Audio Services Division Decisions IMPORTANT NOTE:
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                          WASHINGTON, D.C.  20554
                                                    IN REPLY REFER TO:

Jerry V. Dietz, President
Hawkeye Communications, Inc.
P.O. Box 18
Red Oak, IA  51566

            In re:   KOAK(FM), Red Oak, Iowa    
          Petition for Reconsideration

Dear Mr. Dietz:

This is in reference to the above-captioned application for extension of time to construct the
modified facilities of KOAK(FM), Red Oak, Iowa, and the December 26, 1995 petition for
reconsideration ("petition") filed you filed on behalf of Hawkeye Communications, Inc.

In an December 14, 1995 letter, the staff dismissed the above-referenced application for
failure to prosecute.  Therein, the staff indicated that on July 21, 1995, a letter was sent to
Hawkeye (1) requesting additional information regarding what equipment had been ordered
and/or paid for; (2)asking what progress had been made toward the acquisition of space on the
proposed tower; (3) requesting a timetable as to when construction was scheduled to
commence; and (4) advising Hawkeye that failure to respond would result in dismissal of the
application.  In the December 14, 1995 letter, the staff stated that no response to the July
letter had been received and dismissed Hawkeye's application.

In its petition, Hawkeye asserts that it had--in fact-- responded to the staff's July letter by
certified mail.  In support of this contention, Hawkeye includes a copy of the required
certified signature cards indicating that the response was received by the Commission on
August 18, 1995.  Furrther, on May 7, 1996, Hawkeye submitted an amendment to the
extension application indicating that it is currently negotiating with the owners of the
proposed tower to locate its antenna on their tower.  In the event these negotiations fail,
Hawkeye asserts that it is also negotiating with the company which owns the tower next door
for an alternative location.  Finally, Hawkeye states that it anticipates that construction will be
completed with 90 days once the tower issue has been settled.   Thus, Hawkeye requests that
its application be reinstated and its extension application be granted.  

It appears that Hawkeye's response to the staff's July 21, 1995 was timely filed with the
Commission.  Accordingly, Hawkeye's petition for reconsideration IS HEREBY GRANTED
and its outstanding construction permit to modify the facilities of KOAK(FM), Red Oak, Iowa
(BMPH-921214IF) IS HEREBY REINSTATED.  Further, in light of the May 7, 1996
amendment, Hawkeye's application for extension of time to construct the modified facilities
of KOAK(FM) (BMPH-941212JA) IS HEREBY GRANTED and the subject construction
permit IS EXTENDED for a period of six (6) months from the date of this letter.


          Dennis Williams
          Assistant Chief
          Audio Services Division
          Mass Media Bureau


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