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Title:  Trends in Postsecondary Credit Production 1972 and 1980 High School Graduates
Description: Policymakers, curriculum planners, and researchers are interested in the length of time students take to complete milestones in their educational progress and how that has changed over time. This report will compare data from the National Longitudinal Study-1972 high school seniors and the 1980 High School and Beyond senior cohort, using data from the longitudinal studies and from the postsecondary education transcript studies. Trends in time required and credit production will be presented to address questions related to academic progress and how that has changed. Descriptive statistics and crosstabulations will be presented in this short report.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: June 1990
Web Release: June 26, 1990
Print Release: June 26, 1990
Publication #: NCES 90351
General Ordering Information
Center/Program: NCES
Authors: Knepper, Paula
Type of Product: Statistical Analysis Report
Survey/Program Areas: High School and Beyond (HS&B)
High School Transcript Studies (HST)
National Longitudinal Study of the H.S. Class of 1972 (NLS-72)
Questions: For questions about the content of this Statistical Analysis Report, please contact:
NCES WebMaster.
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