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Digest of Education Statistics
1999 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 140  Average number of Carnegie units earned by public school graduates in vocational education courses, by student characteristics: 1982 to 1998

                     |      |General |Consumer |                  Specific labor market preparation
                     |      | labor  |   and   |_________________________________________________________________________________
         Student     |Total | market |  home-  |        |       |        |         |      |  Occupa-  | Trade  |Technical/|
     characteristics |      |prepara-| making  |Total\1\| Agri- |Business|Marketing|Health|tional home|and in- | communi- |Other
                     |      |  tion  |education|        |culture|        |         |      | economics |dustrial| cations  |
            1        |  2   |   3    |    4    |   5    |   6   |   7    |    8    |  9   |    10     |   11   |    12    |  13
    1982 graduates ..| 4.62 |   0.94 |    0.68 |   3.00 |  0.22 |   1.03 |    0.16 | 0.05 |      0.11 |   1.04 |     0.21 | 0.10
      Male ..........| 4.60 |   0.93 |    0.30 |   3.36 |  0.36 |   0.47 |    0.14 | 0.02 |      0.06 |   1.96 |     0.24 | 0.01
      Female ........| 4.64 |   0.95 |    1.03 |   2.67 |  0.08 |   1.55 |    0.18 | 0.08 |      0.15 |   0.20 |     0.18 | 0.18
                     |      |        |         |        |       |        |         |      |           |        |          |
      Race/ethnicity |      |        |         |        |       |        |         |      |           |        |          |
        White .......| 4.53 |   0.92 |    0.63 |   2.97 |  0.24 |   1.06 |    0.15 | 0.04 |      0.10 |   0.99 |     0.22 | 0.09
        Black .......| 4.75 |   0.97 |    0.90 |   2.88 |  0.09 |   1.00 |    0.22 | 0.11 |      0.14 |   0.95 |     0.15 | 0.12
        Hispanic ....| 5.22 |   1.01 |    0.85 |   3.36 |  0.23 |   1.00 |    0.17 | 0.07 |      0.13 |   1.38 |     0.15 | 0.12
        Asian .......| 3.34 |   1.01 |    0.30 |   2.03 |  0.03 |   0.58 |    0.04 | 0.03 |      0.06 |   0.88 |     0.30 | 0.02
        American     |      |        |         |        |       |        |         |      |           |        |          |
          Indian ....| 4.77 |   0.90 |    0.47 |   3.40 |  0.25 |   0.74 |    0.14 | 0.08 |      0.06 |   1.88 |     0.13 | 0.03
                     |      |        |         |        |       |        |         |      |           |        |          |
      Academic track |      |        |         |        |       |        |         |      |           |        |          |
        Academic\2\ .| 2.55 |   0.84 |    0.60 |   1.12 |  0.04 |   0.48 |    0.03 | 0.02 |      0.06 |   0.28 |     0.17 | 0.02
        Vocational\3\| 7.74 |   1.02 |    0.78 |   5.94 |  0.58 |   1.68 |    0.33 | 0.08 |      0.17 |   2.43 |     0.21 | 0.24
        Both\4\ .....| 6.03 |   0.86 |    0.57 |   4.60 |  0.29 |   1.66 |    0.29 | 0.09 |      0.15 |   1.57 |     0.29 | 0.14
        Neither\5\ ..| 5.23 |   1.92 |    1.62 |   1.68 |  0.11 |   0.74 |    0.09 | 0.05 |      0.13 |   0.37 |     0.10 | 0.07
    1987 graduates ..| 4.55 |   0.83 |    0.61 |   3.11 |  0.19 |   0.96 |    0.16 | 0.08 |      0.11 |   0.96 |     0.43 | 0.11
      Male ..........| 4.64 |   0.83 |    0.45 |   3.35 |  0.33 |   0.56 |    0.13 | 0.02 |      0.08 |   1.73 |     0.47 | 0.03
      Female ........| 4.47 |   0.83 |    0.86 |   2.77 |  0.07 |   1.34 |    0.19 | 0.12 |      0.14 |   0.23 |     0.39 | 0.18
                     |      |        |         |        |       |        |         |      |           |        |          |
      Race/ethnicity |      |        |         |        |       |        |         |      |           |        |          |
        White .......| 4.65 |   0.84 |    0.60 |   3.20 |  0.24 |   0.97 |    0.16 | 0.07 |      0.11 |   1.00 |     0.47 | 0.10
        Black .......| 4.52 |   0.86 |    0.73 |   2.92 |  0.10 |   1.00 |    0.17 | 0.14 |      0.14 |   0.76 |     0.28 | 0.14
        Hispanic ....| 4.49 |   0.93 |    0.62 |   2.95 |  0.06 |   0.97 |    0.16 | 0.08 |      0.11 |   1.00 |     0.32 | 0.11
        Asian .......| 3.11 |   0.63 |    0.35 |   2.13 |  0.01 |   0.63 |    0.13 | 0.09 |      0.08 |   0.47 |     0.56 | 0.04
