Academic Analytics Thursday, January 15, 2009 | 2:18 PM EST
The FSP Index & Database
Top Schools

FSP Index Top Performing Individual Programs 2006-2007

Navigate to a broad field to see the disciplines:

Agricultural Sciences

Biological and Biomedical Sciences




Family, Consumer, and Human Sciences

Health Professions Sciences


Natural Resources and Conservation

Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Agricultural Sciences

Agricutural Economics

  • Iowa State U. (Agricultural Economics)
  • UC - Davis (Agricultural and Resource Economics)
  • UC - Berkeley (Agricultural & Resource Economics)
  • Texas A & M (Agricultural Economics)
  • Ohio State U. (Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics)
  • Michigan State U. (Agricultural Economics)
  • Oregon State U. (Agriculture and Resource Economics)
  • U. Illinois - UC (Agricultural and Consumer Economics)
  • U. Maryland - College Park (Agricultural and Resource Economics)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Agricultural and Applied Economics)

    Agricultural Sciences, Various

  • U. Arizona (Insect Science)
  • UC - Berkeley (Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry)
  • Iowa State U. (Sustainable agriculture)
  • U. Wyoming (Rangeland Ecology & Watershed Management)
  • Colorado State U. (Bioagricultural Science)
  • Virginia Polytechnic Inst. (Plant Pathology Physiology & Weed Science)
  • U. Missouri - Columbia (Plant Insect and Microbial Sciences)
  • U. Arizona (Arid Lands Resource Sciences)
  • Texas A & M (Rangeland Ecology and Management)
  • North Dakota State U. (Animal and Range Sciences)

    Agronomy & Crop Sciences

  • Michigan State U. (Crop and Soil Sciences)
  • Cornell U. (Soil and Crop Sciences)
  • UC - Davis (Horticulture & Agronomy)
  • U. Minnesota - Twin Cities (Agroecology/Agronomy & Applied Plant Sciences)
  • U. Illinois - UC (Crop Sciences)
  • Purdue U. (Agronomy)
  • Washington State U. (Crop and Soil Sciences (Crop Science))
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Agronomy)
  • Iowa State U. (Crop Production & Physiology)
  • U. Georgia (Agronomy)

    Animal Science

  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Animal Science)
  • U. Illinois - UC (Animal Biology)
  • UC - Davis (Animal Biology)
  • Washington State U. (Animal Sciences)
  • U. Missouri - Columbia (Animal Sciences)
  • UMass - Amherst (Animal Science)
  • U. Delaware (Animal Science)
  • Cornell U. (Animal Science)
  • U. Maryland - College Park (Animal Sciences)
  • Rutgers - New Brunswick (Animal Sciences)

    Food Science

  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Food Science)
  • Rutgers - New Brunswick (Food Science)
  • UMass - Amherst (Food Science)
  • U. Illinois - UC (Food Science and Human Nutrition)
  • Cornell U. (Food Science and Technology)
  • Washington State U. (Food Science)
  • U. Minnesota - Twin Cities (Food Science)
  • U. Florida (Food Science)
  • UC - Davis (Food Science)
  • U. Arkansas - Fayetteville (Food Science)


  • U. Florida (Environmental Horticulture)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Horticulture)
  • UC - Davis (Horticulture & Agronomy)
  • Michigan State U. (Horticulture)
  • Purdue U. (Horticulture)
  • Cornell U. (Horticulture)
  • Iowa State U. (Horticulture)
  • Washington State U. (Horticulture)
  • Virginia Polytechnic Inst. (Horticulture)
  • Texas A & M (Horticultural Sciences)

    Plant Sciences

  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics)
  • Washington State U. (Molecular Plant Sciences)
  • U. Arizona (Plant Sciences)
  • Cornell U. (Plant Breeding)
  • U. Kentucky (Plant Sciences)
  • Iowa State U. (Plant Breeding)
  • Montana State U. - Bozeman (Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology)
  • U. Delaware (Plant and Soil Sciences)
  • U. Delaware (Soil Science)
  • U. Maine (Plant Science)

    Soil Science

  • UC - Davis (Agricultural & Environmental Chemistry)
  • UC - Davis (Soils and Biogeochemistry)
  • Michigan State U. (Crop and Soil Sciences)
  • UC- Riverside (Soil and Water Science)
  • Cornell U. (Soil and Crop Sciences)
  • U. Arizona (Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences)
  • U. Minnesota - Twin Cities (Soil Science)
  • Iowa State U. (Soil Science)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Soil Science)
  • Penn State U. (Soil Science)

    Biological and Biomedical Sciences


  • Albert Einstein COM (Anatomy & Structural Biology)
  • Indiana U. SOM (Anatomy and Cell Biology)
  • U. Kentucky (Anatomy and Neurobiology)
  • Medical College of GA (Cellular Biology & Anatomy)
  • U. Iowa (Anatomy & Cell Biology)
  • Duke U. (Biological Anthropology and Anatomy)
  • Medical U. of SC (Pathology & Laboratory Medicine)
  • U. Kansas (Anatomy and Cell Biology)
  • Medical U. of SC (Cell Biology and Anatomy)
  • U. Arizona (Cell Biology and Anatomy)


  • Columbia U. (Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics)
  • UC - Los Angeles (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
  • Stanford U. (Biochemistry)
  • UC - San Francisco (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
  • UC - Los Angeles (Chemistry and Biochemistry)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Biochemistry - Cell and Developmental Biology)
  • Johns Hopkins U. (Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology)
  • Cal Tech (Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics)
  • UNC - Chapel Hill (Biochemistry and Biophysics)
  • Rockefeller U. (Biochemistry, Structural Biology, and Chemistry)

    Bioinformatics & Computational Biology

  • UC - San Diego (Bioinformatics)
  • Yale U. (Computational Biology and Bioinformatics)
  • UC - San Francisco (Biological and Medical Informatics)
  • Boston U. (Bioinformatics)
  • U. Pennsylvania (Genomics and Computational Biology)
  • UT Health Sci. Ctr. - Houston (Biomathematics and Biostatistics)
  • U. Illinois - UC (Biophysics and Computational Biology)
  • NYU (Computational Biology)
  • Duke U. (Computational Biology and Bioinformics)
  • Rutgers - New Brunswick (Computational Biology and Molecular Biophysics)

    Biological & Biomedical Sciences, Various

  • Harvard U. (Systems Biology)
  • U. Cincinnati (Systems Biology and Physiology)
  • U. Florida (Plant Molecular & Cellular Biology)
  • UC - Davis (Animal Behavior)
  • Iowa State U. (Plant Physiology)
  • Texas A & M (Molecular and Environmental Plant Sciences)
  • U. Kentucky (Plant Physiology)
  • Iowa State U. (Animal Physiology)
  • Virginia Polytechnic Inst. (Plant Pathology Physiology & Weed Science)
  • Louisiana State U. (Plant Pathology & Crop physiology)

    Biological & Biomedical Sciences, General

  • MIT (Biology - Cell Biology )
  • Columbia U. (Biological Sciences)
  • Scripps Inst. - California (Chemical and Biological Sciences)
  • Cal Tech (Biology)
  • U. Texas Southwestern Medical (Integrative Biology)
  • UC - San Diego (Biological Sciences)
  • U Southern Cal (Integrative & Evolutionary Biology)
  • U. Oregon (Biology - Cell & Developmental Biology )
  • Cold Spring Harbor (Biological Sciences)

    Biomedical Sciences, General

  • UC - San Diego (Biomedical Sciences)
  • Gerstner Sloan-Kettering U. (Biomedical Sciences)
  • UC - San Francisco (Biomedical Sciences)
  • Vanderbilt U. (Medical Scientist Training Program)
  • UNC - Chapel Hill (Interdisciplinary Biomedical Science)
  • UMass Medical School (Interdisciplinary Graduate Program)
  • Mt Sinai SOM (Biomedical Sciences)
  • U. Colorado - Denver HSC (Biomedical Sciences)
  • U. Cincinnati (Physician Scientist Training Program)
  • NYU (Medical Scientist Training program md/phd)
  • U. Alabama - Birmingham (Integrative Biomedical Sciences)

    Biomedical Sciences, Various

  • Harvard U. (Biology - Virology)
  • Baylor COM (Translational Biology & Molecular Medicine (Interdepartmental))
  • U. Pittsburgh (Molecular Virology and Microbiology)
  • Mayo Grad School (Virology & Gene Therapy)
  • Baylor COM (Molecular virology & microbiology)
  • Baylor COM (Cardiovascular Sciences)
  • U Southern Cal (Preventive Medicine (Health Behavior Research))
  • NYU (Medical and Molecular Parasitology)
  • U. Iowa (Free Radical & Radiation Biology)
  • Oregon Health & Science U. (Environmental Information Technology)


  • Stanford U. (Biophyics)
  • Harvard U. (Biophysics)
  • Yale U. (Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry)
  • Cal Tech (Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics)
  • UC - Berkeley (Biophysics)
  • Columbia U. (Physiology and Cellular Biophysics)
  • U. Virginia (Biophysics)
  • UC - San Francisco (Biophysics)
  • UNC - Chapel Hill (Biochemistry and Biophysics)
  • Vanderbilt U. (Molecular Physiology and Biophysics)


  • UC - Berkeley (Plant Biology)
  • Cornell U. (Plant Biology)
  • Washington U. St Louis (Plant Biology)
  • U. Georgia (Plant Biology)
  • Penn State U. (Plant Biology)
  • U. Minnesota - Twin Cities (Plant Biological Sciences)
  • UC - Davis (Plant Biology)
  • U. Florida (Botany)
  • U. Illinois - UC (Plant Biology)
  • UC- Riverside (Plant Biology)

    Cell Biology

  • Johns Hopkins U. (Cellular & Molecular Medicine)
  • UC - San Francisco (Cell Biology)
  • Albert Einstein COM (Cell Biology)
  • Columbia U. (Cellular Molecular and Biophysical Studies)
  • Johns Hopkins U. (Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology)
  • Harvard U. (Biology - Molecular and Cellular)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Cell & Molecular Biology)
  • Yale U. (Cell Biology)
  • Baylor COM (Interdepartmental Program in Cell & Molecular biology)
  • Yale U. (Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology)

    Cognitive Science

  • MIT (Brain and Cognitive Sciences)
  • Carnegie Mellon U. (Neural Basis of Cognition)
  • Washington U. St Louis (Cognitive Science)
  • Johns Hopkins U. (Cognitive Science)
  • Brown U. (Cognitive & Linguistic Sciences)
  • U. Rochester (Brain & Cognitive Sciences)
  • Indiana U. - Bloomington (Cognitive Psychology)
  • Dartmouth Coll. (Cognitive Neuroscience)
  • UC - San Diego (Cognitive Science)
  • U. Pittsburgh (Intelligent Systems Studies)

