1,606 |        50
Connecticut...........|     68,093 |     70,225 |         504 |        39,344 |         8,859 |           953 |        8,331 |       9,742 |       2,442 |        50
Delaware..............|     25,591 |     25,010 |           9 |        10,783 |         2,897 |           467 |        1,978 |       7,592 |       1,234 |        50
District of Columbia..|     22,694 |     23,865 |           9 |        14,185 |         3,321 |           364 |        1,098 |       2,809 |       2,079 |         0
Florida...............|    472,852 |    495,522 |         166 |       290,283 |        73,654 |         4,942 |       43,834 |      58,468 |      24,046 |       128
                      |            |            |             |               |               |               |              |             |             |
Georgia...............|    320,047 |    342,390 |          29 |       191,012 |        60,827 |         3,343 |       31,115 |      46,594 |       9,397 |        74
Hawaii................|     38,368 |     41,052 |           6 |        26,173 |         5,775 |           525 |        3,909 |       4,285 |         329 |        50
Idaho.................|     33,821 |     35,689 |         210 |        22,198 |         3,610 |           586 |        4,036 |       3,993 |       1,006 |        50
Illinois..............|    334,452 |    344,108 |       2,654 |       200,050 |        30,693 |         3,968 |       30,727 |      60,799 |      15,094 |       123
Indiana...............|    134,757 |    139,614 |         350 |        79,287 |        16,745 |         1,680 |       18,300 |      21,258 |       1,936 |        57
                      |            |            |             |               |               |               |              |             |             |
Iowa..................|     78,346 |     80,226 |         154 |        44,460 |         7,497 |         1,103 |       12,332 |      13,907 |         723 |        50
Kansas................|     92,226 |     88,217 |         136 |        42,242 |         9,589 |         1,198 |        7,800 |      26,253 |         949 |        50
Kentucky..............|    145,383 |    155,105 |          87 |        90,517 |        28,913 |         1,687 |       13,859 |      16,907 |       3,086 |        50
Louisiana.............|    241,719 |    251,371 |          56 |       134,551 |        40,830 |         3,358 |       22,597 |      43,231 |       6,698 |        50
Maine.................|     34,963 |     35,189 |         127 |        17,011 |         3,413 |           508 |        3,753 |       9,507 |         820 |        50
                      |            |            |             |               |               |               |              |             |             |
Maryland..............|    127,386 |    130,229 |         417 |        69,799 |        16,280 |         1,738 |       11,394 |      27,424 |       3,126 |        50
Massachusetts.........|    148,911 |    150,714 |         541 |        75,746 |        17,526 |         2,073 |       14,207 |      36,227 |       4,338 |        56
Michigan..............|    231,960 |    232,878 |         946 |       129,224 |        29,103 |         3,085 |       22,171 |      44,425 |       3,829 |        95
Minnesota.............|    157,173 |    153,044 |       1,169 |        65,558 |        12,513 |         2,636 |       17,071 |      50,823 |       3,225 |        50
Mississippi...........|    158,118 |    160,693 |          11 |        93,743 |        30,409 |         1,830 |       11,332 |      19,880 |       3,440 |        50
                      |            |            |             |               |               |               |              |             |             |
Missouri..............|    162,424 |    163,141 |         396 |        89,019 |        23,318 |         2,022 |       15,785 |      27,994 |       4,554 |        53
Montana...............|     27,484 |     28,046 |          42 |        13,386 |         2,572 |           558 |        2,851 |       8,178 |         409 |        50
Nebraska..............|     61,420 |     61,603 |         162 |        27,220 |         4,564 |         1,075 |        6,793 |      21,161 |         578 |        50
Nevada................|     34,911 |     38,745 |         169 |        22,331 |         5,950 |           544 |        3,942 |       2,937 |       2,821 |        50
New Hampshire.........|     19,304 |     19,291 |         186 |        10,776 |         2,021 |           345 |        3,151 |       2,466 |         296 |        50
                      |            |            |             |               |               |               |              |             |             |
New Jersey............|    166,617 |    174,247 |         968 |       106,808 |        15,215 |         1,963 |       15,692 |      26,387 |       7,137 |        76
New Mexico............|     97,302 |    103,747 |           3 |        45,609 |        13,053 |         1,806 |        5,931 |      31,241 |       6,055 |        50
New York..............|    647,236 |    669,590 |       1,238 |       369,900 |        86,592 |         7,064 |       52,565 |     109,172 |      42,883 |       176
North Carolina........|    255,432 |    271,708 |         142 |       145,319 |        43,369 |         2,960 |       24,665 |      51,030 |       4,156 |        67
North Dakota..........|     25,142 |     24,647 |          73 |        10,151 |         1,609 |           556 |        2,845 |       9,061 |         303 |        50
                      |            |            |             |               |               |               |              |             |             |
Ohio..................|    258,079 |    256,935 |         961 |       148,285 |        31,241 |         3,154 |       25,499 |      43,446 |       4,233 |       116
