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Digest of Education Statistics
2006 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 134. SAT score averages of college-bound seniors and percent of graduates taking SAT, by state or jurisdiction: Selected years, 1987–88 through 2005–06
State or jurisdiction 1987–88 1995–96 2000–01 2003–04 2004–05 2005–06 Percent of graduates taking SAT, 2004–051  Percent of graduates taking SAT, 2005–061 
Critical reading Mathe-matics Critical reading Mathe-matics Critical reading Mathe-matics Critical reading Mathe-matics Critical reading Mathe-matics Critical reading Mathe-matics Writing2 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
United States 505 501 505 508 506 514 508 518 508 520 503 518 497 49 48  
Alabama 554 540 565 558 559 554 560 553 567 559 565 561 565 10 9  
Alaska 518 501 521 513 514 510 518 514 523 519 517 517 493 52 51  
Arizona 531 523 525 521 523 525 523 524 526 530 521 528 507 33 32  
Arkansas 554 536 566 550 562 550 569 555 563 552 574 568 567 6 5  
California 500 508 495 511 498 517 501 519 504 522 501 518 501 50 49  
Colorado 537 532 536 538 539 542 554 553 560 560 558 564 548 26 26  
Connecticut 513 498 507 504 509 510 515 515 517 517 512 516 511 86 84  
Delaware 510 493 508 495 501 499 500 499 503 502 495 500 484 74 73  
District of Columbia 479 461 489 473 482 474 489 476 490 478 487 472 482 79 78 3 
Florida 499 495 498 496 498 499 499 499 498 498 496 497 480 65 65  
Georgia 480 473 484 477 491 489 494 493 497 496 494 496 487 75 70  
Hawaii 484 505 485 510 486 515 487 514 490 516 482 509 472 61 60  
Idaho 543 523 543 536 543 542 540 539 544 542 543 545 525 21 19  
Illinois 540 540 564 575 576 589 585 597 594 606 591 609 586 10 9  
Indiana 490 486 494 494 499 501 501 506 504 508 498 509 486 66 62  
Iowa 587 588 590 600 593 603 593 602 596 608 602 613 591 5 4  
Kansas 568 557 579 571 577 580 584 585 585 588 582 590 566 9 8  
Kentucky 551 535 549 544 550 550 559 557 561 559 562 562 555 12 11  
Louisiana 551 533 559 550 564 562 564 561 565 562 570 571 571 8 6  
Maine 508 493 504 498 506 500 505 501 509 505 501 501 491 75 73  
Maryland 509 501 507 504 508 510 511 515 511 515 503 509 499 71 70  
Massachusetts 508 499 507 504 511 515 518 523 520 527 513 524 510 86 85  
Michigan 532 533 557 565 561 572 563 573 568 579 568 583 555 10 10  
Minnesota 546 549 582 593 580 589 587 593 592 597 591 600 574 11 10  
Mississippi 557 539 569 557 566 551 562 547 564 554 556 541 562 4 4  
Missouri 547 539 570 569 577 577 587 585 588 588 587 591 582 7 7  
Montana 547 547 546 547 539 539 537 539 540 540 538 545 524 31 28  
Nebraska 562 561 567 568 562 568 569 576 574 579 576 583 566 8 7  
Nevada 517 510 508 507 509 515 507 514 508 513 498 508 481 39 40  
New Hampshire 523 511 520 514 520 516 522 521 525 525 520 524 509 81 82  
New Jersey 500 495 498 505 499 513 501 514 503 517 496 515 496 86 82  
New Mexico 553 543 554 548 551 542 554 543 558 547 557 549 543 13 13  
New York 497 495 497 499 495 505 497 510 497 511 493 510 483 92 88  
North Carolina 478 470 490 486 493 499 499 507 499 511 495 513 485 74 71  
North Dakota 572 569 596 599 592 599 582 601 590 605 610 617 588 4 4  
Ohio 529 521 536 535 534 539 538 542 539 543 535 544 521 29 28  
Oklahoma 558 542 566 557 567 561 569 566 570 563 576 574 563 7 7  
Oregon 517 507 523 521 526 526 527 528 526 528 523 529 503 59 55  
Pennsylvania 502 489 498 492 500 499 501 502 501 503 493 500 483 75 74  
Rhode Island 508 496 501 491 501 499 503 502 503 505 495 502 490 72 69  
South Carolina 477 468 480 474 486 488 491 495 494 499 487 498 480 64 62  
South Dakota 585 573 574 566 577 582 594 597 589 589 590 604 578 5 4  
Tennessee 560 543 563 552 562 553 567 557 572 563 573 569 572 16 15  
Texas 494 490 495 500 493 499 493 499 493 502 491 506 487 54 52  
Utah 572 553 583 575 575 570 565 556 566 557 560 557 550 7 7  
Vermont 514 499 506 500 511 506 516 512 521 517 513 519 502 67 67  
Virginia 507 498 507 496 510 501 515 509 516 514 512 513 500 73 73  
Washington 525 517 519 519 527 527 528 531 532 534 527 532 511 55 54  
West Virginia 528 519 526 506 527 512 524 514 523 511 519 510 515 20 20  
Wisconsin 549 551 577 586 584 596 587 596 592 599 588 600 577 6 6  
Wyoming 550 545 544 544 547 545 551 546 544 543 548 555 537 12 10  
1 Participation rate is based on the projection of high school graduates by the Western InterĀ­state Commission for Higher Education (WICHE), and the number of seniors who took the SAT in each state.
2 Writing data are based on students who took the SAT writing section, which was introduced in March 2005.
3 Participation rate is based on self-reported 2002 twelfth-grade enrollment from D.C.'s public and nonpublic schools because WICHE estimated fewer graduating seniors than actual SAT test takers.
NOTE: Data are for seniors who took the SAT any time during their high school years through March of their senior year. If a student took a test more than once, the most recent score was used. The SAT was formerly known as the Scholastic Assessment Test and the Scholastic AptiĀ­tude Test. Possible scores on each part of the SAT range from 200 to 800.
SOURCE: College Entrance Examination Board, College-Bound Seniors: Total Group Profile [National] Report, selected years, 1987–88 through 2005–06, retrieved August 29, 2006, from (This table was prepared August 2006.)

2006 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

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