    Developmental Biology

  • Stanford U. (Developmental Biology)
  • Duke U. (Developmental Biology)
  • Yale U. (Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology)
  • UC - San Francisco (Developmental Biology)
  • Baylor COM (Developmental Biology)
  • Albert Einstein COM (Developmental & Molecular Biology)
  • SUNY Stony Brook (Developmental Biology)
  • U. Virginia (Cell and Developmental Biology)
  • U. Colorado - Denver HSC (Cell and Developmental Biology)
  • U. Chicago (Developmental Biology)


  • Emory U. (Biological & Biomedical Sciences - Population Biology, Ecology and Evolution)
  • Duke U. (Ecology)
  • Washington U. St Louis (Evolution, Ecology & Population Biology)
  • Harvard U. (Systems Biology)
  • Princeton U. (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)
  • U. Cincinnati (Systems Biology and Physiology)
  • UC - Santa Barbara (Ecology Evolution and Marine Biology)
  • Indiana U. - Bloomington (Evolution Ecology and Behavior)
  • UT - Austin (Ecology Evolution and Behavior)
  • UNC - Chapel Hill (Evolution Ecology & Organismal Biology)


  • UC - Davis (Entomology)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Entomology)
  • U. Illinois - UC (Entomology)
  • UC- Riverside (Entomology)
  • U. Arizona (Entomology)
  • U. Maryland - College Park (Entomology)
  • Cornell U. (Entomology)
  • North Carolina State U. (Entomology)
  • U. Kentucky (Entomology)
  • U. Minnesota - Twin Cities (Entomology)


  • U. Pennsylvania (Epidemiology)
  • Johns Hopkins U. (Epidemiology (Public Health))
  • U. Washington (Epidemiology)
  • Yale U. (Epidemiology and Public Health)
  • U. Iowa (Epidemiology)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Epidemiology)
  • U. Pittsburgh (Epidemiology)
  • U. Hawaii (Epidemiology)
  • U. Minnesota - Twin Cities (Epidemiology (TwinC)
  • Brown U. (Biomed - Epidemiology )

    Evolutionary Biology

  • Emory U. (Biological & Biomedical Sciences - Population Biology, Ecology and Evolution)
  • UC - Davis (Population Biology)
  • Washington U. St Louis (Evolution, Ecology & Population Biology)
  • Princeton U. (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)
  • Harvard U. (Biology - Organismic and Evolutionary)
  • Indiana U. - Bloomington (Evolution Ecology and Behavior)
  • Cornell U. (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)
  • UT - Austin (Ecology Evolution and Behavior)
  • Yale U. (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)
  • Arizona State U. (Ecology Evolution)


  • Harvard U. (Biological & Biomedical Sciences - Genetics)
  • Stanford U. (Genetics)
  • Yale U. (Genetics)
  • UC - San Francisco (Genetics)
  • Columbia U. (Genetics and Development)
  • UNC - Chapel Hill (Genetics and Molecular Biology)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Genetics)
  • Weill Cornell Med. School (Cell Biology and Genetics)
  • Tufts U. (Genetics)
  • U. Texas Southwestern Medical (Genetics and Development)

    Human & Medical Genetics

  • Rockefeller U. (Medical Sciences & Human Genetics )
  • U. Washington (Genome Sciences)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Human Genetics)
  • UC - Los Angeles (Human Genetics)
  • U. Pennsylvania (Genomics and Computational Biology)
  • Oregon Health & Science U. (Molecular & Cellular Biosciences - Molecular and Medical Genetics)
  • Vanderbilt U. (Human Genetics)
  • UT Health Sci. Ctr. - Houston (Human and Molecular Genetics )
  • U. Colorado - Denver HSC (Human Medical Genetics)
  • U. Chicago (Human Genetics)


  • Harvard U. (Biology - Immunology)
  • Yale U. (Immunobiology)
  • Stanford U. (Immunology)
  • Rockefeller U. (Immunology, Virology & Microbiology)
  • Weill Cornell Med. School (Immunology & Microbial Pathogenesis)
  • U. Pennsylvania (Immunology)
  • NYU (Molecular Oncology and Immunology)
  • U. Pittsburgh (Immunology)
  • Emory U. (Biological & Biomedical Sciences - Immunology & Molecular Pathogenesis)
  • Johns Hopkins U. (Immunology)


  • Stanford U. (Microbiology and Immunology)
  • U. Pittsburgh (Molecular Virology and Microbiology)
  • UC - Berkeley (Microbiology)
  • Columbia U. (Microbiology)
  • U. Washington (Microbiology)
  • UC - Los Angeles (Microbiology Immunology and Molecular Genetics)
  • U. Texas Southwestern Medical (Molecular Microbiology)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Microbiology)
  • Emory U. (Biological & Biomedical Sciences - Microbiology & Molecular Genetics)
  • U. Minnesota - Twin Cities (Microbiology, Immunology, and Cancer Biology)

    Molecular Biology

  • Rockefeller U. (Molecular, Cell & Developmental Biology )
  • UC - Los Angeles (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
  • Weill Cornell Med. School (Molecular Biology)
  • UC - San Francisco (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
  • Columbia U. (Cellular Molecular and Biophysical Studies)
  • Johns Hopkins U. (Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology)
  • Duke U. (Molecular Cancer Biology)
  • UC - Los Angeles (Molecular Biology)
  • Harvard U. (Biology - Molecular and Cellular)
  • Baylor COM (Molecular & Cellular Biology)

    Molecular Genetics

  • Baylor COM (Molecular & human genetics)
  • UMass Medical School (Molecular Genetics and Microbiology)
  • Oregon Health & Science U. (Molecular & Cellular Biosciences - Molecular and Medical Genetics)
  • Albert Einstein COM (Molecular Genetics)
  • Duke U. (Molecular Genetics and Microbiology)
  • U. Pittsburgh (Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics)
  • Indiana U. SOM (Medical and Molecular Genetics)
  • U. Alabama - Birmingham (Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics)
  • Washington U. St Louis (Molecular Genetics)
  • Wake Forest U. (Molecular Genetics & Genomics)

    Molecular Pharmacology

  • Emory U. (Biological & Biomedical Sciences - Molecular & Systems Pharmacology)
  • U. Pittsburgh (Molecular Pharmacology)
  • Thomas Jefferson U. (Molecular Pharmacology and Structural Biology)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology)
  • Mayo Grad School (Molecular Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics)
  • UC - Los Angeles (Molecular and Medical Pharmacology)
  • U Southern Cal (Molecular Pharmacology & Toxicology)
  • Medical U. of SC (Cell & moleular pharmacology & experimental therapeutics)
  • NYU (Molecular Pharmacology)
  • U. Miami (Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology)


  • Harvard U. (Neuroscience)
  • Rockefeller U. (Neuroscience)
  • UC - San Diego (Neuroscience)
  • Yale U. (Neuroscience)
  • UC - Los Angeles (Neuroscience)
  • Stanford U. (Neurosciences)
  • Columbia U. (Neurobiology and Behavior)
  • Johns Hopkins U. (Neuroscience)
  • UC - San Francisco (Neuroscience)
  • Weill Cornell Med. School (Neuroscience)


  • Duke U. (Molecular Cancer Biology)
  • NYU (Molecular Oncology and Immunology)
  • UMass Medical School (Cancer Biology)
  • Stanford U. (Cancer Biology)
  • U. Chicago (Cancer Biology)
  • UT Health Sci. Ctr. - Houston (Cancer Biology)
  • U. Colorado - Denver HSC (Cancer Biology)
  • U. South Florida (Cancer Biology)
  • U. Arizona (Cancer Biology)
  • Wayne State U. (Cancer Biology)

    Oral Biology

  • UC - San Francisco (Oral and Craniofacial Sciences)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Oral Health Sciences (Dentistry))
  • UC - Los Angeles (Oral Biology)
  • Ohio State U. (Oral Biology)
  • U. Washington (Oral Biology)
  • U. Missouri - KC (Oral Biology)
  • U. Med. & Dentistry - NJ (Oral Biology)
  • SUNY Buffalo (Oral Biology)
  • UNC - Chapel Hill (Dentistry - Oral Biology)
  • U. Maryland - Baltimore (Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology)


  • UC - San Diego (Molecular Pathology)
  • Columbia U. (Pathology and Cell Biology)
  • U. Alabama - Birmingham (Pathology)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Molecular and Cellular Pathology)
  • Duke U. (Pathology)
  • Johns Hopkins U. (Pathobiology)
  • U. Washington (Pathobiology)
  • Case Western U. (Pathology)
  • U. Chicago (Molecular Pathogenesis and Molecular Medicine )
  • U. Pittsburgh (Cellular and Molecular Pathology)

    Pharmaceutical Sciences

  • U. Utah (Medicinal Chemistry)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Pharmaceutical Sciences)
  • U. Illinois - Chicago (Medicinal Chemistry)
  • U. Washington (Pharmaceutics)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Pharmaceutical Sciences)
  • U. Pittsburgh (Pharmaceutical Sciences)
  • Mayo Grad School (Molecular Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics)
  • Rutgers - New Brunswick (Pharmaceutical Sciences)
  • U. Kansas (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
  • Northeastern U. (Pharmaceutical Sciences)


  • Columbia U. (Pharmacology)
  • U. Pennsylvania (Pharmacological Sciences)
  • Johns Hopkins U. (Pharmacology & Molecular Sciences)
  • Emory U. (Biological & Biomedical Sciences - Molecular & Systems Pharmacology)
  • Weill Cornell Med. School (Pharmacology)
  • Vanderbilt U. (Pharmacology)
  • UNC - Chapel Hill (Pharmacology)
  • Yale U. (Pharmacology)
  • NY Medical College (Pharmacology)
  • Case Western U. (Pharmacology)


  • Columbia U. (Physiology and Cellular Biophysics)
  • Yale U. (Cellular and Molecular Physiology)
  • Vanderbilt U. (Molecular Physiology and Biophysics)
  • UC - Los Angeles (Molecular Cellular and Integrative Physiology)
  • U. Pittsburgh (Cell Biology and Molecular Physiology)
  • Weill Cornell Med. School (Physiology Biophysics and Systems Biology)
  • U. Cincinnati (Systems Biology and Physiology)
  • U Southern Cal (Physiology & Biophysics)
  • Case Western U. (Physiology & Biophysics)
  • U. Virginia (Molecular Physiology & Biological Physics)

    Plant Pathology

  • U. Arizona (Plant Pathology)
  • UC - Davis (Plant Pathology)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Plant Pathology)
  • U. Kentucky (Plant Pathology)
  • Oregon State U. (Botany and Plant Pathology)
  • Cornell U. (Plant Pathology)
  • Iowa State U. (Plant Pathology)
  • Kansas State U. (Plant Pathology)
  • U. Minnesota - Twin Cities (Plant Pathology)
  • North Carolina State U. (Plant Pathology)
  • UC- Riverside (Plant Pathology)

    Structural Biology

  • Weill Cornell Med. School (Biochemistry and Structural Biology)
  • Thomas Jefferson U. (Molecular Pharmacology and Structural Biology)
  • Baylor COM (Structural & computational biology & molecular biophysics)
  • U. Colorado - Denver HSC (Biomolecular Structure)
  • U. Washington (Biomolecular Structure and Design)
  • Duke U. (Structural Biology and Biophysics)
  • SUNY Stony Brook (Biochemistry and Structural Biology)
  • NYU (Structural Biology)
  • SUNY Upstate Med. Ctr. (SB3 (Structural Biology, Biochemistry and Biophysics)
  • Syracuse U. (Structural Biology Biophysics and Biochemistry)


