Western Colorado Interpretive Association (WCIA)


WCIA was founded in 1988 as a non-profit group organized to assist the US Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, and other government agencies in scientific, educational, historical, and interpretive activities of the resource areas in the western portion of the state of Colorado. Through these efforts visitors to the public lands can better understand the area, and it is hoped, develop a sense of value and desire to ensure their protection and sustainable use for current and future generations. Profits from the sales of these educational materials are used to fund educational and interpretive projects on the public lands in this area.

For more information or to order educational materials, contact WCIA at the following address.

Western Colorado Interpretive Association
2250 Highway 50
Delta, Co. 81416
fax 970.874.6698

2009 Schedule of Educational Events on the Grand Mesa  (not ready yet, call WCIA at (970) 874-6695 for updates)

WCIA Catalogue of Educational Materials (Availability and prices subject to change without notice) 

Mail order form

Created by the Bureau of Land Management, Colorado
Point of Contact: