Star Schools Program Sites

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The Star Schools Program is designed to encourage improved instruction in mathematics, science, and foreign languages, and to support improved literacy skills and vocational education. Through the use of telecommunications, it targets the underserved, including the disadvantaged, illiterate and limited-English populations, and individuals with disabilities.

Juvenile Justice Distance Learning Consortium (JDLC)
This Star Schools initiative will provide accessibility, resources and opportunities for students and teachers to use distance learning to literally redefine the educational process in correctional institutions.

LiteracyLink is a five-year distance learning project. The project will use the latest in video, online, and computer technology to help adults receive literacy instruction and gain a high school diploma or equivalent.

PREL Star -- A Pacific Islands Distance Learning Program
PREL Star Star is a five-year Star Schools Program Grant to increase the capacity for distance learning in the Pacific region through a Pacific-wide telecommunications infrastructure.

Satellite Educational Resources Consortium
With SERC programs, students can join with thousands of others around the United States to participate in courses outside their regular school curriculum. Teachers and administrators can access courses for professional development. SERC is the only distance learning organization that is a partnership of public television and state departments of education.

STEP Star Network
STEP Star Network provides schools with a sophisticated array of technologies designed to emulate the interactivity of a regular classroom. Through a melding of technologies -- including satellite, computer, and fiber optics (where available) -- participants are linked to their teachers, each other, and literally the entire world.

Telecommunications Education for Advances in Mathematics and Science (TEAMS)
TEAMS Distance Learning is a partnership reaching out to provide motivational distance learning opportunities to students, teachers, and parents throughout the United States and in Canada. TEAMS programs are live, interactive distance learning programs, accessible to participants via a television monitor at their school sites.

University of Nebraska-Lincoln
CLASS is an interactive, student-centered course environment within an electronically available communications, learning, and assessment system. Students access moving imagery, graphics, sound, and text via a transparent interactive navigational system that encourages individualized learning, discovery, and exploration. A complete, accredited, high school degree sequence will be available on the Web.

WestEd Distance Learning Resource Network (DLRN)
The Distance Learning Resource Network (DLRN) is a WestEd Laboratory for Educational Research and Development project, established through the Star Schools Dissemination Project Funding. DLRN disseminates information from and for educators, administrators, policy makers and parents interested in the effective implementation of distance education.

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Last Modified: 11/20/2008