        American     |      |        |         |        |       |        |         |      |           |        |          |
          Indian ....| 4.92 |   0.82 |    0.65 |   3.45 |  0.20 |   1.04 |    0.08 | 0.09 |      0.11 |   1.32 |     0.44 | 0.03
                     |      |        |         |        |       |        |         |      |           |        |          |
      Academic track |      |        |         |        |       |        |         |      |           |        |          |
        Academic\2\ .| 2.57 |   0.76 |    0.57 |   1.23 |  0.02 |   0.45 |    0.04 | 0.02 |      0.04 |   0.24 |     0.37 | 0.02
        Vocational\3\| 8.07 |   0.90 |    0.77 |   6.39 |  0.59 |   1.40 |    0.38 | 0.18 |      0.25 |   2.60 |     0.35 | 0.34
        Both\4\ .....| 6.09 |   0.86 |    0.55 |   4.69 |  0.30 |   1.54 |    0.27 | 0.11 |      0.17 |   1.43 |     0.56 | 0.15
        Neither\5\ ..| 5.10 |   1.77 |    1.72 |   1.62 |  0.07 |   0.60 |    0.09 | 0.05 |      0.11 |   0.37 |     0.13 | 0.10
    1990 graduates ..| 4.19 |   0.73 |    0.57 |   2.89 |  0.20 |   0.88 |    0.16 | 0.04 |      0.10 |   0.87 |     0.41 | 0.10
      Male ..........| 4.32 |   0.70 |    0.33 |   3.28 |  0.31 |   0.57 |    0.14 | 0.02 |      0.07 |   1.59 |     0.43 | 0.02
      Female ........| 4.08 |   0.76 |    0.79 |   2.53 |  0.09 |   1.16 |    0.18 | 0.06 |      0.13 |   0.22 |     0.39 | 0.17
                     |      |        |         |        |       |        |         |      |           |        |          |
      Race/ethnicity |      |        |         |        |       |        |         |      |           |        |          |
        White .......| 4.22 |   0.71 |    0.55 |   2.97 |  0.24 |   0.85 |    0.16 | 0.04 |      0.09 |   0.95 |     0.40 | 0.09
        Black .......| 4.41 |   0.82 |    0.80 |   2.79 |  0.06 |   1.05 |    0.17 | 0.04 |      0.15 |   0.64 |     0.40 | 0.16
        Hispanic ....| 4.12 |   0.75 |    0.53 |   2.85 |  0.15 |   0.93 |    0.19 | 0.02 |      0.11 |   0.75 |     0.41 | 0.18
        Asian .......| 3.07 |   0.69 |    0.31 |   2.07 |  0.04 |   0.65 |    0.05 | 0.01 |      0.03 |   0.72 |     0.48 | 0.03
        American     |      |        |         |        |       |        |         |      |           |        |          |
          Indian ....| 4.62 |   0.74 |    0.72 |   3.16 |  0.36 |   0.95 |    0.15 | 0.02 |      0.07 |   0.95 |     0.44 | 0.02
                     |      |        |         |        |       |        |         |      |           |        |          |
      Academic track |      |        |         |        |       |        |         |      |           |        |          |
        Academic\2\ .| 2.41 |   0.67 |    0.55 |   1.19 |  0.03 |   0.46 |    0.04 | 0.01 |      0.04 |   0.22 |     0.34 | 0.02
        Vocational\3\| 8.68 |   1.00 |    0.74 |   6.95 |  0.86 |   1.22 |    0.28 | 0.10 |      0.26 |   3.10 |     0.28 | 0.30
        Both\4\ .....| 6.10 |   0.72 |    0.57 |   4.81 |  0.35 |   1.47 |    0.33 | 0.08 |      0.16 |   1.50 |     0.53 | 0.19
        Neither\5\ ..| 5.81 |   2.81 |    1.26 |   1.74 |  0.10 |   0.46 |    0.04 | 0.04 |      0.08 |   0.54 |     0.32 | 0.04
    1994 graduates ..| 3.96 |   0.64 |    0.52 |   2.79 |  0.24 |   0.88 |    0.18 | 0.08 |      0.13 |   0.70 |     0.35 | 0.09
      Male ..........| 4.13 |   0.70 |    0.35 |   3.08 |  0.37 |   0.66 |    0.14 | 0.03 |      0.08 |   1.25 |     0.36 | 0.03
      Female ........| 3.80 |   0.58 |    0.69 |   2.52 |  0.11 |   1.09 |    0.22 | 0.12 |      0.18 |   0.17 |     0.34 | 0.15
                     |      |        |         |        |       |        |         |      |           |        |          |
      Race/ethnicity |      |        |         |        |       |        |         |      |           |        |          |
        White .......| 3.96 |   0.63 |    0.51 |   2.81 |  0.27 |   0.87 |    0.19 | 0.08 |      0.11 |   0.72 |     0.35 | 0.07
        Black .......| 4.29 |   0.72 |    0.62 |   2.94 |  0.13 |   1.01 |    0.20 | 0.11 |      0.23 |   0.60 |     0.29 | 0.18
        Hispanic ....| 3.87 |   0.64 |    0.48 |   2.75 |  0.13 |   0.93 |    0.15 | 0.07 |      0.14 |   0.65 |     0.36 | 0.17
        Asian .......| 3.01 |   0.51 |    0.36 |   2.13 |  0.14 |   0.70 |    0.11 | 0.06 |      0.10 |   0.50 |     0.46 | 0.03

        American     |      |        |         |        |       |        |         |      |           |        |          |
