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Digest of Education Statistics
1999 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 367  Federal on-budget funds for education and related programs, in current dollars, by agency: Fiscal years 1965 to 1999 [In thousands of current dollars]

                     Agency                      |   1965    |    1970    |    1975    |    1980    |    1985    |    1990    |    1995    |    1997    |    1998    |  1999\1\
                        1                        |     2     |     3      |     4      |     5      |     6      |     7      |     8      |     9      |     10     |     11
  Total .........................................|$5,331,016 |$12,526,499 |$23,288,120 |$34,493,502 |$39,027,876 |$51,624,342 |$71,639,520 |$73,731,846 |$76,505,979 |$82,847,746
Department of Education .........................| 1,000,567 |  4,625,224 |  7,350,355 | 13,137,785 | 16,701,065 | 23,198,575 | 31,403,000 | 30,110,495 | 31,558,971 | 34,510,176
Department of Agriculture .......................|   768,927 |    960,910 |  2,219,352 |  4,562,467 |  4,782,274 |  6,260,843 |  9,092,089 |  9,778,676 |  9,991,845 | 10,862,744
Department of Commerce ..........................|     9,347 |     13,990 |     38,967 |    135,561 |     55,114 |     53,835 |     88,929 |     90,965 |     99,622 |     81,566
Department of Defense ...........................|   587,412 |    821,388 |  1,009,229 |  1,560,301 |  3,119,213 |  3,605,509 |  3,879,002 |  3,860,835 |  3,853,503 |  3,943,461
Department of Energy ............................|   442,434 |    551,527 |    764,676 |  1,605,558 |  2,247,822 |  2,561,950 |  2,692,314 |  3,286,118 |  3,419,876 |  3,629,870
Department of Health and Human Services .........| 1,027,537 |  1,796,854 |  3,675,225 |  5,613,930 |  5,322,356 |  7,956,011 | 12,469,563 | 13,314,881 | 13,804,588 | 14,905,821
Department of Housing and Urban Development .....|   221,256 |    114,709 |    (52,768)|      5,314 |        438 |        118 |      1,613 |      2,623 |      3,151 |      4,030
Department of the Interior ......................|   170,088 |    190,975 |    300,191 |    440,547 |    549,479 |    630,537 |    702,796 |    765,045 |    778,091 |    815,647
Department of Justice ...........................|    10,252 |     15,728 |     61,542 |     60,721 |     66,802 |     99,775 |    172,350 |    251,018 |    254,150 |    260,038
Department of Labor .............................|   230,041 |    424,494 |  1,103,935 |  1,862,738 |  1,948,685 |  2,511,380 |  3,967,914 |  4,436,537 |  4,644,250 |  5,152,250
Department of State .............................|    64,200 |     59,742 |     89,433 |     25,188 |     23,820 |     51,225 |     54,671 |     49,393 |    332,238 |    299,063
Department of Transportation ....................|       --- |     27,534 |     52,290 |     54,712 |     82,035 |     76,186 |    135,816 |    118,987 |    121,328 |    125,936
Department of the Treasury ......................|     8,240 |         18 |  1,118,840 |  1,247,463 |    290,276 |     41,715 |     49,496 |     51,098 |     96,096 |    100,085
Department of Veterans Affairs ..................|    97,237 |  1,032,918 |  4,402,212 |  2,351,233 |  1,289,849 |    757,476 |  1,324,382 |  1,394,894 |  1,417,022 |  1,565,512
                                                 |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
           Other agencies and programs           |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
                                                 |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
ACTION ..........................................|       --- |        --- |      7,081 |      2,833 |      1,761 |      8,472 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
Agency for International Development ............|    63,329 |     88,034 |     78,896 |    176,770 |    198,807 |    249,786 |    290,580 |    369,521 |    352,453 |    340,254
Appalachian Regional Commission .................|       --- |     37,838 |     45,786 |     19,032 |      4,745 |         93 |     10,623 |      6,347 |     10,624 |      9,600
Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence       |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
  in Education Foundation .......................|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |      1,033 |      3,000 |      3,000 |      3,000 |      3,000
Corporation for National and Community Service ..|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |    214,600 |    361,000 |    444,000 |    456,000
Environmental Protection Agency .................|       --- |     19,446 |     33,875 |     41,083 |     60,521 |     87,481 |    125,721 |    111,044 |    177,465 |    178,637
Estimated education share of federal aid to      |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