  • UC - Berkeley (Molecular Toxicology)
  • UNC - Chapel Hill (Toxicology)
  • Duke U. (Integrated Toxicology & Environmental Health)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Molecular and Environmental Toxicology)
  • U. Alabama - Birmingham (Pharmacology and Toxicology)
  • UC - Davis (Pharmacology and Toxicology)
  • U Southern Cal (Molecular Pharmacology & Toxicology)
  • Dartmouth Coll. (Pharmacology and Toxicology)
  • Texas A & M (Toxicology- Cellular and Molecular)
  • U. Arizona (Pharmacology and Toxicology)
  • U. Colorado - Denver HSC (Toxicology)


  • U. Florida (Zoology)
  • Cornell U. (Zoology)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Zoology - Intergrative Zoology)
  • Oregon State U. (Zoology)
  • Colorado State U. (Biology - Botany and Zoology)
  • Michigan State U. (Zoology)
  • Washington State U. (Zoology)
  • Miami U. (OH) (Zoology)
  • U. New Hampshire (Zoology)
  • U. Wyoming (Zoology & Physiology)



  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Business - Accounting)
  • NYU (Accounting)
  • Emory U. (Accounting)
  • U. Kansas (Business - Accounting)
  • Stanford U. (Business - Accounting)
  • Michigan State U. (Accounting and Information Systems)
  • U. Iowa (Business - Accounting)
  • Arizona State U. (Accountancy)
  • U. Missouri - Columbia (Accountancy)
  • Penn State U. (Accounting)

    Business Administration

  • Stanford U. (Business - Organizational Behavior )
  • UC - Berkeley (Business Administration)
  • Columbia U. (Business)
  • UNC - Chapel Hill (Business - Operations, Technology and Innovation Management )
  • Harvard U. (Business Economics)
  • U Southern Cal (Business Administration)
  • Ohio State U. (Business Administration)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Business Administration)
  • U. Pittsburgh (Business Administration)
  • U. Washington (Business Administration)

    Business, Various

  • U. Pennsylvania (Insurance & Risk Management)
  • Carnegie Mellon U. (Manufacturing & Operation Systems)
  • U. Pennsylvania (Operations and Information Management)
  • Carnegie Mellon U. (Organizational Behavior & Theory)
  • U. Virginia (Risk and Prevention)
  • U. Iowa (Human Resource Management)
  • Cornell U. (Industrial & Labor Relations)
  • Ohio State U. (Labor & Human Resources)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (International Business)
  • UT - Austin (Information, Risk, & Operations Management)


  • NYU (Finance - Corporate Finance)
  • UT - Austin (Finance)
  • Emory U. (Finance)
  • Mississippi State U. (Finance)
  • U. Pennsylvania (Finance)
  • Virginia Polytechnic Inst. (Finance Insurance & Business Law)
  • Northwestern U. (Finance)
  • U. Illinois - UC (Finance)
  • Indiana U. - Bloomington (Finance: Finance/Real Estate)


  • Northwestern U. (Managerial Economics)
  • MIT (Management)
  • Columbia U. (Management)
  • Stanford U. (Management Science & Engineering)
  • Northwestern U. (Management and Organizations)
  • NYU (Management & Organizational Behavior)
  • U. Pennsylvania (Management)
  • Cornell U. (Management)
  • Penn State U. (Supply Chain & Information Systems)
  • Georgia State U. (Managerial Science)

    Management Information Systems

  • U. Arizona (Management Information Systems)
  • U. Georgia (Business Administration)
  • U. Missouri - St Louis (Management Information Systems)
  • Virginia Polytechnic Inst. (Business Information Technology)
  • U. Illinois - Chicago (Management Information Systems)
  • Michigan State U. (Accounting and Information Systems)
  • Temple U. (Management Information Systems)
  • Ohio State U. (Accounting and Management Information Systems)
  • Mississippi State U. (Business Information Systems)


  • Penn State U. (Marketing - Models and Quantitative Methods)
  • U. Pennsylvania (Marketing)
  • Northwestern U. (Marketing)
  • Arizona State U. (Marketing)
  • Indiana U. - Bloomington (Marketing)
  • UT - Austin (Marketing)
  • NYU (Marketing)
  • U. Oregon (Marketing)
  • U. Houston (Marketing)
  • Michigan State U. (Marketing)


    Counselor Education

  • Penn State U. (Counselor Education)
  • U. Maryland - College Park (Counseling and Personnel Services)
  • SUNY Buffalo (Counselor Education)
  • Georgia State U. (Counseling & Counseling Psychology)
  • George Washington U. (Counseling)
  • Northeastern U. (Counseling Education / Counseling and Guadance)
  • U. South Carolina - Columbia (Counselor Education)
  • U. Iowa (Counselor Education)
  • Western Michigan U. (Counselor Education)
  • Sam Houston State U. (Counselor Education)

    Curriculum & Instruction

  • U. Miami (Teaching and Learning)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Curriculum and Instruction)
  • U. Illinois - Chicago (Curriculum & Instruction)
  • Arizona State U. (Curriculum and Instruction)
  • Michigan State U. (Curriculum Teaching)
  • UT - Austin (Curriculum and Instruction)
  • Florida State U. (Instructional Systems )
  • North Carolina State U. (Curriculum and Instruction)
  • U. Washington (Education - Curriculum & Instruction )
  • SUNY Albany (Curriculum and Instruction)

    Education, General

  • U. Rochester (Education - Counseling & Human Development)
  • Rutgers - New Brunswick (Education - Mathematics Education Concentration)
  • U. Pennsylvania (Education)
  • UNC - Chapel Hill (Education)
  • Virginia Commonwealth U. (Education)
  • Iowa State U. (Education: Educational Leadership & Policy Studies)
  • Kent State U. (Education, Health, & Human Services - Counseling & Human Development)
  • Columbia U. (Education)
  • Rutgers - New Brunswick (Education - Educational Policy Concentration)
  • U. Nebraska - Lincoln (Educational Studies)

    Educational Evalution & Research

  • Vanderbilt U. (Leadership And Policy Studies)
  • Michigan State U. (Measurement & Quantitative Methods)
  • Florida State U. (Educational Psychology)
  • U. Miami (Research Measurement)
  • UC - Berkeley (Policy, Organization, Measurement, and Evaluation )
  • U. Iowa (Educational Measurement)
  • Western Michigan U. (Interdisciplinary Evaluation)
  • U. Florida (Educational Psychology)
  • U. Florida (Research and Evaluation)
  • SUNY Albany (Educational Psychology)

    Educational Leadership & Administration

  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Educational Administration)
  • UC - Berkeley (Leadership for Educational Equity Program )
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Educational Policy)
  • Michigan State U. (Educational Policy)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Educational Leadership)
  • Arizona State U. (Educational Leadership)
  • Coll. of William & Mary (Educational Policy)
  • Indiana State U. (Educational Leadership)
  • U. Washington (Education - Educational Organizations & Policy)
  • U. Georgia (Educational Psychology)

    Foundations of Education

  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Educational Foundations)
  • NYU (Sociology of Education)
  • Teachers College - Columbia U. (Cognitive Studies in Education)
  • Syracuse U. (Cultural Foundations of Education)
  • U. Oklahoma (History, Philosophy and Social foundations)
  • SUNY Buffalo (Social and Philosophical Foundations)
  • Auburn U. (Educational Foundations)
  • U. Iowa (Social Foundations of Education)
  • Indiana U. - Bloomington (History, Philosophy and Comparative Education)
  • U. Utah (Education, Culture and Society)

    Higher Education & Higher Education Administration

  • Penn State U. (Higher Education)
  • U. Georgia (Higher Education)
  • Florida State U. (Higher Education)
  • Indiana U. - Bloomington (Higher Education & Student Affairs)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Higher Education)
  • U. Virginia (Higher Education)
  • U. Iowa (Higher Education)
  • NYU (Higher Education)
  • SUNY Buffalo (Higher Education Administration)
  • U. South Florida (Higher Education)

    Mathematics Education

  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Mathematics Education)
  • San Diego State U.* (Mathematics and Science Education)
  • U. Miami (Mathematics and Science Education)
  • SUNY Buffalo (Mathematics Education)
  • North Carolina State U. (Mathematics Education)
  • Indiana U. - Bloomington (Mathematics Education)
  • Portland State U. (Mathematics Education)
  • U. Georgia (Mathematics Education)
  • Illinois State U. (Mathematics Education)
  • U. Northern Colorado (Educational Mathematics)

    Science Education

  • North Carolina State U. (Science Education)
  • UC - Berkeley (Development in Mathematics and Science)
  • Western Michigan U. (Science Education)
  • U. Georgia (Science Education)
  • SUNY Buffalo (Science Education)
  • UT - Austin (Science and Mathematics Education)
  • U. Southern Mississippi (Science Education )
  • U. Northern Colorado (Biological Education)
  • Oregon State U. (Science and Math Education)
  • U. Northern Colorado (Chemistry Education)

    Special Education

  • Vanderbilt U. (Special Education)
  • U. Utah (Special Education)
  • UC - Berkeley (Education, Special Education)
  • U. Washington (Education - Special Education)
  • UC - Los Angeles (Education and Special Education)
  • UT - Austin (Special Education)
  • U. Kansas (Special Education)
  • U. Oregon (Special Education)
  • UNC - Charlotte (Special Education)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Special Education)

    Teacher Education - Specific Levels

  • U. Maryland - College Park (Education and Human Development)
  • SUNY Buffalo (Elementary Education)
  • NYU (Early Childhood & Childhood Education)
  • U. Kansas (Child Language)
  • U. South Carolina - Columbia (Early Childhood Education)
  • U. Alabama - Birmingham (Early Childhood Education)
  • Utah State U. (Elementary Education)
  • Oakland U. (Early Childhood Education)
  • U. Georgia (Adult Education)
  • U. Alabama (Secondary Education)

    Teacher Education - Specific Subject Areas

  • U. Virginia (Reading Education)
  • SUNY Albany (Reading)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Literacy, Language & Culture)
  • U. Arizona (Rhetoric, Composition and Teaching of English)
  • SUNY Buffalo (English Education)
  • U. Hawaii (Second Language Acquisition)
  • NYU (Arts & Humanities Education)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Second Language Acquisition)
  • U. Arizona (Second Language Acquisition)
  • UT - Austin (Foreign Language Education)


    Aerospace Engineering

  • Cornell U. (Aerospace Engineering)
  • Princeton U. (Aerospace Engineering)
  • Stanford U. (Aerospace Engineering)
  • U. Colorado - Boulder (Aerospace Engineering)
  • Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. (Aerospace Engineering)
  • MIT (Aerospace Engineering)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Aerospace Engineering)
  • UT - Austin (Aerospace Engineering)
  • UC - Los Angeles (Aerospace Engineering)
  • U. Minnesota - Twin Cities (Aerospace Engineering)

