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Digest of Education Statistics
1999 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 348  Voluntary support for institutions of higher education, by source and purpose of support: 1959-60 to 1997-98 [In millions]

      Source and purpose      |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
          of support          |1959-60|1965-66|1970-71|1975-76|1980-81|1985-86|1989-90|1990-91 |1991-92 |1992-93 |1993-94 |1994-95 |1995-96 |1996-97 |1997-98
              1               |   2   |   3   |   4   |   5   |   6   |   7   |   8   |   9    |   10   |   11   |   12   |   13   |   14   |   15   |   16
  Total voluntary support\1\ .|  $815 |$1,440 |$1,860 |$2,410 |$4,230 |$7,400 |$9,800 |$10,200 |$10,700 |$11,200 |$12,350 |$12,750 |$14,250 |$16,000 |$18,400
Sources                       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
  Alumni .....................|   191 |   310 |   458 |   588 | 1,049 | 1,825 | 2,540 |  2,680 |  2,840 |  2,980 |  3,410 |  3,600 |  4,040 |  4,650 |  5,500
  Nonalumni individuals ......|   194 |   350 |   495 |   569 | 1,007 | 1,781 | 2,230 |  2,310 |  2,500 |  2,530 |  2,800 |  2,940 |  3,400 |  3,850 |  4,500
  Corporations ...............|   130 |   230 |   259 |   379 |   778 | 1,702 | 2,170 |  2,230 |  2,260 |  2,400 |  2,510 |  2,560 |  2,800 |  3,050 |  3,250
  Foundations ............... |   163 |   357 |   418 |   549 |   922 | 1,363 | 1,920 |  2,030 |  2,090 |  2,200 |  2,540 |  2,460 |  2,815 |  3,200 |  3,800
  Religious organizations ....|    80 |   108 |   104 |   130 |   140 |   211 |   240 |    240 |    240 |    250 |    240 |    250 |    255 |    250 |    300
  Other ......................|    57 |    85 |   126 |   195 |   334 |   518 |   700 |    710 |    770 |    840 |    850 |    940 |    940 |  1,000 |  1,050
                              |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
Purpose                       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
  Current operations .........|   385 |   675 | 1,050 | 1,480 | 2,590 | 4,022 | 5,440 |  5,830 |  6,100 |  6,300 |  6,710 |  7,230 |  7,850 |  8,500 |  9,000
  Capital purposes ...........|   430 |   765 |   810 |   930 | 1,640 | 3,378 | 4,360 |  4,370 |  4,600 |  4,900 |  5,640 |  5,520 |  6,400 |  7,500 |  9,400
Voluntary support as a        |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
  percent of total            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
  expenditures\2\ ............|  11.4 |   9.2 |   6.8 |   5.5 |   6.0 |   6.9 |   6.5 |    6.2 |    6.2 |    6.2 |    6.5 |    6.3 |    6.7 |    7.2 |    7.8

\1\Data are based on sample surveys of institutions of higher education.
\2\Total expenditures include current-fund expenditures and additions to plant value.

SOURCE: Council for Aid to Education, Research Report, "Contributions to Colleges Drop for First Time Since 1975"; and "Voluntary Support of Education," various years. (This table was prepared August 1999.)

1999 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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