  the District of Columbia ......................|    11,350 |     33,019 |     55,487 |     81,847 |    107,340 |    104,940 |     78,796 |     97,146 |    117,259 |    110,240
Federal Emergency Management Agency .............|       --- |        290 |        290 |      1,946 |      1,828 |        215 |    170,400 |     95,661 |     44,192 |     45,000
General Services Administration .................|     4,013 |     14,775 |     22,532 |     34,800 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
Harry S Truman Scholarship fund .................|       --- |        --- |        --- |     (1,895)|      1,332 |      2,883 |      3,000 |      3,000 |      3,000 |      5,000
Institute of American Indian and Alaskan         |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
  Native Culture and Arts Development ...........|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |      4,305 |     13,000 |      6,000 |      4,000 |      4,000
Institute of Museum and Library Services ........|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |    135,000 |    133,000 |    182,000
James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation ....|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        191 |      2,000 |      2,000 |      1,000 |      2,000
Japanese-United States Friendship Commission ....|       --- |        --- |        --- |      2,294 |      2,236 |      2,299 |      2,000 |      1,000 |      1,000 |      3,000
Library of Congress .............................|    15,111 |     29,478 |     63,766 |    151,871 |    169,310 |    189,827 |    241,000 |    261,000 |    331,000 |    358,000
National Aeronautics and Space Administration ...|   208,788 |    258,366 |    197,901 |    255,511 |    487,624 |  1,093,303 |  1,757,900 |  1,830,892 |  1,686,286 |  1,788,620
National Archives and Records Administration ....|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |     52,118 |     77,397 |    105,172 |    110,541 |    115,072 |    133,884
National Commission on Libraries and             |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
  Information Science ...........................|       --- |        --- |        449 |      2,090 |        723 |      3,281 |      1,000 |      1,000 |      1,000 |      1,000
National Endowment for the Arts .................|       --- |        340 |      4,754 |      5,220 |      5,536 |      5,577 |      9,421 |      7,222 |      4,778 |      4,344
National Endowment for the Humanities ...........|       --- |      8,459 |     63,955 |    142,586 |    125,671 |    141,048 |    151,727 |     94,770 |     92,655 |     92,690
National Science Foundation .....................|   181,216 |    295,628 |    535,294 |    808,392 |  1,147,115 |  1,588,891 |  2,086,195 |  2,465,207 |  2,570,493 |  2,833,298
Nuclear Regulatory Commission ...................|       --- |        --- |      7,093 |     32,590 |     30,261 |     42,328 |     22,188 |     19,311 |     15,524 |     16,079
Office of Economic Opportunity ..................|   189,871 |  1,092,410 |     16,619 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
Smithsonian Institution .........................|     2,233 |      2,461 |      5,509 |      5,153 |      7,886 |      5,779 |      9,961 |      7,669 |      7,681 |      7,705
United States Arms Control Agency ...............|       --- |        100 |        --- |        661 |        395 |         25 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        ---
United States Information Agency ................|     7,512 |      8,423 |      9,405 |     66,210 |    143,007 |    201,547 |    294,800 |    219,800 |        --- |        ---
United States Institute of Peace ................|       --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |      7,621 |     12,000 |     11,000 |     11,000 |     12,000
                                                 |           |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Other agencies ..................................|    10,055 |      1,421 |      5,949 |        990 |        432 |        885 |        500 |      1,149 |      4,767 |      5,195

---Data not available or not applicable.

NOTE.--To the extent possible, amounts reported represent outlays, rather than obligations. Some data have been revised from previously published data. Because of rounding, details may not add to totals.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, compiled from data appearing in U.S. Office of Management and Budget, Budget of the U.S. Government, Appendix, fiscal years 1982 to 2000; National Science Foundation, Federal Funds for Research and Development, fiscal years 1965 to 1999; and unpublished data obtained from various federal agencies. (This table was prepared June 1999.)

1999 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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