    Agricultural & Bioengineering

  • MIT (Biological Engineering)
  • Stanford U. (Bioengineering)
  • Cal Tech (Bioengineering)
  • UC - San Diego (Bioengineering)
  • Rice U. (Bioengineering)
  • UC - San Francisco (Bioengineering (Joint with UC Berkeley))
  • U. Pennsylvania (Bioengineering)
  • UC - Berkeley (Bioengineering (Joint with UC San Francisco))
  • U. Washington (Bioengineering)
  • Emory U. (Bioengineering)

    Biomedical Engineering

  • Duke U. (Biological and Biologically Inspired Materials)
  • UC - Santa Barbara (Biomedical Engineering)
  • UC - Los Angeles (Biomedical Engineering)
  • U. Virginia (Biomedical Engineering)
  • Johns Hopkins U. (Biomedical Engineering)
  • UT - Austin (Biomedical Engineering)
  • Thomas Jefferson U. (Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine)
  • Emory U. (Biomedical Engineering)
  • Yale U. (Program in Biomedical Engineering)
  • Mayo Grad School (Biomedical Engineering)

    Chemical Engineering

  • UC - Berkeley (Chemical Engineering)
  • Cal Tech (Chemical Engineering)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Chemical Engineering)
  • UT - Austin (Chemical Engineering)
  • Stanford U. (Chemical Engineering)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Chemical Engineering)
  • U. Pennsylvania (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering)
  • U. Delaware (Chemical Engineering)
  • UC - Los Angeles (Chemical Engineering)
  • U. Washington (Chemical Engineering)

    Civil & Environmental Engineering

  • Princeton U. (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
  • MIT (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
  • U. Illinois - UC (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
  • UC - Berkeley (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
  • Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. (Transportation Engineering)
  • Northwestern U. (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Civil & Environmental Engineering)
  • Carnegie Mellon U. (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
  • U. Iowa (Civil & Environmental Engineering)

    Computer Engineering

  • Princeton U. (Electrical Engineering)
  • Cal Tech (Electrical Engineering)
  • Cornell U. (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
  • Rice U. (Electrical & Computer Engineering)
  • Stanford U. (Electrical Engineering)
  • Carnegie Mellon U. (Robotics)
  • UC - Santa Barbara (Computer Engineering)
  • Carnegie Mellon U. (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
  • U. Illinois - UC (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
  • Yale U. (Electrical Engineering)

    Electrical Engineering

  • Rice U. (Electrical & Computer Engineering)
  • Cornell U. (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
  • U. Illinois - UC (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
  • Carnegie Mellon U. (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
  • MIT (Electrical Engineering)
  • UC - Berkeley (Electrical Engineering)
  • Duke U. (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
  • Johns Hopkins U. (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
  • UC - San Diego (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
  • Purdue U. (Electrical Engineering)

    Engineering Mechanics

  • Northwestern U. (Theoretical and Applied Mechanics)
  • Brown U. (Engineering - Mechanics of solids & structures)
  • Cornell U. (Theoretical & Applied Mechnics)
  • Drexel U. (Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Engineering Mechanics)
  • Columbia U. (Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics)
  • Penn State U. (Engineering Science and Mechanics)
  • Georgia Tech (Engineering Science and Mechanics)
  • Iowa State U. (Engineering Mechanics)
  • U. Arizona (Engineering Mechanics)

    Engineering, General

  • Harvard U. (Applied Mathematics)
  • Stanford U. (Computational and Mathematical Engineering)
  • UC - Berkeley (Applied Science and Technology)
  • Harvard U. (Electrical Engineering)
  • Yale U. (Engineering and Applied Science)
  • Purdue U. (Computational Science & Engineering)
  • Carnegie Mellon U. (Engineering & Public Policy)
  • UC - San Diego (Computer Science and Engineering)
  • U. of Notre Dame (Computer Science and Engineering)
  • Penn State U. (Computer Science and Engineering)

    Engineering, Various

  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Macromolecular Science & Engineering)
  • UMass - Amherst (Polymer Science and Engineering)
  • U. New Mexico (Nanoscience and Microsystems)
  • WPI (Manufacturing Engineering)
  • UC - Berkeley (Engineering Science)
  • Carnegie Mellon U. (Software Engineering)
  • Case Western U. (Macromolecular Science)
  • U. Southern Mississippi (Polymer Science & Engineering)
  • Georgia Tech (Polymer, Textile & Fiber Engineering)
  • Penn State U. (Engineering Science and Mechanics)

    Environmental Engineering

  • Princeton U. (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
  • MIT (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
  • Penn State U. (Energy and Geo-Environmental Engineering)
  • Columbia U. (Earth and Environmental Engineering)
  • U. Illinois - UC (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
  • U. Cincinnati (Environmental Engineering)
  • UC - Berkeley (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
  • Penn State U. (Environmental Engineering)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
  • Northwestern U. (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Civil & Environmental Engineering)

    Geological & Mining Engineering

  • Penn State U. (Energy and Geo-Environmental Engineering)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Geological Engineering)
  • U. Oklahoma (Geological Engineering)
  • CO School of Mines (Geophysical Engineering)
  • CO School of Mines (Geological Engineering)
  • Michigan Tech U. (Geological Engineering & Geology)
  • U. Arizona (Mining, Geological and Geophysical Engineering)
  • U. Missouri - Rolla (Geological Engineering)
  • West Virginia U. (Mining Engineering)
  • U. Missouri - Rolla (Mining Engineering)

    Industrial Engineering

  • UC - Berkeley (Industrial Engineering and Operations Research)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Industrial Engineering)
  • U. Illinois - UC (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering)
  • Arizona State U. (Industrial Engineering)
  • UMass - Amherst (Mechanical & Industrial Engineering)
  • Texas Tech U. (Industrial Engineering)
  • Columbia U. (Industrial Engineering & Operations Research)
  • U. Minnesota - Twin Cities (Industrial and Systems Engineering)
  • U. Iowa (Industrial Engineering)
  • U. Washington (Industrial Engineering)

    Materials Engineering

  • U. Alabama (Materials/Metallurgical Engineering)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Metallurgical Engineering)
  • U. Dayton (Material Engineering)
  • Rutgers - New Brunswick (Ceramic and Material Science and Engineering)
  • U. Missouri - Rolla (Ceramic Engineering)
  • Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. (Materials Science an Engineering)
  • Wayne State U. (Materials Science & Engineering)
  • U. Illinois - Chicago (Materials Engineering)
  • Auburn U. (Materials Engineering)
  • U. Alabama - Birmingham (Materials Engineering)

    Materials Science

  • Georgia Tech (Materials Science and Engineering)
  • U. Illinois - UC (Materials Science and Engineering)
  • UNC - Chapel Hill (Applied & Materials Science)
  • UC - Santa Barbara (Materials Science and Engineering)
  • Northwestern U. (Materials Science and Engineering)
  • U. Minnesota - Twin Cities (Materials Science and Engineering)
  • U. Minnesota - Twin Cities (Chemical Engineering)
  • UT - Austin (Materials Science and Engineering)
  • UC - Los Angeles (Material Science and Engineering)
  • Cornell U. (Materials Science and Engineering)

    Mechanical Engineering

  • Cal Tech (Mechanical Engineering)
  • UC - Berkeley (Mechanical Engineering)
  • Yale U. (Mechanical Engineering)
  • MIT (Mechanical Engineering)
  • Columbia U. (Mechanical Engineering)
  • Stanford U. (Mechanical Engineering)
  • Northwestern U. (Mechanical Engineering)
  • Duke U. (Mechanical Engineering)
  • Princeton U. (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering)

    Nuclear Engineering

  • U. Missouri - Columbia (Nuclear Engineering)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Nuclear Engineering)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Nuclear Engineering)
  • U. New Mexico (Nuclear Engineering)
  • U. Florida (Nuclear Engineering)
  • North Carolina State U. (Nuclear Engineering)
  • U. South Carolina - Columbia (Mechanical Engineering and Nuclear Engineering)
  • UC - Berkeley (Nuclear Engineering)
  • U. Maryland - College Park (Nuclear Engineering)
  • Ohio State U. (Nuclear Engineering)

    Operations Research

  • UC - Berkeley (Industrial Engineering and Operations Research)
  • Carnegie Mellon U. (Algorithms, Combinatorics, and Optimization (Joint))
  • MIT (Operations Research)
  • Cornell U. (Operations Research)
  • Princeton U. (Operations Research & Financial Engineering)
  • Columbia U. (Industrial Engineering & Operations Research)
  • North Carolina State U. (Operations Research)
  • Penn State U. (Operations Research)
  • Rutgers - New Brunswick (Operations Research)
  • U. Central Florida (Modeling & Simulation)

    Systems Engineering

  • U. New Mexico (Nanoscience and Microsystems)
  • Rochester IT (Microsystems Engineering)
  • U. Pennsylvania (Electrical and Systems Engineering)
  • U. Virginia (Systems Engineering)
  • U. Maryland - College Park (Reliability Engineering)
  • Brown U. (Engineering - Electrical Sciences and Computer Engineering)
  • MIT (Engineering System Divisions)
  • Case Western U. (Systems Engineering)
  • U. Arizona (Systems and Industrial Engineering)
  • Georgia Tech (Industrial and Systems Engineering)

    Family, Consumer, and Human Sciences


  • U. Washington (Built Environment)
  • MIT (Architecture)
  • Georgia Tech (Architecture)
  • U. Pennsylvania (Architecture)
  • Harvard U. (Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Urban Planning)
  • UC - Berkeley (Architecture)
  • Carnegie Mellon U. (Architecture)
  • Texas A & M (Architecture)
  • UC - Los Angeles (Architecture (Architecture & Urban Design))
  • Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. (Architectural Sciences)

    Architecture, Planning, & Design, Various

  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Design Science)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Landscape Architecture)
  • Colorado State U. (Horticulture and Landscape Architecture)
  • UNC - Charlotte (Infrastructure and Environmental Systems)
  • Virginia Polytechnic Inst. (Environmental Design & Planning)
  • Michigan State U. (Packaging)
  • U. Virginia (History of Art & Architecture)
  • UMass - Amherst (Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning)
  • Harvard U. (History of Art and Architecture)
  • UC - Berkeley (Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning)


  • U. Pennsylvania (Communication)
  • Purdue U. (Communication and Philosophy)
  • UT - Austin (Communication Studies)
  • Carnegie Mellon U. (Rhetoric)
  • Northwestern U. (Communication Studies)
  • U. Illinois - UC (Speech Communication)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Communication Studies)
  • NYU (Culture and Communication)
  • UC - San Diego (Communication)
  • U. Iowa (Communication Studies)

