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Digest of Education Statistics
1999 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 358  Current-fund expenditures per full-time-equivalent student in higher education institutions, by control and type of institution and purpose of expenditure: 1995-96\1\

                                      |               Total              |              Public              |           Private
                 Item                 |__________________________________|__________________________________|__________________________
                                      |  All   |        |        |       |  All   |        |        |       |  All   |        |
                                      | insti- |Univer- | Other  |2-year | insti- |Univer- | Other  |2-year |institu-|Univer- | Other
                                      |tutions | sities | 4-year |       |tutions | sities | 4-year |       |tions\2\| sities | 4-year
                  1                   |   2    |   3    |   4    |   5   |   6    |   7    |   8    |   9   |   10   |   11   |   12
  Total current-fund expenditures\3\ .|$18,383 |$32,265 |$18,304 |$7,255 |$15,403 |$25,444 |$17,307 |$7,180 |$27,325 |$52,413 |$19,907
Educational and general expenditures .| 14,604 | 24,126 | 14,676 | 6,785 | 12,380 | 19,700 | 13,403 | 6,733 | 21,275 | 37,200 | 16,725
  Instruction ........................|  5,571 |  8,705 |  5,466 | 3,185 |  4,978 |  6,946 |  5,486 | 3,240 |  7,348 | 13,902 |  5,435
  Research ...........................|  1,695 |  4,863 |  1,093 |     8 |  1,558 |  4,292 |  1,351 |     8 |  2,107 |  6,551 |    678
  Public service .....................|    682 |  1,447 |    621 |   151 |    686 |  1,611 |    619 |   158 |    669 |    960 |    623
  Academic support ...................|  1,288 |  2,182 |  1,280 |   576 |  1,160 |  1,865 |  1,314 |   563 |  1,671 |  3,118 |  1,224
    Libraries ........................|    416 |    747 |    414 |   151 |    346 |    593 |    389 |   149 |    625 |  1,201 |    455
  Student services ...................|    923 |    907 |  1,054 |   744 |    748 |    742 |    780 |   722 |  1,446 |  1,396 |  1,494
  Institutional support ..............|  1,756 |  2,015 |  2,082 | 1,071 |  1,379 |  1,417 |  1,713 | 1,038 |  2,886 |  3,782 |  2,675
  Operation and maintenance of plant .|  1,186 |  1,663 |  1,250 |   706 |  1,031 |  1,357 |  1,170 |   691 |  1,650 |  2,567 |  1,379
  Scholarships and fellowships .......|  1,271 |  1,948 |  1,564 |   296 |    656 |  1,168 |    727 |   261 |  3,118 |  4,252 |  2,910
    From unrestricted funds ..........|    794 |  1,280 |  1,026 |    62 |    317 |    689 |    349 |    49 |  2,226 |  3,026 |  2,116
    From restricted funds\4\ .........|    477 |    668 |    538 |   234 |    339 |    479 |    379 |   212 |    892 |  1,226 |    794
  Mandatory transfers ................|    232 |    395 |    267 |    50 |    183 |    302 |    242 |    51 |    380 |    672 |    306

\1\Preliminary data.
\2\Includes private 2-year colleges.
\3\Includes expenditures for auxiliary enterprises, hospitals, and independent operations which are not shown separately.
\4\Excludes Pell Grants. NOTE.
--Data for private 2-year colleges are not shown separately because of low survey response rate. Because of rounding, details may not add to totals.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Fall Enrollment" and "Finance" surveys. (This table was prepared November 1998.)

1999 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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