Oklahoma..............|    126,341 |    132,265 |          91 |        70,656 |        20,993 |         1,799 |        9,364 |      27,238 |       2,074 |        50
Oregon................|     92,504 |     98,730 |         200 |        45,352 |        13,858 |         1,407 |        9,073 |      26,986 |       1,804 |        50
Pennsylvania..........|    268,039 |    270,187 |         829 |       157,675 |        32,313 |         2,959 |       27,923 |      33,699 |      14,675 |       114
Rhode Island..........|     23,161 |     24,820 |         123 |        14,782 |         2,185 |           368 |        2,437 |       3,576 |       1,300 |        50
                      |            |            |             |               |               |               |              |             |             |
South Carolina........|    156,390 |    161,604 |          11 |        92,131 |        29,335 |         1,730 |       13,651 |      17,966 |       6,730 |        50
South Dakota..........|     28,311 |     28,512 |          49 |        15,224 |         2,843 |           500 |        3,390 |       5,687 |         769 |        50
Tennessee.............|    176,847 |    182,951 |          32 |       102,734 |        28,435 |         2,102 |       17,434 |      27,001 |       5,162 |        50
Texas.................|    821,197 |    861,625 |         108 |       509,530 |       148,480 |         9,333 |       68,314 |     106,915 |      18,727 |       216
Utah..................|     78,243 |     78,477 |          79 |        35,414 |         4,987 |         1,253 |        8,640 |      26,052 |       2,001 |        50
                      |            |            |             |               |               |               |              |             |             |
Vermont...............|     15,737 |     15,602 |          91 |         7,514 |         1,812 |           364 |        1,329 |       4,102 |         340 |        50
Virginia..............|    164,514 |    164,646 |          85 |        97,786 |        24,084 |         1,277 |       17,275 |      21,174 |       2,903 |        63
Washington............|    146,789 |    148,483 |         286 |        79,513 |        19,216 |         2,003 |       13,430 |      31,108 |       2,872 |        54
West Virginia.........|     64,961 |     70,864 |          32 |        36,932 |        13,253 |           828 |        7,428 |      10,662 |       1,679 |        50
Wisconsin.............|    113,994 |    120,222 |       1,591 |        66,560 |         7,397 |         1,579 |       16,727 |      24,175 |       2,138 |        54
Wyoming...............|     15,601 |     15,679 |          21 |         7,711 |         1,295 |           357 |        1,735 |       4,410 |         100 |        50
                      |            |            |             |               |               |               |              |             |             |
Administrative costs .|      5,643 |      6,143 |           0 |             0 |             0 |             0 |        6,143 |           0 |           0 |         0
                      |            |            |             |               |               |               |              |             |             |
Department of Defense |            |            |             |               |               |               |              |             |             |
  dependents schools .|      5,893 |      7,055 |           0 |         5,863 |             4 |             0 |        1,188 |           0 |           0 |         0
                      |            |            |             |               |               |               |              |             |             |
    Outlying areas    |            |            |             |               |               |               |              |             |             |
American Samoa .......|         67 |         50 |           0 |             0 |             0 |             0 |            0 |           0 |           0 |        50
Guam .................|      4,711 |      5,101 |           0 |         3,106 |         1,027 |           229 |          525 |         165 |           0 |        50
Northern Marianas ....|         67 |          0 |           0 |             0 |             0 |             0 |            0 |           0 |           0 |         0
Puerto Rico ..........|    158,057 |    157,617 |           0 |       103,185 |        24,140 |         1,922 |        9,423 |      14,972 |       3,924 |        50
Trust Territory of the|            |            |             |               |               |               |              |             |             |
  Pacific ............|         46 |          0 |           0 |             0 |             0 |             0 |            0 |           0 |           0 |         0
Virgin Islands .......|      6,335 |      6,873 |           4 |         4,393 |           333 |           286 |          560 |         702 |         544 |        50
Undistributed\3\ .....|    203,576 |    136,398 |       1,671 |        45,953 |        35,493 |         1,314 |       14,462 |      48,775 |     -11,320 |        51

\1\Special Meal Assistance program is combined with "School Lunch" program.
\2\Commodities are based on preliminary food orders for fiscal year 1998.
\3\Undistributed amount reflects the difference between preliminary state earnings reports and federal obligations as of September 30, 1998. NOTE.
--Data are based on obligations as reported September 30, 1998. Negative amounts occur when program receipts exceed the obligations. Because of rounding, details may not add to totals.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service, Budget Division, unpublished data. (This table was prepared March 1999.)

1999 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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