    Consumer & Human Sciences, Various

  • U. Nebraska - Lincoln (Human Sciences - Nutrition & Health Sciences )
  • Cornell U. (Textiles)
  • North Carolina State U. (Textile Technology)
  • Florida State U. (Human Sciences - Nutrition, Food, and Exercise Sciences)
  • U. Nebraska - Lincoln (Human Sciences - Textiles, Clothing & Design)
  • U. Minnesota - Twin Cities (Family Social Science)
  • George Washington U. (Human Sciences)
  • U. Miami (Ergonomics & Human Factors)
  • Saybrook Graduate Inst. (Human Science)
  • Florida State U. (Human Sciences - Family and Child Sciences)

    Family & Human Sciences, Various

  • U Southern Cal (Gerontology)
  • U. Maryland SOM (Gerontology)
  • Purdue U. (Gerontology and Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences )
  • U. Maryland - Baltimore (Gerontology)
  • U. Maryland - Baltimore County (Gerontology)
  • U. Kentucky (Gerontology)
  • U. South Florida (Aging studies)

    Health, Physical Education, Recreation

  • U. Houston (Health & Human Performance)
  • Ohio State U. (Education: Physical Activity & Educational Services)
  • UT Health Sci. Ctr. - Houston (Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences)
  • U. Arkansas - Medical Sciences (Health Promotion & Prevention Research)
  • U. Georgia (Health Promotion & Behavior)
  • U. Kansas (Health Sport and Exercise Sciences)
  • U. Pittsburgh (Health & Physical Activity - Exercise Physiology)
  • U. Illinois - UC (Recreation, Sport & Tourism)
  • Indiana U. - Bloomington (Leisure Behavior)
  • U. Alabama - Birmingham (Education ?¥ä Human Studies; Health Education/Health Promotion)

    Human Developmental & Family Studies, General

  • Northwestern U. (Human Development and Social Policy)
  • Vanderbilt U. (Community Research and Action)
  • UC - Davis (Human Development)
  • Johns Hopkins U. (Population, Family and Reproductive Health (Public Health))
  • Emory U. (Nutrition & Health Sciences)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Human Ecology - Human Development and Family Studies)
  • U. Chicago (Human Development)
  • Cornell U. (Human Development)
  • Harvard U. (Social Policy)
  • UC - Irvine (Social Ecology)

    Kinesiology, Exercise Science, & Rehabilitation

  • U. Florida (Rehabilitation Science)
  • U. Washington (Rehabilitation Science)
  • U. South Carolina - Columbia (Exercise Science)
  • East Carolina U. (Bioenergetics)
  • U. Maryland - College Park (Kinesiology)
  • Louisiana State U. (Kinesiology)
  • West Virginia U. (Exercise Physiology)
  • UT Medical Branch (Rehabilitation Sciences)
  • U. Pittsburgh (Rehabilitation Sciences)
  • Washington U. St Louis (Movement Science)

    Mass Communication / Media Studies

  • Boston U. (Editorial Studies)
  • Northwestern U. (Media, Technology, and Society)
  • NYU (Culture and Communication)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Mass Communication)
  • UC - Davis (Cultural Studies)
  • Penn State U. (Mass Communication)
  • Michigan State U. (Media and Information Studies)
  • UT - Austin (Journalism)
  • George Mason U. (Cultural Studies)
  • UC - Santa Barbara (Mass Communication/Media Studies)

    Nutrition Sciences

  • Columbia U. (Nutrition)
  • UC - Berkeley (Molecular and Biochemical Nutrition)
  • U. Washington (Nutritional Science)
  • UNC - Chapel Hill (Nutrition)
  • Emory U. (Nutrition & Health Sciences)
  • U. Arizona (Nutritional Science)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Nutritional Science)
  • U. Alabama - Birmingham (Nutrition Sciences)
  • U. Kentucky (Nutrition)
  • UC - Davis (Nutritional Biology)

    Urban & Regional Planning

  • UNC - Chapel Hill (City & Regional Planning)
  • Columbia U. (Urban Planning)
  • UC - Berkeley (City and Regional Planning)
  • U. Washington (Urban Design & Planning)
  • UC - Irvine (Planning Policy and Design)
  • UC - Los Angeles (Urban Planning)
  • Rutgers - New Brunswick (Planning and Public Policy)
  • U. Illinois - UC (Urban & Regional Planning)
  • Ohio State U. (City & Regional Planning)
  • U. Maryland - College Park (Urban & Regional Planning & Design)

    Health Professions Sciences

    Communication Sciences and Disorders

  • Northwestern U. (Communication Sciences and Disorders)
  • U. Pittsburgh (Communication Science and Disorders)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Communicative Disorders)
  • SUNY Buffalo (Communicative Disorders and Sciences)
  • Penn State U. (Communication Sciences and Disorders)
  • Temple U. (Communication Sciences)
  • Wayne State U. (Communication Sciences & Disorders)
  • U. South Florida (Communication Science and Disorders)
  • East Carolina U. (Communication Sciences and Disorders)
  • UMass - Amherst (Communication Disorders)

    Environmental Health Sciences

  • UC - Berkeley (Environmental Health Sciences)
  • Columbia U. (Environmental Health Sciences)
  • UC - Los Angeles (Environmental Health Sciences)
  • Johns Hopkins U. (Environmental Health Science (Public Health))
  • U. Iowa (Occupational and Environmental Health)
  • U. Pittsburgh (Environmental and Occupational Health)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Environmental Health Sciences)
  • U. Minnesota - Twin Cities (Environmental Health Sciences)
  • U. Alabama - Birmingham (Environmental Health Sciences)
  • NYU (Environmental Health Science)

    Health Professions, Various

  • Johns Hopkins U. (Health Sciences Informatics)
  • MIT (Health Sciences and Technology)
  • Tufts U. (Clinical Research)
  • UC - Los Angeles (Health Services)
  • Johns Hopkins U. (Health Policy and Management)
  • U. Washington (Health Services)
  • U. Pennsylvania (Health Care Systems)
  • Dartmouth Coll. (Evaluative Clinical Science)
  • UC - Berkeley (Health Services & Policy Analysis)
  • Harvard U. (Health policy)

    Health Promotion

  • U. Iowa (Occupational and Environmental Health)
  • UMass Medical School (Clinical and Population Health Research)
  • U. Florida (Rehabilitation Science)
  • U. Washington (Rehabilitation Science)
  • U. Iowa (Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Science)
  • SUNY Buffalo (Epidemiology and Community Health)
  • Penn State U. (Biobehavioral Health)
  • U. Pittsburgh (Environmental and Occupational Health)
  • U. Washington (Environmental & Occupational Health)
  • UT Medical Branch (Rehabilitation sciences)

    Medical Sciences, Various

  • UC - Los Angeles (Biomedical Physics)
  • Columbia U. (Biomedical Informatics)
  • Indiana U. - Bloomington (Clinical Science)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Medical Physics)
  • Duke U. (Medical Physics)
  • U. Pittsburgh (Biomedical Informatics)
  • UT Health Sci. Ctr. - Houston (Medical Physics)
  • UMass Medical School (Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics)
  • U. Minnesota - Twin Cities (Biophysical Science)
  • UT - Health Sci. Ctr. (Radiological Science)


  • UC - San Francisco (Nursing)
  • U. Pennsylvania (Nursing)
  • U. Missouri - Columbia (Nursing)
  • Yale U. (Nursing)
  • U. Illinois - Chicago (Nursing)
  • Johns Hopkins U. (Nursing)
  • U. Washington (Nursing Science)
  • U. Pittsburgh (Nursing)
  • Duke U. (Nursing)
  • UNC - Chapel Hill (Nursing)


  • UC - San Francisco (Pharmacy - Pharmaceutical Sciences & Pharmacogenomics)
  • Ohio State U. (Pharmacy)
  • Purdue U. (Industrial & Physical Pharmacy)
  • U. Kentucky (Pharmacy Science)
  • U. Iowa (Pharmacy - Medicinal and Natural Products Chemistry)
  • UT - Austin (Pharmacy - Pharmacology and Toxicology)
  • Oregon State U. (Pharmacy - Medicinal Chemistry)
  • UT - Austin (Pharmacy - Medicinal Chemistry)
  • UT - Austin (Pharmacy - Pharmaceutics)
  • U. Washington (Pharmacy -- Pharmaceutical Outcomes)

    Public Health

  • Yale U. (Epidemiology and Public Health)
  • U. Washington (Public Health Genetics)
  • Johns Hopkins U. (Health, Behavior and Society (Public Health))
  • U Southern Cal (Health Behavior)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Population Health)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Health Behavior & Health Education)
  • Northwestern U. (Life Sciences and Public Health)
  • UC - Los Angeles (Public Health-Community Health Sciences)
  • UC - Los Angeles (Public Health- Environmental Science & Engineering)
  • Columbia U. (Sociomedical Sciences)

    Speech & Hearing Sciences

  • San Diego State U.* (Language and Communication Disorders)
  • U. Washington (Speech & Hearing Sciences)
  • Purdue U. (Speech Language and Hearing Sciences )
  • Arizona State U. (Speech-Hearing Science)
  • U. Iowa (Speech and Hearing Science)
  • U. Utah (Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology)
  • U. Kansas (Hearing and Speech)
  • U. Arizona (Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences)
  • Indiana U. - Bloomington (Speech and Hearing)
  • UNC - Chapel Hill (Speech and Hearing Sciences)

    Veterinary Medical Sciences

  • Ohio State U. (Veterinary Biosciences)
  • U. Minnesota - Twin Cities (Comparative & Molecular Biosciences)
  • Washington State U. (Veterinary Microbiology)
  • Texas A & M (Veterinary Anatomy)
  • Texas A & M (Veterinary Physiology)
  • Louisiana State U. (Veternary Medicine)
  • U. Minnesota - Twin Cities (Veterinary Medicine)
  • Iowa State U. (Veterinary Microbiology)
  • U. Florida (Veterinary Medical Sciences)
  • Ohio State U. (Veterinary Preventive Medicine)


    American Studies

  • Yale U. (American Studies)
  • U. Minnesota - Twin Cities (American Studies)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (American Culture)
  • U. Maryland - College Park (American Studies)
  • U Southern Cal (American Studies & Ethnicity)
  • Brown U. (American Civilization)
  • George Washington U. (American Studies)
  • Washington State U. (American Studies)
  • Indiana U. - Bloomington (American Studies)
  • Coll. of William & Mary (American Studies)

    Ancient Studies

  • Columbia U. (Classical Studies)
  • Indiana U. - Bloomington (Ancient studies)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Greek and Roman History)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Classical Studies)
  • U. Florida (Classical Studies)
  • U. Pennsylvania (Art Archaeology Mediterranean World)
  • UC - Berkeley (Ancient History & Mediterranean Archaeology)
  • Vanderbilt U. (Classical Studies)
  • Duke U. (Classical Studies)
  • U. Pennsylvania (Ancient History)

    Area & Ethic Studies, Various

  • Harvard U. (African and African American Studies)
  • Tulane U. (Latin American Studies)
  • UT - Austin (Latin American Studies)
  • Yale U. (African American Studies)
  • UC - San Diego (Ethnic Studies)
  • UC - Davis (Native American Studies)
  • Temple U. (African American Studies)
  • U. New Mexico (Latin American Studies)
  • UMass - Amherst (Afro-American Studies)
  • Northwestern U. (African American Studies)

