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Title:  Parents' Reports of School Practices to Provide Information to Families: 1996 and 2003
Description: This Statistics in Brief analyzes parents’ reports of school practices to provide information to families, using data from the 2003 Parent and Family Involvement in Education Survey and the 1996 Parent and Family Involvement in Education and Civic Involvement Survey of the National Household Education Surveys Program. Parent reports of school information practices to involve parents in their children’s education are described and are examined in relation to family involvement at school, and school, family, and student characteristics. Results show that in both 1996 and 2003 the average number of parent-reported school information practices done “very well” was positively related to the frequency of the family’s involvement at school. The average number of school information practices reported by parents as being done “very well” in both survey years was three out of seven practices.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: December 2005
Web Release: January 9, 2006
Print Release: Currently only available online, print version forthcoming.
Publication #: NCES 2006041
General Ordering Information
Center/Program: NCES
Authors: Nancy Vaden-Kiernan, Westat
Type of Product: Statistics in Brief
Survey/Program Areas: National Household Education Survey (NHES)
Questions: For questions about the content of this Statistics in Brief, please contact:
Chris Chapman.
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Washington, DC 20006, USA
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