          Indian ....| 4.27 |   0.85 |    0.65 |   2.77 |  0.41 |   0.75 |    0.06 | 0.18 |      0.15 |   0.53 |     0.41 | 0.06
                     |      |        |         |        |       |        |         |      |           |        |          |
      Academic track |      |        |         |        |       |        |         |      |           |        |          |
        Academic\2\ .| 2.28 |   0.58 |    0.49 |   1.20 |  0.04 |   0.51 |    0.05 | 0.03 |      0.05 |   0.20 |     0.28 | 0.02
        Vocational\3\| 8.64 |   1.00 |    0.78 |   6.86 |  0.90 |   1.17 |    0.34 | 0.08 |      0.26 |   2.89 |     0.26 | 0.29
        Both\4\ .....| 6.01 |   0.66 |    0.54 |   4.82 |  0.48 |   1.41 |    0.37 | 0.16 |      0.23 |   1.25 |     0.46 | 0.18
        Neither\5\ ..| 6.51 |   3.91 |    1.08 |   1.52 |  0.05 |   0.48 |    0.08 | 0.02 |      0.07 |   0.46 |     0.16 | 0.06
    1998 graduates ..| 3.99 |   0.61 |    0.51 |   2.87 |  0.20 |   0.70 |    0.16 | 0.14 |      0.16 |   0.78 |     0.51 | 0.07
      Male ..........| 4.25 |   0.67 |    0.35 |   3.23 |  0.27 |   0.59 |    0.15 | 0.06 |      0.10 |   1.37 |     0.53 | 0.02
      Female ........| 3.77 |   0.57 |    0.66 |   2.54 |  0.14 |   0.80 |    0.18 | 0.22 |      0.21 |   0.23 |     0.49 | 0.12
                     |      |        |         |        |       |        |         |      |           |        |          |
      Race/ethnicity |      |        |         |        |       |        |         |      |           |        |          |
        White .......| 3.97 |   0.58 |    0.49 |   2.90 |  0.24 |   0.69 |    0.15 | 0.11 |      0.14 |   0.83 |     0.51 | 0.06
        Black .......| 4.33 |   0.70 |    0.68 |   2.95 |  0.09 |   0.83 |    0.24 | 0.29 |      0.23 |   0.56 |     0.47 | 0.11
        Hispanic ....| 3.97 |   0.66 |    0.49 |   2.82 |  0.16 |   0.64 |    0.18 | 0.16 |      0.17 |   0.75 |     0.51 | 0.10
        Asian .......| 3.15 |   0.58 |    0.27 |   2.30 |  0.09 |   0.64 |    0.13 | 0.15 |      0.14 |   0.57 |     0.49 | 0.02
        American     |      |        |         |        |       |        |         |      |           |        |          |
          Indian ....| 4.02 |   0.54 |    0.55 |   2.92 |  0.19 |   0.70 |    0.14 | 0.06 |      0.14 |   0.98 |     0.51 | 0.03
                     |      |        |         |        |       |        |         |      |           |        |          |
      Academic track |      |        |         |        |       |        |         |      |           |        |          |
        Academic\2\ .| 2.22 |   0.54 |    0.49 |   1.19 |  0.03 |   0.41 |    0.05 | 0.03 |      0.07 |   0.22 |     0.33 | 0.02
        Vocational\3\| 9.12 |   1.40 |    0.75 |   6.97 |  0.62 |   0.64 |    0.29 | 0.11 |      0.36 |   3.36 |     0.66 | 0.29
        Both\4\ .....| 6.06 |   0.62 |    0.52 |   4.92 |  0.41 |   1.10 |    0.31 | 0.29 |      0.27 |   1.39 |     0.74 | 0.14
        Neither\5\ ..| 5.64 |   2.91 |    1.20 |   1.53 |  0.10 |   0.43 |    0.06 | 0.02 |      0.07 |   0.31 |     0.19 | 0.06

\1\Includes unclassified courses not shown separately.
\2\Includes students who complete at least 12 Carnegie units in academic courses, but less than 3 Carnegie units in any specific labor market preparation field.
\3\Includes students who complete at least 3 Carnegie units in a specific labor market preparation field, but less than 12 Carnegie units in academic courses.
\4\Includes students who complete at least 12 Carnegie units in academic courses and at least 3 Carnegie units in a specific labor market preparation field.
\5\Includes students who complete less than 12 Carnegie units in academic courses and less than 3 Carnegie units in a specific labor market preparation field. NOTE.
--The Carnegie unit is a standard of measurement that represents one credit for the completion of a 1-year course.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, "High School and Beyond," First Followup survey; "1990 High School Transcript Study," "National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988," Second Followup survey; "1994 High School Transcript Study;" and "1998 High School Transcript Study." (This table was prepared February 2000.)

1999 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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