    Art History

  • Harvard U. (Art History)
  • Columbia U. (Art History and Archaeology)
  • U. Pennsylvania (History of Art)
  • NYU (Fine Arts - Art History & Archaeology)
  • U. Virginia (History of Art & Architecture)
  • Yale U. (History of Art)
  • UT - Austin (Art History)
  • UC - Berkeley (History of Art)
  • U. Chicago (Art History)
  • U. Pennsylvania (Art Archaeology Mediterranean World)

    Asian Languages

  • UC - Berkeley (Asian Studies (Political Science))
  • UC - Berkeley (Asian Studies (History))
  • UC - Berkeley (Asian Studies (Anthropology))
  • Columbia U. (East Asian Languages and Cultures)
  • Cornell U. (East Asian Literature)
  • UT - Austin (Asian Cultures and Languages)
  • U. Chicago (East Asian Language and Civilization)
  • Stanford U. (Asian Languages)
  • Ohio State U. (East Asian Languages & Literatures)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Chinese)

    Asian Studies

  • Columbia U. (East Asian Languages and Cultures)
  • UC - San Diego (International Relations and Pacific Studies)
  • U. Pennsylvania (South Asia Regional Studies)
  • UT - Austin (Asian Cultures and Languages)
  • UC - Berkeley (Asian Studies (South and Southeast Asian Studies))
  • UC - Los Angeles (Asian Languages and Cultures)
  • U. Chicago (East Asian Language and Civilization)
  • Harvard U. (East Asian Languages and Civilizations)
  • Columbia U. (Middle East and Asian Languages and Cultures)
  • Indiana U. - Bloomington (India Studies)


  • Columbia U. (Classics)
  • Brown U. (Classics)
  • U. Cincinnati (Classics)
  • City U. of New York (Classics)
  • Yale U. (Classics)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Classics)
  • U. Washington (Classics)
  • Johns Hopkins U. (Classics)
  • Princeton U. (Classics)
  • Stanford U. (Classics)

    Comparative Literature

  • U. Pennsylvania (Comparative Literature and Literary Theory)
  • Columbia U. (Comparative Literature & Society)
  • NYU (Comparative Literature)
  • U. Chicago (Comparative Literature)
  • Harvard U. (Comparative Literature)
  • Columbia U. (English and Comparative Literature)
  • Stanford U. (Comparative Literature)
  • City U. of New York (Comparative Literature)
  • UC - Davis (Comparative Literature)
  • U. South Carolina - Columbia (Comparative Literature)

    Composition, Rhetoric, & Writing

  • U. Arizona (Rhetoric, Composition and Teaching of English)
  • U. Pittsburgh (Rhetoric and Communication)
  • UT - El Paso (Rhetoric and Composition)
  • U. Washington (Technical Communication)
  • Texas Tech U. (Technical Communication and Rhetoric)
  • Michigan State U. (Rhetoric and Writing)
  • Illinois IT (Technical Communication)
  • Iowa State U. (Rhetoric & Profession Communication)
  • Indiana U. of Pennsylvania (Composition and TESOL)
  • Miami U. (OH) (Composition & Rhetoric)


  • Harvard U. (English & American Literature & Language)
  • Boston U. (English)
  • Boston College (English)
  • U. Georgia (English)
  • Columbia U. (English and Comparative Literature)
  • Stanford U. (English)
  • Duke U. (English)
  • U. Pennsylvania (English)
  • Northwestern U. (English)
  • Rutgers - New Brunswick (Literatures in English)

    European Studies

  • Harvard U. (Regional studies - Russia, Eastern Europe, & Central Asia)
  • UC - Los Angeles (French and Francophone Studies)
  • Johns Hopkins U. (European Studies)
  • Indiana U. - Bloomington (West European Studies)
  • NYU (Italian Studies)
  • Duke U. (Romance Studies)
  • Cornell U. (Romance Studies)
  • U. Kentucky (Hispanic Studies)
  • NYU (Germanic Languages & Literature)
  • U. Nevada - Reno (Basque Studies)


  • Boston U. (French Language and Literature)
  • UC - Los Angeles (French and Francophone Studies)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (French)
  • Michigan State U. (French, Classics, and Italian)
  • Johns Hopkins U. (French)
  • Yale U. (French)
  • U. Virginia (French)
  • City U. of New York (French)
  • UC - Berkeley (French Literature)
  • NYU (French Studies)

    Gender Studies

  • Emory U. (Women's Studies)
  • Penn State U. (Women's Studies)
  • Rutgers - New Brunswick (Women's & Gender Studies)
  • U. Maryland - College Park (Women's Studies)
  • Ohio State U. (Women's Studies)

    Germanic Languages & Literature

  • Harvard U. (Germanic Languages and Literatures)
  • Georgetown U. (German)
  • U. Illinois - Chicago (Germanic Studies)
  • UNC - Chapel Hill (Germanic Languages)
  • UC - Davis (German)
  • Cornell U. (Germanic Studies)
  • U. Chicago (Germanic Studies)
  • UC - Los Angeles (Germanic Languages)
  • UC - Berkeley (Germanic Linguistics)
  • Ohio State U. (Germanic Languages)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Germanic Languages)


  • Columbia U. (History)
  • Yale U. (History)
  • Princeton U. (History)
  • Carnegie Mellon U. (History)
  • Brown U. (History)
  • Johns Hopkins U. (History)
  • UC - Los Angeles (History)
  • Indiana U. - Bloomington (History)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (History)
  • U. Pennsylvania (History)

    Humanities, General

  • Cornell U. (Medieval Studies)
  • Duke U. (Literature)
  • Yale U. (Medieval Studies)
  • U. of Notre Dame (Medieval Studies)
  • Ohio State U. (Comparative Studies)
  • U. of Notre Dame (Literature)
  • UC - Berkeley (Medieval Studies)
  • Catholic U. (Medieval and Byzantine Studies)
  • U. Central Florida (Texts and Technology)
  • U. Chicago (Conceptual and Historical Studies of Science)


  • Cornell U. (Italian)
  • UC - Los Angeles (Italian)
  • Rutgers - New Brunswick (Italian)
  • Johns Hopkins U. (Italian)
  • U. Connecticut (Italian)
  • Columbia U. (Italian)
  • UC - Santa Barbara (Italian)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Italian)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Italian)
  • Indiana U. - Bloomington (French and Italian)

    Languages, Various

  • U. Pennsylvania (Romance Languages)
  • Ohio State U. (Spanish and Portuguese)
  • Carnegie Mellon U. (Modern Languages / Second Language Acquisition)
  • U. Chicago (Romance Languages & Literatures)
  • U. New Mexico (Spanish & Portuguese)
  • Columbia U. (Spanish and Portuguese)
  • Vanderbilt U. (Spanish And Portuguese)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (African Languages & Literature)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Portuguese)
  • U. Georgia (Romance Languages)


  • Stanford U. (Linguistics)
  • U. Arizona (Linguistics)
  • UNC - Chapel Hill (Linguistics)
  • U. Chicago (Linguistics)
  • Ohio State U. (Linguistics)
  • U. Pennsylvania (Linguistics)
  • Georgetown U. (Linguistics)
  • Penn State U. (Applied Linguistics)
  • U. Maryland - College Park (Linguistics)
  • Yale U. (Linguistics)

    Music, Specialities

  • Indiana U. - Bloomington (Musicology)
  • U. Illinois - UC (Musicology)
  • Indiana U. - Bloomington (Ethnomusicology)
  • U Southern Cal (Musicology)
  • UC - Los Angeles (Musicology)
  • UT - Austin (Musicology / Ethnomusicology)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Musicology - Ethnomusicology)
  • UC - Los Angeles (Ethnomusicology)
  • Boston U. (Musicology)
  • U. Rochester (Musicology)

    Music, General

  • Harvard U. (Music)
  • U. Georgia (Music - Musicology/Ethnomusicology)
  • Columbia U. (Music)
  • Princeton U. (Music)
  • U. Chicago (Music)
  • UNC - Chapel Hill (Music)
  • Cornell U. (Music)
  • U. Rochester (Music Theory)
  • U. Virginia (Music)
  • City U. of New York (Music)

    Near Eastern Language, Literature, & Culture

  • Harvard U. (Middle Eastern Studies)
  • U. Arizona (Near Eastern Studies)
  • U. Washington (Near & Middle Eastern Studies)
  • UC - Berkeley (Near Eastern Studies)
  • U. Pennsylvania (Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)
  • Brandeis U. (Near Eastern and Judaic Studies)
  • Yale U. (Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)
  • Cornell U. (Near Eastern Studies)
  • Columbia U. (Middle East and Asian Languages and Cultures)
  • NYU (Middle Eastern & Islamic Studies)
  • U. Utah (Middle East Studies)

    Performing Arts

  • U. Washington (Drama- Theatre History, Theatre Criticism)
  • UC - Los Angeles (Culture and Performance)
  • NYU (Performance Studies)
  • Yale U. (Film Studies)
  • U. Iowa (Film Studies)
  • Northwestern U. (Theatre and Drama)
  • NYU (Cinema Studies)
  • Northwestern U. (Performance Studies)
  • Stanford U. (Drama)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Screen Arts & Cultures)


  • UNC - Chapel Hill (Philosophy)
  • U. Chicago (Philosophy)
  • UT - Austin (Philosophy)
  • Purdue U. (Philosophy)
  • Carnegie Mellon U. (Pure and Applied Logic)
  • U. Pennsylvania (Philosophy)
  • Penn State U. (Philosophy)
  • U. Pittsburgh (Philosophy)
  • New School (Philosophy)
  • Rutgers - New Brunswick (Philosophy)


  • Harvard U. (Religion)
  • Duke U. (Religion)
  • Emory U. (Religion)
  • NYU (Hebrew and Judaic Studies)
  • Rice U. (Religious Studies)
  • Columbia U. (Religion)
  • Princeton U. (Religion)
  • U. Pennsylvania (Religious Studies)
  • Yale U. (Religious Studies)
  • U. Virginia (Religious Studies)

    Slavic Languages & Literature

  • UNC - Chapel Hill (Slavic Languages & Literatures)
  • Yale U. (Slavic Languages and Literatures)
  • Princeton U. (Slavic Languages & Literatures)
  • UC - Berkeley (Slavic Languages & Literatues)
  • UT - Austin (Slavic Languages & Literature)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Slavic Languages and Literatures)
  • U. Kansas (Slavic Languages & Literatures)
  • Columbia U. (Slavic Languages)
  • U. Washington (Slavic Langiages and Literatures)
  • Ohio State U. (Slavic & East European languages & literatures)


  • UC - Davis (Spanish)
  • Tulane U. (Spanish & Portuguese)
  • Ohio State U. (Spanish and Portuguese)
  • Johns Hopkins U. (Spanish)
  • NYU (Spanish & Portuguese Languages and Literatures)
  • U. Illinois - UC (Spanish Studies)
  • Arizona State U. (Spanish)
  • U. Pittsburgh (Hispanic Languages)
  • U. Virginia (Spanish)
  • U. New Mexico (Spanish & Portuguese)


