Audio Services Division Decisions IMPORTANT NOTE:
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                          WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554

                                   In Reply Refer To: 1800B3-JR

Suzanne M. Perry, Esquire
Dow Lohnes & Albertson
1255 Twenty-third Street
Washington, D.C. 20037-1194

                              In re:    Station WIOD, Miami,
                                   Renewal of License
                                   File No. BRH-950929VD
                                   Informal Objections

Dear Ms. Perry:

This concerns: (1) the captioned application of WIOD, Inc. for the
renewal of the license of AM Station WIOD, Miami, Florida (File No.
BRH-950929VD) and (2) informal objections to the application.  For
the reasons set forth below, the objections are denied, and the
application is granted.

Those objecting to the renewal application assert that WIOD has
broadcast indecent material in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1464, and
argue that such broadcasts warrant the denial of the WIOD license
renewal application.  They reference broadcasts of the Neil Rogers
Show, Erin Somers' Passion Phones, and the Howard Stern Show. 
However, none of the objectors provides audio tapes or transcripts
of the broadcasts complained of.  Thus, the Commission is unable to
determine whether such broadcasts provide a basis for further
inquiry or denial of the renewal application.  Further, an
examination of the application reveals that a grant would further
the public interest, convenience, and necessity.

Accordingly, in light of the above and pursuant to 47 C.F.R.
0.283, the informal objections ARE DENIED, and the application of
WIOD, Inc. for renewal of the license of AM Station WIOD, Miami,
Florida (File No. BRH-950929VD) IS GRANTED.


                         Linda Blair, Chief
                         Audio Services Division
                         Mass Media Bureau

cc:  WIOD, Inc.
     Robert E. Baldwin
     Don Watkins
     Angie Nickolas
     Mary Lee Stover
     Martha S. Johnson
     Terry L. Coleman
     Cheryl Barlow
     Ginny Quackenbush 


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