  • Columbia U. (Theater)
  • City U. of New York (Theatre)
  • UC - Santa Barbara (Theater Studies)
  • U. Missouri - Columbia (Theatre)
  • Northwestern U. (Theatre and Drama)
  • UC - Los Angeles (Theater)
  • UT - Austin (Theatre History/Criticism)
  • U. Maryland - College Park (Theater and Performance Studies)
  • U. Utah (Theatre)
  • U. Kansas (Theatre and Film)


  • U. Chicago (Divinity School)
  • U. of Notre Dame (Theology)
  • Princeton Theo. Sem. (Systematic Theology)
  • Westminster Theo. Sem. (Historical and Theological Studies)
  • SE Baptist Theo. Sem. (Biblical Studies)
  • Drew U. (Biblical Studies)
  • Catholic U. (Church History)
  • Graduate Theological Union (Jewish Studies)
  • Luther Seminary (Congregational Mission & Leadership)
  • Princeton Theo. Sem. (Biblical Studies)

    Natural Resources and Conservation

    Environmental Science

  • UC - Berkeley (Environmental Science)
  • Stanford U. (Geological and Environmental Sciences)
  • UC - Riverside (Environmental Science)
  • Duke U. (Environment)
  • Columbia U. (Earth and Environmental Sciences)
  • Rutgers - New Brunswick (Environmental Science)
  • Indiana U. - Bloomington (Environmental Science)
  • Clarkson U. (Environmental Science & Engineering)
  • Ohio State U. (Environmental Science)
  • Dartmouth Coll. (Engineering Science)

    Fisheries Science

  • U. Washington (Aquatic & Fishery Sciences)
  • Oregon State U. (Fisheries Science)
  • Utah State U. (Fisheries Biology)
  • U. Minnesota - Twin Cities (Conservation Biology & Fisheries)
  • Texas A & M (Wildlife & Fisheries Sciences)
  • North Carolina State U. (Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences)
  • Virginia Polytechnic Inst. (Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences)
  • Colorado State U. (Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology)
  • Auburn U. (Fisheries & Allied Aquacultures)
  • UMass - Amherst (Wildlife and Fisheries Conservation)


  • Michigan Tech U. (Forest Science)
  • Yale U. (Forestry and Environmental Studies)
  • Michigan State U. (Forestry)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Forestry)
  • Oregon State U. (Forest Sciences and Management)
  • Colorado State U. (Forest Rangeland and Watershed Stewardship)
  • UMass - Amherst (Forestry & Wood Technology)
  • U. Washington (Forest Resources)
  • West Virginia U. (Forest Resource Science)
  • Northern Arizona U. (Forestry)

    Marine Sciences

  • MIT (Oceanography - Biological )
  • Duke U. (Earth and Ocean Sciences)
  • UC - Santa Barbara (Marine Biology and Biological Oceanography)
  • U. Hawaii (Oceanography)
  • UC - San Diego (Marine Biodiversity and Coservation)
  • U Southern Cal (Ocean Sciences)
  • Rutgers - New Brunswick (Oceanography)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Limnology and Marine Science)
  • U. Washington (Oceanography)
  • SUNY Stony Brook (Marine Sciences)

    Natural Resources

  • UC - San Diego (Marine Biodiversity and Coservation)
  • UNC - Chapel Hill (Environmental Sciences Engineering)
  • Stanford U. (Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Environment and Resources)
  • U. Washington (Quantitative Ecology & Resource Management)
  • UC- Riverside (Soil and Water Science)
  • Cornell U. (Natural Resources)
  • U. Montana - Missoula (Wildlife Biology)
  • U. Arizona (Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences)
  • Iowa State U. (Biorenewable Resources and Technology)
  • U. Minnesota - Twin Cities (Water Resources Science)

    Oceanography, Physical Sciences

  • UC - Santa Barbara (Physical Oceanography)
  • U. Hawaii (Oceanography)
  • UC - San Diego (Scripps School of Oceanography)
  • U Southern Cal (Ocean Sciences)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Limnology and Marine Science)
  • Rutgers - New Brunswick (Oceanography)
  • U. Colorado - Boulder (Atmospheric And Oceanic Sciences)
  • MIT (Oceanography - Applied Ocean Science & Engineering)
  • U. Washington (Oceanography)
  • Princeton U. (Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences)

    Wildlife Science

  • Oregon State U. (Wildlife Science)
  • Texas A & M (Wildlife & Fisheries Sciences)
  • U. Minnesota - Twin Cities (Wildlife Conservation)
  • UMass - Amherst (Wildlife and Fisheries Conservation)
  • Michigan State U. (Fisheries and Wildlife)
  • U. Florida (Wildlife Ecology & Conservation)
  • Texas A & M - Kingsville (Wildlife Science)
  • Texas Tech U. (Wildlife Science)
  • Brigham Young U. (Wildlife & Wildlands Conservation)
  • Louisiana State U. (Wildlife & Fisheries )

    Physical and Mathematical Sciences

    Applied Mathematics

  • Cornell U. (Applied Mathematics)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Mathematics - Applied Mathematics)
  • UT - Austin (Computational and Applied Mathematics)
  • U. Washington (Applied Mathematics)
  • Carnegie Mellon U. (Algorithms, Combinatorics, and Optimization (Joint))
  • U. Iowa (Applied Math and Computational Science)
  • SUNY Stony Brook (Applied Mathematics)
  • U. Arizona (Applied Mathematics)
  • UC - Berkeley (Applied Mathematics)
  • Northwestern U. (Applied Mathematics)

    Applied Physics

  • Harvard U. (Applied Physics - Engineering and Applied Sciences)
  • Cal Tech (Applied Physics)
  • Cornell U. (Applied Physics)
  • Stanford U. (Applied Physics)
  • U. Rochester (Optics)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Applied Physics)
  • U. New Mexico (Optical Science and Engineering)
  • Columbia U. (Applied Physics)
  • U. Central Florida (Optics)
  • U. Arizona (Optical Sciences)

    Astronomy & Astrophysics

  • Harvard U. (Astronomy)
  • UC - Berkeley (Astronomy)
  • Cal Tech (Geological and Planetary Studies)
  • Cal Tech (Astronomy (Astrophysics))
  • UC - Santa Cruz (Astronomy/Astrophysics)
  • Penn State U. (Astrobiology)
  • Cornell U. (Astronomy and Space Sciences)
  • Johns Hopkins U. (Physics And Astronomy)
  • U. Chicago (Astronomy and Astrophysics)
  • Penn State U. (Astronomy and Astrophysics)

    Atmospheric Sciences & Meteorology

  • MIT (Atmospheric Science)
  • Colorado State U. (Atmospheric Science)
  • U. Washington (Atmospheric Science)
  • U. Maryland - College Park (Atmospheric and Oceanic Science)
  • Rutgers - New Brunswick (Atmospheric Science)
  • Cornell U. (Atmospheric Science)
  • U. Colorado - Boulder (Atmospheric And Oceanic Sciences)
  • U. Alaska - Fairbanks (Atmospheric Science)
  • U. Oklahoma (Meteorology)
  • U. Alabama - Huntsville (Atmospheric Science)


  • Harvard U. (Biostatistics)
  • Johns Hopkins U. (Biostatistics)
  • U. Washington (Biostatistics)
  • Columbia U. (Biostatistics)
  • U. Minnesota - Twin Cities (Biostatistics (Twin Cities))
  • UNC - Chapel Hill (Biostatistics)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Biostatistics)
  • UC - Los Angeles (Biostatistics)
  • Case Western U. (Epidemiology and Biostatistics)
  • Boston U. (Biostatistics)

    Chemical Sciences, Various

  • Harvard U. (Chemistry and Chemical Biology)
  • UC - San Francisco (Chemistry and Chemical Biology)
  • UC - Berkeley (Chemical Biology)
  • Duke U. (Biological Chemistry)
  • Johns Hopkins U. (Biological Chemistry)
  • Johns Hopkins U. (Chemistry - Biology Interface (CBI) graduate program )
  • MIT (Polymer Science & Technology)
  • UMass - Amherst (Polymer Science and Engineering)
  • UC - Los Angeles (Biological Chemistry)
  • Columbia U. (Chemical Physics)


  • MIT (Chemistry)
  • Harvard U. (Chemistry and Chemical Biology)
  • U. Illinois - UC (Chemistry - Physical)
  • UC - San Francisco (Chemistry and Chemical Biology)
  • UC - Berkeley (Chemistry - Chemical Biology)
  • Scripps Inst. - California (Chemical and Biological Sciences)
  • Stanford U. (Chemistry)
  • UC - Los Angeles (Chemistry and Biochemistry)
  • Northwestern U. (Chemistry)
  • UC - Berkeley (Chemistry - Inorganic & Organometallic)

    Computational Sciences

  • Cal Tech (Computation and Neural Systems - Computational Studies)
  • Princeton U. (Applied and Computational Math)
  • Cal Tech (Computation and Neural Systems - Neurobiological Studies)
  • Carnegie Mellon U. (Computational and Statistical Learning)
  • Purdue U. (Computational Science & Engineering)
  • Stanford U. (Scientific Computing and Computational Mathematics)
  • UT - Austin (Computational and Applied Mathematics)
  • U. Iowa (Applied Math and Computational Science)
  • San Diego State U.* (Computational Science)
  • Rice U. (Computational and Applied Mathematics)

    Computer & Information Sciences, Various

  • UC - Irvine (Networked Systems)
  • Case Western U. (Computing and Information Sciences )
  • Indiana U. - Bloomington (Library & Information Science)
  • U. Utah (Computing)
  • U. Missouri - KC (Telecommunications)
  • Simmons U. (Library and Information Science)
  • Indiana U. - Bloomington (Telecommunications)
  • U. Maryland - College Park (Library and Information Services)
  • U. Pittsburgh (Library and Information Science)
  • Rutgers - New Brunswick (Communication Information and Library Studies)

    Computer Science

  • Rice U. (Computer Science)
  • Stanford U. (Computer Science)
  • UC - Berkeley (Computer Science)
  • Carnegie Mellon U. (Computer Science)
  • Princeton U. (Computer Science)
  • Carnegie Mellon U. (Machine Learning & Statistics)
  • U. Pennsylvania (Computer and Information Science)
  • MIT (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)
  • Cal Tech (Computer Science)
  • UC - Los Angeles (Computer Science)


  • UC - Berkeley (Earth & Planetary Science)
  • Cal Tech (Geochemistry)
  • Cal Tech (Geological and Planetary Sciences)
  • Harvard U. (Earth & Planetary Science)
  • UC - Irvine (Earth System Science)
  • Yale U. (Geology and Geophysics)
  • Penn State U. (Geosciences)
  • UC - Los Angeles (Geochemistry)
  • Stanford U. (Geological and Environmental Sciences)
  • Duke U. (Earth and Ocean Sciences)


  • Yale U. (Geology and Geophysics)
  • U. Minnesota - Twin Cities (Geophysics (Twin Cities))
  • UC - Los Angeles (Geophysics and Space Science)
  • Stanford U. (Geophysics)
  • MIT (Geophysics)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Geophysics)
  • U. Hawaii (Geology and Geophysics)
  • U. Chicago (Geophysical Science)
  • Florida State U. (Geophysical Fluid Dynamics)
  • U. Washington (Geophysics)

    Information Science/Studies

  • U. Pennsylvania (Computer and Information Science)
  • Cornell U. (Information Sciences)
  • Carnegie Mellon U. (Language and Information Technologies)
  • UC - Irvine (Information and Computer Science)
  • UC - Berkeley (Information)
  • U. Delaware (Computer Information and Sciences)
  • Penn State U. (Information Science)
  • Drexel U. (Information Studies)
  • Ohio State U. (Computer and Information Science)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Information)

    Information Technology/Information Systems

  • Carnegie Mellon U. (Human - Computer Interaction)
  • Purdue U. (Information Security)
  • Georgia Tech (Human - Centered Computing Program)
  • U. Pittsburgh (Intelligent Systems Studies)
  • Georgia State U. (Computer Information Systems/Information Systems)
  • Harvard U. (Information Technology and Management)
  • Iowa State U. (Human Computer Interaction)
  • U. Maryland - Baltimore County (Information Systems)
  • New Jersey IT (Information Systems)
  • UNC - Charlotte (Information Technology)


  • Princeton U. (Mathematics)
  • UC - San Diego (Mathematics)
  • NYU (Mathematics)
  • UC - Davis (Mathematics)
  • UC - Irvine (Mathematics)
  • Cornell U. (Mathematics)
  • Boston U. (Mathematics)
  • UC - Berkeley (Mathematics)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Mathematics)
  • New Jersey IT (Mathematical Sciences)

    Physics, General

  • Harvard U. (Physics)
  • Johns Hopkins U. (Physics And Astronomy)
  • NYU (Physics)
  • UC - Berkeley (Physics)
  • Cal Tech (Physics)
  • UC - Los Angeles (Physics and Astronomy)
  • Stanford U. (Physics)
  • UC - Santa Barbara (Physics)
  • U. Pennsylvania (Physics & Astronomy)
  • UC - San Diego (Physics)


  • Stanford U. (Statistics)
  • UC - Berkeley (Statistics)
  • Duke U. (Statistics And Decision Sciences)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Statistics)
  • Harvard U. (Statistics)
  • Carnegie Mellon U. (Statistics)
  • U. Washington (Statistics)
  • Columbia U. (Statistics)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Statistics)
  • Yale U. (Statistics)

    Social and Behavioral Sciences


  • UC - San Francisco (Medical Anthropology)
  • Penn State U. (Anthropology)
  • Harvard U. (Anthropology)
  • U. Chicago (Anthropology)
  • Arizona State U. (Physical Anthropology)
  • UC - Los Angeles (Anthropology)
  • Rutgers - New Brunswick (Evolutionary Anthropology)
  • Stanford U. (Anthropological Sciences)
  • Rutgers - New Brunswick (Cultural Anthropology)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Anthropology)

    Applied Economics

  • Duke U. (Statistics And Decision Sciences)
  • Penn State U. (Supply Chain & Information Systems)
  • Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. (Decision Sciences and Engineering Systems)
  • Cornell U. (Applied Economics and Management)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Agricultural and Applied Economics)
  • U. Florida (Decision & Information Science)
  • Mississippi State U. (Applied Economics)
  • U. Minnesota - Twin Cities (Applied Economics)
  • Clemson U. (Applied Economics)
  • Western Michigan U. (Applied Economics)

    Clinical Psychology

  • U. Kentucky (Clinical Psychology)
  • San Diego State U.* (Clinical Psychology)
  • U. Arizona (Clinical Psychology)
  • Arizona State U. (Clinical Psychology)
  • SUNY Buffalo (Clinical Psychology)
  • U. Kansas (Psychology - Clinical Psychology)
  • Drexel U. (Clinical Psychology)
  • Texas A & M (Clinical Psychology)
  • Georgia State U. (Clinical Psychology)
  • U. South Carolina - Columbia (Clinical -Community Psychology)

    Counseling Psychology

  • Iowa State U. (Counseling Psychology)
  • Georgia State U. (Counseling Psychology)
  • U. Oregon (Counseling Psychology)
  • Penn State U. (Counseling Psychology)
  • Arizona State U. (Counseling Psychology)
  • SUNY Buffalo (Counseling, School Psychology)
  • Brigham Young U. (Counseling Psychology)
  • Teachers College - Columbia U. (Counseling Psychology)
  • NYU (Counseling Psychology)
  • Texas A & M (Counseling Psychology)

    Criminal Justice & Criminology

  • U. Pennsylvania (Criminology)
  • U. Maryland - College Park (Criminology and Criminal Justice)
  • NYU (Law and Society)
  • UC - Berkeley (Jurisprudence and Social Policy)
  • U. Florida (Criminology & Law)
  • Temple U. (Criminal Justice)
  • U. South Florida (Criminology)
  • City U. of New York (Criminal Justice)
  • Penn State U. (Crime, Law, and Justice)
  • U. Delaware (Criminology)

    Economics, General

  • Princeton U. (Economics)
  • MIT (Economics)
  • UC - Berkeley (Economics)
  • Harvard U. (Political Economy and Government)
  • Cornell U. (Economics)
  • Yale U. (Economics)
  • Harvard U. (Economics)
  • U. Chicago (Economics)
  • U. Illinois - Chicago (Economics)
  • UC - San Diego (Economics)

    Educational Psychology

  • Michigan State U. (Educational Psychology)
  • Stanford U. (Education - Psychological Studies in Education )
  • Florida State U. (Educational Psychology)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Educational Psychology)
  • Arizona State U. (Educational Psychology)
  • U. Missouri - Columbia (Education, School & Counseling Psychology)
  • U. Minnesota - Twin Cities (Educational Psychology)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Education and Psychology)
  • SUNY Buffalo (Educational Psychology)


  • UC - Los Angeles (Geography)
  • UC - Santa Barbara (Geography)
  • UC - Berkeley (Geography)
  • Ohio State U. (Geography - People, Society, and Environment)
  • U. Colorado - Boulder (Geography)
  • UNC - Chapel Hill (Geography)
  • San Diego State U.* (Geography)
  • U. Illinois - UC (Geography)
  • Cornell U. (Regional Science)
  • Texas A & M (Geography)

    International Affairs & Development

  • Columbia U. (Sustainable Development)
  • Johns Hopkins U. (International Health)
  • UC - San Diego (International Relations and Pacific Studies)
  • U. Pittsburgh (Public and International Affairs)
  • Rutgers - Newark (Global Affairs)
  • U Southern Cal (International Relations)
  • American U. (International Relations)
  • Kansas State U. (Security Studies)
  • Naval Postgraduate School (Security Studies)

    Political Science

  • Harvard U. (Government)
  • Harvard U. (Political Economy and Government)
  • UC - Berkeley (Political Science)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Political Science)
  • Stanford U. (Political Science)
  • U Southern Cal (Political Science)
  • UNC - Chapel Hill (Political Science)
  • Columbia U. (Political Science)
  • Yale U. (Political Science)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Political Science)

    Psychology, General

  • Stanford U. (Psychology - Personality)
  • Harvard U. (Psychology- Cognitive)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Psychology - Clinical)
  • UC - Berkeley (Psychology - Clinical)
  • Yale U. (Psychology)
  • U. Pittsburgh (Psychology - Clinical)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Psychology - Biology of Brain and Behavior)
  • U. Pittsburgh (Psychology - Biological and Health)
  • U. Pennsylvania (Psychology)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Psychology - Cognitive)

    Psychology, Various

  • Indiana U. - Bloomington (Developmental Psychology)
  • Vanderbilt U. (Psychology and Human Development)
  • NYU (Psychological Development)
  • Arizona State U. (Developmental Psychology)
  • U. North Texas - HSC (Health Psychology)
  • Arizona State U. (Social Psychology)
  • UC - Irvine (Psychology and Social Behavior)
  • U. Minnesota - Twin Cities (Child Psychology)
  • U. Rhode Island (Behavioral Science)
  • Iowa State U. (Social Psychology)

    Public Administration

  • Princeton U. (Public Affairs)
  • Carnegie Mellon U. (Public Policy and Management)
  • NYU (Public Administration)
  • George Washington U. (Public Policy and Administration)
  • Cornell U. (Policy Analysis and Management)
  • Syracuse U. (Public Administration)
  • Indiana U. - Bloomington (Public Affairs)
  • U. Illinois - Chicago (Public Administration)
  • Virginia Commonwealth U. (Public Policy and Administration)
  • Florida State U. (Public Management / Public Policy)

    Public Policy

  • Harvard U. (Public Policy)
  • Duke U. (Public Policy Studies)
  • U. Washington (Public Policy & Management)
  • UC - Berkeley (Public Policy)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Sociology (Public Policy))
  • Rand Graduate School (Policy Analysis)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Economics (Public Policy))
  • U. Maryland - College Park (Policy Studies)
  • Carnegie Mellon U. (Public Policy and Management)
  • U. Maryland - Baltimore County (Public Policy)

    School Psychology

  • U. Oregon (School Psychology)
  • UC - Berkeley (School Psychology)
  • Lehigh U. (School Psychology)
  • U. Memphis (Clinical/Experimental/School Psychology)
  • SUNY Buffalo (Counseling, School Psychology)
  • Texas A & M (School Psychology)
  • U. Florida (School Psychology)
  • Teachers College - Columbia U. (School Psychology)
  • U. Georgia (School Psychology)
  • Indiana U. - Bloomington (School Psychology)

    Social Sciences, Various

  • U. Pennsylvania (Demography)
  • Princeton U. (Demography)
  • Cornell U. (Science and Technology Studies)
  • Stanford U. (Education - Social Sciences and Policy)
  • Cal Tech (Social Sciences)
  • MIT (Science, Technology, and Society)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Development Studies)
  • Penn State U. (Demography)
  • UC - Irvine (Social Science - Mathematical Behavioral Sciences )
  • U. Nebraska - Lincoln (Survey Research & Methodology)

    Social Work/Social Welfare

  • UC - Berkeley (Social Welfare)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Social Work and Economics)
  • U. Washington (Social Welfare)
  • Florida International U. (Social Welfare)
  • NYU (Clinical Social Work)
  • Boston U. (Sociology and Social Work)
  • Case Western U. (Social Welfare)
  • U. Wisconsin - Madison (Social Welfare)
  • Rutgers - New Brunswick (Social Work)
  • U. Pennsylvania (Social Welfare)


  • U. Pennsylvania (Sociology)
  • NYU (Sociology)
  • UNC - Chapel Hill (Sociology)
  • Cornell U. (Sociology)
  • Harvard U. (Sociology)
  • Florida State U. (Sociology - Health & Aging)
  • Stanford U. (Sociology)
  • Brown U. (Sociology)
  • U. Chicago (Sociology)
  • U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Sociology (Public Policy))
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